Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 333: It is Oficial

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-


Chapter 333: It is Oficial


"Bloody hell, Harry. At least get a second opinion!" Daphne exclaimed.

"Did I just hear Daphne Greengrass saying bloody hell?" Harry asked.

"Can you be serious for a moment?..." She huffed.

"I already am. The wisest wizard and the number one expert in time magic are already working on it. If there is an alternative solution, they will find it. If there isn't… I am prepared to do what is necessary to protect the ones I care about. Is that serious enough for you?"

After a moment of silence, she spoke again.

"Have you told your family about this?" Daphne asked.

"Only Dumbledore knows, and maybe Silverbell managed to figure it out. And now… you. I hope it stays that way, at least for now," Harry said.

Daphne looked a him with a conflicted expression. "So...this is your reason for avoiding getting close to people?"

"I don't avoid getting close to people. I just enjoy the moment." He told her.

She scoffed. "You totally avoid getting too close to anyone… and you still haven't answered my first question."

"What was that again?"

Daphne furrowed her eyebrows.

"I asked you how you feel about me… you already know my side. I need to hear yours, and no more going on tangents about world-ending events." She leaned closer to him.

"That tangent was relevant…" He retorted.

"Harry…." She had a serious expression on her face. Her blue eyes almost seemed to shine under the stars.

"You are an extremely beautiful and intelligent girl. Any guy would fall for you. Although sometimes you are too stubborn, and you also get violent at th—"

She hit him.

"Don't ruin the moment."

"Fine… you wanted a clear answer, and you do deserve one… I consider you my closest friend...of course, I have feelings for you. However, I c—"

"No, you can stop there… I'll take it." She said with a soft grin.

"Huh?... You'll take what?" Now it was Harry's turn to be confused.

"I know what you're going to say. That because you have limited time, you don't want any compromise." Daphne said.

"That would be correct. That's why I revealed everything to you. So you can understand my reasoning. I didn't want to hurt you. " Harry told her.

"I understand, and I said that I'll take it. Whatever time you have left… I'd rather have you for a short time than none." Daphne looked completely serious as she said that.

"That sounds like a recipe for disaster." Harry said.

"I don't care."

"You will regret that decision."

"I don't care."

"Okay…" Harry finally said. It appears there was no convincing her to change her mind. "And… what do we do now?"

"Mmm…" Daphne seemed to be considering it for a moment.

"Why don't you ask me out properly?"

"You are from a traditional pureblood family. Don't I need to speak with your father and sign a contract or something?"

Daphne chuckled.

"Actually… normally, you would need his permission to court me. Something that he has denied to everyone who asked so far… but, I think we can do this the informal way. Our families already have an alliance, after all."

"That works for me… I hate those formalities. So… do you wanna go out for coffee or something?"

Daphne lifted an eyebrow.

"Mmm… maybe a bit more formal than that." She decided.

"You are so difficult sometimes…. Daphne Greengrass… would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

A beaming smile appeared on her face.

"I would love to!" She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"There is one more formality to perform." She added.

Harry placed his hands around her waist and brought her closer.

Their bodies were touching. He approached his lips to hers, just two-thirds of the way there… and then waited.

Daphne did not want to waste any time and pushed her lips into his.

The kiss lasted for almost a minute.

It was moist and sweet, but also chaste and pure as this was the first one of many to come.

When they finally separated, they both looked happy.

"So… is it official now?" Daphne asked.

"Of course, but there is something I want to ask you." Harry said.

"Sure, what is it?" She said.

"Do you mind if we keep this between us for now?"

Daphne was not too surprised by the request.

"I don't mind. But why are you asking? I know you are not worried about the reaction from Slytherin. Everyone there is afraid of you, and after today… it would just be worse."

"It's not the students that I worry about, but their families. If word gets out that you are with a Gryffindor, it would just make things more difficult for your own family," Harry said.

It would also make them more likely to be attacked if their alliances are revealed.

Voldemort would be too busy still to go after neutral families, but others may try something in an attempt to earn his favor.

"I also would like the opportunity to clear things up with Ginny. I don't want to hurt her." Harry said.

Daphne nodded. "I agree on that."

This was also better for her as she didn't want her father to find out like this. That would only get her into trouble.

"I just wish I could tell Tracey…"

"Can she keep a secret?" Harry asked.

"Better than Lyra."

"That's not saying much…" Harry frowned.

"But not too much better…." Daphne added.

"I mean, you can tell Astoria and Luna. Your sister barely talks, and no one ever believes anything that Luna says." Harry commented.

"So does this mean we can't go out on dates?" She looked a bit upset at the thought.

"Not to Hogsmeade. But I can take you to other places."

"Really? Like where?" Daphne got more excited now.

"There are a few other magical communities here in England. But before that, we will need to remove the tracking charm on your head."

"Wait, that was actually true?!"


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