Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

An Unexpected Visitor


~Hmm.. Hmm.. hm~” Saya has been humming a tune since we left school. 

Saya and I are currently making our way to my house. 

I turned my attention to Saya happily humming and clinging to my arm. The alarm bells have been blaring inside of my head, but I’ve been ignoring them. I’ve made my decision to help Saya and I’m going to do it! 

After we.. made up? Saya announced that she wanted to celebrate, but I decided against it for now. People have been giving us side-long glances ever since we left school and I know why. 

Seeing Saya up close, I’ve been able to notice how dirty her clothes are and all of the rips and holes on them. 

What the fuck happened to her??

Despite my burning curiosity, I’ve been unable to gather the courage to ask her. 

I do want to know, but at the same time I don’t… 

“We’re here.” I stopped in my tracks in front of my house. 

Saya examined my house up and down. “Your house is nice..” She turned to me with a smirk on her face. “Your family must be rich.” 

“I mean…” I examined our house as well and noticed how nice and big it was. 

I’ve never thought about how well off this family really is. We live in a nice neighborhood and in a big and beautiful house, far better than my old house.

“We’re not rich.. But we do well for ourselves.” I mused aloud. 

Saya smacked her lips, but didn’t say anything further. 

We walked to the front door and I put my key in to unlock the door. But, I stopped right before opening the door. “I don’t see my step mom’s car, but she could still be in here. So let me check first.” 

 Saya rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything. 

I have no idea how to tell Kenzie about Saya or how she’s going to react. And to make matters worse, I haven’t told Miyuki either. If how she reacted after I told her that I wouldn’t be able to pick her up after school is any indication of how she’s going to react when she finds out about Saya, I’m fucking doomed!  

The texts of Miyuki going off on me about being a shitty brother is still fresh in my mind. 

At least Riri was able to pick her up… 

The memories of Riri going off on me through text about being a shitty brother and an inconsiderate asshole is still fresh in my mind as well. 

I sighed loudly as I opened the door. 

They’re right, but I promised Saya. 

“Hey! I’m-” My voice was abruptly cut off when Saya bumped into me and rushed inside of my house. 

“We’re home!” Saya screamed as she ran into the kitchen with her hands waving in the air. 

Oh. My. God. 

I quickly closed and locked the door before running after Saya. I sprinted into the kitchen to find Saya gulping down a cartoon of juice. 

“What the fuck are you doing?!” I screamed as I made my way over to Saya. 

Saya exhales with a satisfied expression on her face as she placed the carton of juice back into the fridge. “That was good!” 

“Bro! I.. wha..” I stammered over my words as I couldn't believe what was happening. 

Saya cheerfully skipped out the kitchen to presumably wreak havoc elsewhere. 

I just started and she’s already out of control. What the fuck am I going to do? 

It took me a few seconds to break out of my stupor before I quickly opened the fridge to retrieve the carton of juice Saya had drunk off of. I rushed into the living room with the juice in hand. Saya was nowhere to be found until I heard bumping upstairs. 

“What are you doing?!” I ran upstairs as fast as I possibly could. 

I made it to the top of the stairs and heard the commotion coming from my room. 

Damnit! I should have locked my door! I didn’t even think to do it! 

I dashed down the hallway and came to a stop in front of my door. I was shocked by what I was seeing. 

Saya, in a matter of seconds, had destroyed my room. My closet was wide open and my clothes were scattered everywhere. I turned my attention to Saya rummaging through my dresser. 

“You don’t have any weed, porn, cigarettes, nothing! You are so fucking lame!” Saya screeched with a laugh. 

My insides were boiling, I dropped the juice and I stomped over to where Saya was going through my stuff. “Hey!” I grabbed her by the wrist, and she made a wince of pain. 

I quickly let go of Saya once I felt something wet coming from underneath my hand. I looked down to see that she was bleeding. 

“Oh.. I’m..” My words stopped once I made eye contact with Saya. 

Saya stuck her tongue out at me, with reddened cheeks. 

Did  she.. Did that just.. 

Saya quickly turned her attention to my laptop sitting on my desk. “You have something.” 

Saya turned around and took a step toward my laptop, but I wrapped my arms around waist before she could get any closer. “Stop.” 

I don’t have anything on my laptop to hide, but I’m protective of it because of.. events from my past life. 

Saya stopped moving, and nuzzled into my embrace. She turned to look at me, her cheeks a beautiful hue of pink, and her eyes burning with desire. Her lips curled into a mischievous smile, and I could feel her heartbeat racing. 

Before I knew it, Saya had already planted a kiss on me. She wasted no time and forced her tongue inside of my mouth. She sucked on my tongue and swallowed my saliva. Her eyes were closed and she had a content smile on her face. 

I was stunned and found myself unable to move. Letting Saya have her way with me as I was forced to endure the nasdty taste of cigarettes. 

After what seemed like forever, Saya finally separated her lips from mine. Licking her lips seductively. “You taste good.”

Saya wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing her face to face with me. Her eyes bore into my head, and a shiver ran up my spine. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, and my heart was pounding. 

“You wanna fuck?” Saya aked with a whisper, her sultry breath tickling my nose. 

I opened my mouth, but my voice refused to come out. 

Saya's lips curled into a smile and she slowly ran her hands down my neck, past my chest, before brushing against my crotch. Saya bit her lips enticingly, without a word she pushed me against the wall. Without wasting any time she grabbed my belt and unfastened it. 

“Wait!” I screamed.

Saya laughed and completely ignored what I said. She unbuttoned my pants and unzipped my pants before reaching her hands inside. 

“~Ah!~” A moan escaped my mouth as Saya’s warm and slender fingers grasped my growing erection. 

Saya smiled beautifully as she began stroking my cock with a feverish expression. 

Is this how it’s going to happen?! Am I really about to lose my virginity?! Let’s go!!!

My heart leaped for joy, and I could feel myself beginning to smile. 

Saya grew even more excited and started stroking even harder and faster.

Suddenly, my mood started to dampen like a bucket of cold water had just been poured on my head. My stomach turned and I felt a heavy feeling start to settle on my chest. Seeing Saya’s excited expression caused something to stir inside of me.  

Saya softly placed her lips on my neck, gently kissing and licking my neck. 

This.. this isn’t right. She doesn’t even know me that well… Why is she so comfortable doing this? 

“You rea- what’s this?” Saya asked with a confused look on her face. 

I didn’t say anything, but I knew what she was referring to. 

My erection went soft, and wouldn’t stand back up.

Saya laughed before throwing me a teasing gaze. “Are you nervous?” 

“Stop.” I grabbed Saya’s hand and removed it from my pants. 

Saya looked confused, and her face quickly transformed to one of pure rage. “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!” 

“Saya-” My words were cut off when Saya planted a firm slap across my cheek. My ears started ringing and my cheek burned. 

I blinked a few times and took a second to shake the dizziness away. The soft sound of sobbing entered my ears and I looked up to see Saya crying. 


“FUCK YOUI!” Saya hoarsely screamed. Her hand shaking and tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were burning hot enough to melt steel, and her face was twisted in agony. As if I had just burned her.

The crazed look in Saya’s eyes grew even worse, and she picked up a bottle from my floor and threw it at me. 

The bottle hit me in the face and I quickly shielded myself from the torrent of objects and clothes Saya started hurling at me. 

“I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!” I could hear Saya screaming at the top of her lungs and picking up stuff to throw at me. “YOU LIAR! PIECE OF…” Saya’s voice started cracking and her sobbing started drowning out everything that she was saying.  

Saya finally stopped throwing things at me, and I lowered my arms. Saya was standing in front of me breathing heavily as tears streamed down her face. She was trembling and baring her teeth at me like an animal about to attack. 

“Saya..” My heart ached, and my mouth felt dry. “It’s.. not-” 

“FUCKING INCEL!” Saya yelled before turning around and ran out of my room. 

The sound of her footsteps going down the stairs echoed throughout the house. Abruptly, I heard a door slam and the sound of a shower being turned on. 

I sighed loudly as I made my way over to my messy bed and plopped a seat. I dropped my face into my hands as I felt the energy leave my body. I was left alone with my chaotic thoughts, and many things flooded my head. But, only one thought managed to rise to the surface. 

“What.. the.. fuck?!” 


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