Harry Potter: Curious Lunar Ravenus

Chapter ♦ Fourteen

Few instants passed, for Sirius simply took seating upon the spacious window stall. His eyes gazing through the clear night skies, he soon stumbled upon a large bird, as it landed atop the ledge of a nearby tower. Cloaked in a lustrous ebony plumage, it stood graceful, as the moonlight shimmered upon its enigmatic aura. The feathered figure remained motionless, like a Praesidium Statue shadowing down the slumbering castle’s grounds. Inquisitive about his friend’s silence, and lengthy gaze, Remus eventually joined his side. "What are you looking at?" He inquired.

"That over there." Sirius pointed out the large bird.

"Whoa!! That looks like a Caerulean Phoenix!!" Remus muttered in astonishment, for this particular bird specie was believed to have been extinct for centuries. "I’ve only seen those in books... The last to have lived, was recorded in the Avium Animalus Grimoire over three hundred and seventy four years ago. A rare and mysterious specie that was said to bestow both good fortune, knowledge and wisdom upon those of virtue." He stated with enthusiasm. "A magical creature known to have lived by the Great Laude Loch, capable of summoning the spirit of fire and water."

"Nice lesson there, mate." Sirius replied with a teasing grin. "But seriously, I wonder what's it doing there?"

"You could always go have a look." Remus suggested. "James told me you’ve been able to stay as an Animagus for more than an hour… So why not transform and go see for yourself?"

"True enough mate." Sirius replied. "But my ability to do so seems to be at a rather unpredictable frequency." His eyes remained locked upon the afar creature.

"How about the Invisibility Cloak?" Remus proposed, as he knew his friend was eager to investigate this mysterious apparition. Sirius simply shrugged in response, as he laid back in bed.

"Enough adventure for one night?" Remus knew better than to believe that. "Sure..." Following his friend’s lead, he too returned to bed, and quickly drifted into slumber.

Long minutes passed, as Sirius tossed and turned, unable to find rest. That Phoenix His thoughts remained focused on the strange creature, his mind agog. Maybe just a peek… Sirius thought, as he left the comfort of his bed. The Invisibility cloak in hand, he snuck out of the dormitory.


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