Highschool DxD: Nibelungenlied

Chapter 6: Evaluation

I'm back! Just so you readers know this story will probably have slow updates. But it will be updated. Stay tuned in.

Moving through hallways I followed behind Penemue.

A month has passed since I agreed to Azazel's offer to join the Grigori.

During that time I spent it recovering from my ordeal of encountering that stray devil.

Not physically but emotionally and psychologically.

Once the effect of the Calming Pill wore off I started having horrible nightmares related to the incident, as well as minor panic attacks.

Seeing this Penemue began working with me to help me come to terms with it all.

Since apparently she is a licensed psychologist.

Who knew?

I certainly didn't.

But that doesn't really matter since thanks to my sessions with Penemue I am steadily recovering. The panic attacks have all but stopped and the nightmares I have about the incident have become less frequent.

With a bit more time I am sure they will disappear completely.

At least I hope they do.

Since if I am having this much trouble after a run-in with just one stray devil that doesn't bode well for my future as a member of the supernatural world. Because I know I will encounter things far worse in the times ahead.

I guess that's just more a reason for me to get my shit together as soon as possible.

Penemue and I continued walking until eventually we arrived at a door.

When we did so she opened it up and stepped inside, me following right behind her.

Once I was in she closed the door.

As she did so I examined the room in its entirety.

My interest focused on a clear giant floating crystal, the size of an adult male, located in the center of the room. A magic circle inscribed on the floor directly under it.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Its is a device created by the Grigori." Penemue informed me. Coming to stand at my side as she did so. "It's a tool that will help us determine what sort of affinities you possess. Like what sort of magics you have an affinity  towards. It will also tell us what sacred gear you possess." She explained to me.

"So it's basically an evaluation machine?" I asked.

"Yes, that's an apt description." Penemue replied.

I nodded at her words.

"Ok, so how does it work?" I asked.

"Simply step up to the crystal and place your hand atop its surface. Everything else will take care of itself." Penemue told me.

I gave her another nod. Once I did so I walked up to the crystal, stepping inside of the magic circle.

Reaching it I placed my left hand atop it.

The second after I did so the magic circle under my feet lit up in a brilliant blue light. I then felt an energy of sorts being sucked out of me by the crystal. Though as quickly as it began it ended.

When it was the inside of the crystal underwent a change. Observing it I can see dark-red orbs, dark-yellow orbs, as well as pure-white orbs. I can also see images of multiple swords surrounded in pure white energy, the same color as the pure-white orbs inside of the crystal.

After a few minutes everything inside of the crystal completely faded, and its inside returned to being perfectly clear.

Once it did so I turned back towards Penemue and walked up to her. "So, what did those orbs and swords inside of the crystal mean exactly?"

"The orbs corresponded to the strongest affinities you possess. The red orbs mean you possess an affinity with fire magic. But since you are part dragon that is no surprise. The yellow orbs means you possess an affinity with lightning magic. While the white orbs mean you possess a natural affinity with the holy element. That makes you what is known as a natural holy sword wielder." Penemue revealed to me. "Which makes sense given that those swords shrouded in holy element that appeared inside of the crystal tells me you have a sacred gear known as Blade Blacksmith. Which will allow you to create swords with different functions that possess the holy element."

"I take it all of what you just said is good?" I asked.

Using all my willpower to stop myself from grinning like a maniac. Since I know what Penemue just told me is good news.

Especially the part about me being a natural holy sword wielder. 

That means in the future if I can get my hands on one of the Excalibur fragments, or a copy of one of the fragments I can use it without any problems.

Meaning I can have a surefire weapon against devils and other creatures of darkness.

Penemue nodded to my question. "Yes, the information I just explained to you is good Siegreich. Very good indeed." She said, smiling slightly as she did so. "I am glad we found you before any of the other supernatural factions did."

"I feel the same." I said.

Knowing that if the church or devils got to me before the Grigori both organizations would've done everything their respective powers to keep me on a leash an never let me go.

Just thinking about living under such conditions sends a shiver down my spine.

Yeah, no thank you.

Once the evaluation was complete Penemue and I left the room.

We then headed to her personal office.

After we sat down she handed me an ID card. "Keep this with you at all times Siegreich."

"I will. But what is it exactly?" I asked her.

"It is your ID card. Which you will be using while you attend Nephilim." Penemue explained to me.

Nephilim Institute.

A school founded and run by the Grigori to train sacred gear users and others with connections to the supernatural world.

It is also the place I will be attending to receive my training in order to become a future agent of the Grigori.

During my month of therapy sessions Penemue explained that to me. She also registered me at the Institute itself. Taking care of all the paperwork.

She really is amazing.

"Your ID card will also function as your wallet within the Institute. You can use it to buy or pay for anything you need. From books to food. As well as use it to access facilities like your dorm room." Penemue explained to me.

"Understood. Speaking of, what is the dorm room situation, also what am I going to do about money?" I asked.

"To answer your first question the dorm rooms at the Institute work on a two-person capacity. You will have a roommate. But each of you will have your own personal bedroom. Though you will share a kitchen and a bathroom." Penemue explained.

'So basically like college.' I thought.

I can work with that. So long as my roommate isn't horrible.

And if they are...well I'll deal with the matter when I need too.

"As for the answer to your second question, you will get a monthly stipend from the Grigori." Penemue told me. "We do this for all students who attend the Institute. Even those who have families. All students receive the same monthly stipend amount. However you can earn money by doing well on assignments and making progress in your studies. The school works on a point-based incentive system after all."

'So just like Classroom Of The Elite.' I thought.

"Understood. Thank you." I said.

"No problem." Penemue said. "Well then I think that's all for today. Shall we head over to your new home?"

"Yes." I said.

Once I did so Penemue and I left her personal office and walked through a series of hallways before we came a room with a huge magic circle in the center of it.

The moment after we did Penemue headed to the center of it and I followed right behind her.

Once the two of us arrived in the middle of the magic circle it began glowing in a brilliant blue light.

Then before I knew it the two of us were completely engulfed in a pillar of light.

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