Heleion Archives

The Heist II.

The martial city of Horotoro. Built like all the others following the Hoshigawan Fortress design. Built on the Taiyonath Lake, to be precise on the three islands in the center, with parts of the city extending over the river itself. Its imposing walls are patrolled all day and night by the Black Lotuses stationed in the city. Which is most of the Black Lotuses on the main island of the Hoshigawan Archipelago.

Horotoro itself was built by Princess Kaguyaerith herself five hundred years ago when she had liberated the islands from an evil cult and their onis conjured from the Abyss itself. At first only the northeastern part of the city existed, serving as a station for the Princess and her then 43rd Hoshigawan Division whose feminine members got incorporated into the Black Rose the same time as the Princess.

Through the centuries, the other two parts got built, the northwestern district served as a prison area for deserters and various criminals hunted down by her Majesty. Then the southern district connecting towards the west side got built, serving more as a hub for the members of the Black Rose, and now Black Lotus Branch to live and house them and their families if they so choose to live in Horotoro.

All three districts possess a harbor where now the Black Rose Armada’s ships rest, occasionally set out to patrol the islands. Or to transport her troops to the Yudao Peninsula where the other half of her Branch is currently stationed, maintaining order and hunting down rogue elements.

Just like the main branch, the Black Lotuses also trade more common things, mostly fashion goods including clothes and attires crafted from Dragonid Faux Leather and Aetherna Satin. Mostly though for the higher echelons of the Hoshigawan Society, nobles, guild magnates and so on. Besides these they also sell all kinds of their own crafted magicraft weaponries, vehicles and a watered down version of the Black Rose Concoction that grants a natural, elvish beauty not on par with the Orders.

And all the money coming from these transactions rest in the cleverly named Lotus Bank in the Northeastern District, the only one that cannot be traversed to from the land or through bridge, but only through the other two districts.

“Shit.” The Red Oni Masked taking on the form of Hisako cursed as the stationed guards at the bridge entrance took awfully long confirming their fake identities. Each of them took the identification crystal, usually crafted to be part of an amulet with additional bonuses like providing nutrition to the body up to a few days.

The flying automatons with a single eye emitting an arcane light passed by the windows after finishing checking the life signals. The two let out a sigh at the same time, as their covers remained for the time being.

“You can go now. Sorry, the golem shit itself.” Then said amulets levitated back to them, right into their palms as they held it out. The guard, a young appearing soratanese redhead yelled while walking back to her booth waving her arm.

As they passed by, Faux Hisako nodded with a smile before focusing back on the road framed by towering buildings, all painted in vibrant red and blue colors.

“So that is how she looks like.” The Blue Oni Masked disguised as Inoshi noted with a smug smirk as they passed by a statue depicting the highly attractive form of the Princess in the square appropriately named after her.

“Is this your first time seeing her?” The Red Oni Masked asked her while slowly turning the wheel as they took a slow turn in the streets towards the east.

“Yeah, I grew up in the Chang-Lu Jungle, so wasn’t particularly exposed to such things as the magicraft projector.” Many in the Golden Shadows after the war were forced to fled their cities, to hide in the dense jungles of the peninsula stalked by various beasts. The perfect place to evade the Hoshigawan forces occupying their fallen nation.

“Finally.” As the truck and the two vehicles accompanying it faced downwards as the road took a turn in that direction, the one disguised as Inoshi almost yelled in her joy as she was slumped down, bored. After heading down a folk-made slope, they finally stopped in front of a large gate. Silence fell upon them for a few moments, then the gates slid up into the ground revealing the well lit parking area where four Eiheriths and two bank tellers waited for them on the highly elevated platform.

“This is where you get out with the others.” The one disguised as Hisako reminded her comrade after failing to indicate it with her faux eyes. “Oh right.” She said hitting her faux forehead before quickly opening up and elegantly jumped onto the platform. The two vehicles that had escorted the truck were already parked down at the sides, while the truck itself was seemingly glued to the ground. Then something clicked, and it rotated so that its back faced the platform instead of the cockpit.

The two bank tellers lined up with the appropriate gadgets to send the piles of cash straight into the enormous vault. Their attire mostly consists of a pure white aetherna satin blouse, a sleeveless vest of a matte black sharing the same material with the similarly black mini skirt they wear. 

The two let out a gasp each as they noticed the guards bound and gagged in the back. Before they could rush out though, the door slammed on them while in the outside, the four Eiheriths let out grunts as they got knocked out by batons precisely aimed at their napes hidden under their high, funnel shaped jacket collars. The one who wore the golden oni mask under heavy illusions, resembling a sol elf casted a spell on the mirage eyes. It travelled through, its vast arcane system eliminating the watchers before they could alarm the others.

“I’m fine, just need to rest a bit.” She said after collapsing to the ground, the inscriptions drained her mana leading to a mental exhaustion that affects even her muscles. The one resembling the orcish Heishi then nodded in understanding and headed back to the center. She stopped at the umbral elven Eiherith, clamped one hand over her mouth while the other pressed her short, bob style dark hair from the back before a crack echoed through the space.

Like the rest her corpse was dragged inside where the two tellers with their hands behind their back, cuffed rested beside the still unconscious Heishis.

The ones disguised as Inoshi and Hisako ripped their sealing tapes open and gag the two elven tellers, before injecting them with the sleeping poisons at which they started whimpering softly, before silence set in.

Meanwhile the others stripped the upper parts of the Eiheriths’ uniform and replaced it with their own while their visages became blurry, mushed until they completely resembled the four deceased Eiheriths.

“Well ladies, remember we’re short on time. Still have some fun.” The one previously taking the appearance of the dark elven Heishi said, now resembling the soratanese Eiherith with shoulder length fiery orange hair with a fringe having a bottleneck curve, that was cut shorter at the top, cascading to longer pieces that skimmed around her almond shaped red eyes and cheek line.


Zyanika’s footsteps softly echoed through the corridor as she passed on the clean, white marble floor with charcoal waves on it. Her faux leathery uniform let out soft stretching sounds as she stopped, her slender, honed arms stretching high towards the ceiling bathing the area in cold lights.

Her long, platinum blonde hair with soft curls directed away from her mature elven face with straight, curling curtain fringes reaching her sharp high elven cheekbones. The Eiherith version of the Kimonaro Type-IV jacket neatly draped her upper body, following the lines of her waist slightly pushed in by her corset vest which neck supports her clean, moon white blouse’s collars peeking out from between the jackets’ zipped open one circling around her neck while cuddling her sharp jawline.

“Another silent, boring shift.” Her soft, graceful voice echoed within the straight corridor while she turned her head around, staring out the window into the main hall. Then after letting out a sigh, she continued on with her path, taking a turn at the end.

“Or maybe it isn’t.” Just as she took the turn, she noticed a pair of foot belonging to a Sister of hers disappearing in a doorway that led into the bathroom. And not in the proper way where she would just chalk it up to them going to relieve themselves. They were clearly dragged as she summarized to herself, fairly confident at what she saw. She held her right arm out, there a wakizashi manufactured by the Black Lotus themselves appeared out of thin air, while the other pulled out her wand pistol from its holster resting on the pants’ belt.

She held the blade in a horizontal line in front of her face while the wand pistol was aimed front under the snow silvery blade engraved with lunar runes. Her steps no longer made any noise, big or small at all. Even her sigh went unheard as she felt her stomach and private area burning with excitement as she stopped on the right of the door.

A wave of transparent bluish arcane glow ran over her whole slender body, before she walked straight through the door. For a moment, she yelled out loud in her head “Gotcha” but she stopped from actually letting her voice leak out from between her relatively wide, soft pinkish lips. She continued towards the stalls, keeping one eye on the mirrors enchanted to show reality in case a thief with high illusion expertise would break in. A fairly standard not just in Black Rose bases, but in most military orders’ if they can afford it.

At each wooden door, her head phased through the solid matter, her intense blue eyes glowing softly in the dark inspected every nook and cranny inside the stalls. Then as she pulled out her head from the fourth one, out of the nine, she let out a cute yelp as a shockwave jolted through her body. She collapsed down on to her left side, before she was dragged away by the mauve oni masked intruder wearing the same uniform as she.


“Its awfully quite, isn’t it?” Yuriaseki, an eastern Dracorith of the Black Lotus said as she and her patrolling partner walked down the stairs in the main hall of the bank. Her pristine silvery white skin shimmered softly in the light cast from the ceiling glowstones. Her bit deeper silvery white scales hidden under the layers of uniforms, running from just below her sharp jawline to down to her elbow and the beside her chest. Her hair, dark blue as the clear night sky over Hoshigawa ran down onto her shoulder, her thick fringe tailored to cover her whole forehead while the sides curve to left and right.

“Do you think we may have an exciting night just for once?” Yuno a stygian with deep pink smooth skin asked with one hand already reaching for her wand pistol. Her angular bob style hair trimmed at above her nape shook softly as she traversed slowly down the stairs in the center. Her slit demonic eyes focused on the surroundings of the hall.

“Possibly.” Yuriaseki said after offering a silent prayer at the statue depicting the God of the Moon, Tsukiamoda the chief god of the people of Hoshigawa. Her azure blue eyes with draconic pupils in an elongated almond frame closed for a short moment before they continued on, both their wand pistols drawn already as the closing of the door echoed within the hall.

The two looked at each other and nodded before heading in the direction of the sounds’ source. On the left they entered the long corridor where a series of doors line up on the right, each lead into the currently, and should be, empty offices of the bank tellers.

“Hey you hear that?” Yuno asked as her long devilish ears started tinging, trying to listen on a faint sound she just picked up on. “I think someone may try to call for help?” She then added while staring at the fourth door from their current location at the entrance.

“Check it out.” Then the two without hesitation continued on at Yuriaseki’s words. For a moment they exchanged thoughts through a shared mind-link, deciding that the dracorith Eiherith stays outside to keep watch in case of a trap.

Yuno slowly walked past the white cubicles, which in tandem with the moon light entering the office lessened the thickness of the shadows. At each one opening, she jolted in, inspecting every large open space where one of their Sisters could lie helpless. Then a loud thud came from one of the storage doors and she quickly headed towards it.

As she opened it, a soratanese Sister of hers within the same rank fell out face first. She landed on her right side facing the windows. She quickly checked her, finding her arms bent behind the back and secured with deep green sealing tape. Her ankles and thighs similarly wrapped in tape while her mouth is sealed with a short strip.

“She seems…eugh.” Before she could finish her sentence, a blow to the neck knocked her out cold. She collapsed down onto her Sister with her oni horns pointing at the wall on the end separating the office from the corridor.

Her captor, a tall feminine figure in the same uniform except for a deep rouge pink oni mask stood up and burst into shadows, appearing at the open door. She grabbed the unconscious Yuriaseki lying on her back with her arms spreading straight besides her head. The unconscious Eiherith was dragged inside by her ankles, the door closed seemingly by itself.

“This time, keep still please.” Her soft, high-pitched voice came through the mask cleanly as she lifted the bound soratanese Eiherith back to her place inside. Then she procured her used roll of deep green sealing tape and ripped it open before attaching it to Yuno’s ankles. She looped it around, gradually heading upwards before she severed it from the roll. Then she softly smoothened her hands across it, mana flowing into the gleaming fabric as it tightened around.

Then she stacked her wrists together, looping the tape around them first before also looping it in between them. In a similar fashion, the tape tightened around the jacket and blouse cuffed sleeve end covered wrists, pushing both onto her soft skin. “Almost forgot.” She thought aloud before wrapping the hands too into mittens, as she noticed the sharp claws on the stygian’s fingers.

For a finishing touch, she ripped a short strip off, quickly applying it to Yuno’s small, soft lips. She patted it once, her mana flowing into the square shaped strip as it tightened onto Yuno’s pink skin.

“Now for you.” After placing Yuno besides her soratanese Sister, she closed the storage door on them and stared at the softly moaning Yuriaseki while ripping the tape open to repeat the same process.

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