Heleion Archives

The Red Coat

31st of November, 113 of NDE. Snaevfell Mountain Range, Northern Eoran.

            The Snaevfell Mountain Range dotted the central-western region of Northern Eoran. It’s slopes were home to many Snaev-Glide Resort – a sport that was fairly popular all seasons thanks to the constant snow blanketing the mountain. In ancient times, it was mostly reserved for nobles and those well-versed mages who could conjure ice around their feet to glide down into the snow. Now thanks to the magicraft advancements made through the centuries it is a sport enjoyed by all.

Including the daughter of former president of the United Republics of Eoran, Lady Mahala. A few weeks before the Black Roses – who maintain a positive relationship with the family – learnt of an assassination attempt on Lady Sine as it was fairly known that she spent the early winter seasons in the mountain range. She was also pretty good at the Snauv-Gliding itself – won at least five championships just the past few years.

“Whatever happens, don’t let her escape. We need her partner to come and rescue her.” Maleern said dressed in an eye-catching get up instead of her active combat uniform – the Dhauzhrieth Full-Body Suit. At that moment she was dressed in a long winter, leathery padded winter coat of jet black hue with the large furred hood draped over her head and rustled by the strong wind of the mountain. Under it an Aetherna Satin blouse of midnight black hue – the only part that they also wore with the active combat uniform – and below it a thick cotton pant and a knee high leather boot similar to their combat variant.

“Are we sure they will show up?” Catuciel Saurelven drengriar asked as she stood beside her feeling a bit excited to meet with one of the Eyes of the Black Rose. The combination of her dragonid leather uniform – crimson red blouse collars peeking out from under its neck – and her smooth and bright amber golden complexion made her stand out even as she stood in front of the large shack that served as the momentary prison of one of the assassins. Even her hair – long and tied into a high wavy tail blown relentlessly by the wind – didn’t help her standing out like a sore eye in the scenery of a vast snow blanketed slope, the cozy winter shack with the red yew forest behind.

Whom belonged herself to the one of the many separatist organizations that were vehemently against the United Republics. The Saorsael Movement was one of those whom were a bit divisive. Mostly that its leaders wanted to replace the Republic so that their Guilds wouldn’t have to pay its taxes, while on the surface they advocated for the common folk – promising a better future so to speak.

“In that case, we will brainwash her after we pried her mind. Just keep watch over her. And if he doesn’t show up in an hour or two, we’ll take her to my ship.” Maleern said as her bright golden eyes surveilled the forest for any movement or the unseen mana residue of a certain assassin she knew well.

“Yes Sister!” Catuciel’s respect filled voice echoed through the winter vista as she saluted to Maleern. A smile curved onto her gleaming wide gray lips as she disappeared in a burst of shadows.


“Ah, better.” Catuciel let out a sigh as she closed the door. While her uniform’s enchantment kept her warm in the cold mountain range, it was still a weird sensation of being hit by cold wind one second, then in the other the coldness shifts into warmness. Now inside the shack, where the enchantments in the wood manage the temperature to constantly stay warm.

“Now, first let’s check on the guest.” She said to herself while zipping open her jacket and levitated it onto the hook on the wall in the hallway. Then her corset vest’s sleeves appeared in the form of a dark liquid before they formed into their smooth, gleaming leathery form as they slid under her crimson red blouse’s double cuffed collars. The vest’s collars themselves she popped and let them circle around her blouse’s.

“Okay, still there sleeping. And naked.” The last part she added with a weirded out expression on her warm toned face. She understood that it was to lessen Priscillyya’s power – both magical and martial – but it was quite conflicting to look at the naked arachfolk assassin. Her perfect alabaster body gleaming a little as the white light shone through the single window on the left. Similarly her short, coal black shaggy hair with golden waves gleamed as the light reflected upon her thick strands.

“And now waking.” Priscillyya let out a soft muffled grunt as she started to move around on the chair, she was bound to butt naked. Thick enchanted red ropes looped over thighs while also forming a triangular connection over her muscular abdomen – even going behind it as it kept her tight to the wooden chair that creaked with her stifled movements. Her ankles on the other hand were taped with the deep silvery kind to the chair’s legs, her arms forced behind the chair crossed and bound with only a single mana tie. A muffle scarf knotted around her mouth, wedged between her jet black lips.

“Better make a coffee.” Catuciel slapped her sharp elven cheekbones that were seamlessly covered in deep green laurels that sprouted from the edges of her face – hidden under thick strands of her red hair.

Inside the upper cabinet she grabbed the nearest cup – with an elven maiden clad in red robes. “Maybe I can play around her bit. That could make her talk in the worst case. Or best?” She murmured to herself trying to reason the weird tingling within her body while pressing the tip of her index finger onto the small red glass circle of the magicraft coffee conjurer.

“Ah, so good.” She uttered to herself as the sweet scent of coffee cuddled the insides of her small nostrils as the steam filled the room and spread the scent. “Nrhnnrhh.” Priscillyya let out a loud muffled grunt as the scent reached her, waking her up fully.

“Let’s hope that keeps her tight.” Catuciel murmured to herself as she turned around just as she poured a little of the nearby sugar and milk into the cup quarter filled with the warm beverage.

“Morning sweetheart.” She leaned against the doorframe as she greeted Priscillyya whom only let out a few muffled whimpers in return. “I guess you got really unlucky to be chosen for this failed mission of yours.” Catuciel said smugly as she sat down in Priscillyya’s lap while sipping her coffee. Then she levitated it onto the nearby drawer besides the bed placed in the center facing the door.

“Mm'rr hmrh hrrcmh hrrn.” Their faces got closer as Catuciel tried to sniff her neck. Which failed as the captured assassin charged her head at her hoping to knock out the elven drengriar.

“A feisty one, are you?” Catuciel grabbed her head by the chin and their soft lips touched for a momentary graze. Her warm right hand meanwhile slowly started massaging her vulva then not long before two of her fingers slipped into it with gentle movements. Moans followed as the arachfolk’s soft cheeks started gaining a reddish hue while the sensual warmth spread within her body.

“Hrrrm rh!” Suddenly Catuciel cried out as a jolt of pain coursed through her back then she collapsed onto Priscillyya with her head hunched over her left shoulder. Her soft hair gently caressed Priscillyya’s neck.

“Sorry, it took a bit longer than I first thought. There are quite a lot of shacks in this area.” Huisdar, her wood elven partner said with a smirk before he lifted the unconscious Catuciel over his thick shoulder. “Be there in a second.” He added as he walked to the bed and dropped Catuciel onto the bed. From his thick padded white winter coat’s inner pocket he fetched a syringe, which he then quickly inserted into Catuciel’s neck after he pulled the left side of the crimson collar away.

Catuciel let out a soft moan as the needle pierced her soft, smooth neck then twitched once as she drifted into a deeper sleep. “Finally, thanks.” Priscillyya said with a sigh after unknotting the cleave gag as soon as her hands got cut free by Huisdar.

“Now give me some space.” She stared coldly at him before diverting it at the unconscious Catuciel laying face up on the soft bed. Without saying a word, Huisdar walked out and just pointed at the other drawer behind the chair. Priscillyya opened it and found the roll of silver sealing tape in it and instantly grabbed it.

First, she peeled a little off which she attached to Catuciel’s dangling ankle. After three loops she severed it using the mana lingering unseen in the air. Then another four loops went around her thighs before Priscillyya turned Catuciel onto her back. There she crossed her wrists before binding them in seven layers of the sealing tape that slowly tightened onto her leathery sleeves.

Next, she lifted her up and placed her in the chair after which she wrapped her thighs ones more securing her to the chair. Then did the same with her abdomen and chest. And for the finishing touch, she ripped a wide strip from the roll and applied it from the back covering Catuciel’s lips and cheeks – which prompted a short mewl from the now trussed up drengriar.

“Now let’s hope I don’t have to cut you free.” Priscillyya walked towards the large cabinet and swiftly opened it as she murmured to herself as she came out from the heat of the moment. Thankfully a few pieces of clothing were neatly folded on the lower end while a deep scarlet red coat hanged above them. She quickly put on the rosy garments before slipping into the form fitting leather pants and mauve velvet blouse with golden trims. Then at the end came the thick red cotton coat that neatly fitted onto her slender, well-honed body.


“Are you sure it is good idea to use this?” The two left the warm confines of the shack after Huisdar not being sure of the red coat. Now on the same hand, Priscillyya herself was unsure about the magicraft hover left out in front of the shack. Partly because she didn’t remember being brought here by it after she got captured.

“Well we could walk into the forest, but who knows when we would get down the mountain. Not even counting the patrols that we may run into.” Hearing those words she gave up on resisting against the idea and just walked through the thick snow that reached up to her knees almost.

“Hold on tight.” Huisdar said as he erected a ward around them to keep the extreme cold of the mountain out. As he placed his palms onto the two large orb at the front center – the magicraft machine suddenly rose up in the air with a metallic warped howl. With the same suddenness it glided over the snow and the two headed south.

“Something’s not right.” Priscillyya murmured to herself as she looked back at the shack – uneasy slowly creeping into her mind. At first, she wasn’t suspecting anything when she opened the cabinet. It could have been anyone’s hence why these were plain looking pieces were left there. And it wasn’t new for folk to wear bright hued clothing while gliding in the mountains. Sometimes they steered in the wrong way and got lost. These clothing pieces could help search parties find them sooner rather than later.

Yet, these were the clothes there. And there was only a single guard watching over her. They knew of her she was sure of that after the first series of interrogations. So the question of why just one guard ringed in her mind as the shack became a distant dot in the snowy vista. Before she could reach the answer – a mana bullet went through her forehead and entered the back of Huisdar’s head covered in his wooden brown short cut hair.

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