Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 122. Pansy’s walk to Class

Walking through the halls, Pansy could hardly contain her excitement. Her massive cramp inducing smile, only reduced to a large unending grin. As she held the arm of Lucas between both of hers, intertwining her fingers together with his, she couldn’t help but match each Slytherin girl that lost all hope upon seeing the closeness of Pansy and Lucas. She had been hard at work to reduce the number of girls in Lucas’ life, keeping the vixens at bay with some less than polite means.


However, words could only go so far, and there were more than a few girls that desired Lucas enough to ignore Pansy’s warnings and clear closeness with him. They hoped to snatch Lucas from Pansy with jinxes and whatnot. Hoping to have her be hit with numerous at once, and ruin her perfectly smooth skin most of the girls could ever attain. She stopped them all of course, sending them all back to their owners for a little warning.


Everything was going perfectly, except during summer when she was explained the latest trend among parents spoken to her by her own mother a week before school. Pure blooded parents, wanting to keep their way of life, had now been more than accepting of their children ‘mingling’ with one another. Raising their child while both students continued school. However, it was only really accepted when their parents thought a partner was pure enough. 


That was when trouble brewed in Pansy’s heart. The realization of Lucas being at the top of the list for almost all pureblooded girls sent shivers down her spine. When he caught her fighting with Hermione and her group of aiding vultures he deemed friends, and he found out the truth of Pansy's previous selfish guilt-tripping, Pansy's heart nearly broke thinking Lucas may pull away. Allowing time for one of those vultures to swoop in and perhaps point Lucas towards Hermione instead, just the idea sent Pansy for a loop she was barely able to herself together.


Now those worries felt long behind her. Lucas’ arm wrapped tightly between her bosom, mixed with his calm excitement of her actions, suggested they had already ‘gotten the golden snitch’. With each girl she passed, assuming the worst and losing hope to acquire Lucas for themselves, Pansy felt brighter. She glanced up at Lucas, who quickly matched her gaze with a warm smile that sent her heart racing. Just seeing his pure happiness of her presence sent tingles all down her spine and arms, creating goosebumps as she tightened her grip on his arm. ‘If only he would just take me already…’ Pansy thought, while subtly biting her bottom lip.


Lucas noticed her strange actions, pausing for a moment in confusion, causing Pansy panicking slightly not to seem so enamored with him as she truly was. She didn’t want to come off as a loose woman. “Ah- Cold spot, I think I just got chills.” Lucas squinted his eyes, seemingly able to tell Pansy had fibbed, and worry began to fill his gaze at what she felt the need to lie about. Just as he opened his mouth, the warm feeling of his pure glee of her presence gone, Pansy sighed. “I… I like your smile…” She muttered, her face beet red with a slight frown of embarrassment. 


Just as I was about to ask if there was anything wrong, slight fear culminating in the back of my mind, Pansy spoke up; her words taking a moment to settle before I could understand their meaning. I blinked a few times, my lips creeping into a large smile, hardly able to contain my glee for Pansy’s innocence. Something I wished to have myself, unable to hold back my own dizzying thoughts and feelings surrounding the other girls in my life. 


I was glad to have her innocence as a way to keep myself disciplined around her, knowing she wasn’t hoping or expecting the fearsome ideas planted in my own mind by my parents and cursed blood. Without a second thought, I wrapped my free arm around Pansy’s back, bringing her into a tight hug. Pansy jerked in shock, but slowly nestled her head into the crook of my neck. “Thank you… I like…” I started, but paused, unsure of what simple words to describe the vast amount of things piled high in my mind that I found endearing.


“So much about you?” I finished with uncertainty of those being the words I wanted to use. “Ah- No. That’s not right…” I muttered, my mind only bringing forth her wonderful smell reminiscent of cinnamon, her dainty body that I felt I could envelope, and the softness of her bosom resting against my arm and chest. Nothing else came to me in that moment of panic, but Pansy’s giggle gave me some relief. She pulled away, and smirked at me with a bit of minxish fun at my poor attempt to reciprocate. “Not so easy is it?” She asked, tilting her brows at me with a look of teasing. 


I let out a small sigh of defeat, shaking my head to stop myself from embarrassing myself further, but was stopped by Pansy’s gentle hands resting themselves on my cheeks. She stared at me with an eager grin, her fingers reaching around behind my ears. I wanted to look away, but she held me still, waiting for me to gather my thoughts enough to say what I wanted. I took a deep breath, holding for a few seconds before I could utter something tangible while staring at her large upturned and waiting eyes. “I like…” I started, but shook my head, once again held with too many options, and unable to pick a good one that my growing desire for her body didn’t taint.


I gulped, not wanting to have her think of me as an animal in heat like Luna. A part of me also wanted to prove to myself that I could contain myself and shy away from using Luna as just a means to control my urges. However, unable to shy away from Pansy’s eager gaze, I felt myself almost spilling out what I wished to do. At the last moment, I clenched my eyes shut, sputtering out the only truth I had left. “I need you.” With the first words out, I took another deep breath of relief, the wave of desire ebbing away from my mind.


Matching Pansy’s slightly quivering gaze of surprise, I quickly grasped at her hands as I felt them feel cold while my face began to burn. “I need you in my life Pansy…” I muttered, the entire reason I was so scared of her rejecting me was because of the fact that I knew for a long time. Something I couldn’t admit to myself even now. I was fearful of the pain I would go through if I even admitted the three little words in my mind, so this was all I could say as their replacement. I could only say what I had in my heart once Pansy knew the truth about me, about everything.


Pansy studied Lucas’ quivering eyes, honest unease towards his own words filling his gaze. Pansy couldn’t help but almost have her face cramp up in a massive smile. This was all she wanted, she wanted to have Lucus desire for her just as much as she did him. Though he couldn’t say what he really meant, they both understood the meaning behind what he said. 


Pansy almost leapt into Lucas once again, wrapping her arms around his neck, tightening her grip to be as close to the one she cared above all else in the world. As Lucas’ arms slowly raised up her back, crossing just between her shoulder blades, Pansy couldn’t help but giggle at all her hard work coming to fruition. 


Just as she was about to push their relationship closer, desiring to kiss his cheek as the next step, a voice came up from right behind her, making them both jump. “Hey, I’m happy for both of you, but maybe think of a better place for your drama.” Both Lucas and Pansy snapped their heads to Draco, crossing his arms with a cocksure smirk aimed mostly at Lucas; the easier to embarrass. While his arms remained crossed, he stuck his thumb up, pointing it down the hall, showcasing groups of girls from all houses watching intently.


Instantly, Lucas retracted his hands from Pansy, and she looked up at him to see his face more red than she could remember. Trying to salvage the moment, Pansy grasped at his hand to regain his attention. Once his nervous gaze settled onto hers, she hid her own vile grin for the truthful words she was about to say. “They’re just jealous.” This was indeed part of her plans, getting him to speak up about what he liked most of all about her. Hoping to mark that image in the minds of every girl in the halls, and to have them spread it like wildfire in gossip; Lucas Peterson and Pansy Parkinson were an item.


Lucas wasn’t as convinced by her words, his embarrassed frown deepening as he pulled away from her, scratching his head with the hand she grabbed. Draco’s laugh brought Lucas back to him, before a casual hit to the shoulder forced a spiteful grin in Lucas once again. “You really are a piece of work…” Lucas muttered as they all began moving once again, elbowing Draco to his right while Pansy walked on his left. Draco scoffed, rubbing the damaged area before shrugging his self defense. “It wasn’t me that decided to flirt in the hall.”


Lucas sighed while Draco smirked, noticing Lucas grasping at Pansy’s hand again. He was finally reciprocating Pansy’s affection, helping to alleviate her more dangerous glares she used to send his way from time to time last year. Even now, Pansy giggled at Draco’s words. Proving that even if Draco interrupted some of their time together, she didn’t look to be plotting his demise. Draco held back a sigh of relief while resting his arm on his best friend’s shoulder, casually joking at his emotional words towards Pansy.

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