Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!



I looked around my destroyed room, a huge sigh escaping from my lips.

I can’t believe things turned out this bad… and it’s only the beginning. Why did she even freak out like that? Is this going to be a common occurrence? “No use in complaining too much about it. I already made up my mind.” 

I went downstairs to grab a mop to clean up the spilled juice in front of my door. I tried one more time to goat Saya out of the bathroom, but it was useless. I gave up and went back to my room to clean up the mess. 

My lips curled into a thin smile as I word my brow in satisfaction. “Finally done!” 

I can’t believe she was able to wreck my room in such a short amount of time. That should be a skill. 

A thought suddenly floated into my head. “She’s been in the bathroom for a long time. Should I go check on her again?” 

Suddenly, the sound of a vehicle pulling came from outside. “She’s back already!” 


I ran out of my room, speeding towards the stairs. “Fuck!” I screamed as I tripped and tumbled down the stairs. 


“Ow…” I finally came to a stop once I hit the floor at the bottom of the stairs. 

I heard Kenzie’s footsteps getting closer, and I quickly sprang to my feet. 

I ran to the bathroom and started banging on the door. “SAYA! STAY IN THE BATHROOM UNTIL I TELL YOU TO COME OUT!” 

I quickly turned around and ran towards the kitchen. The sound of the door being unlocked was followed by it being opened. 

Okay, play it cool! I have to keep her away from Saya until I can provide a good enough explanation as to why she’s here. 

I took a deep breath and fixed my appearance as much as I could. 

Kenzie stepped into the kitchen carrying a filled plastic bag in her hand. She was dressed in a black turtleneck sweater, nice form fitting blue jeans and black heels. Her hair was tied into a ponytail with a few strands of hair hanging loose. She looked to be a little tired, but nonetheless retained her youthfulness. 

Kenzie stopped dead in her tracks once she laid eyes on me. “Hello, Jeff.” 

“H-hey!” I replied, my voice going up an octave.  

Kenzie eyed me suspiciously as her brow furrowed. She slowly walked over to the kitchen counter and placed the bag on it. “So why are you here?”

“Well.. I wasn’t feeling too good today.” I responded sheepishly, avoiding eye contact in the process. 

 Kenzie took a deep breath before tilting her head. “What did I tell you Jeff?”

“If I’m not feeling good, just let you know.” I answered stiffly.

“Exactly.” Kenzie announced. “Next time, let your teachers know so they can call me.” 

“Okay.” I replied weakly. 

Thank God she’s so chill.

Kenzie breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, it’s a good thing that you’re here. I’m going to use the bathroom. Go get the rest of the groceries out of the car and put them up.”    

“Wait!” I stepped in front of Kenzie, blocking off her path. 

“What? Can it wait? I really have to go!” Kenzie spoke impatiently, her eyes flaring. 

“I….” Fuck! What’s a good excuse?! 

I didn’t say anything else, and Kenzei grew impatient. “Move!” Kenzie tried to force her way through, but I stopped her. 

“Okay! Okay! Okay!” I repeated. 

I can’t delay things forever. I have to tell her the truth. “I-” 

“Hey!!” The worst possible voice, at the worst possible time, echoed inside of the kitchen. 

I turned around to see Saya dressed in a pair of light blue boxers and a black long sleeve shirt. Her hair was slick with water, and she looked refreshed. 

Saya winked at me as she sauntered over to me and hugged my arm against her chest.

Kenize was speechless and froze in place. Her eyes blinked rapidly and her mouth opened like a fish out of water. 

I looked at Saya and she smiled back at me, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. 

Sweat started trickling down my forehead, and my mouth felt dry. “This… this..” 

“We’re dating!” Saya announced with a bubbly laugh. If I didn’t know her, I would think she’s a sweet and innocent girl by the way she’s laughing and smiling.

“No. You’re not.” Kenzie stated flatly. 

“We are!” Saya responded with a scoff. 

Kenzie looked directly at me, then back to Saya. She suddenly started moving towards us, and I quickly pushed Saya behind me. 

“Wait! Just-” 

Kenize stopped in front of me, her expression blank and indecipherable. “I want her out.”  

“But, she doesn’t-” 

“Out.” Kenzie repeated, her voice cold and emotionless. 

“You heard her! Let’s go!” Saya screamed from behind me, tugging at my arm. 

“My son isn’t going anywhere with you.” Kenize replied as she looked over my shoulder at Saya as I fought to keep them separated. 

Saya burst out laughing, her eyes turning dark and her nails digging into my arms. She leaned over to me and gently placed a kiss on my neck.   

“Jeff, move!” Kenzie instructed me as she tried to pull me away from Saya. 

Saya tightened her grip on my arm and started laughing hysterically. 

My head started pounding, my heart started beating fast, and my stomach was twisting into knots. 

“STOP!” I screamed as I pulled away from Kenzie. 

I pushed Saya into the hallway. “Go upstairs and wait for me!” 

Saya threw me the same old smile. As if the situation we’re in doesn’t matter. 

“Now!” I pointed upstairs, my voice raising an octave. 

Saya, without warning, planted a kiss on my lips. She separated quickly after and walked upstairs. 

I breathed a huge sigh of relief, before turning around to see Kenzie fuming. 

“What is this?” Kenzie asked, her feet tapping the ground. 

“I’ll tell you everything. Okay? Just calm down.” I answered, as I stepped closer to Kenzie. 

“I’m not mad.” Kenzie leaned toward, staring directly into my eyes. “Yet.” 

 “Okay. I understand.” I touched Kenzie’s shoulder. “Please, just listen?”

Kenzie removed my hand. “Start talking.” 

Kenzie and I walked into the kitchen and sat down. I proceeded to tell her practically everything. About going to Saya’s house and seeing her living condition. About what really happened when I went to her house. How Saya and Morgan got evicted. How Morgan disappeared, and how Saya is homeless and has nowhere to go. The only thing that I didn’t tell her was how Saya attacked me after I caught her prostituting herself. And I changed quite a few details regarding her selling herself. 

“I don’t care.” Kenzie said while shaking her head. “I don’t want her in my house.” 

“Please?” I asked again for the 100th time. 

“No.” Kenzie snapped back. “She’s not my problem.” 

“She doesn’t have anywhere to go.” My eyes filled with tears, and my voice cracked. “Please?” 

Kenzie sighed loudly. She grabbed my hand and started to slowly caress it. “Jeff, it’s nice that you want to help. But, you can’t help everyone. And it’s not your responsibility.” 

“But, I want to help her. I can help her.” My voice started cracking up, and tears were pouring out of my eyes. 

Kenzie closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. “Jeff, no.”

Before I could open my mouth again, Kenzie cut me off. “No.” Kenzie shook her head. 

I removed my hands from Kenzie’s. My mouth hung open, but nothing came out. No more excuses, no more begging, no more answers, nothing.

Kenzie made a complicated expression, while her mouth kept flapping open like a broken lid, but she didn’t say a word.

What do I do now? I gave Saya my word. I can’t just give up on her. 

“There are shelters out there for people like Saya.” Kenzie suddenly spoke. “I’ll look into finding her a good shelter that she can stay in.” 

“......okay.” I don’t know what I expected. This is all I can do, I guess. 

“Go upstairs and tell her to come down.” Kenzie nodded to the stairs. “I need to talk to her.” 

With a heavy heart, I trudge up the stairs silently. I walked into my room and saw Saya sitting on my bed smoking a cigarette. She was staring off into space, her expression blank. 

Once Saya noticed me, she took a deep puff of her cigarette. “She said no, right?” 

“...yeah.” I answered, the words almost hurting to say. 

I sat down on the bed next to her. She scooted close to me, resting her head on my shoulder. 

“She said that she wants to talk to you.” I replied flatly, my voice lacking energy. 

Saya took a big puff of her cigarette. She flipped her hand over, revealing her palm. Without saying anything, she pushed the cigarette against her skin.

“What are you doing?!” I screamed as I snatched the cigarette away from her. 

“Now we’re the same.” Saya responded with a weak smile on her face. 

I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what to say. 

Saya looked deep into my eyes, her big brown eyes sucking me in. “I just don’t get you. Why do you care so much? What do you get out of it?” 

“Do I need a reason to care about you?” I asked without a second thought. 

Saya’s lips twitched profusely, slowly curling into a thin smile. Her eyes watered and she averted her eyes. 

Saya pulled up her sleeves, revealing fresh cuts on her wrist. “I did this in the bathroom.” 

“Why?” I asked, my mind swimming. 

Tears started running down Saya’s cheeks. “I just want to die.” She turned to me, her lips trembled and her chest heaving up and down. “Are you going to leave too?” 

“No.” I grabbed Saya’s shoulder’s, gazing directly into her eyes. “No matter what happens.” 

“No matter what happens.” Saya repeated quietly, and her cheeks flushed. “Do you love me?” 

“....Yes. I love you.” The most horrible thing I have ever said. “So please, don’t die?” 

Saya’s lips slowly curled into a smile. “I won’t.” Saya mumbled something that I couldn’t hear under her breath. Her eyes grew darker as she gazed deep into my eyes. “I’ll endure.” She grabbed my hand and turned it over revealing my palm. “I’ll take it all.” She proceeded to press our hands together and interlocked her fingers with mine. “Because I love you.” Saya kissed the back of my hand softly. “Because you’re all I have.” 


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