Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 34. Detention

“Brilliant, he found out that Potter and his friends were breaking the rules tonight, and is giving that groundskeeper what for!” Draco chuckled under his breath, both him and Pansy sneaking their way back inside their house. Draco’s voice faded in Pansy’s mind, she wasn’t sure that Lucas left tonight to catch the Gryffindor trio in the act. ‘If he didn’t, then perhaps it was the small creature he was interested in? He does love magical creatures.’ Pansy nodded with a small grin, feeling that it was probably the right answer, the unknown reason for his eyes turning green from time to time were thrown out of her mind.


The next day was normal for the most part, until halfway through when Professor McGonagall had taken me into her office. “Excuse me?” I asked, unsure if I heard her correctly the first time. She sighed with a frown. “Mr. Peterson, it has come to my attention that you were out past curfew last night.” I fumbled my words, confused at how she would know that, until Weasley’s vindictive attitude came to mind. “That little-” “Mr. Peterson!” McGonagall yelled before I could finish my anger filled murmurs. 


I bit my lip to hold in my injustice that had been done. “Now, you are going to be put in detention alongside Mr. Weasley, Mr. Potter, and Ms. Granger.” I paused, realizing that he had stabbed himself in the foot in trying to hurt me, an outcome I was okay with. I smirked imagining his face when he realized what he did while I spoke. “Very well.” I accepted my punishment, and McGonagall explained where I should show up at what time.


After Peterson left, McGonagall sighed. She didn’t like that boy, but she had to know he got the short end of the stick on this occasion. She knew of his condition, and the reason why he had to be outside, while also trying to keep from him that she knew of his true affliction, even the boy didn’t know. She almost wanted to tell him, to force him to come to terms that his beliefs in Slytherin wouldn’t apply to him anymore, and see how he would flail about. ‘No… That is not for me to decide…’ She thought to herself, continuing grading students' papers.


That night, I informed Draco and Pansy about my detention. Draco was ready to complain to his father, and Dumbledore, wanting to kick up as much of a fuss to have my innocence proven. Seeing how that might go, with everyone wondering why I was outside as well. I couldn’t risk that happening, so I explained it would be easier to just accept my punishment, at least knowing Weasley would have to suffer equally to me. Pansy was also disheartened at my bad luck, assuming that the three were caught on their own, and Weasley tattled to sink me along with him.


After it had gotten dark, I went to the meeting place. It was in McGonagall's classroom of course, but to my relief it was Filch that would be the one that watched over us, rather than the teacher who clearly didn’t like me. “Look who’s late?” Weasley admonished with a grin. Hermione frowned at me with distrust, while Potter was just nervous. “Come on now.” Filch muttered, leading us out of the room to our true ‘detention’.


He led us all the way out of the castle. He continued to mumble about how much easier we had it in detention nowadays, but I didn’t bother to listen to him. I was too focused on the brightness of the almost full moon tonight, bathing the entire stretch of grassland towards Hagrid’s hut in a silver glow that reminded me of that Hufflepuff’s girl’s eyes. When we finally made it to Hagrid’s hut, I could hear the muffled cries of the baby girl dragon from inside. “Good! I- Shhhh…” She hushed herself along with what I assume Hagrid was doing to keep her silent while Filch was here.


Filch knocked on the hut, and it wasn’t long until Hagrid quickly came out, slamming the door shut behind him. “We got a job for you to do tonight with Hagrid… In the forbidden forest.” Filch muttered with an evil chuckle, pleased to see the fear in Weasley’s eyes. “Isn’t that called ‘Forbidden’ for a reason? Aren’t there wolves in there?” He asked with a frown, a distant howl perfectly timed to make him quiver a bit in his shoes.


Filch smirked. “Oh there’s more than wolves in those tree’s boy… Nighty night.” He chuckled some more, happy to see the worried expressions over the other three’s faces, only flinching from seeing my indifferent gaze. I wasn’t afraid, I was never afraid of magical creatures, even less so now that I knew I could somewhat talk to almost all of them with the help of my wand, with a piece of horned serpent inside. ‘Besides, I’ve learned plenty with professor Quirrell, I should be able to handle most creatures enough to scare them away.’


Filch frowned at my confidence, leaving us in silence, and Hagrid. Once he was gone, Hagrid started lighting up lanterns for each of us. “I’d like to thank ya Lucas… Fer not turning Norbetta in…” He mumbled, giving me my lantern to use. I ignored a few looks of surprise from my left. “It is nothing to mention… I’d like to believe I’m in a class above those that seek to tattle on others.” I said, glancing at Weasley’s reddening face, matching his hair color, quickly distorted in anger towards me.


Hagrid sighed at my clear provocation, but decided to explain what we were doing instead, giving the other three their lanterns as he spoke. “I’m in need of yer help to search for an injured unicorn.” My heart immediately quickened in angst. A unicorn. I had never seen one before, but it was supposed to be the most beautiful and innocent creature there was to be seen. If there was one hurt, then I would have to help it. Knowing what we were doing, I immediately renounced my hatred for being brought here.


“I found one dead… A few weeks ago, but I’ve seen signs of another being hurt more recently… It’s our job to find the poor beast.” I bit my bottom lip, hearing more made me sick and mad. ‘Killed one…? What creature would kill such a beautiful existence? I thought they had almost no predators, if any…’ My thoughts were only broken from our names being called. “Hermione and Ron, with me… Harry, you're with Peterson.” Potter and I glanced at each other, before Hagrid led us into the forest.


After some walking, Hagrid had us split up, and told us to use our magic to defend ourselves, or call for help with the sparks charm. Both Potter and I slowly walked further into the forest, the branches high above blocked all light from the moon, making it almost impossible to see. The sound of crunching twigs under our feet, and owls hooting amongst the branches were the only noises that could be heard. I felt blind and deaf. ‘If only this was last night… Perhaps I should just use some?’ I thought, the small vial of Vitamix under my robes, that I always carried around ever since I found its effects felt warm to the touch.


After more minutes of walking through the all encompassing darkness, my patience had run thin. Knowing there was an injured unicorn out there. I couldn’t sit still, and hope we might find it with aimless searching. “This is ridiculous.” I murmured, handing my lantern to Potter. “What are-” Potter asked, but stopped when he glanced at the blue potion in my hand. I popped the cork, and quickly downed the contents of the vial. I then took a deep breath, feeling my body warm, my heartrate quicken, my breathing accelerate. 


Harry watched as Peterson’s eyes slowly changed, he could hardly see them before, but now they appeared to be glowing with a new eye color of green. Harry gulped seeing those eyes pierce through the darkness, like a predator, able to search anywhere for its next meal. At first he thought that Hermione may have been exaggerating when she explained his eyes during the potions class on Vitamix, but now, the chill that ran down his spine just watching them look off into the distance, Harry realized that she couldn’t explain how terrifying they truly were.

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