Heir of Titan Blood – Saharan Successor [LitRPG, Isekai, VRMMO]

Chapter 10: Fullbaz Quest-rush

Chapter 10: Fullbaz Quest-rush

Odin, Eve, and their group made their way through the bustling streets of Fullbaz, filled with activity from both the NPCs and Players factions residing in this large city. One could see at each busy street various players advertising for their crafted/profession product, from items crafted as blacksmiths to alchemical brewings that ranged to elixirs granting unknown buffs or debuffs altogether. 

Buying such elixirs was akin to gambling and owning to the fact you might be scammed by such swindlers, but hey, at least you could buy mana and hp potions that were cheaper than the tariffs of the Magic Towers.

Dinars, gold in general, was a vital resource for any wizard player who wanted to have a smooth progression in their chosen class. This is why you would see the Mage players resort to giving all sorts of services, from crafting potions using the owners materials at a cheaper price, taking a small commission, to using themselves as transport carriers because they had access to the 'Flying' Spell starting with level 150.

In short, the lives of poor mages was miserable while for those who could afford the maintenance cost of their class it was an enjoyable experience. In the latters case, Eve with her prestigious job as the HR Team Leader of a Korean Conglomerate had a smooth experience, rising to the top rankings of players as the main Mage of the Leviathan Guild.

At times she would get annoyed when her lover would jab at her that most people played the f2p version of the game without involving themselves with the Rothschild Gold Mafia that was into selling gold farmed by all sort of desperate players who would waste their lives for a meager 10 gold coin, while she instead was deeply into the p2w experience.

Of course, those were playful jabs at her since he understood that unlike him who was playing full-time Satisfy as a job, she had an IRL stressful job, and those transactions she would have with the gold sellers was mainly for easing her life in this New World.

Who could blame her? She wasn't the first nor the last individual on Earth using their money to raise in Satisfy World, but unlike other MMOs or VRMMOs, this game had a thorough economy that the Gold Seller Companies couldn't exploit. Sure, some players enslaved themselves in doing various activities to raise funds that they would later sell for cold cash IRL, but the dent in Nihilaine's economy was barely noticeable.

It wasn't the Gold Sellers like Rothschild that had influence in Satisfy, but Guildmasters like Odin who could muster the whole funds of the guild, akin to an Investors Fund.

As Odin and his group made their way through the streets of Fullbaz with the leader keen on his target, that being the Adventuring Guild, they passed numerous stalls and merchants peddling their wares. 

Among the vendors, a particular stall caught Odin's attention.

The stall was modest compared to the others, its owner a young mage player, clearly still in highschool, with a worn-out robe and a look of determination as he was waiting patiently for his goods to be sold. 

The mage's gear was clearly in the lower brackets, indicating his struggles when it came to managing his profession. Various items were spread out on the table, including potions for the starting players, scrolls that could boost a primary stat temporarily, and a few pieces of miscellaneous items from the Magic Tower that probably had no use for the player at his current stage, but what interested Odin from all of the junk was a unique category of its own.

Magically crafted, monster bait. 

Odin stopped in front of the mage's stall, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the humble setup. The mage looked up, surprised to see someone of Odin's stature showing interest in his goods.

"How much for the bait?" Odin asked, his voice steady and authoritative, yet tinged with a hint of kindness.

The young mage looked up at Odin, then followed next to Eve, then at the group behind him, going back to Odin, then Eve, and in the end returning his attention at Odin with his eyes going big, as if shocked that an 'Idol' showed at his doorsteps. 

"Uhh, uhh, 'All Father', ahh no, Odin-sama, how can I help you? Uh, ahh yes, yes, the bait? Let me think. well, it's... it's 50 silver coins each, sir," he replied nervously.

Odin nodded thoughtfully, scanning the various types of bait. He picked up a few pieces, inspecting them closely. "How effective is this against Elite mobs? What is the level range that it can be used on."

The mage's eyes lit up, eager to make a sale. "It's very effective, sir! This bait is specifically crafted to attract monsters up to level 150. I can share with you the details of the crafting recipe, its clearly up to level 150, but if you try going higher it will lose its efficiency."

"I can vouch for my bait, it will never fail! I have reached Intermediate Alchemical Crafting."


Odin sized up this young man again since he didn't expect much from him especially when he was only a level 118 Mage. 

[Mustard - LV. 118](White)

Should I send a guild invite to this guy? We don't have many wizards that took on the alchemical route. Even Mi-Jung took on the Enchanting route since she didn't want to be bothered with shutting herself down to brew potions and other concoctions.

Odin smiled slightly, appreciating the mage's earnestness. He reached into his dimension pouch, pulling out gold coins that he placed on the wooden booth. "I'll take all you have," he said, handing over forty gold dinars.

The mage's eyes widened in shock, clearly not expecting such generosity. "Th-thank you, Odin! This is far more than they're worth."

Odin waved off the mage's gratitude. "Consider it a fair price for good work. If this magic bait actually works as intended and I catch a Griffin, who knows, I might extend an official invitation to join the guild."

[Item: Magical Monster Bait]

Category: Consumable / Crafting Material

Rating: B-Tier

Crafting Level Required: Intermediate Alchemical Crafting

Description: Magical Monster Bait specially crafted to be used to attract monsters within a specified level range. Designed by alchemists, this bait emits a unique magical pheromone that lures monsters towards the user, making it easier to initiate battles or set traps. It is especially effective in drawing out Elite monsters from their packs.

Effects: Attraction Radius: 100 meters | Duration: 15 minutes | Cooldown: 1 hour

Level Range: Effective for attracting monsters between levels 30 and 150.

* Elite Lure: Increased chance (20%) to attract Elite monsters within the bait's effective level range.
* Aggro Enhancement: Monsters attracted by the bait have increased aggro towards the user.
* Multiple Uses: Each bait can be used 3 times before it is consumed.

This is worth buying. Elite mobs have a higher chance at dropping rare items, and not counting the additional experience they would generate in the end. The only downside of utilizing a Magic Bait strategy is that you have no control over how much you aggro.

If your RNG gods deem you unworthy of their smile, you might find yourself facing with a Field-Boss along with a cohort of monsters flanking you left and right.

Seen plenty of vids when analyzing this strat on SkyNet. Hopefully I don't mess up the arrangements, haha, not as if I got much to lose in levels by dying. 

Unfortunately I couldn't attempt to pull the minus level strategy of Optimus. Technically I could have done it by reporting to Count Loran since I failed that Quest in his eyes. 

In his own mindscape, Odin watched with his now crimson eyes how the young mage's hands trembled slightly as he gathered all the bait, his face glowing with an excitement that he could have the occasion of being invited directly by Odin without being screened by the Aesir. 

"Thank you so much, Odin-sama! I won't let you down!"

Honestly, since when has my vision been so good? Since graduating from my masters degree in engineering and working on those crazy SciFi concepts for the South Koreans. I think my eyes went bad starting those benders on working the CADs.

Not even the blue light filters could save me. But hey, I get some consolation knowing it can be reversed with surgery. 

When his thoughts circled around his newly improved vision, he turned to look at Eve who was wearing some stylish glasses that were a sign of some progressivism in this Medieval Fantasy World.

I wonder how she got used to wearing glasses. I mean, I never bothered to ask how bad hers are. 

Eve, standing beside Odin, could guess that he was thinking about something related to her if he was focusing so intently at her. 

She watched him back, pursuing her lips a bit, before commenting with a soft smile. "You have a good heart," she whispered to Odin, her hand squeezing his gently.

Odin glanced at her, a warm smile tugging at his lips. "Of course, I'm not some tyrant demanding and stealing from people. I enjoy helping people, you know it's my default setting."

Eve chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Yes, yes, as long as no one crosses you, you'll be peaceful."

"Heh, exactly. I guess someone studied hard to learn my quirks."

She playfully nudged him with her shoulder. "Well, I have to keep up with the great All Father, don't I? Besides, it's not that hard to see the goodness in you when you go out of your way to help others. Wasn't I rescued by a great 'Hero' in the past?"

Odin's smile widened, and he pulled her closer as they walked. "I only killed the mobs that aggroed me in the past. I was just getting used to solo play, and you had to show up in my way. Now look at me, I could be like Kraugel spending all my time on the hunting grounds, but no, I have to deal with a bunch of men-children and kids."

"Hah, It's a balance, you know. Sometimes you have to be the warrior, other times the protector. Helping that kid just now, seeing his face light up… it's worth more than any amount of gold."

Eve looked at him with admiration, her expression softening. "That's one of the reasons I love you. You're a rare combination of traits. A mystery even after 4 months together."

They continued to chat, undisturbed by the players following them from behind, the RP ladies were fuming a bit that Odin no longer showed them attention, but they didn't outright display their displeasure. 

They wouldn't dare in Eve's presence. Women know each other, and the sole truth is… they hate each other more than men realize.

And so, on their route to the Adventuring Guild, the couple were having their playful banter, with Mathias wanting to keep things interesting for Mi-Jung.

"I would love to keep my mystery intact, okay, Mi-Jung. Don't send your PI's from all over Seoul just to get more info on me. I look at relationships akin to books. Each page turns out to reveal bits of our lives." Mathias said, his tone light but with a hint of humor.

"You know, Mathias, sometimes I wonder if I should compel you to move to Seoul. You don't have to look for an apartment, and just move in with me. Mina has been getting curious about whom I've been seeing and spending time with."

"Whoa, pump the brakes, dear. I appreciate the willingness to accommodate me, a digital nomad, but it would be better if we don't rush too quickly with this relationship. Especially about introducing me to your daughter. Ahem, we should talk about this in private, okay?"

Mi-Jung laughed, her expression both amused and understanding, it was only Mathias that made a proud, career woman like her who rarely was used to the word 'NO' to settle. "Alright, alright. We'll keep things slow and steady. But I have to admit, the idea does have its appeal."

Mathias grinned, relieved by her response. "Good. We have a lot of time to figure things out. Let's focus instead on some adventure, then later on when we withdraw to an Inn for stamina recovery, we'll talk more about ourselves."

As the conversation wound down, they rejoined the rest of the group, their mood light and buoyant. 

Heading towards the Adventuring Guild. The city, despite rumors of increased monster attacks, was far from chaotic. Merchants called out their wares, children played in the streets, and people went about their daily lives with a sense of security.

"It seems the Marquis is doing a good job keeping the peace," Eve remarked, her eyes scanning the busy marketplace.

"Yeah," Odin replied, nodding. "The people here don't look worried at all. But we know from the forums that the situation at the outskirts is different."

As they walked, they overheard snippets of conversation from other players discussing their encounters with the monsters around Fullbaz. Reports varied. While many spoke of lower-level mobs, others mentioned unexpectedly strong elite monsters leading the attacks in surprise appearances.

This variability made it challenging for the groups tackling the problem of the Monster Wave explaining why even High-Rankers were interested in the monster hunts.

Upon reaching the grand building of the Adventuring Guild, Odin and Eve paused to take in the scene. The guild hall was an imposing structure with towering columns, and as they got to the entrance, they noticed the flanking armored guards who acted in a cold fashion to all the players who entered inside the building.

It was only when Odin and his group got in their view that they got serious, showing the black haired man wearing his level 1 leather armor-set piece some respect. It was as if they could tell his status from the peons passing along.

"Safe passage to the Esteemed Knight!"

Odin carried himself in a dignified manner, nodding calmly at the guards, before passing them with the group members doing some internal digging in their dms on what just happened.

⤷I tell you, Odin is among the strongest players on Satisfy, even the NPCs recognize him. This is what we should strive to emulate. 

⤷Ahhh, if not for that old lady messing around so many chances of walking beside Guildmaster, I could be in the spotlight, too.

⤷Yeah, that's righ, who she thinks of acting all sweet and lovely around Odin! It was us who served him coffee at each break interval whenever he was in the Headquarters. 

⤷Hush, hush, can this lady get going with whatever High-Rankers do these days? 

⤷Odin is really a great guy, have you seen how he donated some gold to that mage kid selling junk on his stall? Gold in Satisfy is more expensive than the dollar. 

⤷What I'm more impressed with is at Eve's body, just look at those curves, I don't want to sound racist but these days those Eastern Asian ladies are hot, like hot-hot. 

 ⤷I feel you man, just look at Yura, she has the beauty of a supermodel, not as voluptuous and curvy like Miss Eve, but she's up there. 

The groups were split into guys and girls, each sharing their thoughts privately while Odin and Eve were excluded from the gossip, however, strangely enough he was more perceptive to the changes in people's behavior. Was this triggered by him acquiring the Sovereign Insight that widened his worldview even when on his first hunt back when they were traveling to the Tower of Sun.

He couldn't tell, but it was something he should keep watch for the future. 

Once inside, the guild's lobby was a hive filled with NPCs and players alike. Adventurers of all shapes and sizes crowded around various boards displaying available quests, while clerks behind desks processed requests and handed out assignments. 

Odin gestured for the rest of his group to wait in the lobby.

"Stay here, we'll handle the quest acquisition," he instructed, receiving nods of acknowledgement from the group.

Odin and Eve moved forward, making their way to the main desk where a clerk was stationed. The clerk, a middle-aged man with sharp features and a meticulously groomed beard, looked up as they approached. His eyes widened slightly as he recognized instinctively Odin's identity, as if being influenced by some settings.

Odin couldn't tell if this was the truth, if the NPCs suffered from the interference of the system, but if it was like this, this was truly a sad reality for each individual of this world.

The clerk quickly stood up, bowing respectfully to both Odin and Eve, but his attention was strongly on the man who was exuding a regal crimson aura that could be noticed only in enclosed spaces.

"Good day, Sir Knight, Lady Magician," the clerk greeted. "How may I assist you today?"

Odin offered a polite nod in return, his presence radiating a dignified aura. "We're here to offer assistance to Fullbaz regarding the problem with the Monster Wave. My group and I intend on taking some quests issued by the Guild. Preferably those with higher difficulty, A-tier and above."

The clerk nodded, his fingers moving deftly over a crystal-topped device. "Of course, but first can I get your Mana Signature to confirm your identity?"

Odin relented, placing his large hand on the magical crystal. The device started shining with red mana, and soon the clerk had all the public information of the man in front of him as registered by the Empire's officials. 

The clerk's eyes widened even further as he absorbed the information."I could feel that you were a Knight from your presence, but to think you were an Esteemed Black Knight. The restrictions over the quests the Chosen One can pick on have been removed for you sir, who is respecting our customs and culture," the clerk said, clearly impressed.

Eve watched the interaction with a mix of amusement and pride. "Looks like your reputation precedes you," she teased.

Odin chuckled softly. "It seems so. Let's see what quests they have for us."

The clerk, now more enthusiastic, tapped a few more buttons on the device. "Here are the quests currently available for A-tier and above. Given your status, you have access to some of the most critical and challenging assignments we have."

The list of quests appeared on a new interface of his System Window, detailing the quests that he could take on, which had a count reaching the hundreds. Many of the quests were related to doing bodyguard jobs for the merchants traveling with their carriages on those roads full of monsters.

But he wasn't interested in wasting his time doing the caravan type quests even though their rewards were lucrative.

His hardcore mindset along with his liver were missing the sensation of slaughtering monsters. And for this reason with small consultation with Eve, they reached a conclusion with regards to what they will complete.

From the extensive selection, he picked with a plan in mind, of increasing the difficulty along with the group's progression in levels. For this he had chosen.

●[ Mutated Wild Beasts (Level 30-65)(A)] 

Objective: Eliminate 50 Elite mutated wild beasts threatening the farmlands.

Reward: 100,000 EXP, 50 Gold Coins, Rare Alchemical Materials

●[ Dire Beasts (Level 50-80)(B)] 

 Objective: Hunt down and eliminate 20 elite dire beasts terrorizing the outskirts.

Reward: 200,000 EXP, 80 Gold Coins, Rare-Type Weapon for each participant.

●[ Invading Hobgoblin Tribe (Level 70-100) (A+)] 

Objective: Defeat the invading hobgoblin tribe and their chieftain.

Reward: 500,000 EXP, 300 Gold Coins, Epic Armor Piece & Weapon for the Party Leader

● [ Alpha Plains Wolf (Level 120+)(A+)] 

Objective: Track and eliminate the Alpha Plains Wolf.

Reward: 750,000 EXP, 1,000 Gold Coins, Epic-Rated Accessory

● [ Harpy Matriarch (Field-Boss, Level 150+) (S+)] 

Objective: Confront and defeat the Harpy Matriarch.

Reward: 1,000,000 EXP, 5,000 Gold Coins, a chance at a Rara-Epic Spellbook

● [ Griffin Patriarch Scouting (Level Unknown) (S+)] 

Objective: Scout and gather information on the Griffin Patriarch. 

Reward: 100,000 EXP, 500 Gold Coins.


[System Note]

[If you manage to hunt down the Griffin with your own group, you will receive new rewards based on the difficulty of the challenge. It will be calculated on the spot.]

Odin selected several of the quests, ensuring a mix that would challenge his group and provide substantial rewards. 

⤷ Eve: Is this all? You could pick the quests related to the Werewolves.

⤷ Odin: Lycanthropes start from level 185+. I know you're confident in your class and firepower, but you're level 174 at the end of the day. Besides, I don't want to see you hurt and struggling to carry me, so let's do something accessible for me to participate.

⤷ Eve: Darling, you think I'm some weak girl? We should do some fighting to test each other. 

⤷ Odin: Huhu, I know the perfect type of fighting for us to test each other.

⤷ Eve: Hmm, which is?

⤷ Odin: Doing some hot jiu-jitsu, and later on rolling in a haystack to see who comes on top.

⤷ Eve: … You. Pig. Just try me.

⤷ Odin: I will, soon enough. You think I haven't missed your touch two whole weeks I was doing that Class Quest? I'm only holding back from ravaging you in some backdoor of the building because of the kids waiting behind us.

Eve gave Odin a 'How dare you?' iconic look of a famous climate activist of the past, but soon enough was staring intently at his red eyes then followed his features, settling for his manhood that made her bite the lower lip, as if she was imagining a hot, steamy scene that would also fulfill her temp-up sexual desires.

"We'll take the following quests. Restrict access to other Chosen Ones once we're handling them."

The clerk nodded approvingly as he processed the selections."As you wish, sir. These are excellent choices. We wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Should you require any additional resources or information, please do not hesitate to ask," the clerk said, bowing once more.

"Thank you," Odin replied, taking the quest details. He turned to Eve, who was reading over his shoulder. "Ready to get started?"

Eve nodded, placing on the back of her mind the exciting scenes she was visualizing, before her mature 'madame' persona surfaced as she responded in confidence. "Absolutely."

With their quests acquired, Odin and Eve rejoined the group, sharing the contents with them so each one of them wouldn't miss out from the extensive EXP rewards.

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