Heir of Titan Blood – Saharan Successor [LitRPG, Isekai, VRMMO]

Chapter 11: Extra Quests

Chapter 11: Extra Quests

As Odin and his group made their way towards the gates of Fullbaz, the streets gradually gave way to the edge of the city and they could see the decent amount of players rushing using their Mounts toward the Hot-Region of conflict, as if they were the group of players that respawned after being murked.

It was an everyday recurrence for the 'Chosen Ones' and their death fueled their desire for revenge. 

For his group the bustling market stalls and stone-paved roads were replaced by dirt paths and makeshift barricades. 

The air was thick with tension, but mainly the burnt smell of flesh drifting from the mountainous region of Talonspear. 

A sense of danger or doom hung over the city as it was unknown what the future would be if the Monster Wave Campaign failed in culling their number and putting a stop to the advances of the monster, yet the confidence in the Magrave leadership kept the fief in unity. 

A contingent of city guards stood vigilant at the gates, their armor gleaming under the afternoon sun. They were stern-faced, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. When Odin and his group approached the gates, the guards straightened up, their hands instinctively moving to their weapons.

"Halt! State your business," one of the guards, a tall man with a scar running down his cheek, commanded. His voice was firm, but not hostile.

⤷ Alysha: Can't they just open the gates without further showmanship? Being dragged back into the Middle Ages sure is annoying at times. 

⤷ Elyse: It's obvious that we're on a mission of clearing the monsters, haven't they opened the gates for the other players who were riding ahead of us?

⤷ Noah: That's not how 'Martial Law' works even in this Era. Its clear you galls have no clue what it means to be at War or being in danger of being annihilated.

⤷ Alysha: And you know? Stop trying to act cool, not as if you participated in any wars. Ahh, wait, you're from the USA, couldn't it be you've been into the Army or Navy? If so, my apology and thank you for assisting the EU in fending off against the Russians.

⤷ Noah: … Not me in particular. And I'm not that old to have been drafted for Wars.

⤷ Eve: You two are cute, why don't you ask me about the dangers of war? As a proud South Korean I can tell you anything you want about how wars are conducted and various procedures.

⤷ Odin: Not you too, Mi-Jung. At least let's act as adults for once. 

Without his intent, he got grilled by his lover who was a staunch patriotic woman, even though she wasn't drafted into the South Korean military to defend her motherland from the 'Rocket Witch' Kim Jong-Un's daughter and her threats of blowing half of the peninsula on the South end.

As an Balkaner/Eastern European who lived at the border with Russia that munched too much on the territories of Ukraine under the leadership of the Modern Tsar of Moscow, he heard many stories from his grandfather and father on how close both of them were to be summoned into the Army to serve the fatherland.

Even he experienced the sparks and embers of conflict on the Russian border showing signs of igniting because of the new aspirations of the current 'Supreme Leader' of the Russian Federation who wanted to carve his way into Georgia. 

This was a reason why he was aware of what repercussions and consequences a War had for a nation, as millions of Ukrainians had migrated into Romania to escape from the hardships of the War.

Heck, his grandmother was Ukrainian, the daughter of an Oligarch as his pops enjoyed to boast, his first and last conquest in life. She was the reason why he had green eyes, as the rest of his family had brown or black colored eyes along with similarly black hair. 

To this day, the old Madame was a ballbuster, and whatever the old man was boasting, it was all outside of her notice. 

She, even in her late 70s carried with dignity, as the 2nd generation of an Oligarch daughter, born into a New Money family. However, she married his grandfather out of love, which led to all sorts of drama from her side of the family not approving of the old man, deeming him a bum and a nobody.

Yet, he who knew what kind of man that stubborn old man was, a hellhound of a lawyer from the stories told by his old drinking buddies, wouldn't look past him if I was the in-laws. While his network wasn't comparable to the corrupt fortunes of his maternal grandmother's side, whatever he earned was based on his hard work.

And in this hard work, he wouldn't share a dime with his grandchildren or even daughters and sons if he didn't see a compelling reason as to why. Nonetheless, the old man had created a Trust Fund, which he had no access to until a certain age that he deemed 'You have what it takes to hold that responsibility'.

Snapping back to the reality at hand from his small trip into his childhood, being faced by those Guardsmen, he stepped forward, holding his head high.

His regal crimson aura emanated by his fully charged Red Energy along with the toxic combination of Dignity and Charm, had a subtle effect on the guards who took note of the individual leading this group of adventurers.

They could instinctively tell that they had a person of status, what they didn't know was that a part of why they were influenced was his 'Black Knight' and 'One who Became a Legend' title.

[Black Knight]

Rating: Unique

* NPCs instinctively recognize your status, granting you a high base favorability with guards, knights, nobles, and commoners alike belonging to the Saharan Empire. (Starting favorability with NPCs is set to 'Cordial' +20)

* Increases your attack power and defense by 10%

* When fighting a Knight or Warrior Class with the exception of Red Knights and those the user can't intimidate, it reduces the attack power and defense of nearby enemies by 10%.



He was confident that his titles would have an effect on those guards, and it soon proved him right by how quickly they received him.

"We're here to assist Fullbaz in dealing with the Monster Wave."

The guard with the scar studied Odin for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You're a Knight, aren't you?" he asked back, recognition dawning on his face. 

Odin nodded. "Yes, I am indeed a Knight, but not on a mission. It's accidental that I found news that Fullbaz is under the assault of the beasts. As an Imperial Knight, it's my duty to offer my aid in defending the city and its people by slaying monsters."

The guard glanced at his comrades, then back at Odin. "We appreciate any help we can get," he said, his tone softening. 

"But be warned, the situation outside the city is dire. The Monster Wave has grown stronger and it's unknown for how long Commander Reginald with his Knights would last."

"The problem is that the creatures are becoming more aggressive and show greater strength, and that the Chosen Ones are incapable of working together with our Militia."

"No offense, you are also a Chosen One, but as a Knight serving the Empire. You have our respects."

Another guard, a young woman with a determined look in her eyes, stepped forward. 

"The farmlands near the Talonspear Mountains have been overrun. We've set up defensive positions, but the monsters keep pushing. The Marquise's militia is doing what they can, but the onslaught is relentless."

Odin listened intently, his expression serious. "What types of monsters are we dealing with?" he asked.

"Mutated wild beasts, dire beasts, some spotted Ogres and Trolls," the young guard replied. 

"There are also reports of higher-level elite monsters appearing and stopping any progress we would have made by that point. It's chaos out there. The farmland is barren, and many villages have been abandoned to an unknown fate. If you can, please assist those who failed to evacuate to Fullbaz."


[ Your 'Persuasion' has triggered a new series of quests for Fullbaz Monster Wave Episode]

[ The Forgotten Villages (Level 100)(B)] 

 Objective: Rescue 15 stranded villagers and serfs from the designated villages.

Ensure their safe passage back to Fullbaz City.

Reward: 450,000 EXP, 180 Gold Coins, Epic-rated Farming Equipment, Favorability Boost with the rescued villages and their inhabitants up to (+40), Reputation with Fullbaz Marquisate will raise by (+3)

[Failure Penalty: 'Event: Advancement of the Monster Wave' will trigger. Reputation with the Fullbaz Marquisate will drop by (-10) points. Current reputation with Fullbaz Marquisate (25/100)][Secure the Farmlands:(Level 125 (A)]

Objective: Eliminate all the monsters that choose to settle down on the village's territory. Secure the area for the farmers.

Reward: 600,000 EXP, 320 Gold Coins, Knights Valor's Medallion, Reputation with Fullbaz Marquisate will raise by (+5)

[Failure Penalty: Losing (-35) favorability points with the Garrison Guards of Fullbaz, Reputation with the Fullbaz Marquisate will drop by (-15) points.]

I didn't expect that Persuasion would work this well in generating additional quests from NPCs that in hindsight wouldn't be quest givers to other players. That's a bonus, but the penalties are a bit nasty, considering how important having a high reputation with the Faction you're playing in. 

However, I doubt its a high risk for me unlike the Draconian Quest. At most I'll have to deal with a couple of elite monsters that had spawned in the villages.

Since I am taking care of the Adventuring Quests, I'll take on those two also. The more, the merrier.

Accept, of course. And do not forget to share them.

[You have accepted the Quest ]

Odin's crimson eyes had a calm look to them as he voiced his confirmation. 

"We will head to the front lines and do our part."

The guards exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of relief and hope. "Thank you, Sir Knight," the scarred guard said. 

[ Guard Olaf favorability towards you has increased by 20 points, and your relationship has reached 'Friendly'.]

With a nod, Odin and his group prepared to move forward. As they left the gates and headed towards the conflict zone, Odin's shared the additional quests with the rest, triggering a series of cheers for the extra EXP.

The group exits the city, and the reception of the NPCs was up there, as if they could instinctively discern Odin's 'Black Knight' Title. There was a combination of stats that helped him build a perfect image of a Knight in the eyes of the NPCs, from his Charm to his Dignity, combined with his words that had lethal persuasion ability thanks to his 'Persuasion' and 'Diplomacy' Stats.

In short, the Saharan Successor Class had the power to make a player a King, regardless of how bad that wielder was. Eventually if you played your hand in a mediocre manner, you would reach the pyramid top.

With only the calm interaction with those no-named NPCs he had managed to raise his favorability to a 'Friendly' threshold meaning reaching the (21-40) affinity. In the past, he would have some challenge in raising the favorability with the NPCs but now it felt seamless, just being himself and his warm-natured self he managed to sway over the guards. 

The Black Knight Status, even if I no longer have the Class with its skills, continues to pay dividends in the form of smoother gameplay by creating a greater impression on the impressionable minds of the inhabitants or this world.

⤷ Malfurion: Is it me or this place is flooded with players? I mean I expected for this region to be… calmer

⤷ Elyse: I think is because of the Monster Wave those NPCs mentioned when exiting the city. Honestly I always find it creepy when those NPCs act so life-like, showing those various emotions

⤷ Alysha: Happens a lot, but this shouldn't make you doubt yourself. This is a game, and the NPCs are meant to assist us players in our journeys and adventures. We are the Chosen One of the Creation Goddess.

⤷ Noah: I bet you don't even know what you just mumbled.

⤷ Alysha: Look in the mirror punk-head.

Odin and Eve looked at one another, and the man only shook his head like a troubled parent, but the point of discussion of the players reached even the couples DMs.

⤷ Odin: I think that 'Kebab Addict' forgot to mention that this region has turned into an Mini-Event. This is how I can explain the Monster Wave.

⤷ Eve: Yeah, I feel the same. It's been a while since I participated in a large-scale Event staged by the game, not including guild wars. Ohh, and darling, you shouldn't take Ahmed's words at shock value. 

⤷ Odin: Huhu, come on, he's one of my first guildmates, he has a soft spot for me even if he's an ass at times. Are you still sour because you lost against him?

⤷ Eve: No, you better not!

⤷ Odin: Better not what? Hehe, I'm confused.

⤷ Eve: Remind me that I lost against that vulgar bastard. Whatsmore I lost because I didn't have my new Epic Class back then. Go ask him if he wants to duel me, he always runs from me. 

⤷ Odin: He fears that you'll turn him into an actual kebab.

Odin couldn't help but chuckle at Eve's fiery response, then glancing at her a smile played on his lips as he got reminded of a piece of dark past in Mi-Jung's archives when she was still only wielding an basic Fire Mage Build, the default that all players could access while 'KebabForLife' who had an Epic Berserker Class didn't even put to mind the high firepower of the Fire Witch.

"Someone's under your skin." teased Odin as he whispered in her ears.

Eve crossed her arms, huffing slightly. "It's not that he gets under my skin. It's just...he's so smug! And I would have beaten him if I had my new class back then."

Odin laughed, the sound warm and genuine. "I believe you. Look, when you two fight again, I'll tell you some strategies on how to destroy him."

Eve smiled, her expression softening as she envisioned a future scene where she would engulf that hateful and smug bastard that made fun of her magician class, boasting about the supremacy of Melee Classes. She saw the full-bearded western man engulfed in a sea of flames while crying for mercy as his large two-handed axe was dropped to the ground as sign of surrender.

Giggling like a happy little girl, she told Odin "You better not lead me on, or you'll not get any bed action for an entire month."

Odin reached out, gently taking her hand. "You leave me with no option but to take my prizes with interest. Hahh, jokes aside, I kind of want to see Ahmed's defeated face."

Eve nodded, squeezing his hand. "You're right. I guess I can put my vendetta on hold for now."

Odin chuckled again, pulling her closer. "Good. Besides, I kind of like this feisty side of you."

Eve blushed slightly, looking away with a shy smile. "Oh, stop it. You're making me blush."

He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. "Just being honest. Now, let's get to work."

Traveling towards the conflict zone, Odin, Eve, and their group of players noticed the flow of other players battling the monsters alongside some NPCs creating a defensive boundary. 

The once lush farmlands were now barren, with the Militia under Marquise Fullbaz and the adventurers working tirelessly to keep the monsters at bay and protect the city from chaos.

Their groups were divided, with the NPCs not offering much assistance to the players and vice-versa, and Odin could tell that there was a deep-seated conflict in this Camp.

Again? Are those idiots really incapable of reading the community posts on STs forum? Then why the fuck whine and bitch about the NPCs not giving you quests and chances of raising up in society.

The downside of this conflict between players and NPCs was that those who wanted to do their job and play the game following the Questlines couldn't because they suffered from the prejudices created by some morons.

⤷ Eve: Darling, is this what I think? 

⤷ Odin: Yeah, those muppets probably screwed the Soldiers and lead to the death of some. This will be annoying, I need to sort out the misunderstanding at least in part.

While most players, especially those who were new to the game, behaved in this game/world as if all the NPCs were their servants, nothing more but an amalgamation of data meant to support them with quests and act like meat shields. This approach ended with the lowest type of negativity in affinity with the inhabitants of this world.

They were for sure not the first ones and over the passing time not the last ones to behave like Neanderthals with pea size brains. 

Top Players like Odin, Zibal, Chris, Jishuka who had a grasp over the systems of this game, tried to trail the path for the newer generation of players by sharing their discovery online. It was one of the reasons why he was so beloved and at the same time hated by the general public.

Now with the task of alleviating the hidden penalties over this Monster Wave event, he chose to take on this task differently. He led his group toward the War Tent set up by the NPCs. As they approached, the soldiers guarding the premises drew their swords, stopping Odin in his tracks.

"Say what you want from there, 'Cursed One'. If it's worth the time of our Commander, we shall report it. If not, get lost along with your kind. In this moment of hardship, we aren't willing to listen to the exuberant requests your kind have for defeating the Monster Wave," one of the guards barked, hostility high in the air.

⤷ How dare this ugly ass shout at my guildmaster so hatefully! Say one more word and I'll not care if I die trying to cut your tongue.

⤷ I'm with you on this sis.

⤷ Yeah, that's right. Just because we're low level doesn't mean we can't damage them. They are just NPCs and eventually will die out.

⤷ Eve: You little girls should calm down, and stay in your lane. Don't say a thing and just watch how adults handle conflicts.

The newbie guys in his group were offended by how this NPC Soldier that was barely at level 125 was treating Odin without even antagonizing them, and when they were about to retort and defend his dignity, the tall man wearing his leather armor with certain Wolfen traits on each armor piece akin to a wealthy mercenary that could afford a good set of armors, raised his hand to stop them from whatever they were about to fire back.

It felt as if King Baldwin marched forward to face Sultan Saladin.

He stepped forward, exuding an eerie calm of someone who wasn't fazed by anything in life. Around his body the royal crimson aura continued to flicker adding to his charm and mystery.

"Brave Warrior of Fullbaz, I understand your position, and I can also assume that the other Chosen Ones have exacerbated the issue of the Monster Wave by creating weak links for the Militia. As part of the Chosen One's leadership, I extend my apologies for any troubles and loss of comrades you suffered."

Both the players and the stationed NPC Soldiers were shocked for different reasons all-together. For the Leviathan players they were perplexed that Odin was treating those NPCs humanely, even taking accountability for the unhinged and obnoxious manner some players would behave when in contact with the NPCs. 

Similarly, the Guards who had their fair share of experience with the players, known for their bad reputation, at times even being compared as Yatan Worshipers for their devilish antics and their greed, would never expect or dream that an 'arrogant' Chosen One would bow his head and apologize. 

With Odin showing sincerity in his actions, the anger in the Soldiers eyes lessened visibly, and from inside the Tent, the figure of a middle-aged man wearing a Heavy Armor, the trademark of a Knight, made his appearance. "What is all of this commotion, Soldiers? Has another of those undying parasites come begging for their 'rewards'?" 

The one who questioned Odin's motives for visiting the Camp, stepped forward to report, and he made it clear to the one in command "I think it is different this time, Sir Valens, this man leading this group of 'Chosen Ones' seems more human than the rest. He even apologized for the mess those fucks have done by placing our flanks in danger causing casualties on our end."

"No need to tell me further. I had to kill so many of those undying leeches as punishment, and they actually returned for revenge as resentment."

"You boys step down and continue with the watch, soon we'll go into the Talonspears to challenge the Gryphon King and put an end to this Monster Wave for the sake of Fullbaz and the Marquis."

"AS YOU COMMAND, SIR!" Their unison shout scared the girls who never experienced such raw intensity of a soldier.

The soldiers numbering 100 around the camp after receiving the command from the middle-aged man, withdrew their weapons and allowed passage to Odin and his group as they got invited inside the tent by the Knight named Valens.

"I don't know the reasons for your visit, Chosen One, but if it's for some nonsense, you will be banished from this Camp. I hope not, because you seem more like us than your people."

Odin who approached could now see above his head his nameplate, and it wasn't a shocker when he discovered that he was a key NPC to this Monster Wave Event that had hit Fullbaz. 

[Aldric Valens - LV. 200](Purple)

Once inside the tent, Odin could see that there were around 10 NPCs that had Knight Armors but were slightly weaker than Aldric Valens, they also had a (Silver) name tag marking them as simply just screenplay characters that would only be in the background, either assisting the 'Main Characters' such as Aldric Valens in their victory or dying, sacrificing for a hard-earned victory.

With Valens returning to his commanding chair at the table, he focused for a while at Eve who was wearing her distinctive Mage Equipment, and could tell from the amount of Mana she had that if he would face her directly that she might prove difficult to handle. 

('To think those devil spawns have someone this strong in their ranks. But, while she is a danger, this man leading this group… he appears weaker, but I can sense danger from him. This Aura he's giving off is impossible for a parasite to possess.')

Shaking off his own doubts, he faced Odin in an authoritative position, directly going for the matters at hand.

"I will be blunt with you, Chosen One. What is your reason for coming to my Camp?"

Odin met his gaze with a calm yet determined expression. "I wanted to know how the situation was on the front against the monsters. I plan on taking on some of the dangerous monsters, and even proceed with the A-tier Quests of the Adventuring Guild."

Valens raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Odin's confidence. "For you to have accessibility to the upper quests of the Guild, it can only mean you have some Status that I'm not aware of. Would you mind identifying yourself to remove any misunderstandings in my conduct? Not for all, but I wouldn't want to put a stain on the reputation of Marquis Fullbaz."

Odin nodded in understanding."I don't think it is that important for now, but because you are a respectable Knight, I shall introduce myself. My name is Odin, leader of the Leviathan Guild, and the 12th Ranked Black Knight under the order of Count Loran."

Urgh, I feel like puking just at the idea of using that despicable man's identity for my benefit. But I can only suck it up and at worst drag and dirty his reputation for all I care.

Not giving Valens a chance to doubt his credentials, he equipped the 'Black Knight Armor of Despair' along with the signature Mithril Sword that had the symbol of the Black Knight Order engraved upon the blade. 

[Alert! User has passed the Weight Limit imposed by the System]


[You have exceeded the Weight Limit of your character by a long margin. Stamina consumption will be risen by 120% for the duration of the Weight Limit excess]

The oppression aura that the Armor of Despair was exuding was enough to make the lesser Knights wary and at the same time in awe that a 'senior' was standing before them. 

At the same time the manner Aldric Valens looked at Odin also changed when his previous assumptions confirmed to him that Odin in front of him wasn't some slouch or parasite like the other players he had encountered so far in this Campaign against the Monster Wave.

Valens studied Odin for a moment longer, his expression softening slightly as he recognized the weight of the man's presence. "I see, so it should be you who the Marquis has mentioned in the past. You are indeed a Black Knight, not an Impostor. It is an honor to meet a Knight of your caliber, Sir. Odin."

Odin inclined his head in acknowledgment. "The honor is mine, Sir Valens. Not to take further of your time. We are here to aid in any way we can. My visit today is to strictly apologize for any inconveniences that my brethren have committed against you and your soldiers."

Valens waved a dismissive hand. "Your apology is accepted. It speaks volumes of your character. Now, onto more pressing matters." 

[ 'Knight Aldric Valens' favorability towards you has increased by 5 points. Your affinity has reached (25/100).]

He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing slightly. "The Monster Wave is something that happens rarely in the Empire, and it would be quickly done by the mighty Red Knights, but with the current politics of the Empire, it seems we're left to fend for ourselves."

"With the date of our territory in our hands, It's an must that we fight with everything we got, and as one of the Commanders of this Campaign is a shame to say, but we have recently lost contact with a group of our squires who were out on patrol."

"Reports suggest they were captured by a band of Hobgoblins."

Odin's expression turned serious, but he continued to stay collected and short with his words. "Captured? That's troubling news. Where were they last seen?"

Valens pointed to a map spread out on the table. "Here, near the eastern edge of the Talonspear Mountains. The area is swarming with Hobgoblins and other vile creatures. We need those squires back. They are young, but they hold great potential."

Interesting, this makes the hunt easier knowing where the tribe of Hobgoblins have settled down. This isn't a bad quest in the least.

Odin nodded, understanding the urgency. "Consider it done. We will rescue your squires and ensure their safe return."

Valens looked relieved. "Thank you, Sir Odin. If you need additional intel on the enemy, please approach us. We need brave warriors like you to end the disgusting yok of the monsters.

[Rescue the Captured Squires (Level 115)(A+)] 

Objective: Locate and rescue the captured squires from the Hobgoblin camp. Ensure their safe passage back to Fullbaz City. 

Reward: 1,250,000 EXP, 1500 Gold Coins, Knightly Favor

Odin accepted the quest without hesitation. "We will leave immediately. The longer they remain in captivity, the greater the risk."

Valens stood, offering a respectful nod along with a prayer to Goddess Rebecca. "Good luck, Sir Odin. May the Goddess watch over you."

Sure, sure. I wouldn't mind the Godly Blessings given to the Popes of each Church.

With the pleasantries concluded, Odin turned to his group, who had been patiently waiting. "We have our first mission to handle. We're going to begin small and raise in levels as days pass. 

"Hmm, also, before we depart toward the hot-spots make sure your bladders and other needs are taken care of."

Since we touched a bit more into the Favorability/Affinity System I want to give an rundown of how it works so there will not be confusion on the readers side. Without further ado...

Positive Levels:
Neutral (0)
Cordial (1-20)
Friendly (21-40)
Trusted (41-60)
Loyal (61-80)
Devoted (81-100)

Negative Levels:
Neutral (0)
Suspicious (-1 to -20)
Unfriendly (-21 to -40)
Hostile (-41 to -60)
Vengeful (-61 to -80)
Arch-enemy (-81 to -100)

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