Heleion Archives

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

6th of March, 107th NDE. Yonaka Islands, North East of Naireanth.

            “Let’s hope that is the last one Soldier.” Karlanna said as she threw the dog sized Shiruku Worm’s cadaver onto the truck with zero effort. Its pristine alabaster carapace covered body emitted a quite extraordinaire sheen even under the veil of the truck’s back compartment. As she looked at the dead creature, with a clean cut between its circular maw arrayed with thousands of teeth, she fixated her corset vest’s collar to circle around her cinnamon hued blouse collars.

Karlanna herself, the leader of this small group of Black Roses, was a towering Orygian Varangriath. Her smooth, gleaming skin was dark red like the hottest eoranian peppers, her long jet black hair sheared on both sides, stood up in curving waves with a streak of red matching her skin’s color. Her face battle-hardened, but still brimming with positivity, adorned with fine features including a nose that was a bit on the snubby side, even though it still perfectly complimented her looks. Two black ram horns sprouted upwards, with one broken down to its base.

“Better be! Fuckin gibbers get me each time these lunge at us.”  Sanoh said as she shivered just looking at the pile of Shiruku Worm’s corpses. She was a soratanese Drengriar native born to the main island, blessed with good looks even before she took the Oath of the Black Rose, including the Concoction. Shoulder length dark hair with an asymmetrical, dense fringe, sharp eyes with moon silver wet pearls. A small, dainty nose and sharp jawline and small, but plump lips.

“I get that Soldier. It’s hard to imagine these creatures produce such eye-catching silk.” Karlanna said as she snuck into her issued Varangrieth Type-V Jacket. A jacket that came with unusually cheek high neck manufactured in a popped design. It gave space to the collars and her own neck thanks to its further placement, and that it slightly tilted outwards. The jacket was also designed with the shoulders covered in Drauclar, an arcane manufactured material that is between hard leather and metal, both in appearance and traits.

It enveloped most of the shoulder, while continuing down in faux plates down to the elbow, with scaled texture. Then there is a separation for a simple vambrace at the jacket’s sleeve ends. The rest is the same including the waist pockets, the Black Rose badge on the right side of her chest, and a utility belt that wasn’t buckled at that moment, leaving the jacket open as she preferred.

“In a way I agree. I tried to wear some, but for the life of me I can’t do it. Each time it just creeps me out, like if these bastards lick my mind from beyond the grave.” Sanoh said as she sat up on the age old rails of the abandoned castle. Or well, not so abandoned.

Once upon a time, Shiro castle was the home to an ancient governor, back in the days of the Second Demonic Crusade. But like many nobles during those times, they joined the other side, and got put down by the locales and a band of samurais and majutsus. For a few centuries, the castle was maintained and used as a fort against pirates and raiders, but during the initial, short assault from the southerners the castle fell, and the occupants got captured and brought to the south when they retreated.

For the past century, the Shiro Castle, made from the local white birches hence its name, stood at the top of the small hill overlooking the nearby fishing town. Monsters as usual converged, first a small clan of goblins took up residence, then they got put down by the local forces including the Black Roses. Following them a small family of Ogres settled in, but they stayed even shorter.

And for a while it remained in its nature reclaimed state, empty and haunting. Which was ideal for the Shiruku Worms, who nestled into the stone foundation. Their tunnels first reached down at the level of the town, slowly headed upwards. Now in these past years, the castle’s interior was covered in their gleaming silk they use to capture their food.

“I can imagine that. Shit I think I’ll stay wearing our clothing during free-days.” Karlanna said as her clawed fingers scraped the drauclar plates as she grabbed onto them.

“Still, it was weird finding some Foythogatoes. Never thought these two could live in harmony.” Sanoah said as she looked at another pile of corpses. Corpses of tallish humanoid creatures with light gray bodies covered in thick black fur. Two black lines running along their frail arms, which were from where they conjure their strong garrotes. Their grayish black eyes adorning their primitive looking face stared at her lifelessly creeping her even more.

“Well nature works in strange ways that I learned during my service in South Eoran’s jungles. I remember man-eating flora living in harmony with other man-eating monsters.” Karlanna said as she reached lit a cigarette while waiting.

“Anyway, I hope those two hurry up. I want to leave as soon as possible.” Sanoh said as her eyes wandered top to bottom as they gazed upon the castle.


“Poor lads.” Elwiril muttered with a frown on her seductive visage, before gently throwing a disintegrating grenade over the cocooned corpses. She was a dark elven Drengriar, blessed with dense, layered black hair with a platinum balayage, wide dark elven eyes of intense crimson, sharp brows that added an air of danger to her complexion.

How’s things going downstairs Elfi!” Karlanna’s joyfully positive voice ringed in her head, almost scaring her in the dark basement of the abandoned castle.

Seems we mopped up the last of them. Just cleared out what food remained in their granary” She answered back while keeping her sword drawn, her wand pistol in the other hand aimed at the ground.  While she circled around, her parted hair rustled gently, a few strands tickled her face curving her inviting dark lips a little.

Nice work Elfi. Join us if nothing else remains.” Karlanna said, and for a moment Elwiril thought to correct her mispronunciation, but gave up as it would be the seventy eight time just this week.

Be there up soon!” With that the connection severed between the two and she slowly walked around the basement. Then stopped as her jacket’s neck, in a rolled down fashion that resembled a folded one, just instead of being straight is a bit curving, rustled as wind tenderly caressed her face. Darkness occupied her vision as she closed her eyes and focused her mana flowing into her uppermost arcane point. The beams and pillars including the shiny, dried fluid-silk drawn out in the featureless darkness as ethereal silhouettes of red and blue.

As no other presence, be it humanoid or worm, drawn out she opened them and walked towards the wall where the slim windows opened up. She looked at them, her eyes lit up in a crimson arcane light as she searched for any prints left but found none.

“It just couldn’t be the wind.” She whispered under her breath while she raised her wand pistol after hearing a crushing sound at the opposite end. With careful steps, keeping her attention wide open, she approached.

Suddenly a feminine figure draped in dark silken, that adjusted to the shadows, jumped at her, kicking her in the gut. The force of it sent her gliding a few meters back. She wheezed for air, and her uniform thankfully erased the immense pain, and the thirst for air. Thanks to those, she managed to evade the next attack aimed at her nape. She swung her blade, but instead of hitting her target, it went right through the beams.

“Shit. Better not hit me with it.” Her opponent, a shinobi said and as an answer, she raised her wand pistol and shot at her. Three small light blue mana bullets tore through the air, and followed after the shinobi as she teleported from one support beam to another. Then realizing there was not much point to running, she leapt off the second to last, and erected a shadowy ward that swallowed the three mini bullets.

As she landed not too gracefully onto her back, her right hand touched the floor. As Elwira charged at her to finish her quickly, the ground became muddy-like and she sunk until only her head was visible.

“Damnit. Let me go, and you may spend only a few decades in prison wrench.” Elwiril threatened the gloating behind her mask Shinobi as she approached her. She was trying to break free from the tight embrace of the stones that seemingly only served to restrain her.

“No. I don’t think I will.” The young shinobi said as she ripped open her roll of silver sealing tape, with an even wider smile under her mask. Elwiril gulped as the shinobi got down onto her knees and approached with the strip.


“What should we do about that Muscle-Mass?” The Horned Shinobi asked, her serene voice dampened by the harsh sound of the sealing tape she just peeled off from the roll. Her hand swiftly dropped it and moved to catch the long strip before it folded onto itself. While keeping it wide, it slowly approached the unconscious Orii Elven Drengriar.

With telekinesis she floated the strands of platinum aquamarine hair veiling the right side of her alluring face like a seamless, silken waterfall. With gentle taps she tightened the strip covering her soft cheeks and lips.

“No chance we come out victorious against a varangriath that is for sure.” The crimson eyed shinobi said, her dark attire seemingly blended perfectly with the few exposed parts of her skin.

“We could use this one.” The Horned Shinobi said poking the lips of the orii elf bulging out from under the glistening deep silver tape.

“Hmm. That is an idea. Just in case, let’s lure her into a trap in case negotiations break down.” The Crimson Eyed Shinobe said while in a pondering stance.

“Just promise me that I can bind and gag that one too.” The Horned Shinobi asked with a wicked smug under her mask. The Crimson Eyed nodded while thinking what a weirdo this one is.


“Something’s not right. Stay here Soldier.” Karlanna straightened her posture and walked to the entrance with Sanoh in tow.

“Are you sure? Maybe we just overlooked a few place and they just cleaning them out.” Sanoh looked at the building and cringed as she envisioned the worms for a second.

“Even then, they should have finished by now. Guard the truck. I’ll be back soon in any case.” The air heated for a moment and a large double bladed battle axe appeared out of thin air in a small burst of flames. She tightened her grip and walked inside with excited at the prospect of a possible fight.

“Hey-ho anyone in here? Thieves or scoundrels are welcome to meet my blade.” The floor creaked under her heavy steps as she joyfully announced her presence.

“Here.” The Horned Shinobi replied as she couldn’t contain herself, already imagining a thousand ways to bind Karlanna. From a shibari, to a hogtie consisting of nothing but sealing tape. Noticing this the Crimson Eyed Shinobi rolled her eyes.

“I see. May I offer to let her go, and I let you go with just a warning.” Karlanna slowly followed the voice and arrived at the back office’s wide open door. There she offered to let them go, seeing her Sister trussed up tightly with her own silver sealing tape, held by the Crimson Eyed Shinobi. A dagger thrusted towards her exposed throat between her crimson collars.

“Sorry. Not an option for us. Our client really wants to get their hands on those wormies.” The Crimson Eyed stated coldly as her gaze focused on Karlanna. For a moment, sensing her captives’ sweet scent, she understood why the Horned partner of hers want to bind Karlanna.

“Fine.” At those words, the two let out a surprised gasp in unison while their heads tilted in confusion, in the very same direction.

“Really? Oh I see, it is a trick of yours huh! I see right through you stygian.” The Crimson Eyed said regaining her composure, thrusting the tip of her blade a bit closer.

“No, no really. Let me explain.” Karlanna raised her hands to stop her from plunging the dagger into her Sister’s throat further.

“Fine. Got a minute to explain.” The Crimson Eyed relented, out of curiosity.

“Thanks. So, where to begin. Yes, you see I deduced, brilliantly of course, that if you would have wanted to kill her you would have already. I mean why go through the process of binding when killing is easier. So I don’t think you plan to harm us, or at least I hope so. You just want the worms, which is fine by me to be honest. We already secured a huge amount.” Karlanna said while scraping the back of her head with an awkward smile.

“Plus I already satisfied most of my bloodlust for today. And it would be my first time being bound and gagged.” The last part she said with an awkward manner.

“Turn around.” A few moments of silence followed, then the Crimson Eyed nodded to her partner. At her words, Karlanna turned around and crossed her wrists, with excitement of course.


“There, now sit tight, and you keep an eye on them just in case.” The Crimson Eyed ordered the Young Shinobi as they stood over the trio of Black Roses with varying degrees of expressions.

“HrhCHrrrrch” Karlanna who sat at the center, her torso completely taped pushing her arms against. Her legs stacked on each other, and tape wounded across her massive thighs and ankles clad in her dragonid leather pants and thigh high boots. If not for the sealing tape wrapped around her mouth, her lips would be in a wide smile as her excitement seemingly reached new heights.

“Rmhhrcm.” On her left was Sanoh, similarly secured by the Young Shinobi just moments after Karlanna left her outside. The only difference in their bindings was her arms which were stacked and then secured with sealing tape. And that she only got a wide strip of tape for a gag, which creased as she let out a muffled mewl while her expression was a bit more on the distressed side.

“Hhrhnnhnmhrnng.” And finally, the orii elven drengriar on her right who just woke up. Her expression was more towards anger at Karlanna. And for this reason, she contributed the most to the sealing tape binding them together being tucked as she tried to hit her friend.

“Calm down ladies. We’ll be gone in a few moments. Also your Sister is down at the cellar. I’d recommend an earth mage to dug her out.” The Young Shinobi said as she leapt onto the rail while enjoying the view of the trio. And their various reactions to being bound and gagged.

“We’re good. Let’s leave before the other’s arrive.” The Crimson Eyed yelled from the driver’s seat as she leaned out from the window.

“Shame. It’s sadly not often I can see three beauties all trussed up.” The Young Shinobi said with a bit of a dejected tone as she walked away, leaving those three to their muffled mewls and moans.

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