Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 59: Just the beginning


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 59: Just the beginning

The school year came to an end without any more 'extracurricular' activities.

Draco had been a lot quieter after he came back, he also stopped trying to pick fights with Neville, Ron, and Seamus and at least Neville was grateful for that.

It was hard to tell how this change was going to affect Draco in the long run, but this was not something Harry was going to worry about at the moment, he had better things to think about than Draco Malfoy.

The 'Boy Who Lived' had a bit too much excitement for his first year, and became somewhat paranoid when he was outside the common room. So it was a good thing he never learned about the assassin who had been hired to kill him.

As far as the students knew, Professor Nayar had just gone back to his country due to some personal emergency.

Daphne didn't try to contact him for more meetings after they were done with their occlumency practices. She did promise to practice hard during the summer and that could only mean that next year, she was going to pressure him some more to satiate her inquisitive mind.

In some ways, Daphne reminded him of Hermione. When there is something she wants to know, she never seems to give up.

He had no idea of what to expect for next year. With Lord Malfoy dead and the diary gone, things have become truly unpredictable.

'Was Neville even a parselmouth? like the previous him was.' Harry wondered. 

This leads him to another, more important question…was Neville even a horrocrux?

He does have the cursed scar, but since Voldemort didn't die, would the horrocrux still be created? Could the deaths of his parents have worked as the catalyst this time around?

The prophecy still existed in this timeline, he was at least sure of that. 

If the prophecy was still the same, the events of that Halloween night should have been very similar to the ones he knew, just with a different baby.

But the many differences seem to point towards something else going on. 

Voldemort survived but something very bad must have happened to him that forced him to flee and remain hidden for over a decade. He is not the type of man who would just hide in fear. He was accomplishing something...

'If I could get my hands on the prophecy…that would likely solve a few questions I have.'

He only knew with certainty that the beginning of the prophecy was still the same, from what he heard from his parents. But that was the only part they knew.

The wording in a prophecy is of extreme importance. A single discrepancy in the contents could change everything.

Tragically, the only person with the knowledge he needs is Albus Dumbledore…the most secretive person he knows.

"Are we there yet?" The voice of Ron broke through the noise of the train moving over the tracks.

He ignored it. 

Even the Dumbledore he knew from his past as a grandfather and a mentor, was only willing to share the most important information during his last moments of life. Even though he was the subject of the property itself.

"Are we there yet?!" Ron asked, louder this time.

He may be willing to share some things with Neville one day when he is older. But why would he share anything with him? Harry Potter was not an important figure in this timeline. He was just the son of an auror and a talented muggle-born witch.

Unfortunately, there was no easy alternative way to learn the contents of the prophecy.

There may still be a copy at the ministry, but only Neville could get that one.

To take that route, he would need to reveal everything to the boy….and he was not ready to know those things.

'Oh shit!... I'm starting to think like the old man' Harry realized.

"Are we there yet or not?!" Ron shouted again.

Harry regretted sitting in the same compartment as the 'not so golden' trio.

He was initially going to sit with Hermione, but that compartment was quickly filled with several other first-year girls.

Apparently, Lavender and Parvati were very popular among the young girls.

That left him with few choices. So when Neville offered to sit with them at the end of the train, he accepted the offer without much consideration.

"Ron, you are being a bit rude," Neville said.

"Come on! he took the window seat." Ron pointed at Harry.

"Lest he can do is tell us!...so…are we there ye-"

"Shut up already!" Harry snapped.

Something he immediately regretted after seeing the startled faces of the three children.

"I'm sorry Ron, I didn't mean to….ohh look! we are there!" Harry pointed out of the window.

The train station was finally in sight.


Harry hurried to get off the train. He had no more patience to deal with kids.

"Harry!" Someone called his name.

Except for this one.

He went down to one knee and let his little sister jump to him.

"I missed you too, Holly."

Despite the short time they had known each other, Harry had become very attached to the little ball of sunshine that was his little sister. Too bad he could not say the same about the other one.

Most of the letters he had sent from Hogwarts during the year, had been for her.

He never had a sibling before so he didn't know if this was a normal feeling.

"Welcome back Harry!" He was now welcomed by the sight of his mother.

"Ready to go home? there is a treacle pie waiting for you." She added with a warm smile.

'If I recall well enough, the last time, at the end of my first year, the only thing waiting for me at the house, was my aunt, yelling at me to hurry up to drop my junk in the cupboard so I could go clean the garage…this is quite the improvement.' Were Harry's thoughts.

"I'm ready to go home."

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