Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 35. The Unicorn

I could finally see, after taking some Vitamix, I could feel my magic gathering, the extra charge of energy in my body, helping me see and hear much better than normal. I panted, my heart almost beating from my chest as the Vitamix ran through my veins. I felt like chains that had burdened my body had come undone, that I could finally move and be free to use my strange anatomy to its fullest. At least until the Vitamix’s effects ran out. Even still, I had to stop myself from laughing at the fun this potion gave me.


Harry watched as Peterson’s slightly elongated ears twitched, his head snapping to any sound that his ears picked up. Finally, he stared off to their left, his expression quickly changing to one of seriousness. “This way…” He mumbled, moving quietly and eloquently through the forest, his eyes piercing through the night, allowing him to avoid any branches and twigs, as well as the roots of trees even without having the light of his lantern, which Harry was still holding.


Harry was trying to learn everything in wizarding culture, only knowing he was a wizard for the past school year. However he could tell the difference with someone who was raised inside this culture. Peterson, who had lived his whole life being taught about magic, was much further ahead than Harry on just about any subject. Seeing him take some potion that slightly changed his features without so much as a breath to ready himself, it spoke to Harry that he had so much more to learn, even if it was a little worrisome.


“It hurts… P-please…” I could hear whimpers of pain that only grew louder as I continued leading Potter and I towards it. My footsteps quickened in fear of being too late. “Peterson! Slow down!” Potter yelled at me, falling behind, but I hardly heard him over the cries of pain and help. “Please… Help… Anyone…” She cried out. Coming over a ridge, I finally could see the horrific, and stomach turning scene.


The most beautiful and innocent looking creature of pure white hair and main, laid on the ground, her legs weakly kicking to escape the grasp of some cloak wearing creature on its back, near its neck. The unicorn looked at me, I could see the fear in her watering eyes, they pleaded with my gaze. “H-Help me…” She cried with the last of her strength.


The cloak wearing creature, then stood up. I finally understood that it wasn’t a magical creature at all. ‘It wasn’t a predator… It’s a wizard…’ I couldn’t see much of his face, only the beads of silver blood that ran down his chin, dripping back onto the dying creature pinned below him. He was killing it. He was taking the life of this innocent and majestic creature for his own selfishness… Before I knew it, I was screaming at the top of my lungs. “Flipendo!!”


The hooded figure, easily waved his hand, and I watched as my spell bounced from some sort of invisible bubble. “Avis!” I screamed next, conjuring ravens that swarmed him. He grabbed his hood, forcing it to remain covering his face while the birds continued to peck at him. ‘So that’s your weakness…’ I thought, gritting my teeth. I closed my eyes, making sure that I wouldn’t blind myself. “Lumos Maxima!!” I screamed, whipping my wand high in the air to create a massive light that seemed to turn night into day for just a moment.


Looking back, the hooded figure was already gone, using my own blinding light against me as a getaway. I knew that he didn’t want to be seen most of all, so I figured I might get other people's attention to force him to run, but I didn’t expect him to use my ‘attention getting’ to escape at the same time. I groaned with a headache, my Vitamix starting to falter already. Without realizing that Potter was beside me the whole time, ever since the hooded man stood up, I glanced to see him holding his head in pain, most likely from my bright light.


But now wasn’t time to care about him, I could still hear the Unicorn mumbling under her breath. “Thank… You…” I rushed to her side, her body still laying on the ground, not enough strength left in her to even stand. “You’ll be fine. The bad man is gone now.” I whispered, my wands ringing helping translate my words as I looked over the injury. Her mane had been stained in her blood, shimmering under the beams of moonlight descending from above. It was beautifully horrific, my stomach turned seeing how deep her injuries were.


“Get Hagrid!” I screamed at Harry, waking him from the pain in his head. He quickly ran off, leaving me alone with this unicorn. “Don’t leave me… Please…” She begged, her hazy silver eyes looking at me with desperation. I bit my lip, and slowly began patting her mane. Trying to smile as best I could. “Of course. I’ll stay right with you until you get better.” I laughed weakly, still petting her matted and wet mane. 


“I’m not… I know that…” The unicorn muttered, her front hoof weakly moved to bump me a bit, as if to admonish me for lying to her. My eyes burned, a lump formed in my throat, and my hand tightened over my wand, knowing there was nothing I could do. “I’m sorry…” I whispered, not bearing to say the words correctly to her, for her to hear. “Don’t apologize… It’s thanks to you… I may be more at peace…” She said, making me falter in shock at her knowing English, before realizing the meaning of her words.


I kept my wand back in my belt, and used both hands to help comfort her now. I continued to pet, and tuck her mane back into place, helping to restore her to her former glory. “You’re more beautiful than I imagined a unicorn could be.” My voice was shaking as I tried to speak cheerfully. “I look like a mess.” She huffed, her breathing slowing with every haggard breath she took. I shook my head at her, and touched my forehead to hers, her skin was cold. “I will never see a creature more perfect than you.” I muttered, sniffling and smiling to keep myself from crying in front of her.


The wind blew, accompanied by silence that seemed to last for eternity. Neither one of us said a word to another as I comforted the unicorn. “I… I don’t want to die…” She finally whined, tears falling from her eyes as she slowly shook her weakened head. I gripped her mane tightly, not wanting to let go. “I’ll be right here… I’m not going anywhere…” I muttered, hugging her head and mane, her warm breath tickling my stomach. I felt her breathing slowly fading………Until she stopped…


I held my breath, my chest convulsing as I continued to try and hold tears back. “Unicorn…?” I asked, lying to myself that she might respond. Finally moving my hands to look at her I saw my hands covered in a viscous silver, sticking itself to my hands. It was unicorn blood… Her blood. My hands began shaking, my mind finally allowing me to stop denying what I had already known. “Ah… Ah… NOOoooo!!” I released a guttural scream of pain, reminiscent of a wolf crying.


I continued to scream and wail, until my breath failed me, a large hand soon rested on my shoulder. I glanced to make sure, and saw Hagrid looking down at me with sorrow. I huffed, trying to stop myself from embarrassing myself any more, looking back at the dead unicorn on my lap. All I could do was pant while staring at her, she almost looked like she was just asleep, and would wake up soon. “We’ll give ‘er a proper send off… But we should get goin’ now…” Hagrid whispered, I looked up at him, hatred in my gaze for him telling me to leave her. It was then that I saw the Gryffindor trio looking from a further distance. I didn’t want to have anyone, especially someone who might tell others, or worse my parents of my reaction, so I turned around back at the unnamed unicorn


I bit my quaking lip, and took out the vial I had my Vitamix in. I placed in the small puddle of her blood at my knees, and let it fill up, before corking it. I wanted at least some part of her to always keep with me, I would never go back on my word. I would stay with her… Always.

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