Heir of Titan Blood – Saharan Successor [LitRPG, Isekai, VRMMO]

Chapter 9: Tower of Sun

Chapter 9: Tower of Sun
Without a doubt, the apparition of Odin in the starting hunting grounds was immortalized by the curious players, and the highlight of the videos that made their way on the SkyNet shorts and reels was the Infernal Tempest unleashed by Odin in the lower level hunting grounds as it was dubbed by the commenters of those videos.

The reception of his return to leveling was perceived with mixed emotions, some were looking forward encountering him and being part of one of his Raids or Dungeon Groups while those who hated him for whatever reason, whined and complained that there will not be enough mobs to keep the players busy.

Obviously, they were looking for whatever reason to hate on Odin, but the overwhelming response was a positive one.

 ⤷ Odin's Express on his way to level 200! Noobs make way, or you'll get destroyed.

 ⤷ I just realized how great the gap between the starting players and a legend like Odin is truly like. He could take on upper level dungeons solo and clear it in no time, something that would take 5-man teams days to achieve.

⤷ Can I get an bus ride? Pretty please? Odin-nim, if you see this comment, I can clean your shoes for all the troubles.

⤷ Brah, why some of those commenters are so creepy? 

SkyNet, the successor of the global YT and Goggle platform was a noisy place, and in the deepest crevices of such pest infested locations, it was better you didn't look up for the people's opinions. 

Blissful was the ignorant one.

On this part, Odin didn't even bother to check himself online, he was past this phase where he was excited to learn and see what others thought of him, or getting angry when people were leaving nasty and hateful comments about him on his own SkyNet channel or even on his social media.

Instead with an aura of professionalism about him, he continued on his journey toward the Tower of Sun as he was no longer bothered by PK players who sniffed opportunities with his group of tadpoles.

It was better if your life wasn't full of drama as a man. 

Still, with how high the populace of Satisfy World users was, he would occasionally get approached by various players who wanted to join his group, some even challenging him for a PVP match.

He was indifferent to most of those challenges, and continued on his journey ignoring them. As long as they didn't attack him and trigger the PK defense system that allowed him to kill players without suffering the malice of the game, he wouldn't entertain them.

Such that with the passing of time, the small group of the tadpoles along with their Leviathan got closer to their intended target, which was situated on a sprawling grassland region that preceded the forested zones that were mainly hunting grounds for players. 

All of those starting level zones were contested by the newbies who fought tooth and nails for the kills of even a single monster.

It was widely known that the starting levels in the Empire were labeled as 'Hell Challenge' because it was impossible to get a clean tag of a monster without getting the mob stealed. This was why guides of the veterans advised the new players to form parties from early on to have a chance of leveling equally.

Once out of the 'Hell Challenge' which usually ranged from the 1-25 levels, one could find accessible hunting grounds for those past the 'newbie' stage.

Odin decided it wasn't worth his time to stay on those chaotic hunting grounds just so he could allow the RP folks in his party to experience a bit of action. Just the sight of players swarming all over the wild beasts and lowly goblins akin to locusts on a field of crops was disheartening.

Locusts was the right analogy to explain the phenomenon of the Chosen One's madness and chaos.

As the buffs he had bestowed upon his party members began to wane, marking the one-hour mark, a new sight emerged on the horizon, capturing everyone's attention. 

"I got a nice capture of this sight. Not going to lie, it was worth tagging along." commented one guy in the group, where his sentiment was shared by most of the newer players.

The looming structure the players could spot was one of the Landmarks of the Nihilaine continent, and the images plastered all over the SkyNet about this impressive building created a stellar gallery with all sorts of diverse background images.

Since the traveling process inside Nihilaine had comparison with the IRL travel with various divergences considering the movement speed of particular users, in short geography and travel system matched with its real counterpart for assimilation reasons. 

You wouldn't find it strange here noticing camping spots of groups of players spending time with NPC adventurers who would encamp at night since as 'inhabitants' of this new world, players were required to recharge their Stamina once it was depleted before continuing with their actions.

With the silhouette of the towering structure revealing to Odin and his party, he could see the familiar building that was an ancient Magic Tower reveal itself along with its magical charm. 

Regardless of how many times he would visit the Tower of Sun, it wouldn't lose its charm on him. Its structure was a seamless blend of ancient and arcane that matched the vibes of a Fantasy World, but what intrigued Odin more was that this tower had an 'Elven' architectural design.

Many of the ancient buildings had this 'Elven' touch to them, and the most striking place that could be said to be taken from Tolkien fantasies was the Saharan Imperial Palace.

The base was constructed of massive, weathered stones, each etched with glowing runes that pulsed with a soft, golden light. As the tower rose, it tapered elegantly, its surface transitioning to a smoother, almost crystalline texture that reflected the sunlight in dazzling patterns. At the very top, a large, radiant orb hovered, bathing the surrounding area in a warm, golden glow, as if the sun itself resided within the tower.

Watching the building with his green eyes, he was clearly stuck in his own random thoughts, as he remained quiet, unlike how a 'guide' should be for the newbies. 

I wonder what is the influence of the elves in this game? So far I'm only aware that Half-Elves and Elves are a high commodity for the nobles in the slave market. 

Explorers like Skunks have shared their findings regarding ancient ruins at the 'desolate' regions of the Empire that have a similar vibe to the ancient buildings preserved around Titan and all over the Empire.

Hmm, could it be that the Red Emperor conquered the elves, shallowing down whatever Empire the Elves had back in the ancient times?

Might be worth diving deeper into this theory of mine. I'll have Box dig a bit into the Empire's Archives since he can use his Stealth to infiltrate even those banned locations for us players.

He kept to his pace as he gazed at the tower's surrounding lush gardens filled with exotic flowers and plants that thrived under the magical aura emanating from the structure and flow of mages going about their day as members of the Tower.

The girls in the group were particularly captivated by the sight of the small, sparkling streams going through the gardens, creating a tranquil and enchanting environment.

Jess' eyes widened with wonder at the sighting of the Tower of Sun and could only let out her amazement. "Wow, it's even more beautiful than the screenshots taken by the Mage players. Look at those runes! They're glowing like Odin's sword!"

This remark, while innocent from the lenses of this girl, intrigued Odin who frowned a bit, stroking his chiseled chin, contemplating another possibility. 

Actually, it wouldn't be an absurd idea to think that this tower might be an Artifact of sorts and it got enhanced to (+9). The similarities in glow and magical effect are unusually close to how the enhancement effect shines. 

Alysha joined in with the other girls in the group, softly, almost in a whisper "Someone pinch me. I'm not into a Fairy Tale, right?"

Noah heard her, and obliged, extending his hand and pinched her left cheek, only to get a shocked look from the girl.

--Ouch!-- "You ass! That hurt, why have you done that?"

"Snap you back to reality? Weren't you dreaming of being Cinderella?"

"Fuck you, don't do that ever again… without my consent! Tsk, ruining my mood." 

What missed from Alysha's retort was an angry hiss reminiscent of a cat, and her anger grew a bit more at Noah's dismissive body language. 

With a harumph, she turned angrily away from the Bard and shifted her attention to Odin who had this serious look plastered on his charming face. 

"Odin, can we really go inside this Magic Tower? Wouldn't we get stopped by some guards for being low level, or not being part of the Tower?"

Elyse:"I hope we can enter! Besides, there's no need to worry, don't we have Master with us to handle tricky situations? 

Odin whose thoughts were on the lore of the Nihilaine continent, put a pause to his senseless brainstorming of ideas, and allowed himself a small smile as response to their inquiries before responding in a collected tone.

"You'll be amazed at how capitalistic the Tower Master is when it comes to us 'Chosen One's. Be careful so you don't get scammed by the NPCs while inside the Tower, they have the green when it comes to pulling some nasty tricks on us with their magic spells."

The group followed Odin's track, their excitement palpable. 

The path leading to the tower was lined with statues of mythical creatures and ancient wizards, each more intricate than the last, but the one standing at the center-piece was of an elder with 'gentlemanly' appearance holding a luxurious magic stave enchanted with a large magic stone the size of a dragon's eye. 

When the members following him noticed this statue, they thought it was familiar, and only after Odin explained to them the identity of this individual they nodded.

"I don't know who the older mages that faced those monsters were, but this one is one of the 10 Archwizards of the continent, The Fire Monarch, Borrel. He's a Neutral Golden-Named NPC inside the Empire, and among all Archmages of the Empire, he's the one with most favorability to spare."

Odin smiled at their enthusiasm and how amazed they were with his lore knowledge with regards to Satisfy World, but at this point he couldn't be bothered with the small embarrassment garnered by those looks of admiration.

Mi-Jung, sorry, I'll steal a bit of your spotlight with this lore bit you've shared with me. Right, let's check on her, and make her a surprise visit before traveling to Fullbaz. 

Since the Tower of Sun was a Neutral faction with the Chosen-Ones, all the players who could afford the services of the Mage Tower were more than welcome at their doorsteps. 

From offering the standard Teleportation Portals all over the Main Cities of the Empire that had teleportation arrays, Magic Enchantment of the Weapons or Armors, brewing of Alchemical Elixirs, the selling of Health and Mana Potions, and ending it with the selling of Spell Scrolls to the diligent ones who raised their favorability with Archmage Borrell.

They were the favorites of the player base for their entrepreneurial spirit and not being closed-minded just because they were 'Chosen-Ones', being viewed like some plague on Earth.

As they approached the entrance, the massive doors, adorned with shimmering symbols, began to open slowly, as if recognizing their presence.

Inside, the grand lobby of the Magic Tower was bustling with activity. Apprentice Mages and Intermediate Mages hurried about, their robes fluttering as they carried books, scrolls, and alchemical ingredients. 

The air was filled with the hum of magical energy and the faint scent of old, moldy tomes.

Odin led the way, navigating through the throng of mages with ease. The group marveled at the sight, their eyes wide with wonder. The interior of the tower was just as impressive as its exterior, with high ceilings adorned with intricate carvings and glowing crystals that illuminated the space with a soft, ethereal light.

Jess stuck closer to Alysha as she whispered to her friend "Girl, this place is amazing. I wonder if they need a diligent, petite Maid to serve the mages their morning coffee."

"Nonsense, you know that Mages are like incels. They don't use your services since they can just use magic to get things done. Instead, you should be grateful that your Master gives you work." Alysha responded while giggling looking left and right at the passing Apprentice Mages

She was studying their appearances but there was a slight displeasure on her lower lip, they were scrawny and slim, akin to the bookworms from her highschool, and since she got used to Odin's presence, her standards were uplifted passively. 

Noah, stroking his chin observing the gray atmosphere inside the Magic Tower, instantly could spot some entrepreneurial ideas while sharking on those Mages.

"I could get some money from those Mages if I put my mind into it. Bards are essential to keep morale even for Mages. You two have picked the wrong class." remarked Noah with a hint of curiosity 

Alysha retorted, almost dismissively. "And what will you perform, your ear screeching rock music?

"Oh my, it seems you had moss in your eardrums from that Twig Blight and haven't noticed my violin concerto."

"Sure, honey. I'll praise the system for forcing your hands to move on the violin's strings."

Purphoros nudged Malfurion: "Say, Malf, shouldn't we break those two off? It would suck if they start something inside the Magic Tower and we get escorted out."

Malfurion only shrugged giving a bland reply that described his inner thoughts "Not my monkeys, not my circus. Ask the Boss."

Without the group members that tried to extract themselves for an impending clash, Odin was one step ahead, and simply quoted what Malfurion mentioned, as it fit the circumstances. 

"Not my monkeys, not my circus."

Purphoros sighed: … Well… We're technically your monkeys."

Odin shrugged with an unbothered expression: "Uh-huh, just follow me, and don't antagonize the NPCs. You wouldn't want to build negative favorability with the future grand mages of the Tower of Sun so early."

He directed the group towards the Teleportation Portal chamber, unbothered that there were some divergences between Noah and Alysha, who knew what was brewing between those two. 

Entering the teleportation chamber, one could see a 'Booth' where Apprentice Mages were tasked with collecting the fees for utilizing the portals of the Mage Tower. Based on destination, the tariffs would vary from 50 silver coins to 10 gold coins.

At times, Odin couldn't help but greed a bit over this Magic Tower and how effortlessly Archmage Borrell would fork up hundreds of thousand of gold coins by exploiting the players.

It was a lucrative business taking the money of the players who didn't know better.

He was about to explain to the rest of the newbies the tariffs for using these services, ignoring the ones with some experience such as Noah, Malfurion or Alysha who could afford the Costs, but had to pause when a familiar scent enveloped his senses and then arms wrapped him into a back hug. 

Usually such crossing of his boundaries would be met with a harsh response from Odin, but this scent along with the warm tender touch that he was familiar made him smirk in a pleased manner.

"What is a busy man like you doing in such a boring place?" The sweet voice, translated directly into his native language, revealed the identity of the imposter. She was smaller than him in size, and her large bosom pressed against his back, serving as a familiar comfort.

He chuckled softly, turning his head slightly to catch a glimpse of her. "Just guiding some newbies through the ropes. You know, the usual."

She pressed her chest against him, eliciting reactions from the girls in the group. Jess's eyes widened in surprise, Alysha smirked knowingly, and Elyse raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the affectionate display, but the overall reaction of the girls was negative, because they felt having some entitlement to Odin's attention, and now it was vanishing with the entrance of this woman.

Meanwhile the other players in the teleportation chamber stopped in their tracks, some recognizing the duo since they were two High-Rankers of the Satisfy World, showed mixed reactions, ranging from amusement to envy. 

"Eve, you're making quite the impression. Aren't you afraid that you'll trigger some negative favorability with the NPCs?" Odin said, his voice filled with warmth.

"Let them sulk if they don't like me greeting my man. Besides, I couldn't let you have all the fun without me, could I? Mommy needs to take you on a ride." Mi-Jung replied, her voice teasing yet affectionate.

Mi-Jung, an East Asian beauty with long, silky black hair cascading down her back, looked up at him through stylish glasses. Her brown eyes sparkled with mischief and affection. 

She wore a fiery magician dress that highlighted her voluptuous curves, exuding both elegance and power. The dress clung to her in all the right places, accentuating her hourglass shape while the hem fluttered with her every movement.

Odin turned to face her, he chuckled sheepishly not minding the display of affection, allowing the beauty to assert her claim all over him. He moved his hands gently resting on her waist. 

"I see what you're doing."

Eve put on an innocent expression, which prompted Odin to continue his thought.

"I really wouldn't like to take away from your quest progression. However, if you want to take a break, you know you're always welcome to join the fun."

Eve's eyes softened as she looked up at him. "I missed you," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Odin's expression softened, his thumb caressing her cheek. "I missed you too." before moving next to her lower lip, teasing her in the process before planting a deep kiss on her lonely mouth The kiss deepened, with Odin's hand caressing her soft skin, whereas Eve responded by pressing herself closer, her fingers threading through his onyx hair.

The murmurs of the players were just background noise for the couple at that moment, but it was true that they should go to a private place if they wanted to makeout, as it was indicated by the snarky remarks of some players of 'Take a room you two'. 

After what seemed to be a long moment, Odin and Eve broke the kiss, their foreheads resting against each other, as they stood closer in that intimate moment, glancing at each other's eyes, the woman was quick to notice a change in his appearance, apart from appearing even sexier with that subtle crimson glow around his body, the distinct change were his eye color change.

Because of the presence of the Red Energy with the fully charged state his irises would maintain their red color.

"What's wrong, love? Have I grown a new eye on my forehead to make you stare so intently at me? Don't. You know I'm shy," he said sarcastically, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

Eve chuckled softly, her fingers gently tracing the outline of his jaw. "No, you haven't grown a new eye. But your eyes… they're different. Red, like fire. Are those by chance contact lenses? It's mesmerizing."

Odin raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "Mesmerizing, huh? I suppose that's a good thing. Means, I'm still holding your attention captive, all for me."

She laughed, the sound like a melody to his ears. "As if you could ever lose my attention." She traced his lower lip with her thumb. "You look powerful, more so than usual. The magical effect also suits you."

He leaned into her touch, his own hand moving to rest on the small of her back. "It's the Red Energy Stat in its fully charged state. Makes me feel like I could take my revenge against those Draconians solo."

The group of players in Odin's group, gave the two their space, since they were aware of the identity of this woman, as Odin's lover and one of the leaders of the Leviathan guild, but if her personal relation with the guild leader wasn't enough, she also was one of the Top Mages in the world, wielding the Unique-Class, Pyromancer.

After some time spent talking casually and catching up, where the members of his party felt like children waiting on their father to end a talk with the mother before leaving for whatever activity planned, so Odin broke free from his spellbound and recalled his mission. "As much as I'd love to stay here and spend time with you, love, I need to take this group to Fullbaz."

Eve smiled, a playful glint in her eye. "So, is your previous invitation still on the table? You know, joining in on your fun?"

Odin grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Are you really keen on giving me a bus ride and leveling me up?"

Eve proudly flaunted her matured, voluptuous, sexy body, her dress accentuating every curve. With a seductive tone, she affirmed, "Of course. Mommy will take care of her baby."

Odin laughed heartily, pulling her closer. "I suppose I can't argue with that. Alright, let's get these newbies to Fullbaz, and then you can show me just how much fun we can have. Ahh, you might also benefit from this adventure with me."

"Ara, how come?"

"I'm planning on going to the new dungeon found by Shunk in Media Kingdom. There's already rumors on the forums that the high rankers of that Kingdom are raiding the dungeon. It's a Tower Climb Challenge, a Solo Instance."

"Oh my, isn't that perfect for our playstyle? So considerate of me. That's it! I'm coming too."

They shared another tender kiss, Odin's hand resting on the small of her back while her fingers played with his hair. Breaking apart, they turned to the group, who had been watching with amusement and jealousy. 

"Alright, everyone," Odin announced, his voice taking on a more authoritative tone. "We're heading to Fullbaz. Follow me to the Teleportation Portal. And don't worry, the cost is covered."

The group followed Odin and Eve as they led the way to the teleportation booth. The apprentices behind the booth seemed unfazed by the display, remaining professional and neutral all-together. 

'I'm not paid enough for this shit by the Tower Master.' echoed in the heads of many NPCs who were in a way forced to interact with the 'Chosen Ones' by the greedy Tower Master.

Odin handled the transaction with ease, when it came to dinars he could give a run to a Whales money. How much could a Whale acquire using real cash for the currency of the Nihilaine? Odin was confident that he could win in an Auction if he brought all of the Guild's funds.

"Thank you for your patronage," one of the apprentices said, bowing slightly. "Please step onto the portal array. Your destination is set to Fullbaz."

Odin nodded, gesturing for his group to follow. The magical runes etched into the floor began to glow, pulsing with arcane energy. The group stepped onto the platform, positioning themselves within the patterns of the teleportation array, constantly reminded by the operators to not leave the premise of the array for the risk of accidents.

(Our bodies would be pulverized if the teleportation fails? What the heck is Teleportation services? Has Guildmaster got scammed by the NPC mages?) an echo of similar thoughts spread around the party members who didn't know better.

"Save travels, oh 'Chosen Ones'." the NPC mage apprentice gave his bidding farewell, before turning around, whereas the group of players flashed with arcane energies all over their bodies, disappearing from the teleportation array.

"Hold your breath, folks. Teleportation sucks ass. Ahh, damn it, I hate teleporting." said Odin before holding his nose after a deep breath, which made Eve chuckle and pinch his waistline.

In an instant, the group was transported to their target, one of the main cities of the Saharan Empire, the capital of Fullbaz Magrave. 

Then from the designated location placed by the Tower of Sun for their portal, the group of players appeared, safe and sound.

The bustling city of Fullbaz came into view as the light faded. The air was filled with the sounds of merchants shouting their wares, children laughing, and the general hum of city life. 

The teleportation platform they arrived on was situated in a grand plaza, surrounded by ornate buildings and vibrant market stalls.

Odin and Eve took in the scene, their hands still clasped together. The rest of the group gathered around them, some looking around with wide eyes, taking in the sights and sounds of the capital of the Fullbaz Marquisate.

"Welcome to Fullbaz," Odin announced, his voice cutting through the din of the plaza. "Stick close, and don't wander off. We've got business to attend to, and I want everyone to be ready for the next part of our journey."

Eve glanced at him, a playful smile on her lips. "So, about that adventure... When do we start?"

Odin chuckled, squeezing her hand gently. "Ideally. Soon enough, love. First, let's get some quests from the Adventuring Guild which we would do along our way to media Kingdom. It'll be the perfect opportunity for us to stretch our legs and for you to show off by bullying lower level mobs with your blaze spell."Eve's eyes sparkled with excitement, but she looked at Odin with a 'strange' look when the word 'bullying' came into picture. Then she turned at the players behind her, and thought it was better if she cleared out any misunderstandings. "For the record, he's joking. I'm not a bully." 

"Huhuhu, I feel so sorry for the thousands of kobolds and hobgoblins you've exterminated in our past outings."

Eve playfully slapped Odin's arm, a mock look of indignation on her face. "You're impossible," she laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Odin grinned, unrepentant. "Just telling it like it is. But you do have to admit, your fire spells do tend to... incinerate a bit excessively."

She rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress her smile. "Fine, I suppose I have been a little overzealous in the past. But that's because I had low spell efficiency. Unlike you melee brute, I have to play smartly."

Odin nodded sagely. "Efficiently turning enemies into ash, ahh, yes. But let's get moving. We've got to grab some quests, I have to test the synergy with my new skills, if it's truly as I think it will be, I might level up quicker doing quests than grinding like a demon."

Without further adding to the intrigue, he shared with Eve the contents of his [Imperial Wisdom] passive that boosted his quest exp acquisition by 100% along with [Imperial Eminence] that had a boost of 50% EXP gain that was unrestricted to any activity.

As she read through the descriptions of [Imperial Wisdom] and [Imperial Eminence], her expression shifted from curiosity to pure disbelief.

Eve's eyes widened as she finished reading, her usually composed and mature demeanor giving way to a comically exaggerated look of astonishment. "That's cheating, isn't it?" she exclaimed, unable to suppress her jealousy over how fraudulent Odin's new skills were.

Odin laughed heartily, the sound echoing through the streets of Fullbaz. "It does feel a bit like cheating, doesn't it? But hey, it's all part of the game. The developers gave it to me, so I'm going to use it to its fullest."

Eve shook her head, still grinning. "You lucky, bad boy."


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