Harry Potter: Curious Lunar Ravenus

Chapter ★ Fifteen

Sidling down the many corridors, he eventually reached the Astronomy Tower. As he climbed up the spiraling stairway, a familiar voice came to his attention. Proceeding with utmost stealth, he made his way to the top whence to his surprise, was completely deserted. A small gleaming object however, caught his eyes, for he noticed down upon the ledge of the tower, a single feather. That’s where that bird landed… this is odd. And that voice… It sounded like… He shook his head, as to dismissed the possibility. With a feeling of slight disappointment, for he was unable to have a glimpse at the mysterious raven, he returned to his dormitory where he soon fell into slumber.

For the many following nights, he returned to whence he had first encountered the young girl; she had yet to return to the secluded clearing however.

The flow of seasons continued shifting, as the arduous winter reached its end, giving way to the warmness of spring. The greenery and rich foliage flourished, slowly unfurling into full blossom, filling the lands with nature's beauty. Another wondrous day descended upon the castle grounds. A flock of Mangrove sparrows fluttering across the malachite green fields, which appeared as a bright sheen under the dawn of day.

"What a fine morning this is…" James exclaimed with an acerbic voice, as he gathered his notebooks.

"You wouldn’t be obliged to spend your whole day in detention if you didn’t use the Geminio Spell on that Daemish Pixie you kept hidden." Remus affirmed with a book in hand. "I warned you about getting back at Professor Khallavar."

"My plan would have worked perfectly if it wasn’t for that Snivellus." James replied with a vexed expression, for Remus simply shook his head.

"True enough mate." Sirius seconded him. "He shouldn’t have stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. But then again, he really can’t help being a snooping lamer now can he?"

"And if you two would control yourselves a bit more, he would have no reason to act as such." Remus commented, as he continued with his reading.

"Where would the fun be in that?" James replied with a smirk, before leaving the common room for Professor Pomona’s greenhouses.

"Still planning on going to the Black Lake?" Peter inquired, for Sirius nodded in response.

"The Aquarem Falsius Bestiarum?" Remus exclaimed, as he noticed Sirius pulling out from under his armchair, a voluminous tome: its binding made of several fawn strips of weathered leather and gold linings.

"Indeed mate!" Sirius responded with a pleased expression. "This little gem contains everything there is to know about the creatures that lurk beneath the Black Lake."

"We were planning on seeking out the Thousand Scales Serpens." Peter explained, for Remus gave him a dismayed look.

"Seeking out?" He wondered in uncertainty. Knowing his friends all too well, this could mean a whole lot of perilous trouble for them. "I’m not so sure I wish to be part of this adventure…"

"Come on mate! This will be fun!" Sirius winked at his friend. "According to this book, the creature lives near the eastern shores of the lake. Born with a keen appetite for Bloscious Weeds, we can draw it out of its hidden dwelling using these." He explained, as he pulled out of his cardigan, a bottle filled with long withered tawny leaves.

"What else does this book say about this water creature?" Remus inquired, for his inquisitiveness couldn’t be dismissed. Sirius replied with only a broad smile.

Prepared for their newest adventure, the three friends proceeded down the path leading to the designated shores. Siding along the edges of the Forbidden Forest, stretched an old forgotten pathway very few have ventured upon. Large roots ruptured through the overgrown vegetation, as the early spring water flowed down the many brackens. After a tiresome jaunt, they eventually reached the eastern waterside whence stood the rubble of an ancient cobblestone pier.

"This should be it." Sirius stated, as he screens the area. "There was a drawing of these ruins on one of the pages." He pulled out the Bloscious Weeds, and sauntered down the remains of the old quay. Tossing them into the lake, he waited still.


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