Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 6. Slytherin!

Before I knew it, we had been directed to the Medical Wing of the school by the head nurse. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had to take care of someone on their first day.” She chuckled while opening her door to the room. My clothes dripped as I made my way to where she pointed me, and my shoes squelched from the water inhabiting the soles. “Here!” She yelled as she moved a hanging curtain around me with magic. “Take those off, and I’ll have them dry in a jiffy! I’ve already checked that you seem to have no water in the lungs while we were walking, so I’ll write you off with a clean bill of health.”


I sighed while quickly removing my clothes, and hanging them over the curtain for the head nurse to take. “Are you gonna be ok?” Val asked me a bit worriedly and I patted his head with a small smile. “Of course. I’m already ok, just need new clothes. Sort of like shedding.” “Ok!” I smiled his chipper attitude while he cheered, trying to remain quiet while he did so. “Here you go! Just be sure to not get on her bad side next time!” The head nurse yelled with a laugh.


“Get on the bad side of what?” I heard the girl ask while I got dressed in my newly cleaned clothes, freezing me in place with shock and fear at her perhaps hearing us. “Well we have many beasts that reside in those waters. Your friend was dragged below most likely from the Giant Squid. Never had an incident before though.” “We’re not friends.” I said with a frown after having dressed. ‘I can’t be close to her for a while. I need to have her suspicions of my hissing die down. She probably won't be a Slytherin anyway.’


“Yes! Definitely not friends!” She yelled at me while she stormed off first. The head nurse chuckled while giving me her send off. “Try not to tease her too much. Girls don’t like it when it’s too much.” I sighed while leaving the room, not wanting the conversation to be moved any more. I went to the large room that I could hear the most noise from, behind the girl stomping her feet. We both made it into the room, and were forced to sit next to each other. She pouted, and refused to acknowledge me as names were being called out.


I didn’t mind, and just watched as I found out from the others informing us that the hat told you what house you would go in. ‘It must be fanfare right? There is no way that you could have him determine things himself!’ I sighed from having my plans to stay in Slytherin buckle. Plenty of other names were called, including the girl where I learned her name, Hermione Granger. It wasn’t a bad name, and as I thought about her name, mine was called by the woman in the black robe. “Peterson Lucas!”

I stood up from my seat, and made my way down to the magical sorting hat. I felt all gazes on me, remembering my brush with death less than an hour ago, and wondering how the hat would judge me for it. I took the wooden stool as the seat, and the old witch placed the old brown hat on my head. “Hmm…” He said while he thought. He then whispered his thoughts into my ear.


“Another student filled with so much possibility. I see much courage there… A Gryffindor would be good, yes… Yet I see this desire, and thirst for knowledge, with plenty of wit and foresight to see it through… A Ravenclaw would suit you well… However this unyielding will and patience to go against all your teachings from such a young age… Perhaps Hufflepuff… No. All of this encompasses your cunning and reposefulness. To hide your true intentions, to lay in wait for your opportunity to strike. A true… Slytherin!!” 


He cheered his answer to the crowd wondering what was taking this unknown student as long as the chosen one. I let out a hefty sigh and went over to the table cheering for another to be added to their ranks. I made my way past the other cheering students and took a spot at the edge, near the exit to the great hall while others around me patted my back to welcome me. I just nodded while staying silent. We then all watched as the rest of the students were sorted.


After that was done, the tables erupted with multitudes of food and drinks for everybody in the great hall. I was reminded of my mother informing me about the food the elves made, and quickly dug in. While I was eating, I made sure to, when nobody was looking, stash some food under my sleeve to have Val eat some. I could tell he would ask about tasting it, and I didn’t want him to make noise.


The food was amazing, and filling. Meat, fruits, vegetables, and sweets. All the things anybody could ask for. I noticed some of the other first years using their hands to gobble and shove the food down before it might disappear before their sight. “Hi.” I then noticed someone greeting me, it was a girl with dark brown hair that just passed her shoulders. I nodded at her for my greeting, and she continued. “My name is Pansy Parkinson.” 


She held out her hand, and I shook it while making sure that Val was hidden. “Lucas Peterson.” “I know. Everyone remembers the name of the boy who fought the monster under the waters.” I sighed while wondering how long that would stay with me. I didn’t regret meeting that beautiful creature, but I didn’t want to stand out. I wanted to fade in the background until I could leave my parents. The girl chuckled while patting my shoulder to ease me. “I thought it was amazing how well you handled yourself.” I frowned at her attempt to get close and nodded with some small thanks before getting back to eating, knowing I couldn't speak with my mouth full.


It was a while before the dinner was over, and the headmaster Dumbledore announced that we would be going to our houses now. A dark robed man with a permanent frown, much like my father led the way with an unamused tone. “This way.” He spoke concisely and walked with each step filled with purpose. Some of the other students had to almost jog to keep pace with him while we traveled through the darkened halls.


He never uttered a word until he spoke of someone’s name. “Mr. Rosier…” An older student that looked to be in his 4th or higher year stepped forward. “Finish it would you? I have other matters to attend to.” “Of course, professor.” He said while the man went down a different hallway than Rosier directed us. “This way!” He yelled while taking the lead to our house. We went deeper into the bowels of the castle, as we did so. The air became cool, and moist, much to the appreciation of Val, who was slithering around my arm happily feeling the extra moisture on his scales.


We finally got to the door at the bottom of a large staircase, and all stopped. The older student leading us, turned around to address us. “This will be your home while you’re here. The only way inside is remembering the password. If you don’t know it, you can't get in. So be sure to remember it, or have someone willing to bail you out.” He rolled his eyes, and then turned to the door again. “Pure Blood!” He yelled it out loud enough for all to hear in the group, and the door slowly creaked open.


He went inside, and we all followed suit. The inside of the room was dark, but cozy. Much like home. I felt at ease around here, and noticed the windows in the room had a nice calming dark green shade. “Girls will be on the higher floor! Boys will be on the lower ones! Your rooms are picked out for you, and you’ll find all your positions already inside!” The older boy left, and so did most of the other students. Only leaving just the few here that wanted to investigate the room, including me.


Most others were looking at the chairs, and leather couches, but something was drawing me to the windows. I slowly walked over to the one farthest to my right, and looked outside the tinted glass to see anything on the other end. To my dismay, I couldn’t see much, it was all just darkness outside. I placed my hand on the window while leaning closer to hopefully see something that was drawing me towards this place.

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