Heleion Archives

Seeker, Handler, Debtor, Daormaorn

11th of November, 111 NDE. Traiskirch, Central Lander of Nachtlachen, Grauburg.

            The city of Traiskirch, one that never rests. That is what her superior, Astrydril told her during the briefing. Well in all honesty, she concluded the briefing in less than seven sentences. But for Vjeriina that was more than enough. Or to be honest, she got used to it and found a way to decode her mentor’s short speeches.

“Not so much.” She muttered under her mask as she gazed at the silent city, lit only by a handful apartment windows and the street lights. Well and thanks to her dark elven heritage, she could the shadows appeared much softer in her vision, even the ones veiling the gloomy walls of the buildings.

The wind gently breezed her leathery uniform clad body. The Daorriath Type-IV Jacket reached down to her thighs, where at the back it ended in a pincer like shape. For the most part it had the same features as most other uniforms of the Black Rose. Waist and breast pockets, a utility belt, a singular zipper running at the center, hidden under the stand. Even they possessed the soft scaled shoulders with straps, extending down towards the elbows and double cuffed sleeves.

The neck itself was separated into two for the thick coat. There was a heightened notched outer with sharp edges and tips that were slightly elongated, their ends resembling daggers that gently bent as they reached her collarbones. Then directly at the same line, starts an inner layer of the coat similar to the corset vest, except it twists around the midnight black blouse collars, pushing them onto her lighter ebony hued neck – with the zipper going onto this layer of the coat.

On the bottom, she wore the matching dragonid leather pants and plain thigh high combat boots. Her mesmerizing -even to an extent menacing – visage was hidden under a snow silvery mask that was made from an arcane manufactured alloy. It had a similar ability to swallow the shadows, decreasing its sheen to an extent to help them blend into the night easier – while still staying divinely glamorous. Unlike the Eyes masks, the mouth area itself was missing – got replaced by a thin, dark silken veil that even ran from the back edges, while the hood covered the rest of her head.

“Vjer! Vjeeer! Are you down there or outside?” The irritating voice of Heinrich, the middle son of the Gerstner Family reached her hidden long ears. The veil quivered as she let out a soft sigh.

While technically she was an assassin in training – said training also encompassed guarding mid to high profile targets occasionally. To see through the eyes of the protectors as her mentor and teachers tended to say.

“I’m outside.” Her mana flowed into her arcane point in her mouth and mind, sending her soft, deep voice into his head – in a much kinder tone compared to how she felt.

Heinrich – who slowly stumbled down the stairs in the living room of the luxurious apartment his father rented for him – was a gambler. One that hasn’t gotten to the ears of the common folk and the newspapers of the city. But it was only a matter of time, especially because he already raked up a considerable debt to one of the crime families that operate in the city. Which made this whole fiasco a lot more interesting than it would be usually.

“Are you sure you won’t come up? My bed is plenty enough for us. And I may add in some extra to make it worth it.” At those words, anger filled Vjeriina, but she quickly managed to push it away.

“As I told you… Herr Heinrich I’m no courtesan. I’m here to make sure you make it through the morning. And I’m no amateur like the previous guys you hired.” Her voice naturally and cleanly flowed through the mask while she slowly walked towards Heinrich, each step carrying her stifled ire.

“I… I see.” Heinrich said clearly forcing his jaws to not shiver.

“Now go back and rest. By next day your papa will make sure Zauhnstein will not want your head served on a silver platter – so we’ll get you some courtesans then.” She said at the end, trying to sound as kind as she could in that moment. Heinrich nodded then headed back to his bed.

“How long till it is over?” When she heard his door close, she whispered while conjuring a clock hovering in the air. Another sigh escaped her hidden small dark and seductive lips.

“Let’s check on them.” After circling back and forth inside for a few minutes, she decided to inspect the other three vordriars hired as additional guards outside the apartment.

“Quite the quiet.” The door hissed closed behind her, echoed through the staired corridor as soon as she stepped out. She could hear nothing, but the hissing continuing down before it dissipated in the dimly lit bottom. With slow and calm steps, she climbed the stairs towards the rooftop.

“Awesome.” She noted when she stepped out. As soon as her right foot stepped onto the dark greyish ground – rain started falling immediately. Yet there was still no sound to be heard besides the rain’s. Too quiet she thought to herself. Two of the three vordriars posted out here were nowhere to be seen, or even heard. Even though she could hear them chuckling from the large balcony that made up a quarter of the apartment.

She conjured the clock once more, then with a sigh continued into the rain. First she circled at the rail before heading behind whence she entered. Behind it – to no surprise for her – she found the two vordriars sitting back to back – a springchild folk with long pinkish orange hair and a dracorith of sol elven kind with ashen black center parted chin length hair.

Their arms locked together into the front, glistening wet black sealing tape wrapped around their wrists and even a mitten for their hands. Another loop made sure that they can only fidget them as it bound them to their thighs. Their ankles similarly covered in thick layers of black sealing tape and even some of their own mana ties. Finally, their eyes and mouths tightly wrapped, only allowing soft mewls to escape them as the cold rain moistened their smooth faces.

After cheching on the two, noticing only a few bruises that were slowly got patched up, she headed back inside. Stepping in, steam risen from her uniform as a magical heat evaporated the moisture that encompassed, and enhanced its luster.

“Now where was whatshername?” She asked herself while walking down the stairs. Then she suddenly stopped when she heard something metallic fell off to the ground. A gasp of realization hit her, and she headed straight to the door on the right to the apartment’s. In there she quickly noticed the stygian vordriar with mauve complexion and long, twisting horns. On the right horn, she noticed a metallic pot dancing on it upside down.

Another gasp followed as she looked at the trussed up and gagged Sister of hers. She checked on her, and noticed faint arcane residue pouring out from under the layers of sealing tape wrapped tightly around her uniform clad torso.

“I guess you’re the patient kind.” She said to the intruder – whom pointed her wand pistol at her hooded and masked head.

“You could say so. Also who doesn’t like binding hotties like you.” Selindrae said with a complimenting tone.

She herself was an eye-catching beauty – but at the end of the day, and if we’re being honest, all elves are. She was a slender, athletic orii elf clad in typical street clothing popular in the northern regions of Heleion. A thick leather jacket with almost cheek high, popped neck. A deep, rich red blouse with buttoned up collars tightening around her neck. A long bants and combat boots, and of course a pair of leathery and fingerless gloves.

All this paired well with her looks that included her triangular head beset with gracious round elven mauve eyes, a perfect nose and rosebud lips rich in hue and luster. Platinum white hair with a soft, ethereal glow sheared to the skin on the sides and even the back while on the front it extended down a bit.

“Now, would you mind if I restrain you?” She asked respectfully.

“Here and now?” Vjeriina answered with a question. “I would.” Then added the proper answer as she teleported both of them into the living room. While she landed on her feet, Selindrae fell on her sides silently cursing. She applied a silencing field on the whole lower floor of the apartment while Sel slowly got up on to her feet.

“Now, would you mind being the one to be restrained?” She asked her while standing calmly at the entrance to the balcony.

“Here and now? Maybe another time.” Sel said with a smug that fitted her maturing elven face.


“Hnrhmrhrnn.” Vjeriina slowly woke up with a massive headache at her not so massive chest. Followed it not far behind was the pushing feeling of the layers of black sealing tape tightening the arcane silken blouse against her skin. While also keeping her firmly tied to the chair.

“Morning chyoum!” As her shimmering deep mauve eyes opened up – the eye-catching figure of Selindrae welcomed her standing victorious with a wide smile at the counter. In Grauburgian apartments it was common that the living room and the kitchen were one and the same.

“Mrrnnng hr mrr hrr.” Vjer let out a muffled grunt as she tested the tightness of her binds. Pulling her arm – crossed and secured behind – bought a mild pain making her decide to just wait until discovery. As she looked down, she noticed her coat zipped down revealing her blouse collars even more so – not so much her raven black corset vest kind of melding into the silken piece.

“Oh yeah. Always wondered if the corset part of your uniform is the same as the coat and below.” Selindrae said as she sat into Vjer’s bound lap. “I mean it always confused me that piece is so much slimmer in appearance compared to even the blouse of yours.” She added, this time Vjer felt her lavender scent.

“Rmrrrm? Mrnhmn hr chmcch hhh?” Not believing her words, Vjeriina raised her sharp and long eyebrow.

“Okay fine. Maybe my curiosity was more towards what you wear under the coat. I mean don’t your superiors only wear that bodysuit?” Selindrae said realizing her lie had been seen through.

“N mmrn... hhmm rhmn hr.” Vjeriina remained silent for a moment, wondering if Selindrae not afraid to awake Heinrich with this chit chat. Then she swiftly realized that Heinrich was probably dead already so she just went along with the chat.

“I…. have no clue what you just said. But I guess I’m wrong on that part too. Well it doesn’t matter. Time to go for me. It was a long and memorable night so to speak.” Selindrae then got up and walked towards the exit.

“Oh yeah. I’ll leave some clues to the folk down there. Sit tight till then.” She said in a cheeky manner before she left. Vjeriina sighed behind her gag then decided to just rest or more like pretend to be knocked out.


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