Highschool DxD: Nibelungenlied

Chapter 5: Moving Forward

Penemue returned in no time to my room with a tray of food on her grasp.

The moment I saw it my eyes widened a bit.

Since the amount of food on the tray looks like enough to feed three people.

I'm not sure if I can eat it all. But since my stomach has begun grumbling the moment the smell of the food entered my nose I don't much care right now.

"Here you are Siegriech." Penemue said.

She placed the food on the table in front of me and then moved to closer to me so that I could reach it.

Once she did I dug in without any hesitation.

But I still showed my manners by using the knife and the fork that was brought along with my meal. I'm not a savage after all.

As I ate I put a smile on my face, realizing just how hungry I was.

Then before I knew it all the food was gone, not a speck of it left. Which shocked me to no end.

I mean I know I was hungry, but that hungry.

Seems a bit strange.

As I was mulling over this thought in my head a knock came at the door.

*Knock Knock*

Once this happened I turned my attention towards it.

"Come in." Penemue said.

After she did so the door opened and a very familiar face entered the room.

A middle-age looking man with black hair on the back of his head and golden-colored hair in bangs hanging in the front of his head. He also has a black-goatee and is dressed in a suit.

I'd recognize this guy anywhere.

Azazel. The leader of the Grigori and one of the greatest men of culture ever.

Closing the door behind me Azazel looked at me with a curious gaze, rubbing his chin as he did so.

He continued doing this for several seconds, until Penemue faked coughed into her hand. Getting his attention on her.


"Azazel." Penemue said.

"Hey Penemue, looking as sexy as ever I see." Azazel casually said.

As he did so Penemue gave him a deadpan stare. While I just put wry smile on my face.

Releasing a small sigh Penemue turned her gaze away Azazel and looked at me once more. "Siegreich, allow me to introduce you to my boss. The Governer-General of the Grigori, Azazel." She said.

"Hey." I told him.

"Hello kid." Azazel said.

He then moved to sit in the only other chair in the room.

"So, I assume Penemue gave you a general rund0wn of your situation?" Azazel asked me.

I nodded. "Yes, she did. She told me about the Grigori, devils, angels, sacred gears, and several other things." I explained to him.

She even told me a bit about stray devils while I was eating. But nothing to explicit. I didn't want to throw up all the food I was eating after all.

"I see. That's good." Azazel said. "So kid, normally you would be given a choice. You could either choose to stay in the supernatural world, or we would seal your sacred gear and erase your memories of your experiences and you could go onto live a completely normal live. However that's not possible."

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Because of the other power that awakened within you." Azazel told me.

"Penemue mentioned this." I said. "She said it has something to due with dragonic energy."

Azazel nodded. "That is does. So to put it simply kid, you are no longer completely human." He told me.

As Azazel said this my eyes widened in utter shock. Since I wasn't expecting this kind of revelation.

"What do you mean not completely human anymore?" I asked.

Feeling no anxiety as I did.

Seriously, this calming pill in my system is a fucking miracle. I'll definitely need to get some more in the future.

"You are not part dragon." Azazel spoke. "Well to be precise you are now 3/4th's human and 1/4th dragon." He explained.

"Ok. But how?" I asked.

"That is due to the bloodline you possess." Azazel said. "In this world all those legendary heroes and figures you read about in mythical tales and legends actually existed. From demi-gods to others. And some of those legendary figures had children and passed their bloodline through the ages. Those individuals are known as hero descendants. And you young Siegreich are one of them. You have the blood of a legendary figure flowing through your veins." He revealed to me.

Making my jaw drop even farther than it already is.

So not only do I possess a sacred gear, but I have the blood of a legendary hero flowing through my veins, which somehow made me a quarter dragon.

I have no words.

I took a moment to process what Azazel told me before speaking again.

"So Azazel sir?"

"Just Azazel kid." He interrupted.

"Right. Azazel. Do you know which hero I am descended from?"

"Yep, sure do." Azazel said. "You are a living descendant of the legendary hero Siegfried." He revealed.

'Cool!' I excitedly thought.

Siegfried is one of the most well-known heroes across the entire world. His legend about his quest to slay the dragon Fafnir is awesome.

I was a fan of history and mythology in my last life, and it's the same in this one as well.

A slight smile crept onto my face at Azazel's revelation of my heritage. But a moment passed before another question popped into my head.

"Wait, even if I am related to Sigurd, how does that translate into me becoming part dragon?" I questioned.

"First of all kid I said you are related to Siegfried, not Sigurd." Azazel said.

As he did so I titled my head slightly in confusion. "Wait, but aren't they the same person?"

In mythology Sigurd and Siegfried are usually the same person. People just use different names to refer to them in different stories written about them.

Azazel shook his head. "Humans got that wrong. Sigurd and Siegfried are two different people." He quickly told me.

"Oh." I mused.

That's good to know.

"Yeah." Azazel said. "So about your second question, Siegfried gained dragonic traits after slaying Fafnir and bathing in his blood. They were so strong they integrated with his being entirely turning him partially into a dragon. Thus all his descendants also gained the chance to partially become dragons. However not one has been seen in centuries." He explained.

"Until me that is."

Azazel and Penemue nodded.

"When you awakened your sacred gear due to stray devil attacking you, it also acted as a sort of catalyst to kickstart the bloodline buried deep within you. Thus changing you partially into a dragon. A process which is irreversible. Even if we were to seal your sacred gear and your memories of us and the attack you suffered, you would still leak out dragonic energy without realizing it. Drawing other supernatural beings to you whether you want it or not." Azazel explained.

"So I am in the supernatural world forever now." I surmised.

Azazel and Penemue both nodded.

"Ok then." I said. "So, what's the next step?" I asked.

It's not like I'm not a bit upset. But there's nothing I can do about it. So for right now I'll keep moving forward.

"We would like to offer you a place in the Grigori." Penemue said. "Actually we would like to offer you training and a safe-haven to master your abilities and sacred gear."

"In exchange for what?" I questioned.

"Penemue said you were smart for your age in her reports and she was right." Azazel mused. "Basically we would like you to take on jobs for us once your officially trained and able."

"So you want me to become an agent for the Grigori?" I questioned.

"Yep, that's the short of it." Azazel told me.

I took a second to pretend to think it over before giving my answer.

"Ok. I'm in." I said.

Honestly this is the best decision for me at the moment.

Trying to strike out on my own would end up with me dead in less than a week I am sure.

As for joining another faction, that's ano-go as well.

Joining the devils means I would basically be someone's slave and I won't allow that. Plus I know not all devils are as kind to their peerage members as Rias and Sona. Actually most of them are probably bastards and freaks who abuse their peerage members for fun.

That cunt Diodora is a prime example.

There is no well in hell I am going to try joining the church. That place is just too fucking corrupt. Sure, they have good people like Vasco Strada, Dulio, and Griselda Quarta, but for every one good person in the church there are ten fanatics and greedy bastards who wouldn't hesitate to use me without concern. Seeing me only as a tool and not a human being.

Asia is a prime example of just how cruel the church can be.

She was placed on a pedestal and used as a symbol, but after making a single mistake, which wasn't her fault in the slightest, she was tossed aside like trash by the higher-ups without a second thought.

Also, the church's policy of killing anything and everything not entirely human or angel just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

As for the other supernatural factions like the Greek or Norse, I don't know enough about them to guarantee I would be welcomed with open arms.

So yeah, the Grigori is my best option.

Shit, I might even get to meet Vali.

Now that would be interesting for sure.

Hearing my answer Azazel put a smirk on his face. "Decisive. Ah, kid I can tell we are going to be really good friends."

"Thanks, I feel the same." I said.

As I did so Penemue sighed and muttered "men" under her breathe.

But Azazel and I ignored her.

We just both smiled bigger instead.

Oh yeah, I think I'm going to like being a member of the Grigori.

Very much.

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