Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 334: Getting Things Ready

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-


Chapter 334: Getting Things Ready


"Oh… I'm very nervous!" Harry was shaking like a leaf and kept muttering stuff while wandering around the office.

"Calm down, Neville. If you start to act like this in public, people will notice that something is off." Neville said with a deep frown. He then turned back to the full-body mirror that the Headmaster had set up for them. He wanted to make sure that the transformation had no flaws and that his robes were well-adjusted.

"Come here, let me take a look at you," he told the other boy.

Harry composed himself and approached Neville.

"This is so strange… I'm looking at myself."

"Okay… everything seems fine." Neville said after a quick inspection.

"There is no need for much worry, most of the attention will be on the tests, so no one should look at you twice. Just dont be to obvious." Neville said.

"B-But… I-I don't know how to act like you at all! We are going to get caught." Harry looked extremely nervous and worried.

"Thats exactly what I'm talking about!"

"I must say, it is very bizarre seeing a 'Harry' act in such a way." Dumbledore chuckled while watching the scene from his seat.

"Longbottom." Snape stood up from his seat and walked to him. "Just act like an annoyed brat who looks down on everyone and keep your mouth shut. No one will notice the difference."

"Yes, very professional advice, Professor Snape." Neville rolled his eyes. "But the part about keeping your mouth shut is not a bad suggestion. Don't say anything unless someone asks you something, and keep your answers short, like 'yes', 'no' or 'I don't care'."

Harry nodded repeatedly. "Yes...no...I don't care" He repeated his words. "I-I'll try!." But then he seemed to recall something else.

"But… what if the potion effect runs out before the test is over? I read that the Polyjuice effect can last anything from twelve minutes to twelve hours."

"That would depend on the skill of the brewer," Snape pointed out. "Hopefully, Potter didn't make this himself, otherwise twelve minutes would already be a miracle."

Nevile snorted. "Not at all, I got these from a reliable source. They were brewed by a well-known and respected Master Potioner from Wales, and they have a guaranteed effect of six hours, or I'll get my money back." He said with confidence.

"Let me see that." Snape picked up one of the vials and examined the label. "Master Rugal created these?" He recognized the unique symbol on the vial. This was the equivalent of a Potion Master's signature.

"He always sells his potions at exorbitant prices!"

"Yes, well, it is good to have some money then," Neville remarked.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this lovely conversation between professor and student, but there is only one hour left before the tournament starts and Mister Longbottom is expected to be ready at the field," Dumbledore decided to remind them.

"Here, take this with you." Neville placed a flask inside Harry's inner pocket.

"It's an extra dose of the potion, just in case. If you feel the effects disappearing, take a sip from the flask."

Harry nodded. He felt a bit better now.

"Remember the plan, just go to the stands and sit next to Lyra and Ginny. They are waiting for you. Try not to stand out too much and keep the talking to a minimum."

"This is difficult…" Harry muttered.

"Would you rather fight a dragon?" Neville asked.

"N-No!... I mean, no thank you…" Harry gave a sigh of relief.

"Speaking of the dragon." Dumbledore glanced at Neville.

"Try to avoid killing it please, we will be charged an extra fine if one of them dies."

"I wasn't planning to…" He noticed the judgmental stare. "Look, I don't go around killing everything that moves, okay?" Neville said defensively.

"Come on, we better get going." He spoke before he walked towards the open window at the back of the office.

"What are you doing?" Harry almost jumped out of shock.

"I'm taking a shortcut to the Quidditch Fields." As he said that, a black circle appeared next to his hand, and from within it, he produced a flying broom.

Without saying another word, Neville jumped out.

"How handy." Dumbledore noticed that this was the same space ability that Harry had previously shown him.

'It seems that he had already found other uses for it,' the Headmaster thought.

"What magic was that?" Snape said.

"Wow….how did he do that?." Harry stared in awe.

"Mister Longb-...Potter, unless you are planning on doing the same thing, I suggest you get going. There is a fifteen-minute walk to the fields," Dumbledore said.

"Yes, sir!" Harry took off immediately and left the Headmaster's office.

"Severus, you and I should do the same. We both have roles to play today," Dumbledore reminded him.

"Yes, I have not forgotten." Snape lamented. He was to keep very close to Madam Umbridge and Professor Rookwood, and pay close attention to any strange movement on their part, at least for the duration of the tournament's first trial.


While "Neville" flew to the location of the tests, "Harry" was walking at a brisk pace.

He didn't want to be late, otherwise, the stadium would be filled and it would be more difficult to find his seat next to Lyra and Ginny.

"There you are."

Harry heard someone say. Right then, the door of a broom closet opened as he was about to pass by.

A hand came out of it and grabbed onto his arm, dragging him inside.

He felt someone pushing him against the back of the closet and quickly closed the door.

At first, he thought someone was pranking him. After all, this would not be the first time someone locked him inside one of these closets.

But he then remembered that he was Harry now…

'Who would dare to attack Harry?' He then quickly realized that the person who dragged him in here was also inside along with him.

"You made me wait… Harry." Daphne said in a soothing tone.


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