Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 174 – Defacing School Property ~Heavy R-18~

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Lucifer awoke the next morning to see Hermione still fast asleep on his stomach, and most of the other students out of their sleeping bags, eating breakfast at a single long table at the edge of the room.

Harry and Ron had already
woken and were steadily making their way through multiple bowls of cereal.

Lucifer gently shook Hermione awake. Her eyes slowly blinked open, and she groaned as the light from the ceiling hit her eyes.

"Just a little longer....” she sighed as she slumped her head back down on Lucifer's chest.

"Five minutes," Lucifer said, making her lovingly. smile at him, and wrap her arms around him once again.

Ten minutes later, Lucifer shook Hermione again.

She turned her head to look at him, and gave him the puppy dog eyes.

'Hermione.. you know I would love to, but we need to get u-" Lucifer was cut off when Hermione forced her lips onto his.

"I know what you're doing." He mumbled into Hermione's lips.

"Oh yeah, what is it then?"

"You're buying more ti-"

"EWWW!!" A first year groaned and ran away from the couple.

"Now look what you've done. You've scarred that kid for life." Lucifer joked. "We should really get up.."

"Orr.." Hermione prompted

"Ill make you get up."

"Then make me!" Hermione teased. She laid herself fully on top of Lucifer, but instantly recoiled as his hands connected with her sides.

She giggled and squealed, drawing the attention of many nearby students, and finally relented. "I surrender! Stop! Please!"

She gasped as Lucifer let go, and breathed a sigh of relief as she slumped on her back next to him.

"No you don't. Up you get," Lucifer said.

He had gotten up from his sleeping bag and grabbed Hermione's hand, pulling her up.

Once Hermione had kissed Lucifer enough for two lifetimes, they made their way over to the two vacant seats next to Harry and Ron.

"That was quite the show you two put on..." Ron said bitterly.

“Mind your own business, Weasely.” Lucifer smiled as Hermione connected their hands.


“You? Being responsible? As if!” Hermione scoffed loudly.

‘I’m always responsible! Top marks in my classes, performing spells at a higher level than everybody-!’

‘And all whilst breaking every school rule to have ever existed,’ Hermione smirked, thought she had won.

‘You were with me every step of the way, unless you’ve forgotten,’ Lucifer as Ginny roared with laughter.

“I believe I got petrified by a Basilisk. The Chamber wasn’t my fault!”

‘And who ripped a page out of a library book to tell us what was in that Chamber?’

‘Hermione ripped a page out of a library book?’ Ginny asked, looking shocked.

‘I know right? And she’s saying I was causing trouble,” Lucifer poured a little red syrup on Hermione's plate, while retorting back.

“Snort!” Hermione's face turned ugly.


Over the next few days, all people seemed to be able to talk about was how Black could have possibly gotten into the Castle.

Lucifer didn't much care for their theories, as without something based in the reality he knew, and something that was reasonably logical, he saw no reason to join in on the theorizing, because he himself had nothing to add.

Another thing that annoyed Lucifer, was the fact that Sir Cadogan was the Fat Lady's replacement.

He already didn't like the stout knight, and with how often he tried to duel someone or change the password along with making it complicated,

Lucifer wanted to rip the portrait off the wall. It was unfortunate no one was as stupid as Sir Cadogan, because anyone else would've been better.

Another thing Lucifer noticed was an increased tail of Teachers on Harry.

He could only imagine how frustrated that made him.

If Lucifer had to suffer with being followed at all times of the day, he would only wish that said person is ready for what's coming for him.

On the bright side, the first Quidditch Match of the season was the following Saturday.

He wouldn't be able to show off his Firebolt, but at least Harry would open the season strongly with a Gryffindor victory since Slytherin was usually pretty bad when compete with Gryffindor but they were better with different houses.

It was one day after classes had ended and he and Hermione had a mountain of homework.

They had both left for the Library almost immediately and got to work.

They were through Ancient Runes, Charms, and halfway through Arithmancy when Hermione spoke up, "You want to take a short break? Most of this isn't due until the start of next week, and it's only Wednesday."

Lucifer looked up at her suspiciously, "Who are you and what have you done with my Girlfriend?"

"What?" She was caught off guard.

"You never suggest taking an extended break until it's done...Is ev-”

“Yeah, everything is fine," Hermione said smiling, "why wouldn't it be?"

"I dunno... it just doesn't seem like a 'you' thing to do," he pointed out.

“Look, is there anything you want to do with me?” Hermione asked, hoping he wanted to shove his cock in her mouth and fuck her face.

Only, before Lucifer could think up the next thing to say, their table in the Library was approached by a timid looking First-Year in Hufflepuff robes.

"E-E-Excuse me... b-but... a-are you Mr. Lucifer?" The young girl asked.

"I am....” Lucifer replied softly, hearing her nervous tone, “who wants to know?”

"Th-Th-This is for y-you," the girl dropped a pink letter on the table and then hurried away from there.

"Incendio!” A loud voice yelled.

“Hermione, what the fuc-”

“It was just asking to be purged!”

“Come on-”

“No, let's just go to our room. My knickers are wet anyway....”


Lucifer looked up as she entered the room. 

Bloody hell. 

He had to cover his smile with one hand so she wouldn't think he was laughing at her.

He really wasn’t. He just wasn’t expecting the full regalia.

That wasn’t her Hogwarts uniform; skirt was red plaid and the shirt was too form-fitting to be regulation.

It clung to her like a second skin.

The top three buttons were undone, giving him a glimpse of her cleavage.

White knee socks and penny loafers completed the ensemble.

Hermione looked sweetly sexy, and he wanted to flip her over his knee and find out what kind of knickers she had put on.

She self-consciously twirled a curl around her finger as she squirmed under his gaze.

She’d somehow pulled her hair into bunches—as any self-respecting naughty schoolgirl would—and he had the urge to grab one in each hand and hold her reins while he rode her face. 

'Maybe later.'

 “You’re just on time, Miss Granger. Come in.”

Hermione mashed her lips together so she wouldn’t start giggling.

She felt slightly silly, but her pussy didn’t seem to have any reservations.

The gusset of her knickers was already blotted with excitement.

“Do you know why I’ve asked you to come and see me this evening?” Lucifer kept his voice dark and low, reserving the purr that made her so creamy for later.

“No, sir. Am I in trouble?”

She was wringing her fingers together, just as she had the first night he’d spanked her.

She really was nervous. He couldn’t blame her. Exposing one’s secret fantasies could be terrifying.

“Trouble is a relative term,” Lucifer replied enigmatically. Sitting back, he used his years of experience to intimidate her with his body language, spreading his arms along the couch back and making himself appear larger.

“You’ve been defacing school property.”

Hermione stared at him. “I have?” Where was he going with this?

“Yes. Every day when you leave my class, your chair is mysteriously damp. Would you care to explain?”

She bit her lip so she wouldn’t smile. “Uh . . . I really fancy your lectures?”

The corners of his mouth twitched, but he pursed his lips to hide it.

“I see. Come closer, Miss Granger.”

When she was standing before him, he nodded at her hem. “Lift your skirt.”

Hermione crossed her hands in front of her. “Why?”

“Because I want to see if you’re telling the truth.”

“I wouldn’t lie to you, sir.”

“Lift your skirt, young lady, or I’ll turn you over my knee and lift it for you.”

Hermione was happy either way. She curled her fingers around the hem and lifted her skirt to her waist.

Leaning forward to observe, Lucifer smirked at the tiny wet spot already forming on the white cotton.

White cotton. Such a good girl.

“What’s this?” he asked, lightly touching the transparent circle. “I haven’t been lecturing.”

That one tiny touch hadn’t been enough; her pearl was trying to swell its way out of her shell. “I was excited about seeing you alone, sir.”

He sat back again, giving her a cool arch of one eyebrow. “Were you? You’re not one of those girls who sits through class daydreaming about being bent over the teacher’s desk, are you?”

'Guilty.' “Is that wrong if I dreamt about you, sir?”

“It depends on what you intend to do about it. Being teacher’s pet in my classroom isn’t a position for the faint of heart. I like to see a red bottom at all times.”

She nodded eagerly. “Yes, sir.”

“And I like a witch who can take the cane without complaint. A witch who enjoys it is even more pleasing.”

The cane. That just made her knickers wetter. “I can please you, sir. Please give me a chance to prove myself to you.”

“I’ll work even harder in the future to become your best Head Girl!”

“I had no idea you were so accommodating. If you can take everything I deal out tonight, I might be persuaded to show you the perks of being teacher’s pet.”

“Yes, sir. I’m ready.”

“Go bend over the table in the Kitchen. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Yes, sir.”

Lucifer waited until she was out, then opened his pouch for supplies: the cane, the big leather paddle, a piece of parchment, and a self-inking quill.

Leaving the wooden paddle, he gathered up everything else and headed for the kitchen.

She was waiting for him just as requested: bent over, hands and elbows flat on the table.


Author's Note

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