Heleion Archives

The Heist III.

“Do you think this will be enough?” The One in red oni masked askeded a bit timidly as they finished up sending the last stack of money into the vault.

“Doubt it. It will be a blow, that much is true, but the Black Lotus is only a small part of the Princess’s forces.” The One in the blue oni maskeds said after a sigh escaped her. The two carefully stepped over the half-naked corpses of the Eiheriths. Then outside the truck, they took one more look at the inside, in the far back the six bound and sealing tape gagged captives tenderly slept with their heads lumped on each other’s shoulders with the exception of the one on the far right resting her head on the walls. Then the back door loudly closed shut, a series of clicking signaled it being sealed tight.

“Come let’s meet up with the others.” The One in the blue oni masked, slightly higher than her compatriot said as they head towards the door leading to the upper levels of the bank.

“Such a shame.” The One in the red oni masked said as she turns around slightly, staring at the truck.

“Never thought I would hear you said that.” Her compatriot said in a slightly surprised tone as they head towards the elevator.

“I mean, they’re quite the beauties, even the workers.” She said while leaning against the mirror facing the elevator door in the inside.

“That is an added bonus of working here I guess.” She added while fixing her oni mask on her head, positioning the veil at the back that hid her low bun under it. The soft dark silken cloth woven from an arcane silk perfectly fitted with the Heishi jacket’s neck, its ends slightly covered its top ends sheltered in a slim platinum snow silver frame.

As a tender ringing sound signaled that they arrived at their level, the two fixated themselves in battle stances on the sides. As the door slid open, it revealed two Eiheriths, a wood elven with slightly brownish fair skin tone with barks elegantly decorating her sharp cheeks, short appearing curly hair knotted into a bun in the back. The other a soratanese with long hair shaved on the right, cascading on the left with her lower lip covered in dark lipstick, and two rings peeked out from the center. On the shaved side, nairenthian runic tattoos decorated her fair skin, pulsing with a reddish blue hue.

Before the two could react, the two Golden Shadows grabbed and yanked them inside, while the red oni masked pushed the button with telekinesis, sliding the doors closed. The soratanese caught by the blue oni masked struggled as one arm looped around her abdomen, locking her arms to her sides, her mouth and nose covered by the soft hand of her captor. Water clogged up in the space between, blocking the oxygen from entering her body. She slowly descended into a panic state, her struggling gradually lessened as life slipped away from her while lowered to the ground.

The wood elven Sister of hers suffered a similar fate. Kept in lock in the same fashion, the only difference being her head engulfed in an air bubble sucking it out of her body at a bit faster rate. Then the door opened up once more, and the two dragged their corpses into the nearby storage where they were hidden inside a large box, with expanded space within.

“Lucky day it is.” The One in the red oni masked said as the two continued on after leaving the storage room.


“Put those besides them.” The one in the white oni mask pointed at the two bank tellers inside the large Mirage Mirror office. The two soratanese that got sent into a coma like state by the golden oni masked now stared forward with hollow eyes while their arms were bent behind their backs, stacked on each other while the green sealing tape kept them tightly bound.

The mauve and green oni masked compatriots of hers slowly dragged the two elven Eiheriths inside, placing them besides the bank tellers. Their mana ties were quickly taken from them, used to secure their arms before another was used to secure their ankles. And for a finishing touch, the deep green sealing tape wrapped around their heads, pushing their matching long straight hairs onto their smooth skin.

“Will you be able to handle that?” Meanwhile during this the white oni masked walked to the one in the golden asking her while pointing at one of the mirrors. In it the vault itself with huge mounds of cash were reflected pristinely.

“Yeah, just give me a few moments.” She said while lifting her mask slightly up, revealing the lower part of her elven face with warm amber toned skin and lips with a small scar adorning them. Her golden blood dripped to the floor as it flowed down from her nose still veiled under shadows and the mask. She quickly gulped down the third mana potion and let out a sigh while relaxing in the chair.

“Not sure how much time we have, but rest.” The white oni masked said with a soft, caring tone as she tenderly put her hands on her shoulders.

“Finished here.” Then she turned around to the rough, elderly voice of the mauve oni masked compatriot of hers waving the roll of sealing tape while pointing at the bound and gagged guards softly whimpering besides the bank tellers.

“Good it seems like they are heading towards us. So for now rest.” She gazed at the mirror showing the red and blue oni masked exiting the storage room and hurrying to their position. Cracks reverberated within the mirage office as the mauve oni masked stretched herself before sitting down in one of the chairs. The others laughed softly.

“There, laugh but one day you will be in the same position as me.”  She said to the green oni masked compatriot of hers putting her legs up onto the table in the center.

“Just as I was getting comfy.” Then she said in her tired voice as the blue and red oni masked entered the office.

For a few moments, silence fell upon the whole office, well asides the soft breathing and moans coming from the four captives beside the six of them. “Well, ladies, not much else to said besides maybe some kind words or something.” Then the white oni masked spoke up first, scratching the forehead of her mask.

“Bah, who needs those.” The mauve oni masked said while standing up with great haste, so much haste that every single bone in her lower limps cracked in a symphony. “Damnit, and here I thought they could last without making that noise a bit more.” A sigh came through her mask cleanly while looking down at them.

“Well, the former of what you said is true. Plus it seems like they noticed our presence sooner than we anticipated.” The white oni masked said after stopping her soft chuckling. Then she turned to the mirrors reflecting the dozen magicraft vehicles and trucks entering the courtyard in front of the garden, Black Lotuses pouring out from them like hungry locusts before the fields.

“Better to take positions before they enter the building.” With that they headed out from the office, with their borrowed magicraft weapons in hand.


Silence, so thick and hard that one could bite it, fell upon the hall as the six of them took up positions. The white, green and mauve oni masked in the center with a small stone wall circling around in front of them, acting as one of their protections. The red and blue masked in the higher areas with the windows broken, unseen wards erected in their places. And finally, the only one missing is the sol elf wearing the golden oni mask.

Minutes passed, feeling like hours as time went on. Then three small, spherical metallic objects rolled in to the center. All five of them quickly ducked down, runes of blinding white appeared for nothing more than a blink of an eye before an eye blinding flash filled the hall. The roaring followed as the windowed doors were blown to smithereens, smoke following as numerous Black Lotuses, elven, stygian and even some orcs along the soratanese poured in with their magicraft guns blazing. Several mana bullets hit the wall, the green oni masked thanking her gods that these are not explosive yet.

Then the mauve oni masked conjured the two of the very same spherical, flash magicraft grenades in her hands and threw them over. One of the Black Lotuses alerted the others, a bit too late as their screams, a result of the flash also procuring a burning pain, signaled to the five to return fire.

The red and blue oni masked filled their first mana bullets with explosive, flame element inscriptions. A dark and high elven heishi were the first to be victims in this battle, exploding to dozens of pieces consumed by the arcane flames. Then one of the orcish heishis followed as the force threw her against the hard, marble wall breaking her spine in an instant. The remaining seven other flew back to the thick smoke still lingering in the now completely open entrance.

The trio in the center in front of the statue of Tsukiamoda jolted over the arcane made railing of earth, opening fire as the next batch of Black Lotus Heishis entered. Three of them, two elves and one soratanese collapsed immediately with their snow silvery blood pouring on to the floor as their mana bullets ran straight through their heads, shattering the protective wards infused into their berets.

The other seven either rushed to take cover, with some getting hit along the way, faring a bit a better as they only fell to unconsciousness or just had to endure a slight pain. Or raised similar walls out from the ground, ruining the white marble floor. Moments passed as mana bullets tore back and forth the air, sometimes hitting the wall, sometimes hitting one of the Black Lotuses.

Then the first to fell was the green oni masked. A mana bullet tore through the smoke and straight into her head. Before her body could hit the floor, it erupted in bluish flames under the mask and the stolen Eiherith uniform.

The others continued on, ducking down then back up returning fire. The next to follow was the blue oni masked. Heishis appeared from the ceiling, phasing through its hard matter before jumping down. She managed to take down two of the five. One, a merfolk hit in the chest, knocking her out as the mana bullet was stopped by her uniform.

The other not so lucky, a seossurian folk hit in the throat, where the uniform is the weakest in terms of protection. The hit resulted in her throat crushed, her uniform while being the highest in grade, still proved slow as she suffocated to death. Then the remaining three showered the blue oni masked in bullets, one shattering the upper right part of her mask, revealing her porcelain white skin and dark, menacing eyes with pulsing crimson irises.

The last three met their demise in quick succession. With the blue oni masked out, two of the Heishis opened fire at the red oni masked focusing all her attention on the enemies down. Her ward and head were pierced through from the side with an explosive bullet, blowing it to pieces along with her neck and right shoulder. The stolen uniforms parts mixed with her torn, burning flesh as they splattered on the ground and wall behind her.

The white and mauve oni masked then followed as they were showered with simple mana bullets from the upper floors. The first ones forced them down onto the wall they used as protection, which resulted in a broken arm for the mauve oni masked. Then the second array of mana bullets pierced through the back of their masks, and stolen uniforms as the protective enchantments got weakened by the first array. Their blood slowly poured onto the floor as more and more Heishis poured into the building.

After confirming all hostiles were exterminated, they slowly headed further inside, towards the vaults. “Raise your hands in the air!” A high elven Heishi yelled at the golden masked sitting on one of the piles. A smile curved under her mask, a tear flowed down her smooth, sharp cheeks veiled under it. A loud thunder, one heard in the ancient times coming from the great dragons of old reverberated through the city of Horotoro, accompanied by a swirling tower of flame and smoke painting the late night sky in its menacing colors…

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