Heleion Archives

A Guest From The Heavens III.

“Not telling at all.” Astrydril stood in front of an imposing gate stone gate carved from abyssal stone, with a head of a weird woman. A vulva shaped lips with razor sharp teeth inside it, wicked eyes burning with desire, fine contoured nose and soft cheeks. Hair as flowing softly as a cloud of darkness.

She pondered how to enter through it, playing with the idea to just blast through it but as she tilted down her head, she noticed a button hidden well on the curving frame. At its pressing, the door opened with an even stranger moan that traversed softly through the path behind her. Beyond it was a large room filled with metallic boxes with a mark engraved in their surface. Another vulva, this time in a diagonal frame with tendrils sprouting forth the frames, with phallus like ends.

“Even subtler.” She noted while walking around, looking into a few out of curiosity. Inside them, they were filled with sex toys upgraded with wicked designs. Dildos with sharp studs thinly coated in some pinkish slime, that on further arcane inspections were a type of concoction that empowers the delicate feelings of the invaded areas. Strap gags that not just mute the victim, but if the torturer connects to it, can hear the thoughts of said victim and may beckon them to the truth. Something herself uses for interrogations occasionally. And many others including the transparent sealing tapes spreading altered mana particles into the covered area, creating an enhanced tingling feeling.

Footsteps echoed down to the hidden storage area, shadows danced around her body as soon as she noticed them, turning Astrydril invisible completely. In the entrance way a dark elven maid with short, thick crown of hair appeared. Her attire consisted of a deep rouge dress with white folded down collars with the sharp, triangle like tips similar to Astryrils’ new uniform’s. Over it a black apron with sharp edges, snow silvery intricate patterns ornamenting its pristine surface. The glossy black high heels clap with each step on the harsh stone, while the warm light of her candle highlights her quite beautiful sinister elven face adorned with crimson eyes.

“Now where was it?” An easy smile curved onto Astrydril lips as she moved towards the unaware maid heading straight to the left, opening one of the crates.


“Yes milady?” A snaelv elven maid entered the room, while Anahi was climaxing for the fourth time while His fiendish tendril pierced into her body.

“Bring up two from the recent batch of Roses.” Dagomara ordered her, heavy breathing breaking her sentence as she pleasured herself while He was feeding.

“An elven and human or just elven?” The maid asked ignoring the sounds that came from the bed.

“Just elven.” Dagomara yelled in pleasure as her steaming cum flowed down the edges of her seating, while her fingers continued ignoring her body’s alarm to take a break. The maid elegantly bowed, then left. For a moment she stopped at the door, and her previous calm expression turned into a crazed one as she lightly massaged her vulva.


“Neschastrae, there you are!” A high elven made called out the disguised Astrydril as soon as she stepped over the last one. She was clearly not working as her collars were buttoned out, all rustled and even a mucus stain ornamented it in the right center.

“Yes?” She asked in a somewhat polite, but clearly annoyed manner.

“Could you bring these down to the cellars? The guys need a bit of tending so I can’t.” The high elf quickly pushed a tray filled with sex toys and vials with glowing pinkish hued concoctions inside them.

“Sure.” Astrydril said and the maid ran off before she could even hear her answer. First, she just put it down on one of the counters, but then decided to visit the cellars before the heading up.

With calm steps she descended down the stairs towards the cells, and stopped at the door. There a young looking orc guard sat reading some adult magazine. He was breathing heavy, and his eyes were filled with lust as she looked at the disguised Astrydril.

“Open it!” Astrydril ordered the orc, expecting a retort that would lead to the usual take out the guard quickly when he approaches. But instead the orc just stood up, grabbed the keystone on the table and slotted it into contraption on the right. Then as he went back, Astrydril took the opportunity and garroted him quickly. The garrote itself was conjured swiftly between her wrists, made of solid thin shadows. He made no sound while struggling, trying to kick or stab at Astrydril. Two minutes later, he went limp while shadows creeped over his body as they devoured it.

Astrydril took the keystone and entered while the door slowly closed shut behind her. In front of her a wide and long corridor spread forward, grid like dark bars covered in mucus and luminous slim on each side. A vile smell she recognized from her many visits to all kinds of brothels assaulted her senses as she walked down the stairs. Muffled moans, both feminine and masculine in tone echoed within, and as she took a look at each large cell, she noticed naked or barely naked folk bound.

Some were bound simply by enchanted rope, gagged with black, transparent or silver sealing tape. Others were restrained to various contraptions, crosses, tables or just hovering in the air with two fiendish circles above and below them. She even recognized a few of her Sisters partially draped in their uniforms still, yet their eyes were mostly hollow, except for the burning desire to be violated. Seeing them made her frown, while she quelled the fires of hatred born from disgust.

But these cells not only contained prisoners, but also their guards whose biggest payment was the joy of sex. A few of them who found some semblance of self-control resorted to whipping the prisoners, inserting dildos and what not into them and watch as they squirm and moan.

After confirming the number of guards, the few maids that joined in their free time, Astrydril stopped at the end. Then inhaled ones closing her eyes. In the darkness of her closed lids, contours of said guards slowly drew out then as if holding ten daggers between her fingers, she crossed her arms over her chest. Shadowy daggers then appeared between them and with a speed beyond what mortals can comprehend, navigated into them. All their contours in her endless darkness of her closed eyes vanished in a mere second.

After the number of moans lessened in numbers, she turned back to what picked her interest a little. A small circle protruding from the ground. On its flat surface, an unholy symbol engraved, pulsed with a vile pinkish hue, fiendish mana residue faintly danced around it, unseen to the naked eye.

She made her way back towards the stairs, inspecting, looking for anyone who still shows some semblance of will. At the second cell on the right, she stopped noticing a high elven dracorith drengriar Sister of hers, still wearing the frost type jacket, vest and blouse.

She was tightly tied to a chair at the walls facing the bars, thick enchanted ropes pressing her body to the back of the chair. Her arms secured to the chairs with the same ropes, while a long strip of black sealing tape adorned her alluring face. Her cum mixed with her snow silvery blood, dripping at the edges of the seating, yet she possessed an undaunted gaze directed at Astrydril.

“Do not worry. Help is on the way.” Temporarily she was prepared to melt through the bars and free her, but in the end, she realized taking out the enemy takes precedent. Especially because the enchanted ropes and the sealing tape had drained both her stamina and mana completely as Astrydril inspected her. A few tired, forced muffled moans were her answer, before the drengriar let her head be buried between her collars.


“I hope it is comfortable enough my darlings.” Dagomara spoke in smug tone, her hands caressed the sealed right cheek of the arachfolk vordriar stripped down only to her blouse. Their faces met for a moment as the arachfolk answered with a short grunt through her transparent gag pressing against her plush, pale lips. Her eyes still burned with the flames of defiance.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Dagomara’s sweet peach breath assaulted her, then she stood back suddenly. With deliberate steps she made her way to the other side, where a naurdian vordriar sat, bound to the chair with the ropes looping around binding the two together. Her long, seamless straight hair covered the left side of her face, including parts of the sealing tape clutching onto her skin.

"Rnph nn phhm hmmmph!" As Dagomara entered her vision, the naurdian tried to lunge at her, yet the tight embrace of the ropes kept her in place. The end of her muffled sentence even turned into a cute yelp as the vibrator taped between her legs fidgeted. The vibrating intensified as a result making her blush even harder.

“Sorry about this, I bet you would like to watch it too. So for now just imagine how a dozen men would try to create holes in you to stick their divine rods through you.” Dagomara hunched down, her palms pressing the chair’s arms as their faces met. Then her left hand moved to her own exposed vulva and started to gently massage it.

“Oh Mistress, I can’t lie to myself.” Dagomara jolted up and yelled to the ceiling scaring the two a bit. “Let me alleviate those repressed desires of yours until your time comes.” She ripped the vibrator off, almost threw it out the window as she climbed onto her, fingers slotted into the naurdian’s vulva. Two more moans joined the cacophony of stimulation.


“What in the rrm mrr nrnng” The dark elven guard blurted out as Astrydril grabbed him and pulled him inside one of the rooms. His body clashed into an ornate cupboard while she slit his throat with her partially turned back hand covered in her clawed gloves. Dark mauve blood poured between her fingers clamping over his mouth, slowly lowered his body before tucking it into the cupboard.

Without saying a word, Astrydril exited the room back to the large corridor lit only by the moon light filtered through the tall and wide windows. Along the way towards the upper levels of the castle, her gaze turned to the paintings. Each one depicted the previous Grevinds and Grevindes. Some even clearly highlighted their elven heritage, sharp eyes, eerily handsome faces, slightly sharper ears and cheekbones.

Dagomara was the only exception who had no sign of elven blood flowing in her veins. She was still considered attractive within her race’s parameters, but compared to her ancestors, she could be considered plain. Even though Astrydril was not the best decider of this, as she herself possessed a near unmatchable beauty before taking the Black Rose Concoction that enhanced it to the point where her beauty rivalled Lythienne’s.

“Hey what are…” Then she suddenly stopped while in deep thoughts, her gaze shifting between three portraits. The voice of the high elven maid brought her out from the slight trance she was falling into. She was drenched in cum, both hers and the two guards standing at her right and left. A wide, rectangular red mark going from right cheek to left encompassing her lips and even the small area above her sharp chin.

But before she could reach her sentence, the trio’s heads fell to the ground, their bloods pouring out like a fountain not long after. Their headless cadavers hit the ground with soft thuds, while their blood formed into puddles tainting the golden and silver silken carpet. While stepping over them, Astrydril tapped the tip of her disguised cheek, then slowly turned back to her real form deciding that the time to have fun had come.


Yells echoed through the corridors, mixed with thuds and the sharp, grizzly sound of blade cutting through flesh and bone like butter. Astrydril’s dark, glistening uniform were only drenched in blood and gore for a few moments. Intestines slid down as she walked toward the next door, while her uniform like a craving vampire swallowed the blood completely, enhancing its smoothness surface.

Guards after guards rushed out like fools meeting with no fear in their eyes, only to meet their predestined demise at her shining snow silvery blades. A few seeing their fellows fell one after the another resorted to trickery. They cast illusion over certain areas. hoping for Astrydril to fall into them. Yet they became the victims of their own delusions, with some burning from their insides in flames hotter than a dragons.

A few maids also tried to join in, hoping to help their partners, but just like them their end came in snow silvery flash, flames devouring their insides or simply became frozen statues ready to be smashed to gory pieces. All this went down within a matter of minutes, the second and third floor went completely silent, while filled with the stench of gore and the silence of grave.

Before she stepped through the final door, Astrydril turned around and took one last look at the corridor painted in shades of red, mauve and golden. She inhaled the stench, and with a satisfied look on her hidden face, she turned back and entered to meet her next preys.


“What in the heavens go outside?” Dagomara asked after dislodging her head from between the naurdian’s thighs, a dagger appeared lodged between her forehead as she reached the end of her question. As soon as it appeared, it dissipated then Dagomara’s lifeless head fell back between the thighs, mixing her blood with drying cum.

The naurdian let out a surprised muffled yelp as she noticed her captor’s lifeless eyes stare at her right thigh. She remained calm, even joyful at this prospect, then her attention turned towards the door through which Astrydril entered, making the two burst out in muffled, joyful moans at finally being released from their captivity.

“Stay still.” Astrydril said to the two while He ignored her, continuing His violation of Anahi. But he could not ignore it anymore when His massive body flunged to the wall, leaving a large gaping hole in it. He slid towards the neighboring room’s wall that stopped His way beyond to another corridor.

Anger plastered onto his hauntingly handsome, androgynous face as He slowly got up. A roar followed when He got on his feet, tendrils numbering a dozen or more sprouted forth his back, their phallus sprung open, screeching like worms.

“Back to mommy.” Astrydril said as she hurled a raging sphere of flaming sphere that covered most of His body from her point of view in the main bedroom. He disappeared in green burst while His body blurred. His imposing right arm stroke at the much shorter Astrydril, standing at almost two meters, stopped by her crossed blade. As if they hit stones, His skin made a similar sound while also producing faint sparks.

At the same time His tendril charged at her, but they were minced to hundreds of bloody pieces upon hitting a dark ward. A bellow escaped His split jaw arrayed with a hundred and sixty-nine razor sharp teeth. His tendrils slowly got devoured by the hungering shadows that latched onto them from her ward, then with an empowered kick she sent Him to the stairs. By the time He rolled down to the floor, His tendrils were no more with the shadows moving onto his runic back.

As He slowly got up, Astrydril appeared from a burst of mass shadows blocking the view of the stairs. Her blades held out down to both sides as she approached Him with graceful, careful steps. “Bye!” Then she said as she severed His head from His body. As it spun in the air, it slowly disintegrated into sizzling ash just like the rest of His body. By the time, the Guest was no more in this world.

Astrydril teleported back to the bed, and checked on Anahi whose skin appeared dry, her body mildly malformed, scarred as His tendril’s teeth pierced her. Yet she was still breathing, even if her eyes shone with lustful madness.

“They’re here.” Astryril muttered to the two bound and gagged vordiars as she heard the shouts for orders, both for the staff to surrender, and to the combined forces of Roses and the Snow-Scaled Host. Then the symphony of spells being launched, both from magicraft weapons and from the combatants themselves. Weapons clashed and flesh and sinew torn, somewhat muffled by the distance. Astrydril looked at the two one last time then disappeared in a burst of shadows…

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