Highschool DxD: Nibelungenlied

Chapter 4: I’m in Highschool DxD !

* Beep Beep Beep*

Hearing a steady beat coming from right beside me I felt a wave of relief wash over my entire being.

Because since my hearing is working it means I am not dead once again.

However I am curious just how I am alive after what happened.

Deciding to find out I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings.

In doing so I found myself in a hospital room.

As well as Ms. Mira sitting in a chair on the left side of my bed.

Looking at me she put a soft smile on her face.

"Siegreich, you're finally awake. I'm glad." Ms. Mia said.

I tried to respond only to find out I can't.

My throat is too dry right now.

Seeing me clutching my throat Ms. Mira grabbed a cup of water from the table in front of my bed and handed it to me.

Seeing water inside I drank it without hesitation.

"Thank you." I said, after the water quenched my thirst.

As I did so I noticed that my left arm is completely healed up.

There isn't even a scar or anything along those lines.

Handing the cup back to Ms. Mia I looked her in the eyes.

"Ms. Mira what is going on?" I asked her. "How did I get to the hospital and how long have I been here?"

Ms. Mia placed the empty cup on the table.

She then looked me straight in my eyes.

"Siegreich. There are several things we need to discuss." She told me. "But before we do I need you to take this."

Reaching into her pocket Ms. Mia handed me a blue pill.

Now I feel like I'm in the Matrix.

Looking at the pill I glanced back at Ms. Mia.

She doesn't seem to be caring any malice.

But still, this situation is just too strange.

However since I don't have a way out I'll go along with everything for now.

Moving the pill up to my mouth I placed it inside and and then swallowed it.

"Thank you." Ms. Mia said. "Now we can begin. First off my name isn't Mia. And secondly I'm not even human."

Before I could even ask a single question.


Five pairs of jet-black crow wings exited from the woman's back, whoever the hell she is.

"I am a fallen angel, and my name is Penemue. A member of the organization known as the Grigori." She revealed to me.

As she did so my eyes went wide with shock. Since I never expected my teacher to be a fallen angel.

"I know it's a lot to take in but it's the truth. I am a fallen angel. One of the races of many supernatural beings that inhabit this world." Penemue said.

She then went on to explain several more details.

Namely about angels, devils, and the Great War.

As she did do I simply nodded and absorbed her words.

Since they confirmed my suspicions.

I am in the universe of Highschool DxD.

A world where there are any number of beings who could kill me with a flick of their wrist, one of the most dangerous beings in existence is a lol I dragon girl, and the protagonist is able to gain world-shattering power-ups by molesting girls bodies which would normally get a man either thrown in jail or his dick cut off by the women he is molesting.

'Ishibumi, just what the fuck were you smoking when you created this world?' I thought.

Although it simply seems like a fan-service/borderline hentai world the dangers here are no joke.

Being reborn here is just....

It's just wow.

"Siegreich, are you ok?" Penemue asked me.

Who now that I think about it is a freaking cadre, a leader of the Grigori. Since now that I know which world I am in I am remembering her description from the DxD wiki page in my previous life.

Thank you wiki page, always a life-saver.

"Yes Ms. Penemue I am fine. This is just a lot is all." I said. "Actually I'm shocked at myself by how well I'm handling it."

Seriously, I can't believe I'm not having at least a mild panic attack right now.

"Ah, that's due to the pill I gave you to take. It's called a Calming Pill. It focuses the mind and soothes the body showing no side effects. The pill last for 12 hours." Penemue explained.

Now I'm glad I took that pill.

"I see. Cool."

It really is.

"Yes." Penemue said. "So, may I move onto my next topic."

"Go right ahead." I said.

"Great. So my next topic covers weapons created by God of the Bible and before you ask most of other gods you've heard about are really as well . But we'll cover them later. Back to the weapons. They are known as sacred gears. Each of them has a unique function or power. Some have the same power while some a different, like thirteen special sacred gear known as Longinus.".

"Like the one that pierced Jesus on the cross?" I asked in my best childlike manner.

Even though I already know the answer.

Penemue nodded. "It's just as you've said. The longinus are named after that spear. Which is actually a sacred gear itself. It is known as the True Longinus."

Which is probably now in the hands of Cao Cao.

"Wow." I said.

"Yes." Penemue said. "Sacred Gears hold incredible power. But they are also dangerous. If a sacred gear user runs out of control they can an untold amount of damage."

"Is that why you became my teacher? Because I possess a sacred gear?"

Penemue nodded.

Which is great news.

Since this means I now have a way to grow stronger in this world.

Which I plan to do.

Given that I know what the future holds.

Kokabiel, Khaos Brigade, Rizevim, and the alliance of Hell Gods, etc..

The future is one shitstorm after the next, and I don't plan to die during any one of them.

I am going to get stronger and make my own path.

Live the life I want.

I am also going to build a harem as well.

Since now that I know I'm in DxD it would be sacrilege not to.

So yeah, time to get serious.

"Ah Siegreich you should also know you also have another power besides your sacred gear." Penemue said.

"Sorry, come again?" I asked.

"Yes, during our initial analysis of your energy and even after I brought you to the hospital after finishing off the stray devil that tried to kill you we noticed you possess dragonic energy inside your body. But it's unrelated to your sacred gear." She explained. "That's the reason I was assigned to observe you. Given that you had no clue about the supernatural from what we learned when we investigated your personal background."

"I see. So you have even more to tell me then." I said.

"I do. But we need to wait a bit. There is someone who wishes to be apart of the conversation where your abilities are concerned." Penemue told me.

"Who is this person?" I asked.

"The leader of the fallen angels and my boss. Azazel." She revealed.

Again, blown away.

Azazel wants to meet me.

"Ok." I said.

Meeting him won't be bad. I quite liked his overall character in the novels and anime.

"Great. So like I said he will be here in a little while but until then you should rest some more. I know all of this must be a lot to take in."

"It is."

Truly it is. Even with my previous life memories giving me an edge.

"Well that's to be expected." Penemue said.

As she did so my stomach growled.

Making me get a small blsuh on my cheeks.

Seeing this Penemue put a teasing turn on her face. "Fufu~ Siegriech looks like you must really want to eat huh?"

"Yes." I said.

My blush getting deeper from Penemue's teasing.

Looks like her true personality is an ~Ara ara~ type.

Which are dangerous in more ways than one.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You have been asleep for three days straight after all."

"Three days!" I shouted.

"Yes." Penemue said. "When that stray devil attacked you it awakened your sacred gear. Exhausting all your energy. Plus your wounds. You've been recovering all this time." She explained.

"But what about school and Ms. Anna and the orphanage?"

"I took care of that." Penemue said. "But before we discuss any further let me go get you some food."

I nodded.

As I did so Penemue stood up and left the room.

When she was gone I looked up at the ceiling.

Wondering just what curveball is going to be thrown at me next.

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