Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

To The Heart of The Beast


Lunch was finally over, and I was standing up getting ready to leave. 

“Thank you so much.” I said as I hugged Madison.

“H-a-wh-I-uh..” Madison stuttered as she squirmed in my arms. 

“Oh!” I yelled, as I released her. 

The girls around us were whispering to each other. My face was burning and my heart was beating erratically. Madison didn’t look any better if you went off of her crimson red skin. 

“I-I’m sorry for touching you. I was just really happy that you let me eat with you.” I lied partially. I was happy about her letting me sit with her, but I was really happy that she shared so much information about Saya with me. Which resulted in me being unable to contain myself and hugging her.

“I-it’s okay!” Madison exclaimed. “A-anytime..” 

“I’ll take you up on that!” I yelled, as I turned to flee. There was only so much embarrassment I could take. 

“I-okay!” Madison yelled back. 

What a nice girl! “Why can't the other girls in my harem be like her. ” 

Madison told me about some of the rumors surrounding Saya. Let’s just say.. none were flattering whatsoever. 

The rumors spanned from her stealing other girls' boyfriends and brothers. Fights, illicit affairs with teachers, and obviously engaging in prostitution with boys, and girls!

The fighting matches up with her assaulting me. And I guess Saya is bisexual in this world? Judging from what little I know about Saya, anything could be true. 

“Why does she have to be one of my heroines?” 

Fuck my life.. 

I spent the rest of the day looking for Saya, I even asked a few students. Judging from their expressions and the answers they gave me, they must have assumed that I was seeking out Saya for not so savory purposes. I was pissed that they assumed that about me, but I understood it due to the rumors. I did eventually get an answer though. One of the students that I asked happened to have a class with Saya. She told me that she hadn’t seen her and that Saya was known for skipping a lot. 

I should have thanked her? What was her name? Oh well, whatever. Maybe I’ll get it next time? Hopefully there’s a next time, under better circumstances of course! 

It was the end of the day and I was packing my backpack and getting ready to leave. 

Should I wait until she comes back? But, she’s known for regularly skipping. Who knows when I’ll see her again? And what if something happened between then and now? 

“Fuck..” I muttered underneath my breath. 

I picked my backpack up and was starting to leave until… 

“Hey, white boy!” The fucking tsundere known as Riri, shouted at me as I walking towards the door. 

I stopped for a second, gnashing my teeth. But then I continued walking. 

I have enough on my damn plate already! Go away! 

“Don’t ignore me!” Riri shouted once more, before I heard the stomping of feet. 

Oh my god… are you serious?!  

I turned around to face my soon to be annoying ass tsundere harem member. 

Riri was running at me, but looked surprised once I turned around. She managed to stop herself once she was only a foot away from me.

“What?!” I asked, not hiding my irritation whatsoever. 

Riri’s eyes lit up in anger, and her mouth twitched. “Rude!” Riri shouted as she pointed a finger at me. “Where are you going?!” 

I stood still with my mouth open. Not knowing what to say or how to answer her question. 

“Hello?!” Riri asked, as she waved her in front of my face. 

“Why does it matter?” I asked. 

Riri's eyes popped open, and her mouth wavered. “Because! I… want to know what my stalker is up to!” 

I felt an oncoming headache, and just wanted to leave the situation as soon as possible. “He’s not stalking you today. Goodbye.” 

I tried to turn and leave, but Riri stepped in front of me. “Wait! I wasn’t finished!” 

I sighed loudly. “What do you want?” 

Riri’s facial expression was complicated, but quickly turned serious. “What happened to you?” 

“None…of…your…business.” I’m sick of being asked that! And I’m sure she doesn’t actually care! 

“Yes it is.” Riri retorted. 

“How?” I asked. 

“Because you’re my stalker.” Riri announced confidently with a smile.

It took me a second to shake my bewilderment. “Do you have a crush on me or something?” 

Riri’s eyes twitched and she made the most disgusted face, as if she had just experienced the most unpleasant thing that could ever happen to her. 

Did I just step on a landmine? I was just joking… 

I expected something bad to happen, but nothing did. In fact, Riri went quiet. 

I waved my hands in front of Riri, but she didn’t react. 

“I..uh…” I was speechless at Riri’s state. So I just looked at her. 

“Fucking…” Riri suddenly muttered. 

“Uh..” I unconsciously took a few steps back. Feeling a sudden sense of danger. 

“Fucking Ew!” Riri screamed. “Me?! You?! Never! You’re dusty!” 

Riri continued to hurl a barrage of insults at me, while I stood there and took it. But, there was one thought that actually floated inside of my head. 

Does…She… like…me??? …why???

Nah! There’s no way! With Jason here, why would any girl want me over him? Not that I’m a bad guy or anything. I just don’t logically understand it. I mean… if.. in a parallel universe.. where she does.. like me.. then.. I guess that would make clearing the game easier? 

But.. Why do I have the feeling that it wouldn't? 

I shook my head, clearing my mind. 

It doesn’t even matter, I have to focus on Saya right now. I can’t stretch myself too thin. 

I tried to move past Riri again, but she refused to move. Only continuing her verbal assault. I didn’t know what else to do, and I was quickly running out of options. 

“I’m sorry for even thinking that.” I cautiously stated.

RirI suddenly broke from her abusive trance, her face morphing into one of pure bliss. ”Y-yeah you are! Gross! Disgusting!” 

Riri started laughing almost maniacally. Like she had won something. What it was that she won, I don’t know. 

What’s up with all of my heroines being weirdo’s?

“So…are you going to move?” I asked, knocking Riri out of her stupor once again. 

“Huh? Oh!” Riri looked at me for a long while without saying anything. “No.” 


“You know what… I am doing something!” I shouted, my last strand of will and sanity leaving me.

“Really?!” Riri asked, her eyes flashing with interest. “I mean.. what is it?” 

A slight bit of irritation hit me, but I ignored it. “I’m actually going to visit someone.” I said coolly.  

“Who???” Riri asked, as she squinted her eyes and folded her arms. 

“Saya.” I answered. I could lie, but this might make her lose interest. Hopefully not forever if she’s aware of the rumors. 

Riri’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. “Wow… You… look like someone that would have to pay for it.” 

“I…What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” I didn’t mean for that to come out, but what the hell?! I’m perfectly normal! 

Riri silently stared at me, before stepping to the side. 

“I'm not paying for anything!” I repeated. 

“If you say so.” Riri said as she averted her eyes. 

“I'm really not!” I pleaded. 

“Then why are you going to see her?” Riri cautiously asked.

“Because..” I can’t be entirely honest.. damnit! Why couldn’t I keep my fucking mouth shut?!

“Is she the reason you’re like this?” Riri aske with a mysterious look in her eyes.

“Oh. uh… no?” I can really suck at lying sometimes.

Riri turned around. “Let’s go.” 

“What?” I asked, confused, but not really.

“I'm going with you.” Riri stated. 

“No, you’re not.” I retorted. 

“But, I am.” Riri said, as she stepped out of the classroom. 

“But, you aren’t.” I stated. 

“Stop me.” Riri turned to say with an angry expression. 

“Why do you even want to go?” I asked. 

“First.” Riri held up a finger. “I’m bored and want some drama in my life.” She held up a second finger. “You clearly don’t know where she lives, because if you did you wouldn’t go to that shit hole, especially not alone.” 

“Shit hole?” I asked. 

Riri raised an eyebrow and folded her arms. “Were you unaware that she’s a broke bitch?” 

“I..” The memory of her screaming at me about how much I took from her came to mind quite vividly. “I’m not surprised.” 

I'm not surprised.. it’s just.. What can I do about her being poor? 

“Why do you care?” Riri suddenly asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

“I..I don’t know.” I muttered. 

Maybe I’m in over my head? Besides me clearing the game, I don’t have a concrete reason to help Saya. I don’t even know how. 

There was a long stretch of silence, before I was ready to speak again. “How do you know where she lives?” 

“Oh! Someone found her address and posted it online. She lives in a house that’s falling apart with no porch.” Riri snickered.

“That’s not funny.” I quipped. 

“Huh? The shit is funny and true. What do you want me to do about it?” Riri said with a laugh.

“What’s funny about being poor?” I asked, my annoyance being very difficult to contain.

Riri shrugged her shoulders. “It just is.” 

“Why are you…” Do I really have to be with this person? “Whatever.” 

“Good boy.” Riri said as she patted my head. “Now let’s go!”  

I silently followed Riri as we exited the building. My head felt like it was in shambles, and my stomach felt like it was twisted in a knot.

“If you do fight her, I’m recording it.” Riri said with a sneer. 

I should have wished for something else. “Do whatever you want.” 

“I will.” Riri responded with a humph. 

“Oh!” How could I forget?! Ugh.. I’m the worst brother ever!!! 

“Why are you screaming?!” Riri shouted. 

“I’m sorry! Um.. Before we go to Saya’s house.. I have to pick up my little sister at the train station and…drop her off.” I struggled to say. 

Riri rolled her eyes. “I don’t have to do anything.”

“Please?” I asked meekly. 

Riri looked like she was annoyed, but held her tongue. “Fine.” 

“Thank you.” I said weakly. 

“You better be!” Riri snapped back. “You’re lucky I feel bad for your little sister!” 

Once we stepped outside, Riri immediately turned and headed for the parking lot. 

“Where are you going?” I asked. 

“” Riri asked with a furrowed brow. 

“You have a car?!” I shouted. 

I just learned how to drive back in my world. And she already has a car?! 

Riri looked at me with a deadpan expression. I felt dumb, and scratched my head awkwardly. 

“No.” Riri said stiffly. “You’re going to hop on my back like a camel, and I’m going to walk five miles to pick up your sister.” 

“Okay..I get it.” I said weakly. 

“It was a stupid question.” Riri retorted with a snort.

I’m already regretting my decision. 

As we were walking, a cherry red camaro came into view. 

“Woah! Wtf?!” I screamed. 

Riri jumped in surprise, and turned to stare at me with an angry look on her face. “What do you keep screaming?!” 

I ran up to the camaro, meticulously examining every single detail. “This is your car?!” 

“No. I-“ I cut Riri off mid sentence. 

“I know! it’s just..” I looked at the camaro, my heart almost beating out of my chest. “You drive a camaro!” 

Riri made a face of utter disgust, with eyes that held contempt. “The broke boy is leaking out of you…”

I didn’t really care that Riri insulted me. I’ll just save it for later. “This is my dream car! Can I drive it?!” 

“No!” Riri quickly responded. 

“Please?!” I screamed, taking a few steps away from the vehicle and a few steps closer to Riri. 

“No!” Riri screamed as she slowly backed away from me, her eyes filled with fear. “G-Get away from me!!” 

I ran up to Riri before she had a chance to flee and grabbed her shoulders. “Please???” 

“If you don’t get your hands off of me!” Riri screamed as she pushed me away. 

A few students looked our way, and began whispering to each other. 

“O-oh.. shit… sorry..” I apologized weakly. 

“Maybe you should walk instead!” Riri shouted as she got in her car. 

I fucked up…. 

“Get in!” Riri’s voice brought me back to reality. 

“Oh!” I ran up to the passenger door and opened it. “Thank you.” 

“Shut up.” Riri said with an irritated tone.

“Okay.” I responded absentmindedly. My attention being directed to the entirety of her car. 

The interior of Riri’s car was cherry red and black. The seats were authentic leather, and she had her name engraved into the steering wheel. 

Riri sighed loudly before starting her car. 

The car reved and that’s when I knew… 

I’m in a camaro! 

Riri went to her playlist, and the first song began to play. Almost immediately, Riri started jumping up and down in her seat. Humming and dancing while whipping her hair back and forth.

Her voice sounds.. good. And she looks really cute dancing. Maybe this world isn’t so bad? 

 ~I like cash and my hair to my ass~” Riri sang along with the first song that played, getting even more hyper.

Well.. she still looks really cute and-

Riri pulled out of the parking lot at a breakneck speed. Causing me to hit the window with a *thud*.

Nevermind! This world sucks! I want to go home!


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