Hogwarts’ Beast Tamer

Chapter 7. Surprise Visitor

Pansy looked at Lucas investigating a strange part of the room. She had stayed here to look around in the new dorm common room she would be staying at for her next years, but her eyes were drawn to the boy she had talked to earlier. She found him to be strange. Many of the other students were already in friend groups, she had been close to the Malfoys, and childhood acquaintances with Draco. However she never heard of Lucas in the Peterson family. They had kept him under wraps.


She was in the boat beside him when he reemerged from the waters. When he did, she noticed something moving around his sleeve, and a slight noise, or humming for just a second while he was busy hacking the water from his lungs. Then the sorting hat took, just as long as it did with the legendary boy who lived. That meant something was special about him that the hat had to sort out.


Now he was staring off into the nothingness past the windows, but with a look of purpose in his eye. Pansy kept staring at him to see anything that may shed some light on his mystery, but jumped back when a massive cracking sound came from him. Many of the other students looked around, and plenty of others inside their rooms came rushing out to investigate the noise. Everyone stared onto one person, who was looking outside the cracked window with freakishly calm eyes.


The light on the inside of the room was able to show the single fin shaped tentacle suctioned to the window, the cause of the crack that shook the entire dorm. However what scared Pansy, was something deeper behind it, to what it was connected to. A massive glowing yellow eye with a square pupil that almost seemed to see through Peterson and stare into her. She was right behind him at this point so it made sense, they were in the corner of the room where no one else was, and all were too afraid to move any closer at the moment.


Pansy lost the power in her shaking legs at the abyssal sight, and fell to the ground, but something brought her back to Peterson. She began hearing hissing emanating from him. It was quite so others in the room wouldn’t be able to hear over their own murmuring, but Pansy kept her eyes on both the massive glowing eye, and the boy staring it down with no fear.


“Can you tell her that I will get her some more tomorrow?” I asked Valdemar while he was looking at the Giant Squid through my collar. “No… I need to be in the water too, to talk to her.” He solemnly said for letting me down. I petted his head, and then grabbed my wand with my free hand off the glass. I placed the tip of the wand against my forehead, and asked the wand for help. ‘Please let her know.’ I then focused on that warm feeling of energy and power, and placed the wand on the glass beside my hand, and her tendril.


The ringing noise slowly started, and I could feel the vibrations on the glass while my wand was pressed up against. I put my feelings into the ringing, hoping that she could understand my thoughts through the ringing that brought me and Val together. I had a feeling that the wand could connect to certain magical beasts, or perhaps animals. I just hoped that this Giant Squid would get the message.


I opened my eyes to see she had moved closer to the glass, showcasing in better detail, her massive yellow eye while sizing me up. I gave a small smile to her, and I felt a connection between us at that moment. She then closed her eye, and disappeared without a sound. I sighed with a large smile as I stared through the cracked glass into the dark lake as I now knew.


“She is nice. I like her!” Val cheered while his tail wagged happily. “Maybe you two will be friends.” I whispered back. “What was that!?” I immediately frowned as I snapped my head around to see all of the Slytherin’s staring at me with their mouths agape. ‘Crap! Ok… Just have to play it off… This is fixable.’ I gained a sneer, the same one I had seen my dad have when talking to the ‘lower classes’.


“That was the monster that had tried to kill me tonight! It wants to scare me, and make me yield under its gaze! But I! A proud Slytherin will not bow to a lowly beast!!” I yelled, and by the end, I had a pompous smile to show how above others I appeared to be. The entire class erupted into cheers for the Slytherin name, and congratulations for standing my ground against such a monster. “That was awesome!” “I can’t believe you beat that!” “Only a Pure Blood could do that!” Even the upperclassmen patted my back in respect. And with that, my stomach sunk, knowing that my chances of living in obscurity would be impossible.


Pansy wasn’t one of the many congratulating Peterson. She was the only one that saw his smile through the reflection of the glass when that monster disappeared. He had a massive smile that was burned in her memory while they watched the monster leave. She stared at his pompous and arrogant smirk that matched the others praising him, even her own at times, but she knew this smile wasn’t his true one. She pondered on the speech he gave, and it didn’t fit. ‘He must have some connection to that monster. Did he do all this to increase his influence?’ 


With that thought she felt that Lucas had everyone eating from the palm of his hand. Even her childhood acquaintance, Draco was giving his approval for Lucas’s strength, and that worried her. However she knew not to make a fuss against him right now when his likability was at an all time high. She learned a little about politics from her parents, and knew that you had to lay low, and investigate your opposition first. To learn all of their weaknesses, and to strike them with pinpoint accuracy. ‘I will make sure to find what you are hiding, and show the class who you really are.’


I yawned after getting back into my room. Thankful that I had my own room to call my own. I looked at my school supplies, and thought about what our classes would be like. Until I stared at the cauldron. Val was slithering around the room, seeing what interested him, but seemed to like the cauldron filled with some water the most. ‘I need to make some of my food again. I don’t think I should cook food in a cauldron for potions, that sounds unsafe…’ I racked my brain for a bit, before I decided to just give it a try. “Nalby!” I yelled in the empty room.


I waited for a second, but nothing happened. I sighed, and went back to the drawing board. “Yes Master!?” Until he appeared right in front of me with a happy smile. I smiled and gave him a quick hug. “Good to see you, Nalby!” I was glad to have his help with gathering what I needed. “Of course master! I’m always happy to serve you!” I let go with a sigh, just pushing the feeling of guilt down while I gave him a list of what I needed. 


He poofed out of existence, and then back in a few seconds with all that I asked for. “Thanks for everything Nalby.” I said to him while I moved the pot over a small magical burner. “Of course master!” Nalby gave his goodbyes, and I began making some more of my food for Val, and this new friend under the waters. I spent a while making sure I had enough for a few days. I didn’t want to send for Nalby everyday. 


I eventually ended the day with doing some more late night reading of magical creatures to Val as he fell asleep, wondering myself if I would be able to last at school here.

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