Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 172 + 173 – Date in Hogsmeade ❣️

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


After their breakfast was finally brought to a satisfying end, and getting rid of the unnecessary tension, Lucifer and Hermione once again came down into Gryffindor's Common Room.

Only to find Harry who looked utterly miserable on the sofa, Ron trying his best to cheer his best friend up.

“W-we’ll bring you back loads of sweets from Honeydukes,’ said Hermione consolingly, her eyes darting around at the portrait.

‘Yeah, loads,’ Ron said, “Fred and George have even invited me to Zonko’s with them, so I should be able to snag you some really good tricks.’

‘Zonko’s first, we can probably buy you around an hour there if we keep showing him stuff. He’s easily entertained. Use it to show Hermione around.

You’ll want to be off the streets by the time we leave.’

Lucifer ran over the parchment he’d received from the twins in his head.

“Don’t worry about me,” Harry said in a false off-hand voice that Lucifer saw straight through, “I’ll see you all at the feast, have a good time.”

The four of them made their way out into the Entrance Hall where they said their goodbyes to Harry then lined up, heading towards the front doors where Filch stood ticking off names on a list to make sure no one who shouldn’t be going to Hogsmeade was leaving.

“So, Zonko’s first,’ Ron said the moment Harry was out of earshot, the excitement blossoming onto his face,

‘Fred and George have promised to show us around, then I really want to go to the Three Broomsticks, apparently the butterbeer there is incredible. Then-‘

They made their way slowly up the line with Ron listing off everywhere he wanted to go and what he wanted to do.

Lucifer and Hermione doing nothing more than exchanging glances and smirks as he did so.

Finally Filch took their names, ticking them off and let them out into the Hogwarts grounds where Fred and George appeared seemingly out of nowhere and scooped Ron up by the arms.

‘Borrowing our brother!” Fred called over his shoulder as they marched him down the path, “you can have him back later.”

Hermione and Lucifer both laughed and waved as the twins dragged Ron further away before setting off themselves.

Hermione gave a sigh then wrapped herself around Lucifer’s arm as they walked.

She said happily squeezing his arm. ‘Where to first?!”

‘Anywhere that isn’t Zonko’s,’ Lucifer smirked, “How about we have a wander around, some window shopping, then after we can decide on somewhere more solid?”

And with that, the two finished their walk into Hogsmeade proper and gasped as they saw the bustling shop fronts and sea of students moving place to place.

Hermione immediately seized his hand and dragged Lucifer off to the closest building which was a brownish grey and engraved over the door were the words ‘Post Office’.

Upon crossing the threshold, Hermione gasped and Lucifer let out an impressed ‘Woah…’

Above them, hundreds and hundreds of owls sat resting on different pedestals, many of which were colour coded.

They ranged from great grey owls all the way down into tiny little scoops owls which hopped around on the lower levels.

There was a constant sound of rustling as the birds flew this way and that, some carrying letters, some returning.

There was a rather friendly looking wizard behind the counter flicking through a large tome, and several more staff members wandering the floor or halfway up ladders tossing letters towards owls who swooped in and caught them with ease.

‘This is amazing,’ Hermione said, looking awestruck. ‘You’d think they’d been doing it all their lives.’

‘I sometimes forget how smart owls are,’ Lucifer said, looking at a couple of the nearby scoops hopping around each other with their wings held high behind their backs.

‘It’s quite incredible that they can be taught to do this.’

The duo made their way from place to place.

Hermione dragging Lucifer in through almost every door available.

To begin with he was keeping an eye out for the twins and Ron, but after a while he couldn’t help but get excited.

It was their first time in the village, and on a date, he was allowed to enjoy it without worrying about Ron's mouth disturbing.

Even if she planned her date accordingly many times, Ron would just follow them like a damn leach.

So, Lucifer requested from her to let him deal with this problem.

Now, they visited Honeydukes, the sweet shop that held all sorts of odd creations with even weirder side effects.

They scooped up a bag of stuff for Harry and Lucifer grabbed a few extra to give to Ginny and Luna once they’d returned.

She’d seemed upset about not being able to join them for the trip so hopefully this made up for it, and enjoy it with her best friend.

He decided to buy a lot on another trip for Makima at Lux.

They also stopped by Dervish and Banges, a shop near the end of the high street that bought, modified, and resold muggle items and artifacts.

There were quite a few interesting items in here, including Sneakoscopes much like the one Harry had that’d gone off before the Dementor arrived.

‘Two major places left,’ Hermione said as she counted shops off on her fingers. ‘The Three Broomsticks and The Shrieking Shack!”

‘Hold on,’ Lucifer said, reaching into his pocket and withdrawing the parchment he got from Fred and George.

‘Weasely and the twins are at the shack at the moment. Let’s head to the Three Broomsticks.’

‘Did they give you a timetable?’ Hermione asked as they moved back off up the street.

‘Yep. They gave me some shop recommendations and other things. Plus, some stuff for couples but I’m saving those for next time.”

‘They may be troublemakers but it’s hard to be mad at them,’ Hermione said with a warm smile.

They wandered into The Three Broomsticks, Lucifer gestured Hermione over to one of the empty tables as he walked up to the bar, where he was approached by the bartender, a curvy woman with a very pretty face.

‘Anything I can get you, dear?’

‘Um… yes, two butterbeers please?’

‘First time in Hogsmeade?’ she asked with a slight smile as she reached under the counter and pulled out two tankards.

Lucifer nodded. ‘Well, I’m Madam Rosmerta. Owner of this fine establishment you find yourself in. If you need anything at all give me a shout, we’ve got bits for snacks if you get hungry and a menu if you want to look at other options.’

Lucifer said his thanks and wandered back over to the table with Hermione and slid her drink towards her.

‘Thanks. How much?’ she asked, reaching for her coin purse.

‘You owe me another date,’ Lucifer said, as he took a swig of his drink, looking around the room.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him but when he didn’t let up, she simply giggled and took a sip from her own.

Her entire body seemed to relax and almost sink backwards into her chair.

‘Wow… that really warms you up doesn’t it?’ she asked incredulously, looking first at the tankard and then at Lucifer who nodded.

“Yeah, it probably feels after not wearing your knickers, right?” Lucifer asked, teasingly.

Hermione's face turned red, “Oh, shut up, Lucifer!” he laughed at her in response.

They continued talking for a while, hands interlocked before the door swung open and in walked a sea of red.

‘Come on,’ Hermione whispered as Fred and George marched a very embarrassed looking Ron up to the bar. “We can slip out of here quickly.”

The two ducked and weaved around the tables and darted quickly out of the door of the pub.

Hermione giggled and then held out her hand to Lucifer, who took it and then felt as she wrapped herself around his entire arm, letting her head fall against it.

“Felt like some sort of Secret Agent!” she said happily as they began to climb the hill towards their final destination, the Shrieking Shack.

After that, Hermione launched into a childhood tale about governments and the secret groups of people her Grandfather told her about.

‘They are very similar to wizards, right? Lucifer asked with a curious face, ‘Completely undetected, no one knows they exist, bypassing top human security with ease.”

‘I… wait… you don’t reckon they’re actually wizards, do you?’ she asked, suddenly looking as if she found a new discovery.

“I think it’s very possible. They may not have even done it, just used memory charms to make the muggles think they had.”

‘Oh my…’ Hermione said distantly.

She seemed lost in thought and was still staring into space as they arrived at the top of the pathway.

Over the fence and a short ways up the last stretch of the hill was an abandoned house.

It’s windows and doors were all boarded up but even still, the wind whistled through them sounding like whispers and eery moans carrying across the empty stretch towards him.

Lucifer could tell why it was called the Shrieking Shack.

‘Hermione...” he said quietly.

She shook herself slightly and looked straight ahead at the house and let out a quiet gasp, pulling herself closer into his arm.

They stared at the house for a while in silence, listening to the wind howl around them.

It wasn’t exactly a windy day, but the shack seemed to amplify it.

“I was thinking… about everything that happened between us,’ Hermione said suddenly, “You’ve always been there, always been my support. It feels like I’ve known you forever and we only met two years ago.”

‘I know what you mean,’ Lucifer said, quietly, looking down at her wrapped around his arm, ‘But I’m happy for it. My life is brilliant with you in it. I don’t even want to imagine what it would be like if you weren’t.”

She turned her head to look up at him, those big brown eyes full of warmth and adoration.

They truly cared about each other.

This is the Hermione he wanted to know. His Best Friend and Girlfriend.

Neither of them realised they were doing it, both too lost in the other’s eyes, their faces inched closer, their eyes closed.

Their lips connected.

It was only fleeting, a second at most, and they broke apart.

But neither pulled away, both were bright pink and Hermione giggled slightly, placing her forehead against his.

Somehow, this had feeling both of them more romantic or exciting compared to all the sexcapade being engaged in.

Lucifer placed a hand against her chin, tilting her head up, and looked into her eyes once more.

Those lovely, dark brown eyes.

Their lips connected again, with more weight and for longer this time.

When the two broke apart again they didn’t move away, but Lucifer ran his thumb lightly along Hermione’s cheek.

She closed her eyes and gave a contented sigh.

“I could stay like this forever.”

‘So could I,” Lucifer said in a whisper, his eyes looked around, ‘But I think we’re running out of time, I can see students going back.”

‘I’ll race you down the hill!” Hermione said with a smirk.

She kissed him lightly on the cheek and then sprinted down the hill with Lucifer running after her.


Chapter 173

“Where did you two go?” Ron said as he sat down in the common room across from Hermione and Lucifer.

Both of whom were still rather red in the face.

‘Hogsmeade?’ Lucifer said, with a raised eyebrow.

‘You know what I meant! I didn’t see you the entire time.’

“I thought, we weren't speaking?”

‘Also, you were with your brothers, didn’t want to interrupt that,’ Hermione said at once, ‘We were managing fine together. Picked up some stuff for Harry and got to see a lot of the village.”

‘Oh! Did you go to-‘ and Ron immediately launched into just about every place up and down the high street.

While Hermione tuned him out, and faced Lucifer with a nervous look, “I know you've been wanting one for a while now," she said, pulling watch out of her bag.

“When did you-”

“Don't worry about the cost, it's only 3 galleons. And, I bought it when you were looking outside from the shop....”

"Thank you..." Lucifer was a little shocked, but put the watch on his left wrist and smiled, "Thank you really...”

“I'm glad you like it!”

“We'd better get going, the feast starts in five minutes and I'm not missing it this time!" Lucifer said loudly and marched them out of the Common Room.

“• •” Harry.

“Oh, what did you do, Harry?" Hermione broke the silence for him.

“I had some tea with Lupin after wandering the Corridors, and then Snape came in-" Harry proceeded to tell them about the Goblet that Snape brought in.

"He drank it?" Ron asked, wide-eyed, “is he mad?!”

"I doubt he... I doubt he would've tried to poison Lupin in front of Harry," Hermione said in barely a whisper, her voice being so quiet.

"Maybe... maybe not," Harry said as they walked in and sat down.

The Great Hall had been decorated with hundreds and hundreds of candle-filled pumpkins, a cloud of fluttering live bats, and probably a thousand orange and black streamers, which were lazily waving.

The food was exquisite, according to Lucifer, surprised that both him and Hermione could eat so much after piling their stomachs at Honeydukes.

Ron was still eating like a pig.

After all of the food the students could've possibly consumed had been inhaled, the festivities ended with the Hogwarts Ghosts providing entertainment by formation flying out of walls and popping up through tables.

It was no Troupe of Skeletons, but it was entertaining nevertheless.

They all followed the rest of the Gryffindors back to the Tower, but were halted when they seemed to stop moving, "Why isn't anyone going in?" Lucifer asked.

He tried to peer over the students ahead, but the upper year students were much too tall, even for his current height.

He could see the top of the portrait and saw that it was still closed.

"Let me through, please!" Came Percy's voice as he pushed through the crowd of students, "Let me through - I'm Head Boy-"

He stopped yelling and a silence hung over the crowd of Gryffindor students.

Lucifer felt a chill go down his spine when Percy said for someone to quickly get Professor Dumbledore.

"What's going on?" Ginny asked, who just arrived.

"Something with the Fat Lady, I think?" Lucifer said unsurely.

Albus Dumbledore was there moments later, and the students spread apart, like when Moses parted the water supposedly, 'Hell, he may actually have done so since Witches and Wizards do exist.'

When the sea of students had spread apart to let him through, they could all see what had happened, "Oh my-" Hermione gasped and grabbed Lucifer's arm tightly.

He himself was feeling an anger building inside him, he didn't know why.

What they could see was the Fat Lady's Portrait, but it was void of the Fat Lady, and it was torn to shreds.

Dumbledore had turned to see a few other Professors running towards him.

Well it was more of a brisk walk, but McGonagall, Lupin, and Snape had all appeared, "We need to find her," he informed the three Professors, "Minerva, please go to Argus and have him search every painting in the castle, have the ghosts help-"

"You'll be lucky," Came the voice of Peeves, the most annoying spectre in the whole Castle.

"What do you mean, Peeves?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Peeves' smile dropped a little, he didn't dare taunt Dumbledore.

His voice was oily sounding, but it
was no better than his usual cackle, "Terribly ashamed, Your Headship, sir. Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the Fourth floor, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful," he said with a cackle and a smile, "Poor thing," he added unconvincingly.

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked him.

"Oh yes, Professor head," Peeves said with an air of one cradling a large bombshell in his arms, "He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see." Peeves flipped over, and grinned at Dumbledore from between his legs.

"Nasty temper, that Sirius Black!" He cackled and disappeared through the floor.

Hermione felt her stomach drop with the knowledge of Sirius Black having been in the Castle.

She clearly remembered her terrible dream, and was just thinking about leaving her dorm early to visit her private quarters, if Black came just slightly late, he would have killed bot-

She felt a cold chill down her whole body, and rubbed her face on Lucifer's shoulder.

She knew the gravity of the situation, but it only seemed to sink in just how bad Sirius Black was as a threat.

Dumbledore sent all of the Gryffindors back to the Great Hall, where they were joined ten minutes later by the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin students.

They were all looking extremely confused.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore told them as McGonagall and Flitwick closed all the doors into the Hall.

"I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the Prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the Hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Head Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," he added to Percy, who was looking immensely proud and important

"Send word with one of the ghosts." He proceeded to leave the Hall, but before he completely left, he paused and turned around.

"Oh, yes, you'll be needing..." he pulled out his wand and gave it a casual wave, sending the long tables to the edges of the Hall and they stood upright against the walls.

Another wave had the floor covered with hundreds of squashy purple sleeping bags, "Sleep well," Dumbledore said and closed the doors behind him.

Lucifer immediately went to one corner of the hall to have some peace and quiet to sleep.

He was glad he did, because the Hall began to immediately buzz with talking.

Hermione joined him moments later, and moved it as close to Lucifer as possible, "You don't mind, right?”

"By all means," Lucifer said, having to turn his head left more than usual to see her.

Harry and Ron joined them and after a few minutes, Percy yelled that it was lights out in Ten minutes.

They were then joined by two familiar faces, to Lucifer.

"Mind if we bed down over here as well?" Ginny asked.

"No, go away-" Ron started.

Lucifer cut him off, "Of course you can and Hello Luna," he smiled at them.

"Hello again so soon, Lucifer," she said in her dreamy voice again.

"Again?" Hermione asked, slightly raising one of her eyebrows. How did she never knew about this?

“He gave a warning to Ravenclaw's the other day to stop hiding my things....” Luna somehow felt, she poked a sleeping lioness, hurriedly telling the whole truth.

“Oh.....” Hermione's reply wasn't much, she now seemed to have stared at Lucifer's head, but it's okay if he was only helping the girl to stop bullying, right?

"So... Do you think Black's still in the Castle?" Ginny whispered anxiously.

"Dumbledore seems to think he is, and it is possible. We don't know how long ago he did it before we went back to the Portrait," Ron answered.

"It's very lucky he picked it up tonight, you know?" Hermione asked.

They all slipped, fully clothed, into their sleeping bags and propped up on their elbows to talk until lights out, "The one night we weren't in the Tower..."

"He probably lost track of time, you know, being on the run," Harry said, "He may not have realized it was Halloween, or else he could've come bursting here into the Hall."

Hermione gave a shudder. All around them, they heard people asking the same question, "How did he get in?"

"Maybe he knows how to Apparate?" A Ravenclaw Fourth-Year asked a few feet away.

"Disguised himself, probably," said a Hufflepuff Fifth-Year.

"He could've flown in?" Dean suggested.

"Honestly, are Lucifer and I the only ones who ever bothered to read Hogwarts: A History?" Hermione asked Harry and Ron crossly.

"I've read it," Luna replied.

"So, then you also are aware that the Castle is protected by more than just the walls?" Hermione asked.

Luna nodded.

"What are you on about?" Ron was confused just like most of the time.

"There are all sorts of enchantments on it," Lucifer answered it for the red-head, "To stop people entering by stealth. You can't Apparate to Hogwarts, or even within a half-mile radius. No disguise that /can think of will fool those Dementors, they guard every entrance to the grounds. And we'd have seen him fly in. Filch knows all the Secret passages, they'll have those covered too-"

"Lights out! Lights out! The lights are going out now!" Percy called out and Lucifer laid down, the sleeping bag feeling oddly comfortable.

Hermione wrapped her arms around Lucifer's torso while he pulled her tighter into him.

She planted a kiss on his cheek before placing her head back down onto his chest, and falling asleep.


Author's Note

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