Highschool DxD: Nibelungenlied

Chapter 7: Nephilim Institute

The pillar of light surrounding Penemue and I eventually died down.

When it did so I looked around and saw we were in the same place we were before.

I didn't understand why.

But before I could truly ponder it I vomited all over the floor.

As well Penemue's shoes and pants since I am turned in her direction.

So say this is not my proudest moment would be an understatement.

When I finally stopped vomiting I got a massive blush on my face due my embarrassment at the whole situation.

Where is a hole to crawl into when you need it?


Leaning against a wall I waited.

Standing across from a woman's restroom that Penemue is currently in.

Changing her clothes.

After I partially vomited on her she simply shrugged it off.

Explaining to me it was nothing to be ashamed of. Since it happened to many other people the first time they used a teleportation circle to travel between two points.

Which is exactly what we did.

We used a teleportation circle in Grigori HQ to bring us to where we are now.

Which is the Nephilim Institute.

A few more moments passed before Penemue exited the bathroom.

In her new set of clothes, which a staff member brought to her after we encountered her upon leaving the teleportation room.

A black skirt which stops just above her knees, showcasing her glorious legs. Paired with a white blouse that is doing absolutely nothing to hide Penemue ample cleavage.

Once again I am glad I haven't hit my second puberty yet. Otherwise I am certain my other head would be trying to stand at attention.

And when I do finally hit puberty in this second life of mine, I know for sure it is going to suck worse than my first one. Especially with me living on a world like DxD.

Boy, I can't wait for that to happen.

I am being sarcastic if you can't tell.

Penemue came up to me after leaving the bathroom.

"Sorry." I immediately said to her once again.

"It's fine Seigreich, really. That's not the first time I've been thrown up on by a first-timer using a teleportation circle and it certainly won't be the last so don't worry about it. Really."

"Ok." I said.

"Good." Penemue said. Giving my head a gentle pat after she did so. "Now then, since your stomach has settled down are you hungry?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Well then, lets' fix that." Penemue said.

Nodding to her words Penemue escorted me the the cafeteria.

Arriving I saw dishes from all over the world. America, China, Germany, Indonesia, etc. It is a culinary buffet both literally and figuratively.

My mouth started watering at the sight of it.

"Well, go on. No need to hold back. Since the cafeteria is all you can eat." Penemue explained to me.

Once she did so I moved forward and grabbed a tray. I then filled it up with as much food as I knew I wanted.

After I was done I moved to a nearby table and sat down. Penemue joining me.

The two of us then began eating, with me saying a silent prayer before I did. Habit from my previous life. Though given what I've been through at least I know that a being is listening to my prayers.

As the two of us ate we made small talk.

Until eventually we were done.

But as soon as we heard I suddenly saw someone approaching our table.

It is a woman.

Specifically a woman who shouldn't be here, since she exists in a completely different world.

The person approaching Penemue and I is Irene Belserion. 

A character from the Fairy Tail franchise, not DxD. Yet I'm certain my eyes are not playing tricks on me. The person I am looking at is definitely Irene. 

There is no doubt in my mind.

Especially given how I saw her quite a bit from the rule 34 perspective in my previous life.

A fact which I am not ashamed to admit.

Though putting that aside for now Irene being here means the world I am is not strictly Highschool DxD. It contain characters from other anime franchises and the like.

This just upped the danger scale 100 fold and then some.

As my mind started racing about what other aspects from other anime franchises exist in this world I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a mature and sensual voice.

"Helo Penemue. You're looking well."

It belongs to Irene.

"Why thank you Irene." Penemue replied. "You're looking well yourself."

"Thank you." Irene retorted. She then turned her attention to me.

As she did so our gazes met. The instant it happened I suddenly felt my blood boiling.

Getting an intense itch I felt I couldn't satisfy no matter how hard I scratched I looked Irene's body up and down. Feeling the sudden urge to jump out of my chair, push her onto the ground, and capture her lips with my own. As well as ravish her body.

I want to claim Irene as mine and mine alone.

"What is happening?" I said through gritted teeth.

My mind is being filled with aggressive thoughts to assault a woman I just met.

This has never happened to me before.

As the thoughts in my mind revolving around Irene got stronger and stronger as the seconds passed by, they suddenly stopped cold turkey. When they did so the heat in my body started dying down as well. Soon I was back to normal.

"Are you okay now young man?" Irene asked me.

"Yes." I answered. Evading eye contact with Irene. Since I don't want to trigger what just happened again.

"That's good." Irene replied. "Also you can look me in the eye. What just happened will not again. I am certain because I cast a spell to prevent it." She explained to me.

The moment I heard this I looked Irene in her eyes, and didn't feel the burning sensation or aggressive thoughts toward her like I did a moment ago.

I breathed a sigh of relief at this.

"Are you certain you are alright Siegreich?" Penemue asked me.

"Yes, I am." I said. "Also a pleasure to meet you Ms. I am Seigreich Ashworth." I said.

"Irene Belserion." Irene spoke. "Tell me young man, do you possess dragon blood in you?"

Hearing this question I looked towards Penemue to see if I should answer.

"Seigreich it's ok. Irene here is a long time friend and instructor here at the Institute. You can trust her." Penemue explained to me.

Nodding at this I turned my attention back to Irene. "Yes, I am. Does that have to do with what happened to me a moment ago?"

"It does." Irene answered. "You see I am half-dragon. And when dragons of opposite genders meet one of them sometimes get the urge to dominate the other and take them as a mate. This also applies to people with draconic blood in their veins. So that's what happened just now." She explained to me.

"I see. Thank you." I spoke.

"No problem. I am an instructor after all. And since you are going to be one of my students I don't mind explaining things to you." Irene said. She then leaned in a bit closer and whispered. "Also, if you still feel the urge to mate with me in a few years I wouldn't mind."

Hearing this I got a massive blush on my face.

As Irene leaned back she smirked at me. Before turning to Penemue. "Well see you later Penemue." She said.

Irene then walked off.

While Penemue simply shook her head. "What did she say?"

"Nothing much. Just about...mating." I spoke. Feeling uncomfortable.

"Of course." Penemue said. "Listen Siegreich don't take what Irene says seriously. That woman is such a tease." She explained.

"Right." I said.

Though I get the feeling Irene was not joking.


Standing outside my dorm room I held my ID card in my left hand.

After finished up lunch and our encounter with Irene in the cafeteria Penemue escorted me directly here.

She then left.

She is a cadre of the Grigori after all. I'm certain she has other important matters to attend to besides watching over me.

Besides, if I get used to her watching over me I won't be able to stand on my own. Which is one of the reasons I agreed to join the Grigori and attend Nephilim Institute in the first place.

As well as prepare for the shit storm that is canon.

I raised my ID card up to the scanner on the door and miniature magic circles appeared on both.

 A second afer they did the door slid opened and I stepped inside.

When I did so the door immediately closed behind me and I found myself in a common area.

It was two couches in the center, a square table located between them. One my right is a kitchenette, while on my left is an open door showcasing the bathroom.

Further into the common area there are two doors located on either side of the room.

They are definitely the bedrooms.

After taking in my dorm room I began wondering if my roommate had arrived yet.

"Hello." I said.

But got no response.

However a second after I spoke up the inner door located on the left side of the room slid open and a person stepped out.

It is a girl.

She is my age and currently she is wearing a tank top and shorts.

She has long black hair and dark-colored eyes.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she stood in my direction, and then eventually began looking at me. An annoyed expression on her face.

Staring right back at the girl I soon came to recognize her.

She is a character from another anime franchise.

Lucy Webster from Ancient Magus Bride.

'So not only Fairy Tail, but also elements of Ancient Magus Bride are in this DxD universe.' I thought.

Feeling a headache coming on as I did so.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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