Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

A Bitter After Taste 2


I was sitting in the tub, scrubbing every inch of my body.

After I finished crying, I was forced to give Mizuki an explanation. My excuse was that I got into a fight with some guy after school because I bumped into his girlfriend. It didn’t seem like she believed me, but she accepted it nonetheless. 

“Tsss!” I winced from the pain. I was slowly and delicately running my hand over a shallow stab wound on my arm. 

After cleaning myself properly, I could see all of my injuries far more clearly. “Hehe.. She really kicked my ass.” 

Humor was about the only thing that could make me feel better about today. I discovered that I wouldn't be handed a harem, I had to earn it. Not only that, but for the most part my future harem members don’t like me. And Chad is here to take them from me! Oh! And one of my future harem members is a psychopathic prostitute!  

I think this would be considered the worst playthrough and intro ever. 

“Dark Souls level difficulty wasn’t an understatement.” I mockingly stated. 

I don't particularly like the way things have turned out, but the silver lining to everything is that I’ve met most of my future harem members. Now I have a foundation to build from. 

Getting close to Jennifer and Sarah is going to be tricky due to their jobs. In the game they didn’t care too much about losing their jobs, but in reality that’s far different. Riri…doesn’t like me, but she acknowledged my existence. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that’s somehow a win? Saya.. she hates me. But, we are connected… in a super fucked up kind of way.

I sighed loudly as I splashed water on my face. 

The most troublesome to deal with hands down is Saya. In all honesty, I don't want to wife her. She’s a crazy thot. But, I do need to help her. Not only to clear the game but because she actually needs it. 

First things first though, I have to get her to stop selling her body! I don’t know why she’s offering illicit services, but what I am sure of is that no one does that if everything is or has been going well in their life! Especially a teenage girl! 

“I’ll save you..” I muttered. “I guess that makes me a Captain-Save-A-Hoe..” 

Despite me thinking this, even though I hated to admit it… a small part of me was going to do it for the wrong reasons.. 

I refused to be cucked! Especially to fat old bastards like in hentais!  

Since I know Saya’s secret, I can use it to blackmail her into stopping… maybe? I don’t know how well that’s going to go, but it’s worth a shot, right?

My body shuddered after I thought about what would happen if I failed. The sting of her taser on my balls is still fresh on my mind. 

I really don’t want to get stabbed, tased or pepper sprayed ever again! 

“Nope, I can’t think about that!” I shook my head to get rid of the negative thoughts. “It's going to work! I just need evidence!” 

How do I go about getting evidence? Should I follow her again? No. She might be really paranoid now. Plus… as fucked up as it sounds.. I really don’t want to walk in on her servicing another guy. She’s not even a member of my harem and I still feel like I got cucked! I don’t know how people get enjoyment from it. It’s soul crushing! I don’t ever want to experience that again! 

I really wish I had someone to talk to about this. I can’t tell Mizuki because she’s too young. Hell, even I’m having a hard time dealing with it! If I asked Kenzie, she would more than likely call the cops. Which may help Saya in the end, but it’s just too risky. As screwed up as it is, I’ll just have to figure out a way to help Saya myself. Maybe down the line I can get her some professional help?  

I took my time in the bath mulling over my numerous plans and calculations. 

I dragged my weary body to bed and took a much needed rest. 


But, it still wasn’t enough sleep. The alarm clock went off in my bedroom, and I sat up groggily.

My body is still sore and stiff from yesterday, but I still have to go to school. There’s a chance that I’d miss something important and I can’t afford to let that happen. 

Before I opened my door, I thought long and hard about what excuse I was going to give Kenzie. Nothing really seemed good enough, so I decided to wing it a bit. 

I walked downstairs with an outrageous amount of trepidation. 

After hitting the floor I leaned on the stair rail for support, my ribs and lungs throbbing in pain.

Damn that bitch has one hell of a kick. 

I took slow deliberate steps until I was in the kitchen. 

Kenzie already had the table set and was delicately eating her food. Even though she was eating, her beauty took no hit points whatsoever. 

I can see why his dad married her and why his son subsequently banged her. Poor guy, he’s about to get cucked again. Though, I’m not sure if he cares or not? I still haven’t heard anything about him. I wonder if I can contact him? I need to go through my phone when I get some time. I’ll also ask them for good measure too. 

Kenzie finally looked up, taking a quick glance at me before looking back down. 

A tinge of pain hit my chest.It was good that she didn’t care, but damn, she doesn’t care? 

“Oh my God!” Kenzie jumped in her chair and looked back up at me. Her eyes widening. What happened to you?!” Kenzie screamed with food flying out of her mouth.

“I…” Before I could finish my sentence, Kenzie had already stood up and ran over to me. 

She grabbed my face and began to thoroughly examine me. Her brow creased, and she had a frown that deepened each second. 

Despite Kenzie’s concern, I was inwardly celebrating! I got a chance to be touched by a milf! And even better, her hands were soft and she smelled like flowers! Not only that, but I also got a close look at her beautiful face and a nice view of her massive rack! Plus, I found out that she actually cared! 


“Is this why you were late coming home?!” Kenzie spat out. 

My brain malfunctioned for a couple of seconds. I assumed she would care, but I wasn’t ready for this level. After all, my rank was ‘Perverted deviant scum of the Earth.’ 

A brief flash memory flashed through my mind before I got knocked out. 

Rank increase! 

I passed out shortly after the notification so I couldn’t find out what my current rank is, but what I did know was that it was better than before. 

“I…uh..” There was no good lie I came up with, so I decided to repeat the same lie I told Mizuki. It may not have worked on her, but it might work on her mom? “I got into a fight with a guy after school. I bumped into his girlfriend and he got really mad.” 

Kenzie took a long hard look at me, her eyes watering. “Jeff, you don’t have to be afraid. I understand that getting robbed can be scary.”

Umm.. what? That was a perfectly believable lie. 

“No, I didn’t.” I responded. “I got into a fight after school. I obviously didn’t win, but you know. I got some good hits in.” 

“Jeff, who would believe a lie like that?” Kenzie said flatly. “I know that’s why you didn’t answer our calls. I’m going to report it to the police!” 

“No!” I screamed. “It’s okay, really! It was just a stupid fight! My phone is upstairs, I promise!” 

Kenzie looked like she was struggling with things for a while before she inevitably let it go. “You’re not lying?”  

“I’m not!” I responded.

Kenzie still looked suspicious, but didn’t continue. “Fine. But, if you’re being bullied, don’t be afraid to tell me.” 

“Uh…sure.” I didn’t really know how to respond to that claim. I’ve actually never been bullied before. 

“I’m serious.” Kenzie said, her eyes serious. 

“Okay. If I’m having any problems, I promise you I’ll come to you first.” I gave Kenzie a reassuring smile before she turned around with a sigh. 

I breathed a sigh of relief while Mizuki looked at me with a slight hint of worry in her eyes. It looked like she was also concerned about my safety. Once she noticed that I was looking at her, she quickly averted her eyes. 

That was kind of cute. 

I don’t know what my rank is, but it seems like it had a positive effect on people's view towards me. Though, maybe their concern is due to the fact that I am ‘technically’ a part of their family. I’ll have to test this out at school. 


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