Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 123. Moody’s D.A.T.D.A Class Part 1

Once Draco, Pansy, and I all entered in class, we looked to the front of class where jars filled with multitudes of different insects squirmed and skittered about. Taking our seats, Draco sat in front of me, leaning back in his chair to balance it against the front of my desk as he spoke. “Really hope this won’t be like that fool with the Pixies.” He muttered to me as I took my own seat, Pansy taking the one just to my right, scoffing as she scooted closer to her own desk. “Ha! I’m sure you’ll be just fine running out of the class once again.” 


Draco instantly frowned at Pansy, his face slightly red. “I went along with most of the class. Also, I was essentially dragged out by Crabb and Goyle.” All of our gazes moved towards the front of the class where both large boys chuckled and giggled at one another, blissfully unaware of their ever diminishing standing in just about any social circle. “That may be true, but if I recall correctly, you weren’t fighting them very hard on that.” Pansy rebutted with a teasing grin, pushing Draco’s buttons, only glancing at me after I let out an involuntary snort. 


He blinked a few times, his embarrassed expression slowly changing to disbelief as he snapped his head back to Pansy. “Are you getting me back for messing with Lucas?” He asked, squinting his eyes, I too followed his gaze to Pansy, witnessing her smirk grow towards a more vile grin. “Of course not…” She denied, before looking up at me with a more normal smile. “As long as Lucas is fine with it; I’m merely joining the fun.”


Both Draco and I knew her innocent words were anything but, and despite my slight eagerness towards her stark defense of me through even the mildest situations; I felt bad for Draco. I couldn’t help but smirk in happiness, trying to force it down into a serious expression as I placed my hand on Pansy’s shoulder. “While I’m fine with you joining the fun; try not to take the words too seriously.” Pansy studied my expression for a moment, nodding. “Oh, of course.” She turned to Draco before continuing. “I’m sorry.” 



Draco raised a brow, doubting her words. “Are you?” Pansy instantly shook her head with a slightly grown smile. “Not even a little.” Her words caused Draco to sigh, scoffing a bit while slowly nodding his head. “I figured.” He took a deep breath, unable to truly get upset with Pansy, nor Lucas’ poor attempt to keep his smile bound. Draco felt more relieved than anything. Pansy was mean with her words, but no more threats could be seen in her gaze. He could live with this dynamic of their friendship, Draco finally felt comfortable enough to actually return fire. However, just as he was about to, the door to the teacher’s office slammed open.


As the professor walked down the stairs with a large staff, I was finally able to get a good look at the new teacher this year. I had been so preoccupied with everything else, I hadn’t gotten a chance to think about it. ‘Most of them are gone by the year anyway.’ I thought, but taking a closer look at the tall statured man showcased a sight I wouldn’t forget for a long time. The most drawing trait was the large blue prosthetic eye that darted around the class to view each student; held in place by a large strap. The rest of his slightly wrinkled face looked almost normal by comparison, except for the large scar that went right through his fake eye.


Just as he stopped, he stabbed his staff into the ground, and I felt his eye gaze into me for a few seconds of interest before centering onto the center of class. “My name is Alastor Moody.” He then spun around and grabbed a piece of chalk on the bottom of a small blackboard, and began writing while speaking. “Ex-Auror, Ministry Malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.” 


After writing his name, he spun around, glancing at each student’s slightly uneasy expression after his gaze landed on each one; none of it seemed to faze him in the least bit as he continued. “I’m here because Dumbledore asked me- Goodbye! The End! Any questions?” His fake eye scanned around the silent room, drifting towards my eyes just as his attention focused back to the rest of the class. 


“When it comes to the Dark Arts… I believe in a practical approach.” His last words formed a slightly malicious grin as he studied each student’s unsure gate. His face instantly turned serious as he about-faced back towards the small chalkboard yet again. The white piece of chalk in his hand snapping and cracking against the board as he wrote the words blocked by his hand. “But first! Can anyone tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?”


“Three Sir!” A voice I knew all too well announced at the other end of class; her voice quivering just a bit under the guise of indifference. Both her, and Chiara sitting close to one another reminding me of the vicious green light and what it stood for. The professor didn’t notice, or perhaps ignored her anxious voice as he made a large three above what he originally wrote. “And they are so named?” He asked, moving away from the board to showcase the words ‘Unforgivable Curses’ written high on the board.


Hermione pressed on, I could see Chiara nervously rubbing Hermione’s arm and shoulder as she almost forced the words out. “Be-Because-” “They’re unforgivable!” I loudly announced, everyone’s eyes snapped back to me for my interruption. I ignored them all. Unable to witness Hermione in such a demoralizing state, I took over the reins of the class she normally controlled. The professor’s large eye steadied on me intently, the previous interest in Hermione’s explanation now focused squarely onto me. “Using any of which on any being deemed sentient will-” 


“Earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban!” The professor finished my words for me, his intent gaze focused back onto the board as he wrote each number onto the board, leaving the space to the right blank to fill in later. “Now the Ministry says you’re too young to see what these Curses do; I say different! You need to know what you’re up against! You need to be prepared! You need to find another place to put your chewing gum Mr.Finnigan!”


Confused at his last words, I followed most of the other student’s gaze towards a Gryffindor student that looked vaguely familiar; holding a piece of rolled up gum he pulled away from the bottom of his desk. “The old codder can see out of the back of his head…” “And hear across classrooms!” A sudden piece of chalk whipped into his arm, making him wince as my gaze snapped back over to the front of the class to check if there would be other things flying our way.


Luckily, it appeared we would be fine, the image of the old professor taking a swig of something from his flask seemed to help ease the man. After a small sigh he looked over the class, speaking in a much easier tone. “Now… What shall we see first?” After a few seconds of silence, he snapped his head to the redheaded boy I also knew. “Weasley!!” Ronald jerked in his seat before standing to attention. “Yes!?” He yelled, making Draco, Pansy, and I all snicker under our breaths as the professor towered over the stiff Gryffindor.


“Give us a curse.” He muttered, Weasley avoiding his gaze as he mumbled. “Well… M-My dad did tell me about one… The Imperius Curse…?” The professor nodded his head almost eagerly. “Ohhh yea… Your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago.” He took a step back while focusing back on the rest of the students. “Perhaps this will show you all… Why.” He turned around, allowing for Weasley to duck back into his seat. 

The professor wrote the name of the Imperius Curse onto the first number of curses, before turning towards his desk littered with jars of insects. He tapped the glass of each one, his fingers abounding playfully as each creature ducked and skittered away from the presence of his hand. He licked his dry lips before forming a grin as his hand stopped on a larger glass. “Hello beauty…” He muttered as he lifted the glass covering the enclosure.

Hey Everyone! Calvin Here! Just want to say a quick thank you for your patience of my slow release times, and sudden disappearance. This is quite a short chapter I know, but I've got the second part close to done. I hope it will be out tomorrow, so be ready for that!

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