Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

ill gotten gains


I held Saya for a few minutes until she was ready to go talk to Kenzie. It’s already been a few minutes since she left my room to talk to Kenzie. Which has left me alone with my thoughts. Inside of my head, the same message repeated over and over again. 

★★Congratulations Player!!! You have successfully conquered Harem target: Saya!!★★

★★★Reward obtained!!★★★

★★Congratulations Player on obtaining your first Harem member!!★★

★★★Reward obtained!!★★★

★★New title earned!!★★

★★★Perverted Captain-Save-A-Hoe!!★★

I bit my nails absentmindedly, and my stomach churned. It felt as if a heavy weight was resting on my chest.

I’m making progress. I got rewards, albeit I don't know what they are, but still. I should be happy.

I sighed loudly as I fell back on my bed. “This is so fucked…”

So this means that she’s.. In love with me…no… she’s in love with a lie.  

”Damnit!” I punched my mattress in frustration, the pain from the cigarette burn flaring up. “I’m not ready for this…” 

“Jeff, come downstairs!” I heard Kenzie’s voice come from downstairs. 

I stood up and headed downstairs with a clouded mind. My heart was pounding, and my palms were sweaty. 

I guess the waiting is over. 

I made it downstairs and slowly walked into the kitchen. There, I found Saya munching on a sandwich and Kenzie watching her with a complicated expression. 

As I approached them, I saw why Kenzie was making a complicated expression. 

Saya was taking slow meticulous bites out of her sandwich while tears poured out of her eyes like a broken faucet. 

I looked between the two before taking a seat next to Saya. Once I sat down, I started to rub Saya’s back. Which caused her to start crying even more.

What did Kenzie say? Is it that bad? 

I looked at Kenzie and she took a deep breath. “I spoke to Saya, and she’s going to stay here.” Kenzie held a finger up, causing me to close my mouth. “Until I can find her a good shelter.” 

I glanced over to Saya, and she was still crying and eating her sandwich.

“She’s an adult now. So I’m going to help her look for a job. Hopefully a shelter has some resources to help her with that or at least something she can do at the shelter.” Kenzie turned to stare at Saya, her brow furrowed and she frowned. “Don’t make me regret it.” 

Saya slowly nodded her head while she continued eating. 

Kenzie closed her eyes and sighed. “Jeff, let me talk to you for a moment.”

I gave Saya one last look before I followed Kenzie out of the kitchen and into the hallway. 

“Jeff.” Kenzie made a stern face, and her voice was emotionless. “Never again.” 

“Yes ma’am.” I answered stiffly. Her voice didn’t seem like it left any room for negotiation.

Kenzie stared at me for a few uncomfortable moments before finally speaking. “No sex.”


Kenzie stepped closer to me, leaving only a few centimeters between us. 

Damn she smells good!

I stepped back, but Kenzie followed right after me. “Don’t give me that look. I’m too young to be a grandma. Do you understand?”

“Yeah… I  understand.” I actually don’t want to have sex Saya… I can’t believe I don’t want to have sex… But, I’m kind of disappointed that she’s not giving me the option to. 

“Good.” Kenzie announced, her face loosening. “Saya is going to use one of the guest bedrooms.” Kenzie snapped her fingers. “Oh! And from now on leave your door open.” 

“Why???” Kenzie silently stared at me, until it finally hit me. “Oh…” I’m not bothered at all about this. “Okay..” 

“Saya needs some clothes so we’re going shopping-“ 

“Can Jeff take me?” Saya walked into the hallway and locked her arms with mine. 

Kenzie took a long hard look at Saya, and then at me. As if she was in deep contemplation. “Okay...” Kenzie spoke slowly. “But, you’re buying just clothes and shoes.” 

Saya twitched and suddenly went quiet. 

Kenzie and Saya were staring at each other while I stood there watching in silence. 

What’s happening???

“O..Kay.” Saya responded, like the words hurt her to speak 

For some reason Kenzie smiled triumphantly as she pointed her finger at me. “After you’re done shopping, go pick up Miyuki.” 

“Well, actually… Riri said she was going to pick her up...” I still feel kind of guilty about that. 

Kenzie brows furrowed as shook her head. “Jeff, don’t be a burden to people.” 

Kenzie's words were like a sharp jab to the gut, making the guilt I felt even worse. I silently nodded my head in response. 

Kenzie stared deep into my eyes with a stern expression. “Especially Riri.” 

Saya suddenly dug her nails into my arm. I looked down to see what was up, but she had a blank look on her face and wasn’t saying anything. 

What is that about???

The edge of Kenzie’s lips curled as she looked between Saya and I. “I have some clothes for you to wear. They won’t fit that well, but it’s better than nothing, right?”

“..Thank you.” Saya’s voice was like a whisper, and I barely caught what she said. 

“You’re welcome.” Kenzie smiled, her eyes shimmering. Kenzie walked over to Saya and lightly pushed her. “Come on, let's go.” 

Saya seemed reluctant to let go of my arm seeing as to how she held on for a little bit. She turned around and started heading for the stairs under Kenzie’s direction. 

Just before passing me, Kenzie stopped and whispered into my ear. “Wear something nice, and make it fun. You’re welcome.” 

“Uhh.. thank you.” I responded. 

Kenzie winked at me as she walked behind Saya up the stairs. 

Wear something nice? Have fun? It almost sounds like a.. “Date?” 


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