[̷̞̇Ḧ̶̖ê̸̯l̴̼̒p̶͖̊ ̷̣̑m̷̯̄e̴͎͌]̵̤̽ (This is ARG/Meta-narrative/Satire)

Defeating The First Demon General! He’s a Beastkin Like ME?!

Master gired a giant bird to fly us to the demon queen’s castle! Neat! Didn’t they do this in lord of the earrings? I wasn’t sure, cuz IO’d mostly just read fanfiction of it. Well, if they didn’t, they should have! This was such a fun way to travel! I even got free airplane food. By eating the giant louses that lived in the eagle’s feathers! Yum! Master seemed to be grossed out when I offered him one, though. Maybe it was just a beastkin thing. Master did like to saay that we were a lesseer and debased race good for only crawling in filth and eating bugs, after all. 


Finally, the giant eagle dropped us off by the evil quene’s castle. It was really big and black and spiky! It was tall, yoo, and had a bunch of towers coming out of the top at all different angles! It was a little spooked. I tried to hide behind master, while LEche hid in me.


As we approached the castle, a giant bird-klady hyrbtid swooped down at us, but master cried her pretty stick with his magic. How rude off her! We just wanted to come and say hi, you know? 

THen we went inside. I guess the first general wasa beastkin, like me~ 


He? Was a graceful, foxkin rogue. He kept using abilities based on SPIRIT^^ like [SHADOW ART] and {EVASION}. Cool! I wonder if I could learn those.


Anyway, it took master a while to get a good hit in, but he managed to hit the fox with a torrent of METAL= shards and he went down pretty fast, his kimp body chopped and contorted and his orange fur stained red and brown with  blood and offal. I guess SPIRIT^ was weak to METAL+! Master really knew so much about magic!


Master stopped to examine the body and pick through its pockets, He shook his head.


“No orb, as I suspected,” he whispeered in a solemn serious, handsome voice. “Afterr all, who would entrust a lowly beatkin with something of such value?”


I felt like I had to try and be useful to show aster that beastkin weren’t so bad after all! “Master, you only checked his clothes and pockets. What if it’s somewhere else?”


He sighed. “I suppose you have a point.” He used his magic to summon some small golems made out of the stone of the castle floor. They went all around the big room, searching.


Meanwhile, master sheathed his hand in sharp, pointy METAL=energy and started digging around inside of the fox, just to check. After a few minutes, he had confirmed there was no orb here. He dispelled the METAL= energy and the blood and entrails on it fell limply to the ground, leaving his hand completely clean. Master was so smart, and tidy! Although if there had been blood on his hand, I would have offered to clean it off  for him…. AFter all, who could turn down a tongue bath from a cute catgirl like me? *preens*


Then we went on to the next floor!

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