Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 60: Welcome back


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 60: Welcome back 

The Potter family was having dinner together.

"Let me see it too!"

Lily was showing their son's report card from school to her husband James while Lyra asked to see it.

Lily handed it to her.


A smirk appeared on Lyra's face.

"You only got 'Acceptable'...pfff, wait until I get to Hogwarts, I'm going to bring a lot of 'Outstandings' "

"Lyra, that's enough." Warned her mother.

"But Mom!, is true! I have been studying all year and I even have your notes for charms. There is no way I will not get a few O at least."

"Lyra… that's not what your mother is upset about, and you know it." Said James with a stern expression.

The girl glanced at Harry. He wasn't even looking at her and instead, he just focused on enjoying his desert in peace.

This appeared to make her angrier.

"Is it because of what I said of his grades? but who cares? look!" She pointed at Harry.

"He doesn't care at all what I say!."

"Lyra, that's quite enough." Said James.

She looked at her brother again. He had just finished his piece of tart and was now licking the fork.

"He has been like a completely different person since he came back from the Hospital. He doesn't seem to care about anything, is like he lost half his brain or something!."

"Enough!" Shouted Lily. "Go to your room, now!"

Lyra huffed in annoyance, threw the report card on the table, and rushed out of the kitchen.

The kitchen remained in silence for a few seconds after Lyra slammed the door on her way out.

"It seems like my lack of reaction has backfired." Remarked Harry.

Since arriving here and learning about what his previous self had done to Lyra, he had been extremely careful around his second sister. He had tried his best to avoid doing anything that could upset her. As if trying to compensate for the other Harry's actions. 

He ignored all of her attempts at upsetting him, thinking that she was just venting her frustrations about the treatment she had been receiving over the years. 

Harry thought that she deserved at least this much so he let her say whatever she wanted, thinking that eventually, she would become satisfied and stop.

"Harry…this is not your fault." Said James.

"No…I have been a terrible brother to her." Said Harry. And that was very much an understatement.

"That wasn't…" Lily stopped herself before saying 'That wasn't you'.

"That is not your responsibility." She said instead.

"Is not completely true…that was still part me…" He didn't know why the previous Harry became that way, but he still felt somewhat responsible for his behavior.

"Is something wrong?" 

They have just noticed Holly, who was sitting at her chair with an upset expression.

"Oh Honey, everything is okay. We just had a little misunderstanding, that's all." Lily tried her best to calm her daughter.

"Do you want me to go talk with her?" Asked James his wife.

"No…let me do it. I have been meaning to talk to her about a few things..." Said Lily.

"I can take Holy to play for a bit." Offered Harry.

The mood of the little girl improved immediately.


"Sure...you know? I brought with me a set of exploding snaps. Why don't we try it out?"

He had found an old set from the 1800s in the Room of Requirement. The idea was to sell it, but after finding out that it wasn't particularly valuable, he decided to keep it.

"That game is a bit dangerous for a child, Harry." Said Lily.

"You are exaggerating, Lily. the modern sets come with several safety features. Is completely secure." James brushed off her worries.

"Fine, but only for an hour. Then is bedtime for you, little lady." She hugged her daughter before placing her down so she could go with Harry.

"Why don't you wait for me at the library, Holly? I'll go get the cards from my bag" Harry looked around the kitchen until he spotted the elf, waiting on a corner.

"Oh, before I forget, Mipsy." 

"Yes, Master Harry?. Is there anything you need?" The elf approached.

"No, I just wanted to say that the treacle tart was delicious. I would love to eat it again sometime."

The elf had a bright smile.

"Thank you, Master Harry. I can make it again any time you want."

"Don't take her on that offer, Harry... you'll get fat!" His father warned.

"Okay, I'm going to take Holly to the library and then I'll go check on Lyra, don't let her wait too long by herself, Harry. And remember to bring her to her room by eight o'clock." Said her mother.

"Of course Mom." Harry was about to leave the kitchen when he noticed his father. It seemed like he wanted to say something.

"Harry, tonight after you take Holly back, I want you to come talk with me at my studio. There are some important things we must discuss. I know you must be tired, but I may have to leave for a work trip tomorrow, so we need to talk tonight."

"Sure Dad, I'll be there in an hour," Harry promised.


After putting out the fire at the library and escorting his little sister safely to her room, Harry made his way to his father's office.

"Man, those exploding snaps were truly dangerous. I don't remember them being so…potent…"

He could not help but wonder if that set was defective.

'I'll have to buy some new ones. No more secondhand stuff.' He promised himself.

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