Highschool DxD: Nibelungenlied

Chapter 3 Monster & Mysterious Power

*Ding Ding*

Hearing the bell signal the end of the last class of the day we students packed up our belongings while our teacher said the usual stuff that comes with the ending of class.

Do your homework. Make sure to read the designated chapters. Beware of pop quiz's.

Classic teacher lines.

Tuning it out I finished back up my bag and then left the school with my fellow orphans.

As we headed back to our home we lighted chat about our day.

But just as turned a corner I felt a cold chill race down my spine.

Stopping my tracks I turned around.

Only to see nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hey Sieg you ok?"

"Yeah, just fine." I said.

Even though that's not the case at all.

I am not crazy, something was definitely watching me just now.

But the gaze is gone, as is the chill down my spine.

Still, I won't soon forget what I just felt.

Seeing my friends look at me funny I played things off and started lightly chatting again. Doing my best not to make them worry.

I don't want them to get caught up in whatever just took place after all.

The others got back to chatting as and we resumed our walk home.

 But as we did so I couldn't help but think about the two strange occurrences I've had.

First Ms. Mira sneaking up on me and now this mystery gazer.

I think I want things to go back to boring.

Otherwise I feel I'll be in for a really wild time and not the fun kind either.


My eyes darted around the classroom, my entire body tensed up.

Two weeks have passed since I felt that spine chilling gaze.

Which has shown up again several times.

But each time I try and find the source of it, the gaze simply vanishes.

Creepy as all hell.

I'm basically living in a horror movie and the worst part is I can't ask anyone for help.

Since I have no actual concrete proof someone is watching me.

I've never even laid eyes on the person who is doing this. Not once.

And no one at the orphanage or the school has noticed any suspicious people.

Yet I know in my very heart someone is lurking, waiting to pounce on me.

I will seriously take the regular mundane life back now.

This shit isn't good for my heart.

*Ding Ding*

Hearing the bell ring signaling the end of the last class of the day I packed up my belongings in my bag.

I then left the school, making my way towards the orphanage as quickly as possible.

Because from what I have learned the gaze of whoever is stalking me lessens the more I am around other people.

That's why I've been stuck going between only school and home these past few weeks.

Which sucks, I haven't had once chance to go to the library and check out some new books or anime DVD's.

But my safety is more important to me than my hobbies.

So releasing a sigh I made my way into the park to get home quicker.

But a few moments after I made my way into the park a sudden change took place all around me.

All the people inside the park besides me suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this I stopped in my tracks and started looking around.

As I did so I noticed two things.

It is quiet.

I mean really quiet.

Other than my own breathing I can't hear anything else.

No birds, no barking dogs, no conversations or vehicles.


It's utterly silent.

As for the second thing, it's the color of the sky.

Instead of being blue it is currently a deep purple.

Combine these two things together and my danger sense is telling me how seriously fucked I am.

A moment after I realize just how messed up my situation is something appeared in the corner of my left eye.

Slowly I turned in that direction.

Then I immediately wished I hadn't after I did so.

Since standing before me right now is a creature straight out of my worst nightmare's.

The monster in front of me has frizzy yellow hair, and matching bloodshot yellow eyes. It's skin is deathly pale white. On its hands and feet are razor sharp claws. While on its body its only clothing is a bare of white underwear that has brown stains covering it.

Then there is the smell.

This thing smells like rotten meat.

It's taking me all I have not to throw up right now.

Looking at me the monster put a happy grin on its face.

Seeing this and feeling its gaze I instantly realized this monster has been the one stalking me over these past two weeks.

Which only adds to my terror.

'Away. I need to get away!' I thought.

Otherwise I know I'm going to die.

Taking a step back I prepared to run.

Only for a red mist to spray in the air the second after I did so.

'What?' I thought.

Feeling something warm going down my left arm I looked at it to see it all cut up. Flooding gushing out of it.

A second after I saw this the pain finally hit me.


Causing me to scream at the top of my lungs.

"Hahaha!!!!" The monster gleefully laughed as I clutched my bleeding left arm. "Yes, scream for me more. I want to hear your fear, your terror, and your helplessness before devouring you." The monster spoke in a crazed voice.

"Fuck you!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Doing my best to hold back my tears.

I won't let this bastard have the satisfaction of hearing me beg for my life.

"Ah, trying to act tough I see." The monsters smile got wider. "Well that's not bad either. Now, let's have some fun." It said.

The monster then charged toward me.

As it did so I turned and ran.

However before I could even get one foot I found myself flying through the air from an impact to my back.

Flipping around I eventually stopped when I crashed back first into a nearby tree.

Coughing up a mouthful of blood after I did so.

"I changed my mind. I'll devour you right now!" The monster happily shouted.

It then charged towards me.

As this happened everything in my vision became slow motion like in an action moving.

My thoughts raced a mile a minute.

'Ah, so this is it. I'm getting ready to die again.'




'But I don't want to die. Not like this. Not at the hands of this fucking monster. No!!!!'

"I want to live!" I cried at the top of my lungs.

As I did so I felt something snap within me.

A well of energy appeared inside of me and then exploded.

When it did the landscape in front of me instantly changed.

It became peppered with numerous metal objects died red with blood.


I heard the monster screaming in pain now.

When I did a small came upon my face.

Right as my vision grew darker and darker until eventually it became pitch black.

Looks like this is it.

Oh well, the second life was nice while it lasted.

As I passed out I came to accept my fate despite my best shot of avoiding it.


(3rd Person: POV)

As Siegreich passed out with a content smile on his face the monster that had been attacking him still continued letting out screams of agony.

Due the fact it's lower body had been completely severed from its torso.

Blood gushed out from the wound.

All cashed my the swords jutting from the ground in front of Siegreich.

"Fucking shit!!" The monster cried.

It's eyes bloodshot.

Turning its gaze toward Siegreich it only has one thought on its mind.

'Kill! Kill! Kill!'

The monster wants nothing more than to kill Siegreich.

So once it decided this it fought through the immense pain it was feeling and started crawling towards him.

Intent on ending his life before it died completely.

However before the monster could even really close the distance and object descended from the sky and pierced its skull.

Killing it instantly.

The monster didn't even have time to process what happened before it was snuffed out.

A few seconds after the monster was killed numerous black feathers gently descended from the sky.

While a shadow appeared over Siegreich.

Getting closer and closer to him without pause.

Until finally Siegreich's body was engulfed by the newcomers shadow entirely.

Being none the wiser what taking place around him.

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