Hogwarts: Dyroth Grindelwald Rise From Nurmengard

Sorting Ceremony


For Harry Potter fanfics, the protagonist and heroine will be different, but one thing remains unchanged: the Sorting Hat!

"If I remember correctly, Hannah Abbott is destined to become Neville's future wife."

"If Neville is sorted into Hufflepuff, I wonder if their relationship will progress faster."

As Dyroth was thinking, Professor McGonagall called out Neville's name.

"Neville Longbottom!"

Neville walked nervously toward the Sorting Hat, unused to the spotlight of so many eyes.

Unlike the previous students, the Sorting Hat seemed deep in thought as it conversed with him.

"Are you sure about your choice?"

"I... I'm sure!"

"Alright then—Hufflepuff!"

The Hufflepuff table erupted in cheers, while Dumbledore looked on with a puzzled expression.

"If I recall correctly, both of Mr. Longbottom's parents were Gryffindors. I didn't expect him to be sorted into Hufflepuff," Dumbledore was confused.

Professor Sprout, the kindly silver-haired head of Hufflepuff, smiled broadly as she welcomed her new students.

"Next, Hermione Granger!"

Hermione took a deep breath and stood up, trying to calm her nerves. She glanced back at Dyroth and then took her place on the stool.

"She's mentally ill and looks weird."

Ron clearly remembered that the girl who had been following Dyroth and had whispered bad things in Harry's ear while she was being sorted.

Ron had expected Harry to agree, but Harry gave him a slightly disapproving look. Dyroth cast a cold glance at Ron.

Feeling the weight of Dyroth's gaze, Ron, already feeling cold, avoided eye contact and huddled behind Harry, acting timidly.

"Mr. Weasley, it's not appropriate to speak ill of others behind their backs," Professor McGonagall admonished, drawing the attention of many in the hall.

Professor McGonagall was standing not far away from the two of them. How could she, being upright, tolerate such a thing.

But at that moment, the Sorting Hat's voice echoed with a hint of helplessness in Its tone.

"Well, it seems this year's first-years have strong opinions of their own."



Hermione cheered, shot a triumphant look at Dyroth, and went to the Ravenclaw table. She immediately began chatting with the senior students.

Dyroth observed the scene with satisfaction. His plan was progressing well: establishing his reputation, making a good impression on the professors, and setting up Hermione and Neville to be separated from Harry to increase future competition with Dumbledore.

Now, the key question was whether he could trick Harry into Slytherin.

If successful, it would be a significant setback for Dumbledore!

As Draco, Pansy, Ron, and others were sorted, the climax of Dyroth's first confrontation with Dumbledore arrived.

"Harry Potter!"

Professor McGonagall announced, and the hall buzzed with excitement. Even Dumbledore stood up, focused intently on Harry.

Dumbledore thought. "I can see Harry has courage, a good heart, and talent. Let's see."

Harry sat on the stool, and the Sorting Hat's voice spoke in his mind.

"Hey, Harry, do you have a house preference?"

"Huh... It's him again!" the Sorting Hat seemed to say with surprise.

"Again?" Harry wondered, catching the hint.

"Yes, the boy with the blond hair and blue eyes. Many before you have relied on his preferences, and he was right. There's no best house, only the one that suits you best."

"I'm curious where he will end up," the Sorting Hat mused. "Have you made your choice? Slytherin or Gryffindor?"

Harry hesitated.

As the minutes ticked by, the students grew increasingly anxious. Before Harry, the sorting had never taken this long. Five minutes had passed, and Harry was still undecided!

Dumbledore's brow furrowed. As the headmaster, he knew the Sorting Hat's rules well. Harry's hesitation was the only explanation for the delay.

Dumbledore's careful planning—sending Hagrid to collect Harry, orchestrating Harry's meeting with the Weasley family—had subtly suggested that Gryffindor was the best choice.

Yet, Harry was still uncertain.

Dumbledore's gaze shifted to Dyroth in the crowd. "Could this be because of you, Dyroth?"

Dyroth was the only one who could have influenced Harry so profoundly in such a short time.

"Still undecided, Harry?" the Sorting Hat's voice echoed in Harry's mind. "Let me help you!"

With that final nudge, the Sorting Hat announced to the hall:

"Harry Potter will be in..."


The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers.

"We have Harry Potter!"

"Harry Potter is one of us!"

Dumbledore finally relaxed, his tension easing. Dyroth shook his head, disappointed.

"It's still just one step away," Dyroth thought. Harry's reaction seemed muted compared to the original story, his smile less enthusiastic.

"Dumbledore, what if Harry feels he doesn't truly belong in Gryffindor?"

"I lost this time, but it's not a victory for you either," he concluded.

As the hall buzzed with excitement, Professor McGonagall reviewed the parchment and prepared to call the next student. When she saw the next name, her expression grew complicated.

She looked at Dumbledore with hesitation.

The room fell silent as everyone awaited the next name.

"Dyroth Grindelwald!"




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