Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 134 + 135 – Pumpkin Pasties

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


The silence was broken a moment later however by a loud whistling noise that seemed to be coming from Harry's trunk.

Ron pinpointed it first, he got up and opened the trunk, pulling from inside a small spinning top that was glowing very brightly and spinning in the palm of Ron's hand.

"Is that a Sneakoscope?" Hermione asked, craning her head to try and get a better look of the device.

Lucifer hadn't seen it before either.

"Yeah, mind you, it's a very cheap one," Ron pointed out, "it went haywire just as I was tying it to Errol's leg to send to Harry."

"Were you doing anything untrustworthy at the time?" Hermione asked shrewdly, raising her eyebrows a bit.

"No! Well... I wasn't supposed to be using Errol, you know he's not up for long journeys, but how else was I going to get Harry's present to him?"

"Just throw it back in there, Ronald," Hermione said, her curiosity already lost, "before it has a chance to wake Professor Lupin up."

Ron tossed it back in Harry's bag, with a heavy mood, "We could get it checked in Hogsmeade? They sell all sorts of stuff in Dervish and Banges, magical instruments and stuff, Fred and George told me...."

"Do you know much about Hogsmeade?" Hermione asked him, so that she could plan her dates with Lucifer much better, "I've heard it's the only entirely non-Muggle settlement in Britain."

"Yeah, I think it is," Ron said in an off-handed sort of way, "but that's not why I want to go. I just want to get inside Honeydukes."

"What's that?" Lucifer asked, now even his own interest was peaked.

"It's this sweetshop," Ron said, his mouth beginning to water a bit, "where they've got everything ! Pepper Imps, Big Chocoballs full of Strawberry mousse and clotted cream, and really excellent Sugar Quills," Ron went on about sweets.

"But it's also a very interesting place, isn't it?" Hermione asked, urging him to give up more information, "In Sites of Historical Sorcery , it says the Inn was the headquarters for the 1612 Goblin Rebellion, and the Shrieking Shack's supposed to be the most severely haunted place in Britain-"

"- and massive Sherbert balls that make you levitate a few inches off the ground while you're sucking them," Ron continued, plainly not listening to Hermione at all.

She then turned to Lucifer, "Won't it be nice to get out of school for a bit and explore Hogsmeade? We could go on a date there, Lucifer. Our first date!"

Hermione was getting excited just by the thought, she had a cheery look on her face.

"Of course we can," Lucifer said brightly, "It looks like, you have done a lot of research, how about you show me around, then?" he asked, after noticing her expression.

"This seems like a brilliant idea!" Hermione had a spark in her eye. She was already planning the first three visits in her head.

Lucifer agreed with her, then noticed Rowena had gone asleep, probably tired from last night.

"I hope you both enjoy..." Harry said heavily, "You'll have to tell me when you've found out."

"What d'you mean?" Ron asked, getting confused.

"I can't go... the Dursley's never signed my permission form, and Fudge wouldn't either..." Harry said, not looking at any of them.

Ron looked horrified, "You're not allowed to come? But - no way - McGonagall or someone will give you permission-"

Harry gave them a hollow laugh. Professor McGonagall of Gryffindor House was very strict.

"- or we can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle-"

"Ronald!" Hermione said sharply, "I don't think Harry should be sneaking out of the school with Black on the loose-"

"Yeah, I expect that's what McGonagall would say when I ask for permission," Harry said bitterly.

"But if we're with him," Ron said spiritedly to Hermione, "Black wouldn't dare-"

"Ronald... I don't think Black will care... mind you, Lucifer is easily the most powerful of the four of us, Harry might stand a chance against Black if he's there, but Lucifer can't be with Harry at all times," Hermione pointed out matter-of-factly.

Lucifer for some reason, felt pretty good that she really had so much faith in him.

Before he had much of a chance to think further, Hermione heard a scratching on the closed compartment door and quickly opened it to see Crookshanks lazily meander in.

"Lucifer, this is Crookshanks, I got him yesterday at Magical Menagerie, the same shop you got both of your pets at. The shop owner said he'd been there for so many years."

"Why is that thing out?!" Ron snapped at her.

Upon walking in, Crookshanks leapt onto the seat beside Hermione, stretched, yawned, and then sprang onto Ron's knees.

The lump in his pocket began trembling something awful.

Before anyone could do anything about Crookshanks, Eve who remained inactive most of the time, launched a sprint from her cage, pushed him off of Ron's knees and stared at Crookshanks's weird face.

And, he lazily stared back at her, but his form was poised to attack if she tried anything.

"Eve," Lucifer said slowly, "That is enough out of you," she turned around to meow at her owner, but his eyes didn't show any mercy.

Even grumpily jumped a little to get back inside her cage, touching her paws on the seat, but never once did she take her eyes off Crookshanks.

Lucifer knew that Eve had to know about Crookshanks, as they both came from the same shop and Crookshanks was there for a long time, just like Eve, and Rowena.

No one said anything for a good minute.

Professor Lupin stirred, and their gazes switched to watch him apprehensively.

He merely was turning his head the other way, and slept on.

Eventually, Crookshanks and Eve came to an armistice, with her going back inside her cage, and Crookshanks leaping onto an empty seat next to Hermione.

"I'm sorry about that, Hermione, I don't know what came over her."

"It's alright, it might just have been an old rivalry between them. You did say she had been at Magical Menagerie for a long time, after all," she smiled at him, and even thought it was even more adorable.

'It would be nice, if they became friends.....' Hermione, amusedly thought so in her heart, silently crossing her two fingers.

Lucifer smiled back and they settled into a mostly comfortable silence as the train moved steadily North.

The scenery passing by, and a landscape that Lucifer never got tired of seeing.

Scotland had some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe, he felt.

He enjoyed it while he could, because the clouds overhead became thicker, darkening the landscape.


People were chasing backwards and forwards outside of their compartment.

A moment later and the plump Witch with food came by, asking them if they wanted anything.

"D'you think we should wake him?" Ron asked, nodding towards Lupin, "He looks like he could do with some food."

Hermione approached him carefully and tried to wake him up, to absolutely no avail.

"Oh, don't worry dear," the Witch spoke as she handed Harry a stack of Cauldron cakes and Lucifer got some Pumpkin Pasties and a Chocolate Frog.

"If he's hungry when he wakes up, I'll be up front with the conductor." She smiled as she slid their compartment door closed.

Lucifer handed Hermione one of the Pumpkin Pasties, which she accepted.

Upon first bite, her face indicated that they were, quite simply, the 2nd best snack she'd ever had, "This is amazing! Thank you so much!" She said to Lucifer with a near full mouth.

"You're welcome, I wasn't sure if you'd like them, but they looked good," he shrugged and opened the Chocolate Frog, grabbing it before it could run and biting its head off.

Thankfully it was pure chocolate.

Lucifer looked at the card when he was done, "Bowman Wright," he flipped it over, "A skilled metal-charmer, Bowman Wright of Godric's Hollow is credited with the invention of the Golden Snitch."

"Really?" Harry asked him. "You wanna trade for it?"

"What are you offering, Potter?" He said in a challenging tone, while breaking up a small piece, for Eve to chew on, Lucifer started to feed her, since the cage was left open.

'It should have been me there, with my tongue out....' Hermione eyed the cat, with a jealous look.

But shook her head, to focus on eating her third Pumpkin Pasty instead, "I'll never understand the Chocolate Frog Card craze."

"Don't ever collect your first one then, otherwise you just might," Ron warned her.

Professor Lupin let out a sudden snore, reminding them he was there.

He might not be very good company, but his presence in their compartment had its uses.

Hermione promptly placed her head on her boyfriend's shoulder again.

While absentmindedly began stroking her pet and chatting to him about the trip to France, that she missed out on telling him about.

Also, noting to ask him on fixing her mirror, check what's wrong?


About an hour or so later, Hermione had fallen fast asleep on Lucifer, who let her lay down fully across the seat, laying her head on his lap.

Rain was beating down harshly on the windows, and the compartment door had just been pulled open to reveal a blonde prick and his goons.

They had come to their compartment for their annual visit.

Draco and Harry had been enemies since they first met two years ago to the day.

Malfoy was shorter than his cronies, with platinum blonde hair and he had a pale, pointed, sneering face half the time.

"Well, look who it is," Malfoy said in his usual lazy drawl, "Potty and the Weasel."

Crabbe and Goyle began to laugh hideously, "I heard your father finally got his hands on some gold this summer, did your mother die of shock?"

Lucifer quietly looked up, to stare at Draco, "I'm going to say this as politely as I can, okay?" He paused for a moment, "Fuck off."

He didn't want this prick to make his sleeping girlfriend wake up.

Draco took a step back.

Crabbe and Goyle were no help to him, because they were honestly a bit afraid of Lucifer.

He's never had to fight them, but they honestly didn't want to find out who'd win.

Malfoy shifted his gaze, "Who's that?"

"New teacher," Harry responded in kind.

"Come on," Malfoy muttered to his goons. He wasn't stupid enough to do something in front of a teacher.

Ron was fuming, "I'm not going to take any more rubbish from him this year. I mean it, if he makes one more crack about my family, I'm going to get a hold of his head and-"

He made a violent gesture in the air that Lucifer could only describe as 'Hulk Smash'.

The rain got heavier and heavier as the train ride wore on.

Hermione eventually woke back up, but stayed lying down with her head resting on Lucifer, as he played with her hair.

It soon got so dark that the lanterns in the corridor next to all the compartments had to be turned on.

Professor Lupin still slept. 'Out like a light...'

"We must be nearly there," Ron complained, saying the same thing for the fifth time.

Just as the words had left his mouth, the train began slowing down.

"Brilliant, I'm starving, I want to get to the feast..."

"When are you not hungry?" Lucifer asked, but his question was quickly overshadowed.

"We can't be there yet," Hermione said, lifting her head from her boyfriend's legs.

"Then why are we stopping?" Harry asked, her.

The train was getting slower and slower. As the noise of the pistons fell away, the rain and wind sounded louder than ever against the windows.

Harry got up from his seat as he was nearest the door and poked his head out of the compartment.

The train suddenly came to a full stop; distant thuds and bangs could be heard, telling them that luggage had fallen out of the racks.

Distant 'ow's' told them some people had been hit with said luggage.

Without warning, every lamp went out and they were all plunged into darkness.

"What's going on?" Ron asked.

"Ouch!" Hermione gasped.

"Are you okay!?" Lucifer asked, concerned.

"Ronald just stood on my foot!"

"D'you think we've broken down?" Ron asked, not caring about what he just did.

He stood up and moved over to the window.

Ron wiped the pane of the glass and peered outside,"There's something moving out there. I think people are coming aboard..."

Lucifer pulled his wand out, not going to put up with the dark, "Lumos Maxima!"

Light was suddenly cast brightly inside their compartment and expanded a far distance, allowing others several sections away to see almost clearly.

"Brilliant!" Hermione said excitedly, "I haven't practiced with Lumos Maxima so I didn't know exactly how bright it could shine."

"Should've seen it last year in the Forbidden Forest when we were following the spiders to see Aragog," Harry said to her.

Hermione's face grimaced, at hearing that, she instantly remembered the giant spider tried to eat her boyfriend.

"What d'you think happened?" She asked, instead.

"Did we break down?" Ron asked his question for the second time.

"Dunno..." Harry replied.


Author's Note

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