Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

Rumor Has It


It was time for school, and I had to practically rip Kenzie’s hands off of me. 

“I’m fine. I’m fine.” I said as I slipped out of Kenzie’s grasp. 

“Fine?! Look at your face!” Kenzie said as she blocked the door. 

“Trust me, it just looks worse than it is.” I was lying through my teeth. I was in a lot of pain actually.

Kenzie’s brow furrowed. “No!” 

Damnit. I think I prefer it when you hate me. “Yes.” 

“No!” Kenzie immediately responded.

“Yes!” I said louder. 

I’m trying to save you and your daughter lady! Get the fuck out of the way! 

Kenzie glared at me, and I glared back. 

I have women to save and a harem to build! I’m going to school whether you like it or not! 

I took a step closer to Kenzie, until Misuki chimed in. 

“Can I go?” Mizuki asked with an irritated tone.  

I turn to see Mizuki standing behind me holding her bag with an angry look on her face. 

I pointed to Mizuki with a smile. “Somebody has to walk Mizuki.” 

Kenzie’s eyebrow twitched. “Then I’ll walk her!” 

Oh my God!!!! Give up!! “No, I’m the man of the house!! I’ll walk her!” 

“I can walk by myself. I did it just fine yesterday.” Mizuki interjected. 

A pang of guilt hit me, and I wanted to crawl into my shell. 

I grabbed Mizuki’s hand, and she flinched in response. “That won’t happen again.” I said as I squeezed her hand tighter. 

Mizuki’s eyes widened in surprise, and her cheeks blushed. “G-get off of me!” 

Mizuki snatched her hand away, holding it and averting her eyes. 

Oh my God, that was so cute!

There was a loud sigh beside my ear, and I turned to see Kenzie rubbing her forehead. 

“Fine.” Kenzie weakly said. 


Mizuki and I left for school, but before we did Kenzie gave me a lunch card instead of cash. It looks like she still believes I’m being bullied. 

Well.. it’s better than the truth. 

As Mizuki and I were walking, she suddenly sprung a question on me. 

“Should we be worried?” Mizuki asked. 

“You win some, you lose some. No big deal.” I responded with a shrug. 

“Why are you being so secretive?” Mizuki asked, her voice wavering a little. “If anything.. if anything bad was happening to you.. you would tell us, right?” 

Mizuki looked up, her crystal blue eyes filled with worry. 

I gazed into Mizuki’s eyes, seeing my haggard appearance. “Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.”  

Mizuki looked like she was struggling with something, and her mouth kept opening. “O…Okay.” 

In all honesty, I feel really guilty. I’m not sure if everything will work out, and I don’t enjoy lying to them. 

I sighed inwardly. 

I guess I’ll have to make sure things work out then.

There was a long stretch of silence between Mizuki and I, until she decided to break it. “Why didn’t you cover up?” 

I looked around to see a bunch of people looking in our direction and whispering amongst themselves. 

Oh! You all can look, but not lift a single fucking finger to help me?! 

“With what? It’s 91 degrees.” I responded. “And I’m not using your makeup.” 

Earlier this morning Mizuki suggested that I use some of her makeup before going out, to which I flat out refused. 

Mizuki sighed before looking up for her train. “Fine. Have it your way.” 

Mizuki’s train arrived in no time, and we said our goodbyes to each other. A stark difference from yesterday. 

Maybe I should get beat up more often? 

Since I had some time to kill, I decided to browse my phone. 

As I browsed the internet, I found that this world was nearly identical to my Earth. The only real expectations that I could find were the myriad of hair and eye colors. Though, that didn’t surprise me, it is an H game after all. 

I stopped browsing the internet to look through my contacts. The only contacts I seem to have were Kenzie, Mizuki and Dad.

What did he do before I got here? No friends, no girlfriend, no instagram, Facebook, etc. It’s like he had no life whatsoever.

Even though I lacked any social media presence, and had no girlfriend, I did have friends. That makes me different from the Protagonist. 

“I wonder what everyone’s doing back home?” I asked no one in particular. 

Now that I think about it. I haven’t thought much about my old world since I’ve been here. I guess I’ve been kind of caught up in everything? 

Though, it’s not like I had a huge attachment to my world in the first place. Yeah, I had parents and a few friends..but..I don’t know... if this world followed the original story, I would have no desire to return to my old life. 

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, deciding to continue my investigation instead. 

I checked my call log and there were no calls to anyone. 

“Okay..” I muttered. 

Give me something, please? 

I checked my messages and found that I only had one message. It was one from the Protagonist’s dad. 

“Finally!” I exclaimed happily. 

The people around me looked at me like I was crazy, and I coughed a few times to hide my embarrassment. 

I clicked on the messages for his dad, and I was even more confused. 

“It’s just a request for money…” I blinked a few times, doubting what I was seeing. 

Curiously, I sent him a message saying ‘hi’. It was read, but no response. 

“What the…” I was going to just let it go, but I decided to test something else out. 

I requested for 5 dollars and almost instantly the money was sent to his mobile wallet. 

I was kind of speechless. I didn’t know what to say.

He couldn’t say hi, but he could send me money. Is he an inconsiderate father? Or is this a virtual atm of some kind? 

My train arrived before I could explore this any further so abandoned the experiment for now. 

I took a deep breath, and gave myself a once over before boarding the train. All the passengers in the train's eyes landed on me almost instantly. But, I managed to ignore them. 

The train ride was hell. Constant whispers and laughing aimed at me. But, I somehow managed to survive it all. 

School is going to be even worse. 

I hung my head, preparing myself for the social slaughter. 

As I walked up the hill to get to Marshall Academy. All the girls' whispers turned into a symphony of chaos.

“What happened to him?” 

“Is he okay?” 

Well, this isn’t so bad. At least they’re concerned. 

 “I heard he was going around harassing girls, maybe that’s why?” 

“He gets what he deserves..” 

Nope. Nevermind. 

I sighed loudly, I almost wanted to cry from how shitty my second day in this world turned out to be. 

As I arrived at the gate, I caught a glimpse of Jennifer. 

“Shit!” I silently yelled. 

I proceeded to maneuver around a few girls, which caused a few glares to be sent my way. 

Please leave me alone! Please leave me alone!  

“Hey!” Jennifer’s shout went through the crowd.

I started moving at a more rapid pace, but Jennifer was circling around me and quickly getting ahead of me.

“Tsk!” I smacked my lips in frustration. 

Just what I need. An annoying loud mouth bitch! 

“Oh Lord…” I inwardly rolled my eyes. I resigned myself to fate and stopped dead in my tracks. 

Jennifer stopped right in front of me. Like way too close. Her eyes were flaring and her brow furrowed. I could even slightly feel the warmth of breath on my face. 

“Woah! Too close!” I screamed as I jumped back a few steps. 

“What happened to your face?!” Jennifer shouted as she took a step closer to me.

“Just a little fight I had with my friend..” I lied while avoiding eye contact with her.

“Come with me!” Jennifer yelled before grabbing my hand and tugging me along.  

I watched Jennifer’s well endowed back side and enjoyed the show seeing as there was nothing that I could do to stop her. 

“Oh.. Don’t you have guard duty?” The thought suddenly came to me. 

Jennifer stopped dead in her tracks, her ears turning crimson red. She reached into her blazer and pulled out a walkie-talkie. She quietly mumbled something into it and put it into her pocket.

Is she an airhead? 

I couldn’t see Jennifer’s face, but I’m sure it looked complicated and embarrassed.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, another teacher showed up and took Jennifer’s place on guard duty. 

The teacher that showed up had a questioning look on her face until she saw me and didn’t utter a single word after. 

Jennifer quietly dragged me to the nurses office. Upon opening the door my jaw nearly fell to the floor. 

The nurse that I saw was absolutely gorgeous! She had long silky black hair. Beautiful amber colored eyes. Her skin was glowing and perfectly brown like a mocha latte. Her face looked like a work of art, and she had a bodacious figure! 

“Ohh.. you poor baby.” The nurse said as she approached me. Her accent was sexy and sounded like it originated from somewhere in South America. 

The nurse sensually placed her hands on my face, gently rubbing my face. “Did this just happen?” 

Thank you, Jesus! 

I was too caught up in the pleasant experience to respond to the nurse’s question. 

“Make sure he gets proper treatment!” Jennifer yelled as she shut the door behind her. 

Oh, I actually forgot about her. 

The nurse lightly rolled her eyes before walking me over to one of the chairs in her office. 

“So, what happened?” The nurse asked. 

“Oh.. it’s nothing. I got into a fight with a friend.” I lied again.

“A fight?” The nurse asked as her eyebrow raised. 

“Yup.” Short. Simple. Sweet. 

“More like a beating?” The nurse said questioningly.

“Yeah.. you could call it that.” It was more like a rabid animal attacking a wounded animal, but I won’t tell her that. 

“Pfft! Hopefully it doesn’t happen again?” The nurse said as she started giggling. 

“Oh no, it won’t.” I might have lied again. 

The nurse and I talked for a bit while she rubbed some ointment on my face and gave me a couple of bandages for the small cuts on my face. 

I was now all patched up and ready to go! 

“Bye!” As I stepped to the door, I remembered that I didn’t get her name. “Errr…” 

“Munez.” She responded.

“Bye Ms.Munez!” I said, as I blew her a kiss. 

Ms.Munez laughed with a warm smile and waved me off. 

See? A little flirting doesn’t hurt, right? Not like I could help myself anyway, she's too damn bad!  

I arrived at my homeroom a little late, but according to Ms.Munez she already informed Sarah. 

As I stepped into the class, I saw everyone crowding Jason. Asking him a ton of questions and laughing like schoolgirls. Well, they were schoolgirls.. all except for Sarah! 

Not you too, Sarah… 

I clutched my head as I walked into the class. 

How can I beat this guy? 

I looked up to Jason wearing an amiable smile and happily flapping his gums. 

Pretty bastard! 

Jason's eyes met mine, and I averted mine unconsciously. 

Wait! Why did I look away?! He’s not going to out Alpha me! 

I turned to look back at him, and Jason was already making his way over to me. 

Oh shit. 

I tried to go the other way, but Jason grabbed my arm. 

“What happened to you?” Jason asked. A deep scowl painted his face. 

I have a very bad feeling right now..Why is that? 

“Nothing important.” I responded swiftly.

“Nothing important!” Jason exclaimed. 

He pulled me closer to him and grabbed my chin. “This is important!” 

“Ahhh!!!!” The girls screamed. 

Jason’s hands were.. soft. And he smelled really good, like spices and fruit. His eyes were clear, gentle, and warm as he gazed into my eyes. 

“If something is bothering you, you can tell me. You know that, right?” Jason said as he gently rubbed my cheek. 

My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, and my face was on fire. I could quite literally feel myself being sucked into Jason’s energy. 

“I’m jealous..” One of the girls mumbled. 

I batted away Jason’s hands before it was too late. 

Thank you,random girl! If it wasn’t for you, I would have gotten sucked in! 

The girls gasped and all wore shocked expressions. 

“What’s your problem?!” 

“How could you do that to Jason?!”

The girls made a circle around Jason as he held the hand that I smacked away. 

Oh my God! That was dangerous! I have never felt so gay in my entire life! 

My chest heaved up and down as I was gradually catching my breath. 

Jason looked at me, his eyes wavering as if he was on the verge of tears. “Sorry.” 

“Look what you did to Jason!” 

My chest tightened, and a small amount of guilt washed over me. 

Stop! Don’t look at me like that! I did nothing wrong! 

“I’m fine!” I screamed as I ran to the back of the class. 

Is this bastard trying to conquer me instead of my harem?! Oh my God… what if he’s trying to conquer all of us?! 

A chill ran up my spine as I gave one last look to Jason who was left standing dumbfounded. 

I won’t let you conquer me or us, you bastard! 

I made eye contact with Riri as I made it back to my seat. Her eyes were shocked and she had a complicated expression on her face. 

Don’t look at me like that! I’m not gay, I promise! 

I quickly averted my eyes and put my head down on my desk.

I have the option to ignore the world if I want! 

Today… I got out Alpha’d… but tomorrow will be a different story!

The class was filled with awkward silence, mixed with hateful and envious stares from the girls.  


Thank God!!!

I almost ran out of the classroom once the bell sounded. Jason looked like he wanted to say something to me, but I ran right past him. 

Fuck you asshole! 

Once lunchtime came, I almost cried from happiness. 

I got to the front of the lunch line and ordered my food. 

The woman who was serving my food was a fairly attractive woman. It still shocked me that almost the entire school was filled with beauties. I literally have not seen one unattractive girl since I got here. If anything, I'm the odd one out. 

I was looking for a table to sit down at, when a small voice called out to me. 

“Y-you can sit down here.” 

“Huh?” I looked down to see a petite girl with blue hair covering her face. 

“T-Thank you.” I said as I happily sat down across from her. “You look familiar?” 

“Oh. I’m in your homeroom.” The blue haired girl responded. 

“Oh yeah!” I shouted. “You told me to move out of the doorway.” 

“N-no!” The blue haired girl said as her bangs swayed. “That’s not how I meant it! T-that's not even what I said.” 

“Pfft!” I could barely hold back my laughter. “I’m just messing with you.” 

“O-oh...” The girl said weakly as her ears turned. 

What is it about this world? People blush so much here. Is it because it’s based off of an H game? 

“Thanks for letting me sit here.” I told her. I wanted to break the awkward tension. 

“I don’t own the table.” She said.  

“Could you tell everybody else that?” I said, not hiding my annoyance whatsoever. The memories of me being glared at as soon as I sat down at the table are still fresh in my mind. 

“Oh. I’m sorry.” She responded sheepishly. 

“It’s alright. You didn’t do anything.” I responded. “Oh yeah, what’s your name?” 

“Oh, I’m Madison.” She told me.

“Jeff.” I held out my fist for a fist bump. I would have shaken her hand, but we’re about to eat after all. “Nice to meet you.” 

“Nice to meet you.” Madison responded as she weakly bumped my fist. 

Lunch was pretty quiet and awkward. It didn’t seem like Madison was very talkative, or at least she didn’t want to talk to me. I really don’t know. 

That’s what I thought, until… 

“What happened to your face?” Madison suddenly asked. 

“What do you think happened?” I sarcastically responded. Not intentional, just kind of getting annoyed with the stares, pointing, whispers, and easily answerable questions. 

“Well.. everyone’s saying that you and Jason got into a lovers quarrel.” Madison answered.

“Pfff!!” I nearly spit out my milk, followed by a coughing fit. “What the… what the…” 

How the hell did that rumor start?! Is it because of the gay moment earlier?! I’m going to punch whoever made that rumour up! 

Madison came around the table and patted me on the back until I stopped coughing. 

“Thank you.. thank you..” I said in between coughs.

“You’re welcome.” Madison said with a slight smile on her face. 

Hmm.. up close she looks kind of cute. I wonder what she looks like when her bangs are out of the way? 

Madison sat back in her seat, taking small bites of her food.

“Is that really what everyone believes?” I asked. 

“No, some people think that you were harassing girls and Jason beat you up to stop you.” Madison responded after chewing her food. 

“I can’t even believe..” I shook my head.

The absurdity of these rumors are astounding! If I don’t squash them soon they could get out of hand! 

“Why are you so knowledgeable about this stuff?” I asked. I mean we all hear rumours, it just seems like she’s too knowledgeable. Or maybe I’m just out of the loop? 

“No, I’m not. I just hear things.” Madison quickly responded.b

“Hmm.” I examined Madison. She looked uncomfortable under my gaze and averted her eyes. “Why did you offer me a seat if you heard all of that stuff about me?”

“Well, they're just rumors, right?” Madison said as she looked up to meet my gaze. 

“Nope. I am most definitely in a homosexual relationship with Jason, and I also sexually harass women.” I retorted. 

Madison slightly shook before sitting still in silence. 

“I-I’m joking! I’m joking!” I thought she would know that! 

“O-oh!” Madison said as she twitched. 

“Why did you believe me?! What type of person do you think I am?!” I asked.

“I-I don’t know you!” Madison snapped back.

“That’s…a good point.” I weakly responded. 

There were a few moments of awkward silence before I decided to throw a Hail Mary. 

“Hey, do you know about a girl named Saya?” I asked. 

“Oh..” Madison made a complicated face and looked down at her food. “Yeah, I do.” 

That’s weird.. 

“Why do you say it like that?” I asked. 

“She’s umm.. troubled from what everyone says.” Madison answered. “But, I don’t know her! So it could be all untrue!” 

This girl.. maybe she could prove useful.. like a quest hint of some sort?

“What are some of the rumors?”

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