Heleion Archives

A Guest From The Heavens II.

13th of March, 98th of the Neo-Dawn Era. New Cantecas, Central Eoran.

            “Hot.” The Dracyan said with the enthusiasm of a dying Haowlbear, large beasts with the body of a bear and beaked, horned reptile head known for their weird howls. On the other hand her skin, red as the blood of a dragon, awfully absent in sweat. One could chalk it up to the sleeveless black shirt, short tight red skirt and high heels, but only for northerners who never witnessed a hot day in their lives.

“Too hot.” She added as she turned around, gazing at the corpse of a middle-aged sraudornian in gaudy attire. Her oval shaped slit pupiled eyes with the edges tapering towards the outer corners, conveyed no emotion, yet still possessed an indescribable allure.

The man’s cadaver laid at the center of the room, arms spread out, joy frozen on his handsome face with a small goatee. His dark hair flicked back, glossy to an unhealthy extent. Shiny pants unbuckled, zipped down with his precious rod standing vigilant, with some mucus still remaining on it.

“Better go.” She said in her soft, wispy voice while snapped her index and thumb together. First soft shadows appeared around the corpse, then they gradually hardened, gained mass around him. Like a hungry ooze, they enveloped his corpse completely, dragging it down into themselves, leaving not a speck of him behind.

She walked to the oaken door in the hallway directly leading into the room, and looked at the reflection of her triangular head. Her plump lips were blessed with a well-defined vermillion border, a glossiness enhanced even more so by the dark lipstick covering them.

A delicate nose, perfectly measured by the Goddess, with a subtle curve at her bridge. Parts of her licorice black hair cascaded down on her shoulder while the remaining sat on top of her head, bundled into a tight bun. From under the left side of her thick fringe, a single horn with infernal texture, and the shape of a dragon’s sprouted out gracefully.

“Good Morning!” A kind old lady with a big hearty smile greeted her while locking the door behind her. She calmly turned around and slightly bowed to reciprocate the greeting. Then quickly walked away, leaving the premises of the hotel with a job well done.


13th of March, 98th of the Neo-Dawn Era. Ang-Saellirith.

The smoke from Her cigarette zigzagged up towards the pale moon shining down onto the balcony. The city blanketed in darkness, painted in orange lights coming from the homes down in the lower districts was a magnificent view to Her. It was something she always had enjoyed basking in ever since Her great-grandfather brought Her to the capital.

The cacophony of muffled and deep, soft distorted moans and grunts coming from behind was the cherry on top to all this. A smile curved onto Her lips as She turned back, watching from the slight distance as Her guest moves back and forth on the large bed. His imposing body, with smooth pale skin, infernal runes carved into His back stretching back and forth as he slotted his fiendish rod into Erhigral.

Erhigral hands were still bound with soft enchanted ropes, enhancing the scorching that was her arousal while His tendrils slithered out from a vertical maw between his hulking thighs with sharp jaws scraping the soft fiendish meat of His.

Her pale, malnourished body stripped of all clothing, drenched in all kinds of bodily fluids. Yet there was still a certain desirable luster to her skin, and the scars earned in battles still beautiful complemented her looks.

A long strip of transparent sealing tape latched tightly onto her lips, tusks and cheeks with the former two bulging the pristine see-through surface. Her eyes completely rolled back as she swam in a primordial sea of pleasures.

A roar unbecoming to His androgynous face reverberated through the room, as His back’s flesh contorted, then extended into even more tendrils with phallus like ends that slit open into dozens of hungering mouths. Each latched onto her body, making her moan even intensely as the hundreds of soft teeth dig into her being, sapping her joy, desires and vitae.

“Feed my darling. Feed all to your heart’s contents!” She muttered with a vile smile as She slowly pleasured herself.


“Astrydril, are you here?” The calming silence was broken by the familiar gentle, melodious voice she recognized. She quickly got out from the cooling, foam bath and as she wrapped her body in a towel a smile curved onto her lip, as it tickled her scar riddled slender, well-honed body. Her forearms and hands were covered in onyx scales that glinted softly in the shadows, under light.

Similarly her back was also covered in scales, dancing around in intricate designs while spreading over to the other side where they end in swirls on her moderately grown breasts.

“A second.” Astrydril spoke with a slightly louder whisper in a relaxed monotone manner.

“Just take your time my dear.” Lythienne said with a smile as she sat down on the large double bed placed at the window of the cabin. Outside dark clouds passed by, their tops softly engulfed in the silvery gentle glow of the crescent moon.

“Sorry.” Astrydril tiptoed out then apologized with a deep bow that flicked the towel over her hair off, letting the wet darkness spread all over her head and down below it.

“Wanted to congratulate for the successful assignment.” Lythienne said as familial smile adorned her divinely featured visage while looking at Astrydril slowly getting up with an awkward look.

“Too easy.” Astrydril said with a puffed up cheeks and sitting cross legged on the carpeted floor.

“Next time, maybe choose something other than rock. Trust me that will increase your chances.” Lythienne added as she stood up from the bed elegantly.

“I need a little break.” Astrydril sighed as she noticed her mentor’s unyielding look. She knew at that moment, her free-day will have to wait.

“I know. But this is important. And with Lurithgaril still on a mission I can only pass this onto you.” Lythienne said with an apologetic expression.

“There are others too.” Astrydril said, a slight hope still within that maybe she can pass this onto the others.

“That is correct. But I still believe you’re the best for this mission. Especially because it involves more than taking out some arrogant noble or politician.” Lythienne continued as she snapped her fingers. Pristine, alabaster rocks appeared out of nowhere in a rectangle formation hovering slightly above the ground. A transparent liquid filled the empty space between, then it reflected a jagged mountain side, with infernal red flames burning, emitting a dark cloud of smoke.

“’Currently unknown’ forces attacked a research facility guarded by ours. No survivors as far as we know currently, including the artificers of the Void-Gazers.” As Lythienne reached the end of her sentence, Astrydril’s fists tightened. “Now from what we actually know, the cult to the Mistress of Irrepressible Desires attacked this facility to retrieve one of Hers fallen from the sky six months ago.”

“The Fist?” Astryril asked as Lythienne once again stopped in her briefing.

“Fraida sent out a small batch as soon as we learnt of the attack. Most of what we know currently is thanks to them.” Lythienne started then halted as her expression turned tired.

“But?” Astrydril asked while leaning slightly closer.

“But they were attacked last week. No survivors left.” Lythienne spoke carefully. The image shifted to an overview of the remains of a building, colorful fiendish flames mixed with ash and smoke.

“Bold. Or foolish.” Astrydril commented while her index finger’s tip tapped her chin.

“Our three suspects. Grevind Kolli.” The previous image of the burning building disappeared, in its place a well-dressed, bald man appeared reaching his fifties, sporting a thick, lush beard.

“Damirh Fiasar and Grevinde Dagomara.” Then the portrait of a snaelv elven maiden with haunting beauty, and an attractive mature naurdian with blonde hair appeared.

“Most likely?” Astrydril asked as her eyes pierced Lythienne.

“Grevinde Dagomara. We always suspected that she had hand in the events at Duznogorsk, and there is possibility that some of the Coven members were from her retinue. But until now there hasn’t been anything solid to pin her to abyssal cults.” Lythienne said as the other two portraits dissipated.

“What’s the evidence?” Astrydril got up and walked close up to the portrait, inspecting every little detail. The fine curves of her vibrant blonde hair, thick fringe, the barely visible sharp lines that were her brows, the intense azure blue eyes in an almond-shape, straight graceful nose not too big, not too small for her face, and the cushioned lips gleaming with a red luster.

“Well in her neighboring territories, the activity of cults had doubled the past few months. Even in her own to an extent, but only to not necessarily make her lose the favor of her people. Some cases, she even sent out her family’s armed forces to mop up possible cult bases, rescuing the victims. But thanks to some of our agents, we know that most of those cultists exhibited fiendish energies, just like the at the complex.” Lythienne continued as images of said cultists appeared with boxes of texts scribed onto paper popped up.

“Anything else?” Astrydril turned with a questioning look.

“Besides those, we also tracked her family’s wealth ever since the incident. Occasionally an amount of it would disappear with no receipts or anything. And usually just when a group of cultists in fine attires, high grade weapons and scrolls would appear.” Lythienne answered.

“Fine. I’ll finish her off.” Astrydril said a bit dejected at which Lythienne’s face lit up.

“Here is her current location.” At a harsh snap of her fingers, runic syllables appeared under the portrait of Dagomara. It detailed her current stay in the capital, the personnel numbers at her hill-side mansion and the hidden path inside. “And your new uniform.” Then another, softer snap echoed in the cabin, followed by a long suitcase appearing.

“After this, can I have her for the weekend?” Astrydril asked with questioning, slightly unsure eyes.

“Naturally. She was eagerly awaiting to meet you this week too.” Lythienne said a devilish, yet still divine smile. She started walking as if preparing to leave, but then turned back to her.

“Also not just her. Her guest too has to go. Have fun!” She added with a slight curve to her lips as she witnessed Astrydril swiftly taking out her uniform from its case, holding it out with ever glinting eyes. Then she disappeared in a burst of arcane energies, leaving fading mana particles behind.


15th of March, 98th of the Neo-Dawn Era. Ang-Saellirith.

"Mnphphrmphph" Anahi, the sraudornian artificer of the Void-Gazers stepped with two maids. Her golden eyes once glinting with curiosity, wonder now looked empty, hollow to an extent while burning with a maddening lust. Her hair untied, spreading over her naked body while her arms crossed in front of her, secured with leathery cuffs that sap her stamina just a little to make escaping harder, while also constantly bombarded her arcane points with desire spells. A transparent strip of tape sealing her mouth, turning her greeting into a muffled moan as she was slightly ventilating.

“Do not mind that one. Just lay on the bed. Your reward will come upon you soon.” Dagomara said with a wicked smile as she lifted her head slightly with her ring finger. Her hot, sweet peach scented breath made Anahi go crazy even more as her fingers swiftly invaded her own vulva while weakly walking towards the bed.

Meanwhile the two maids lifted the dried husk that once was Erhigral off the bed and put her in a glistening, leather like bag. At three they lifted it up and silently carried it out while two more maids tied Anahi to the bed.

Heavy steps softly echoed within the room, as He opened the door to the neighboring room, entering with a lustful smile on His androgynous face.


“Just when they returned from a raid, we are posted down here. Fuck the Gods of Luck.” A stygian man in plated dark suit said to his partner as their wet steps echoed in the dim corridor spanning far beyond their sight.

“Well, you should have woken up earlier. Maybe then you could have fucked to your heart’s content.” The green dragonkin partner of his as his steps made thud sounds. The suit while fitted well onto his tall, muscular body it still ripped slightly with the added plates appearing off to an extent. His horns scraped the ceiling even with his head hunched down.

They both wore a pristine, white shirt under with smooth, thick appearance. The collars folded down, a mauve pinkish neck-tie running in the center and under the folds. The symbol of Dagomara’s family embroidered, a mixed creature of both avian and draconic kind spreading its wings to the sides, its head proudly raised high with the sun circling behind.

“I would have if a certain friend of mine would have waken me up.” The stygian said turning his head up to look at him with slight disdain.

“What can I say. My desires won over waking you up.” The dragonkin said with hearty laugh that traversed through the whole corridor.

“I’ll reme..” Just as the stygian could finish his sentence, a dagger made of solid shadows pierced through his head, the dragonkin suffering the same fate, but with two extra daggers in his chest and throat. Before their bodies could hit the floor, a large dragon head similarly made of fluid shadows devoured them completely before disappearing. In its place the slender figure of Astrydril stood.

Her body encased in her new uniform, the Dhauzrieth Type-II Full Bodysuit. It pressed onto her soft, gleaming deep red body, highlighting her bountiful breast. Its high collars circled around just a few millimeters below her jawline, folded down with long, sharp dagger like triangle tips that melded together as she zipped it up, hiding said zipper.

A large hood veiled her face, while said face itself was hidden behind a snow silvery mask that bore the visage of a beauty of both divine and fiendish features. Along the zipper line running down, hidden behind soft leathery flaps, a utility belt loops around her waist, attached with six pouches filled with gadgets, weapons and restrains needed in her profession. On the bottom, the leg parts were hidden inside the thigh high combat boots enchanted so her steps make no sound at all.

Compared to the previous version, and all the other uniforms of the Black Roses, the dragonid leather gives off an oily luster, while the shoulders and above the elbow area still were made with soft scaled texture. The reason for this is the added ooze particles, and the mucus they left behind in their demise mixed in during the creation of the bodysuit. That also help with it’s mimicking ability.

For a few moments, she stood in silence. Her eyes closed, while her left arm held out, hand stretched vertically while the other hand’s ring and index finger softly tapping her lids through the mask’s holes. Then they return to her sides after she confirmed no more guards patrolled the path. With haste, she continued on, a smile curving onto her lips as she thinks about how to best eliminate her targets.

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