Harry Potter: Is It Normal for a Hogwarts Professor to Be a Dark Lord?

Chapter 94: Conflict in the Bookstore

Handing Marvolo a book on human transfiguration, Tver walked alone towards Diagon Alley. This book was specially written by a teacher to teach him and was the only one of its kind in the magical world.

Speaking of which, the most dangerous aspect of transfiguration was human transfiguration; a slight mistake could result in permanent damage. Only someone as bold and meticulous as his teacher would dare to research such an ability.

However, Marvolo wasn't worried about the danger; for him, the only concern was the lack of ability. With his already impressive transfiguration skills, he could easily grasp the essentials of human transfiguration within a month.

Dispelling the transfiguration on his body and changing back into his own robe, Tver arrived at Diagon Alley.

Immediately, he felt the stark contrast between the two adjacent commercial districts. One was sunny and bustling, filled with joyful smiles everywhere. He felt his mood lighten a bit.

However, this pleasant atmosphere was quickly shattered.

"Sir, please—!"

A shopkeeper dressed as a man shouted loudly, his voice echoing from the bookstore to the street, naturally attracting the attention of passersby.

Whether Muggles or wizards, watching a commotion was human nature.

After finally pushing through the crowded street, Tver struggled to enter the bookstore.

Just as he had seen Lucius Malfoy at Borgin and Burkes, he now saw him entangled with a man in green robes, heedless of the crowd's admonishments, embracing and grappling on the floor.

Books on the shelves crashed down one after another, undoubtedly with some help from the Weasley twins who were watching the spectacle nearby.


With a command from Tver, Lucius and Arthur Weasley were forcibly separated.

At this moment, Hagrid also walked in and, seeing the two still attempting to struggle, quickly grabbed their heads to hold them apart.

"Alright, let go, Hagrid, or they'll suffocate," Tver instructed calmly, observing how red their faces were under Hagrid's large hands, their hands hanging limply, devoid of any resistance.

Hagrid, belatedly realizing, released his grip.

"Oh, sorry 'bout that, Arthur," Hagrid apologized, patting Mr. Weasley's body twice, as if trying to dust him off, unaware that this was where he was most injured.

"That's enough," Mr. Weasley stopped Hagrid's actions.

Seeing this, Mrs. Weasley finally breathed a sigh of relief, glaring angrily at her husband before approaching Tver.

"Thank you very much for separating them, sir. I can't believe my husband would do such a thing in front of our children."

"Professor Fawley!" George suddenly shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

"Mom, this is Professor Fawley I often mention to you during the summer!" Fred exclaimed excitedly, running up to them.

"Ah?" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed in surprise, her mouth wide open. "You're the professor of Dark Arts Defense for the children? I've only heard that you're young, but I didn't expect you to be this young."

"Professor Fawley's strength is much greater than his appearance!" Draco, unwilling to be left out, walked over, proudly declaring.

Lucius also noticed the situation here, struggling to maintain composure on his face, though his swollen right eye looked rather comical.

"So, you're the Fawley child," he said, extending his hand to Tver in a familiar manner. "Thanks to you, Draco has had a good time at school."

"As a teacher, it's what I should do," Tver exchanged pleasantries with Lucius.

"I heard Draco say that you wanted to visit my estate this summer?" Lucius emphasized the word 'estate.'

"Indeed, it's much better than some parents' homes that are like pigsties. Choosing our family is quite normal," he continued.

Mr. Weasley, now recovered, was boiling with anger. If it weren't for Hagrid holding him back, he probably would have lunged again.

"I just want to talk to you about a few things," Tver said with a simple smile.

"I guess Professor Fawley is here for a home visit because little Malfoy has been causing trouble at school," Ron said abruptly.

Lucius gave the Weasley family a cold glance.

"Draco's affairs are none of your concern. What you should be concerned about is how to get better textbooks for yourselves."

With that, he rudely shoved Ginny's second-hand textbook into her cauldron.

Without giving the Weasley family a chance to retaliate, he pulled Draco, who was reluctant, and stormed out of the bookstore.

"You shouldn't pay attention to him," Hagrid comforted the angry Mr. Weasley. "Some people are just rotten to the core."

The shopkeeper wanted to intervene, but Tver helped smooth out the book and put it back on the shelf. After that, he gave up the idea.

Of course, Hagrid's huge stature played a part in this.

The group walked conspicuously down the street, Hermione's parents, the Grangers, also walking alongside, looking both curious and somewhat worried.

"Professor, what are you doing here? Are you here for Mr. Lockhart's book signing?" Hermione asked excitedly.

Tver's smile faltered for a moment. "I got that book a month ago."

"Wow!" Hermione exclaimed, ignoring the passersby's gaze, "So the professor also reads his books?"

"... "

Fortunately, Harry broke Tver's silence.

"But what's the deal with Lockhart? He said he's the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the next school year and told us all to buy his book."

"Wait a minute, Professor, could he be replacing you?!" he exclaimed in shock.

All eyes turned to Tver.

"Don't worry, next year's course will be co-taught by me and Professor Lockhart. He'll focus more on the theoretical aspects," Tver reassured them.

As for the textbooks being replaced with his own works, Lockhart said it was for the convenience of the class. Though Tver felt he simply wanted to sell books.

Harry and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Hermione did too. Despite admiring Lockhart, in her heart, Professor Fawley was the most formidable.

"So, Professor, what will you be teaching us next year? We seem to have no textbooks," she inquired.

"All you'll need is your wands," Tver replied with a meaningful smile.

They erupted into cheers immediately. They much preferred practical lessons, despite the fatigue, over dull exams.

Tver accompanied them all the way back to the Leaky Cauldron, taking the time to answer many questions from the Grangers about school and Hermione. It wasn't until evening that he watched them leave.

As for Ginny, she stopped in her tracks as if sensing something, and turned around. She saw Tver smiling and waving at her. Blushing, she quickly turned back and hurried to catch up with her family.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Weasley asked with concern.

"N-nothing, I was just curious about that young professor," Ginny stammered.

"Professor Fawley is very kind," Harry said with a smile. "You can ask him anything if you have any questions."

Ginny's face turned red instantly, forgetting the brief moment of eye contact with Tver.

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