Harry Potter: Is It Normal for a Hogwarts Professor to Be a Dark Lord?

Chapter 95: The Daily Work of Auror Marvolo

Marvolo spent a week observing, scrutinizing the Auror named John Delacourt until he had fully grasped his behavioral patterns—


Observing Cynthia's indifferent expression, Marvolo couldn't help but smirk.

"My nearly invisible attack just now doesn't deserve even a clap from you?"

Cynthia gave a perfunctory applause, but it was just that—perfunctory.

Then she brought out a thick stack of files belonging to Delacourt and placed them in front of him.

"Memorize these, and you can openly appear at the Ministry of Magic."

Marvolo eagerly accepted.

"His academic performance is impressive, just slightly inferior to mine."

That was a genuine compliment; Tom Riddle was a scholarly prodigy at Hogwarts, after all. Those who could almost match him were among the top scholars.

"He is also the Minister's personal guard?" he asked, pointing in surprise at the clause above, "Shouldn't Fudge have plenty of detection tools on him?"

"It's only occasional. Exceptional Aurors have the opportunity to become Fudge's bodyguards." Cynthia quickly responded. "And I've tested it. As long as you don't use powerful dark magic or attempt to corrupt his soul, you won't be detected."

As Marvolo continued to peruse the documents, he clicked his tongue in amusement. "I understand now why Tver holds you in such high regard. Just from this week's interaction, I know you're more capable than any of my Death Eaters."

A hint of embarrassment finally appeared on Cynthia's face.

"Take your time here. Remember, be at the Ministry sharp at 9 AM on September 1st, or you'll arouse suspicion."

With that, she vanished into thin air.

Marvolo casually finished reading the documents and naturally memorized them.

"Well then, I'm now John Delacourt."

As soon as he uttered those words, his body and appearance began to change, becoming robust, with his hair turning into short, grayish-white strands.

"Just a bit slower," he grumbled discontentedly.

Soon, September 1st, a Monday, arrived.

Marvolo timed his appearance perfectly and showed up promptly in the Ministry's grand hall.

It was a magnificent hall.

The floor was polished to a mirror-like shine, made of dark wood, while the peacock-blue ceiling was adorned with sparkling golden symbols.

Every now and then, Ministry employees or visitors would appear here.

Marvolo calmly adjusted his clothes, striding through the crowd and into the elevator of the Ministry of Magic.

"Delacourt?" a burly man greeted, "Finished up with the Co-operation Division's tasks?"

Kingsley Shacklebolt, Marvolo recognized him instantly; he was the most seasoned Auror in the Auror Office.

Following Delacourt's habit, Marvolo nodded faintly. "Yes, Miss Cynthia successfully led us to apprehend that group of international smugglers."

Exchanging greetings with acquaintances in the elevator, he soon arrived on the second floor—the Auror Office.

It wasn't as flashy as outsiders imagined; in fact, it was just a series of cubicles with Aurors' personal items pinned on the partitions.

Returning to his workstation, Marvolo glanced at the items above. Unlike others, the single Delacourt didn't have family photos but almost exclusively had posters of wanted dark wizards.

He also recognized one or two acquaintances among them.

"How destitute," he commented flatly.

Generally, Aurors were the law enforcement branch of the Ministry, responsible for investigating crimes involving dark magic and apprehending or detaining dark wizards. And in the wizarding world, there was never a shortage of dark wizards.

So, before Marvolo had even settled into his seat, Kingsley came over with a file.

Behind him were several colleagues from other departments.

"What's happened?" Marvolo inquired as Kingsley placed the file in front of him.

"According to a witch's account, her three companions disappeared a month ago."

Marvolo opened the file and glanced inside.

Why did this witch's description resemble the one he encountered in Knockturn Alley?

He continued flipping through the pages without revealing any emotion.

As expected, the so-called companions were the three hooded wizards he had dealt with.

As for the suspects, naturally, it was him and Tver!

"If this incident occurred in Knockturn Alley, I highly doubt the witch's testimony," Marvolo stated.

Kingsley nodded in agreement. "So, I need you to investigate her and the two suspects. If possible, bring them all in."

Marvolo felt a sense of amusement but maintained his calm demeanor.

"I'll head over there now."

Efficiency was Delacourt's trademark, and he was not one to procrastinate.

Soon, he was back with a few colleagues from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, ready to return to the dimly lit Knockturn Alley.

Having recently spent time at Delacourt's home, returning here now felt somewhat like coming back home.

"Will the witch still be here?" a colleague named Gerald asked.

"If she's a dark witch, Knockturn Alley is her lifeline. Unless she really can't stay any longer, she won't leave easily," Marvolo explained.

Gerald glanced at their conspicuous group; they probably hadn't found the witch yet, and she had slipped away with her well-informed sources.

"How do we find her then?"

"No need for us to search; she'll come to us." Marvolo surveyed the surroundings. "If we appear so conspicuously in the center of Knockturn Alley, do you think she won't notice? She might be observing us from some corner—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he instantly appeared beside a hunched old woman not far away.

"You were saying? Mrs. Elspeth?"

The old woman widened her eyes in shock.

It was her first time encountering such a sharp Auror, but before she could think further, she hastily Aapparated from the spot.

Opening her eyes, she found herself in a house far from London.

"Elspeth?" the only two remaining companions in the house stood up.

"What's got you so flustered?"

"The Aurors are onto us!" The old woman's appearance gradually transformed into that of a middle-aged woman.

"I warned you not to try to outsmart the Aurors. Now look, you've drawn their attention to us!"

One tall, thin man complained loudly, but the woman beside him tightened her grip on her wand, speaking coldly:

"Enough of that, Elspeth. Did you leak the address?"

Tension filled the air, and Elspeth felt some fear toward the aloof woman.

"Of course not, I deliberately took a few detours!"

The thin man sighed in relief. But the next moment, his heart tensed again.

"You... who are you?" His fingers trembled as he pointed behind Elspeth.

"Me?" Marvolo gestured to himself. "I'm now an Auror. Pleased to make your acquaintance~"

He performed a bow, combining elegant movements, a sinister smile, and a robust physique, creating a strange atmosphere.

So, the response he received was a Killing Curse!

"Avada Kedavra!"

Following Elspeth's action, the two companions proficiently cast deadly curses, and chaos erupted in the room.

But after a dazzling flash of light, only Marvolo remained standing in the room.

Elspeth lay on the floor, her mouth open in astonishment.

Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to utter another word in her lifetime.

After a moment, Gerald appeared with several colleagues.

"Mr. Delacourt, I must say—"

He looked shockedly at the three figures lying on the ground. "What happened to them?"

Marvolo innocently raised the wand in his hand.

"They had an internal dispute due to their hideout being exposed. Before I could stop them, they were all lying on the ground."

"What about the two suspects?"

"You could try extracting some clues from the dead, or else we'll have to close the case," Marvolo replied with a smile.

One colleague, after inspecting Elspeth's appearance, exclaimed loudly in astonishment.

"If I'm not mistaken, these individuals should be part of a notorious band of thieves."

"Wow," Gerald also checked and compared with the wanted list he carried, "it seems we've accomplished something major this time!"

The colleagues immediately turned their worries into joy.

Killing criminals without cause wasn't a good thing in the Ministry of Magic, but if they were heinous wanted criminals, it was a different story.

This was their achievement!

Marvolo was rare in his amazement. It turned out that as an Auror, not only could he legally kill, but he could also receive credit. Why hadn't he realized the potential of this job earlier!

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