Highschool DxD: Nibelungenlied

Chapter 2: New Life, Same Old Shit

"Get up."

I chose to ignore the voice talking to me, hoping the person would go away.

"I know you're not really asleep so get up, or do you want me to get the bucket?"

Hearing those words my eyes shot open and I sat up ramrod straight in my bed. "I'm up, I'm up!"

"Good." The voice spoke again.

The owner of it putting a smile on their face after they did so.

It is a female, and her name is Anna. But I call her Ms. Anna as to all the other children who live at the orphanage.

The place I have called home for the last ten years since that golden-haired woman reincarnated me into this new world I now call home.

Which is boring as hell, let me tell you.

During the past ten years since me re-birth I've been living a normal childhood. Which includes going to school.

Nothing exciting has happened.

Despite the fact I definitely been reincarnated into an anime universe.

I know because during these past years I've seen people walking around with hair colors like blue, green, and purple and no one bats an eye. Same with some eye colors.

Ms. Anna is a prime example. Since she has white hair and yellow eyes, but she only looks to be in her late thirties.

So that's how I know this is an anime universe, since that stuff usually only happens in them.

Though the problem is I have no idea which anime universe I have been reborn into to.

Which is bad.

Since some anime universes are all kinds of fucked up.

Though I have ruled some out.

My Hero Academia, Attack On Titan, and One Piece, etc..

Still no matter how many anime universes I cross off my list I still have no idea which one is the correct one.

Not without more information. Which I probably won't be able to get my hands on until I'm just a bit older.

It's a bit frustrating to tell you the truth.

But I won't let that stop me from living like that woman told me too.

Which I have been doing.

This second childhood of mine hasn't been bad at all.

Its nice to be a kid again with basically no responsibilities whatsoever.

Ah, such bliss.

"OK enough dilly dallying." Ms. Anna spoke. "Get and start getting ready, otherwise you'll be late for school Siegreich."

"Yes Ms. Anna." I said.

I then got and started heading for the bathroom.

Passing many of the other kids who live at the orphanage as I did so.

Just to be clear, this place isn't bad at all.

Ms. Anna does her absolute best to make sure we children under her care are happy and healthy.

Even if her methods are sometimes rather aggressive.

Like earlier with the bucket.

When a child here oversleeps after Ms. Anna continually tries to wake them she will get a giant bucket of freezing cold water and throw it on them without hesitation.

I know, since I experienced this some time ago.

That's why I stopped fooling around and got my ass up earlier. Since I was in no mood to relive that particular event.

Reaching the bathroom I went to handling business from brushing my teeth to washing my face.

Speaking of my face, there is something I couldn't believe when I first laid eyes on it.

I look exactly like Sieg from Fate/Apocrypha.

One of my favorite anime series in my previous life.

Not to mention my name is Siegreich Ashworth. But most people call me Sieg since my name is a mouthful.

So to sum it up not only is my name Sieg but I also look like Sieg from the series.


I don't believe in those.

This definitely means something. But as to what I don't know.

But I do hope I'm not in a Fate Series universe.

I am in no mood to deal with Holy Grail Wars, counter guardians, Gaia, Dead Apostles, a yandere Sakura Matou or any other bullshit the Fate universes have.

"Please for the love of everything don't let me be in a Fate Series universe." I muttered to myself.

After I did so I finished washing my face and then returned to my room to get ready for school.

Slipping my clothes I grabbed by bag and then headed off with the other kids after a quick breakfast.

Saying goodbye to Ms. Anna for a few hours as I did so.


Reaching school was no issue at all.

It's only a twenty minute walk from the orphanage.

Arriving I headed straight for my homeroom and took my seat.

Pulling at the collar of my uniform as I did so.

It's so stuffy, but compulsory for school.

I live in London, England by the way.

Unlike in my last life when I lived in the US.

But funny thing is not many people have a British accent.

Maybe that's because it's an anime universe?

I'm not really sure.

Trying to allow me neck some room to breathe I loosened my tie.

Once I did I took out my notebook and started jotting things down.

Specifically I started writing down a list of possible anime universes I hadn't crossed off of being reincarnated into yet.

I know this is potentially dangerous but no one is in the classroom right now so it's fine.

As soon as they start coming in I'll slam the book faster than they can blink and hide it away.

I'm a bit of a loner anyways so no one will pay it much attention.

I continued writing anime names down. But as I did so I heard a voice behind me.

"Ah, Mr. Ashworth what are you writing down there?"

Jumping out of my seat I slammed the notebook shut and turned around.

When I did so I saw a woman with long purple hair that goes all the way to her butt. She has purple eyes hidden behind glasses. Flawless skin and curves in all the right places. She has D-cup breasts.

Her name is Ms. Mira.

My homeroom since the beginning of the school year.

A total knockout.

Even though us boys in the class haven't even started puberty yet we can't get enough of her.

Same with the other students and the rest of the faculty.

Ms. Mira just transferred here this year and ever since she's all anyone can talk about.

Damn, what I wouldn't give to be twenty-years old again right now.

Then I would try and go for Ms. Mira.

I unfortunately died a virgin in my last life, but I have no intention of repeating that mistake again.

Just a few more years and I'll start going for females without restraint.

At Ms. Mira's question I cleared my throat. Doing my best to keep my eyes away from her chest.

"Its nothing Ms. Mira." I said. "Just stuff."

"Alright then. Well I'm glad you have something to occupy your time with. But please out it away. Class is about to begin." Ms. Mira said.

"Yes." I said.

I then put my notebook away while Ms. Mira went up to the front of the room to greet the students coming in.

'Shit, that was way to close!' I thought.

Ms. Mira almost saw what I was doing.

I need to be more careful.

But another question still remains. How did Ms. Mira sneak up on me?

She's wearing heels so I should've heard them.

Yet I didn't.

As class began I still kept asking myself the same question.

Looking at Ms. Mira, I can't helo but feel there is more to her than meets the eye.

Though I hope I am wrong.

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