Heleion Archives

A Phantom Licence I.

28th of August, 107 of the Neo-Dawn Era. Ang-Saellirith.

            “Is that the place?” Claraste asked in a low voice as she gazed at the Black Raven Complex. The cup gently touched her soft, dark lips enhanced by a deep burgundy lipstick. The deep, vibrant crimson collars tenderly caressed her light midnight blue hued neck.

“It is. But that won’t be your target this time.” The Naurdian Lady in Scarlet said, her eyes veiled by her shaded glasses, her expression almost completely lacking in emotions.

“Shame. It would have been fun.” Claraste said with a bit dejected look on her seductive dark elven face. As she put down the glass, she leaned back in her chair and her dark leather coat emitted an ear-pleasing crunch sound.

“I have no doubt about that. But security had been doubled since our poor friend visited it.” She said while leaning to the sides, her hands rummaged inside her bag resting besides the chair.

“Here.” Then she placed a colorful picture book on the table. Claraste took it and slowly opened up, holding it close to her small chest. Her scarlet eyes lit up with an arcane light and the drawings and text faded away, revealing colorful photographs and blueprints to a castle sitting at one of the high hills of the capital.

“At least the compensation is satisfactory.” An easy smile curved onto her lips as she turned a page. In it few portrait like photographs were pinned to the page, in it a Summerborn clerk of the Black Rose caught her eye. Each photograph was placed at the edges of the right page, between them various details about her written down meticulously.

Including her habits, speech pattern, usual behavior towards her Sisters and those outside the Order. On the bottom, a text highlighted detailed where she will be on the end of this day, with the shortest and safest route both written down for her.

“Mind you I’d change outfits if I were you. That blouse is a bit risky to wear when you meet with her.” She said with a sigh while drinking a little of her steaming coffee.

“And extremely comfortable also. But don’t worry, its not the first time I wore something like this.” Claraste retorted as she playfully fixated her borrowed blouse’s collars.

“Hope so. A lot depends on your success this time.” She said with another sigh as she massaged her own temples.

“Don’t worry. You know it’s not my first dance with them.” Claraste said with her face brimming with confidence. Then as they finished their coffees and sweet bakeries, the two left with cash tucked under the plates. No one who eyed the two remembered who sat at their place.


“Ah excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?” Earnait, asked a bit timidly after her gaze remained on Claraste’s face when she turned around.

“Not at all. The opposite actually, pleasure would be mine.” She replied in a kind, affable tone as her eyes remained on her, taking in every little detail once again. Just like in the photos, Earnait possessed a shimmering golden blonde hair flowing seamlessly down on the right shoulder, while the left side is exposed, neatly shaved, with a few thin braids ran across. The ends of her relatively long hair also turned into a red hue evocative of summer’s dawn.

Although the photos perfectly shown off her facial beauty, they couldn’t show or do justice to her well-muscled body clad in her dragonid leather and aetherna satin. The uniform thanks to its enchantments and arcane nature, perfectly wrapped her body, while remaining perfectly seamless as it still highlighted her slender, muscled form.

Even her skin was a vibrant, deep golden hue almost like a sol elves’. Her eyes in an elegant almond frame were blessed with two scorching red pearls that met her lustrous gaze. Nose, straight and finely proportioned, below glistening, softly rounded lips invited her gaze.

Her dragonid leather and aetherna satin uniform still draped her body tenderly, the Hirdrian-Type IV Suit-Jacket fashioned for clerks. Single breasted, with only two waist pockets on the outside, a utility belt that pressed on the stand hiding the zipper. Shoulder straps with snow silvery, almost metal like tops, with the button shaped like a blooming rose with its thorny tendrils slithering down. Soft scaled texture below it, spreading down to the elbow area, and the neck fashioned like suit’s lapels with the part surrounding her snow silvery blouse slightly elevated.

Under it the previously mentioned blouse, its collars stood like two arches with her neck between them, covered in tribalistic tattoos that stopped just under her lower lip. Over the blouse itself, was the issued corset vest. And on the bottom, a thigh high dragonid leather heel slipping into her tight mini skirt.

“Earnait at your service.” Before she sat down, she offered her hand, and Claraste stood up as she accepted it.

“Aleenarra. At your service.” Claraste said, while the bartender watched with a zombified look at the two beauties way out of his league. Partly because of their slowly mixing alluring scent reaching him, and mostly because of their looks.

“Are you new here? This is the first time I saw you here.” Earnait asked after she ordered two Sidhroot beers.

“Well, I visited the capital before. But this is my first time in a hundred years so this place was a welcome surprise so to speak.” Claraste said as she reached into her black leather coat’s inner pocket and pulled out a metal case. On it a phoenix engraved dancing in its center with its feathered tail almost touching its scorching beak. She opened it up and inside twenty neatly packed cigarettes with deep rouge pink filters greeted her. She offered one and Earnait accepted with it kindly.

“And how is the capital to your liking so far?” Earnait asked as she leaned closer to Claraste who offered a conjured spark above her delicate thumb.

“Honestly, it was amazing. The dragon’s statue was quite the sight, even though my neck suffered for it as I looked up at it.” Claraste said with a soft chuckle as Earnait escaped from the comfortable confines of her suit jacket. “But the view from the head was breathtaking. The first settlers had a sense on where to settle.” She added as Earnait got her orders.

“To the settlers then.” The two raised their drinks and tenderly clinked them together.

“Are you new here? Or born in here if you don’t mind my question?” Then she asked while fully aware of the answer.

“Just got posted here a twenty or so years ago. Used to be a Varangriath, then during the war I got captured in Albion, after that well retirement as a clerk not so bad.” Earnait said as the sweet, charming scent of Claraste found its way into her nostrils, from there up to her mind easing her a bit.

“So for military folks this is retirement.” Claraste said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, but it is not so bad. Just six hour work days, and if I do want it, I can be on nightshift.” Earnait added as she played around with the label of the beer bottle.

“True, I wish I could do the same.” Claraste said with a bit of honesty.

“Why? What is your job?” Earnait asked as she rotated to face her.

“Actually a travel journalist so it ain’t too bad. Get to see places and all. Even if sometimes I spend less than your average tourist.” Her long white nail made rounds around her glass’s edges, creating a mesmerizing sound as she spoke.

“I get that. When I was in service, before the war I got sent all over the place. Well mostly around in Northern Eoran, and mostly to mop up some bandits and rebels.” Earnait hearing it tried to do the same with her bottle, with little to no success that made her feel a bit down.

“It may be rude of me to ask, but what is it like to be a prisoner of war?” Claraste then whispered this question as it gnawed at her for a long time. While she tied up and captured quite a few, she never had the experience of that side.

“Honestly, it was a bit exhilarating. As a Varangriath, our first dozen or so tasks are to clear out nests for the nastiest monsters. Arachnoids, fiends or demons that found their way into our world, undead and so on. So fear was a novelty for us, for me.” Earnait face contorted, not ruining its beauty at all as she collected her thoughts.

“But, and it may ruin the image of Varangriaths, or me at least, but I was actually captured while in a camp before a battle. A battle that never happened thanks to some spy snipping in and taking most of us out. I myself got to experience what it feels like to lose your consciousness, and while it was a bit dreadful, it was also thrilling. The same was true to waking up, all trussed up with eyes and mouth both sealed.” Then she continued while staring at her bottle, her sharpened cheeks were red as a ripe apple.

“Sounds exciting.” Claraste noted as a smug smile curved onto her lips as she looked at Earnait, now almost wholly under her charm. “What about detailing it more, somewhere private.” She leaned closer, her hands touched her stiff, yet somewhat soft thighs hidden under her leathery skirt. Her breath a wind of pleasure against Earnait’s ears as she nodded. The bartender once again just watched from afar, his mind going through various inappropriate imaginations involving the two as he got brought out from them as Claraste snapped her fingers to pay.


“I feel like this length was decided on against us.” Claraste muttered with an annoyed tone as she pulled the zipper up on the thigh high heel. “At least now foot part is looking nice too.” She added as her eyes remained on the bottom part.

Then as she stood up in front of the mirror, she danced around as the boots and skirt fitted itself to her body. For a few moments, her attention remained on her butt, then stroked it a bit, pushing the soft insides of the skirt onto her equally soft meat.

“I missed this feeling so much. It had been sometime since I borrowed one of your uniforms.” She carefully lifted up the blouse, then snuck into it. The buttons easily slipped through the measured holes. She stopped just a bit above her chest, then let the stand fold over the lower buttons.

“Nnnphphrmnmnphmn” Earnait let out a long moan as she climaxed in the leather chair. Sealing taped pressed her muscled breast flat as it kept her tight in the chair. Her arms were bent behind, stacked on top of each other with several layers of the silver tape made sure she can only budge them a little. Legs stretched open and taped to the chair’s while a sizeable phallus of deep black hue with glistening, vhalex like luster and appearance invaded her vulva. Her mouth and eyes hidden behind precisely wrapped layers of sealing tape.

“I can understand why you guys choose this retirement. I too would wear clothes like this till my dying days.” Claraste said as she gently caressed the shaved side of Earnait’ head. She leaned down and her dark lips covered in the lipstick locked onto Earnait’s taped lips, leaving behind a deep mark.

“PHhmphhnrphmfnrphphnphphnmphnnm” A passionate muffled sound followed as Claraste pulled herself away, the edges of her pristine white hair tickled Earnait.

“Maybe some other time. Hopefully will have sometime to return to you.” Claraste whispered into her ears, while her hands caressed the six, glistening packs ornamenting Earnait’s abdomen.

“Mnghphhmnrphmn” As her tongue slid across Earnait’s neck, she let out a muffled yelp, twitched in the chair that made the taped down faux phallus move around inside her vulva.

“You guys are truly packed I must admit. Even the few man I bound, gagged never loaded this much out.” Her fingers pushed into the warm mucus flowing out from Earnait, gracing the glistening tape and faux phallus. Then smeared it across the sealed lips and cheeks of Earnait, letting its eerily sweet scent permeate into her nostrils.

“Mmmmnphphnrm.” She inhaled it deeply, and let out a muffled sigh filled pleasure that stretched the tape running across her lower face. Then as it was the seventh climax, her head swiftly hunched down and emitted a soft snore.

“Sleep well my darling. I’ll be back later.” Claraste muttered as she fixated the small disk to the area below her sharp jawline and did the same to Earnait. As she funneled her mana into it, activating the inscriptions inside, an opaque white silvery fluid encompassed her body under the borrowed uniform. Her height and width grew a little, and then details drawn out.

A deep sigh breezed her lips while staring at the mirror, reflecting Earnait’s form. “Time to move.” The early dawn’s first light entered through the curtains, signaling time to move. She grabbed the corset vest and slipped into it quickly, while the Suit-Jacket loosely hanged over her shoulders as she left.

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