Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 133 – You Smell Nice

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


The next morning, Hermione awoke later than she intended, around nine-thirty.

She had an hour and a half before the train would be pulling out of the station.

It took about twenty minutes to get to King's Cross, twenty-five if they stopped by the Leaky Cauldron to see if Lucifer was there, to visit King's Cross together.

If she found him yesterday, they most likely would have...since Hermione planned to stay there with him.


She got ready, which took ten minutes since she couldn't use magic.

Hermione didn't even try with her hair beyond a few brush strokes and she didn't really use makeup, so getting ready for her was faster than it was for most girls.

As she was finishing the packing of her things, she saw something that she was embarrassed to let anyone else know about.

She threw the box in with her other things (dildo) and packed them up.

It neared ten-thirty and she had packed her stuff into the boot of her parents vehicle, Crookshanks in his cage and with her in the backseat

"Don't worry, I'll let you out on the train, okay? Or maybe even in front of the train, just make sure to hop on with me before it leaves, okay?" She looked at him, and he looked at her, his face ever looking unamused, but Hermione only thought it was adorable.

"Are we making a stop by the Leaky Cauldron?" Her mother asked her.

Hermione gave it a moment's thought, 'Would Lucifer be waiting there? "No... I think he will just visit King's Cross directly...."

"Are you sure?" Her mother asked her.

"Yeah..." she said, despondent.

Wendell and Jane Granger shared an anxious look.

Their pumpkin very clearly cared a great deal about her boyfriend, even more so, since that half-cat incident.

She looked back at her daughter a moment longer before turning back to face forward.

They arrived at King's Cross with Ten minutes to spare before, and Hermione figured they probably beat Harry and Ron here, they usually did.

Even with their Ministry Escort, they probably would be arriving with five minutes to spare.

Hermione got all of her luggage on a trolley and pushed it to the barrier for Platform 9¾.

She sighed, went through, and saw the Big Red Train, every time she saw it, she was left in awe.

She heard her parents walk through behind her and she pushed her stuff to the train, letting Crookshanks out of his cage, when something caught her eye.

She looked over and saw a familiar flying bird, "Rowena?" The bird looked over and flew towards her.

Hermione held out her arm and Rowena perched on her forearm, "If you're here... where's-"

"Hermione?" She heard a voice say her name. His voice.

She turned and saw Lucifer standing there, with a huge smile on his face.

Rowena flew off of her arm and she ran over to him, throwing her arms around him, feeling his arms gently go around her midsection.

She started to cry into his chest as she held him, "Lucifer!" She wasn't able to say much more, a lump forming in her throat that she couldn't speak past.

"Hermione... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you yesterday," Lucifer rested his chin on her head.

Jane looked at them and noticed the boy had grown taller over the summer.

He had already been much taller at the end of June, but now he had grown to be taller than her daughter to the point he could easily rest his chin on her head.

She smiled at the pair, glad that her daughter had him as her partner.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Hermione pulled back, to give him a small peck on his lips, only then realizing she had to look up at him, "When did you get taller?"

"Over the summer I guess," Lucifer smiled at her, wiping away the rest of her tears, with his thumb, "I was about to ask you if you got shorter."

She smacked his shoulder, "You're such a prat," she couldn't help the grin, that crept up on her mouth though.

"Prat?" Lucifer asked her, since it's the first time he had seen Hermione use that word.

"I don't know, I've just heard people use it in Britain," she said, shrugging, while her nose tried to inhale his familiar scent.

Hermione buried her face into the boy's neck, and rubbed herself against him, her mess of a hair, tickling Lucifer's nostrils, "You smell so good...." she mumbled.

".....Pumpkin, you should probably get on the train before it leaves," Jane said just seconds before the Weasley's and Harry showed up.


Harry and the Weasley's quickly greeted Lucifer and Hermione, with Arthur giving him a quick apology for his irrational and unacceptable behavior at the end of last year.

And began to rush to get on the train.

Lucifer and Hermione quickly said goodbye to her parents and Arthur had to talk to Harry, and he almost missed the train because of it.

Lucifer held his hand out for him and pulled him on before it fully left the station.

"Close call there, mate," Ron said to him.

"Come on, let's just find a compartment," Harry said shortly, "I need to talk to you three privately."

"That means go away, Ginny," Ron said rather rudely to his sister.

"Oh, that's nice," she said, angered at him, "It was great seeing you again, Lucifer," Ginny said before disappearing from sight, there goes her plan of asking him to maybe help with some 1st year spells, because of the Diary incident.

"Couldn't have said that any nicer, Weasely?" Lucifer asked him, with a blank face.

"Who cares?" Ron asked back.

Lucifer had only seen him for about five minutes, and he was already getting on his nerves.

They looked for an empty compartment, but the farther down the train they went, the more full each compartment seemed to be.

"Remind me why you Weasley's wait so long to get to King's Cross?" Lucifer asked him, remembering how late they arrived last year, and assumedly in their First Year as well.

Ron ignored him as they found a compartment with a single occupant.

"Might as well," Hermione said, squeezing into the compartment with the three boys; she sat next to Lucifer, while Harry sat next to Ron.

The occupant was sleeping next to the window and looked very out of place, considering that the Hogwarts Express was reserved for students.

Minus the conductor and trolley lady that asked anyone if they wanted sweets.

Lucifer assumed teachers either never left, or used the Floo network to get to and from Hogwarts.

The man sitting with them was wearing shabby looking wizard robes.

He also looked quite ill and exhausted, which would explain why he was asleep.

He still seemed quite young, minus the exhausted look; his brown hair was flecked with grey spots.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron asked.

"Professor R.J. Lupin," Hermione whispered at once.

"How on Earth could you possibly know that?" Ron looked at her, wide-eyed.

"It says it right there, on his luggage," Lucifer pointed out.

Sure enough, on the luggage rack, there was a piece of item that had his first two initials and last name on it.

"I wonder what he teaches?" Ron asked as he looked at Professor Lupin with a frown.

"That much is obvious," Hermione said with an air of superiority, "it has to be Defense Against the Dark Arts, that's the only vacant position."

"Well... I hope he's up to it," Ron said doubtfully, "one good Hex looks like it would finish him off, doesn't it? Anyway," he turned to Harry, "what were you going to tell us?"

Harry then began to explain all about Mr. and Mrs.

Weasley's argument they apparently had and the warning Arthur had given him.

When he finished, Ron looked thunderstruck, Hermione had her hands over her mouth, and Lucifer didn't look any different than usual, "I mean... trouble has a nasty habit of finding you, Harry, if he did escape for a reason, it doesn't surprise me that it was because of you."

"I don't know why Harry would want to go find him anyway, that's just asking for a quicker death," Ron said as his face paled.

"Probably, thinks I want another grand adventure like the basilisk," Harry said in a bad mood, "Quite frankly, I'd just like to go longer than a year without something trying to murder me."

"And yet I'm the one who ends up paying a visit to the Hospital Wing," Lucifer still didn't forget, his ribs getting even more attacked by Hermione's swats.

"Not my fault you keep getting injured!" Harry retorted back.

"Actually, I think with both Quirrell and Riddle being after you, I can comfortably blame, Quirrell, the troll, the manticore and the basilisk on you," Lucifer said, while counting them off on his fingers.

"Lucifer, can you please stop talking about things, which might have killed you?!" Hermione let out a growl.

At the moment, Rowena, who had been flying beside the train, suddenly flew into the compartment, flew around a few times, and perched on her owner's shoulder, "Hello, Rowena, get tired of flying?"

She wasn't paying him any mind.

Her beady eyes were on the door, as though she was waiting for someone or something to walk through it.

Then even quietly, moved inside her cage, her eyes now staring at the sleepy cat, that has now also woken up.

"God, you are really going to be the death of me...." Hermione said, and she allowed her head to fall sideways onto Lucifer's shoulder again.


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