Hogwarts: Dyroth Grindelwald Rise From Nurmengard

The Sorting Hat


As early as on the train, many of the new students had taken notice of Dyroth, an elegant and commanding figure. Unable to resist following his lead, they quietly lined up into two rows, just as he instructed.

Even the pure-bloods, led by Draco and Pansy, typically the most rebellious group of new students, complied without a fuss. In previous years, these pure-blooded wizards were notorious troublemakers, yet now they were clearly impressed by Dyroth's presence. Rather than causing problems for Hagrid, they even helped him maintain order.

"It would be great if you could always help me with gathering new students," Hagrid sighed.

Having done this job for many years, today was the first time he had managed to get all the first-years lined up so neatly and without any chaos. Normally, it felt like herding sheep, but now everything was running smoothly.

Under Hagrid's guidance, everyone reached the dock and boarded the boats to cross the lake towards the castle. The still water rippled as the boats glided across, and by the flickering light of the torches, mysterious creatures could be glimpsed swimming beneath the surface.

Hermione, seated in the boat, flinched at the sound of splashing water.

"Dyroth, what was that?" she asked nervously.

"It's the giant squid. It's mentioned in Hogwarts: A History," Dyroth replied calmly. "Don't worry; it's harmless."

"The giant squid isn't fully visible now. On sunny days, you can sometimes see them basking near the lake's surface, and if you're lucky, you can even touch their tentacles."

"Hogwarts is even more incredible than I imagined! Look, Dyroth, is that a tower?" Hermione exclaimed, pointing at the towering structures ahead.

Despite being a future Minister of Magic, Hermione was still just an eleven-year-old girl entering the magical world for the first time. Her awe was palpable, and she unconsciously leaned on Dyroth for reassurance.

With a soft splash, the boats arrived at the shore. The students disembarked and walked through the narrow passage leading to the grand hall of Hogwarts.

A notification flashed in Dyroth's mind:

[Congratulations to the host for entering Hogwarts School for the first time and unlocking the achievement: Hogwarts Freshman.]

[Achievement reward: 50 points.]

"Points just for arriving? Not bad," Dyroth mused. "I better not mess up now that the real plot is about to start."

At the entrance to the hall, a woman dressed in a dark green robe and black wizard's hat was already waiting for them. Her demeanor was strikingly similar to that of Vinda Rosier — the elegance that only comes with age and experience. The main difference was that Vinda had an innate nobility, while the woman before them projected a more serious and formal air.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she greeted them.

"In a few moments, you will walk through these doors to join your classmates. But first, you will need to be sorted into your respective houses," Professor McGonagall explained.

"The four houses are Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you are here, your house will be like your family. Outstanding performance will earn your house points, and rule-breaking will result in point deductions. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be awarded the House Cup."

Professor McGonagall paused for a moment, quietly muttering to herself, "This year's students are surprisingly well-behaved, unlike the chaos we usually deal with."

Hagrid chuckled beside her, "I had Dyroth to help me this time! Made my life a lot easier."

"Thank you, Dyroth," Professor McGonagall said, glancing at him with appreciation. "You saved me a great deal of trouble."

Dyroth smiled modestly. "It wasn't just me. It was the combined effort of all the students."

"Such a humble child. I do hope you end up in Gryffindor. We could use someone like you to keep the peace," McGonagall said, though she noted the group of students clustering around Dyroth — Draco, Pansy, Theodore, and others.

"Though... it seems more likely you'll end up in Slytherin," she remarked thoughtfully.

"Slytherin is full of dark wizards," Ron muttered, earning glares from many of his peers.

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow but did not comment. "Everything is ready. Please follow me inside."

As the doors slowly opened, a magnificent hall filled with long tables and the familiar sight of hundreds of students from all the houses appeared before them. At the far end, the professors sat at a raised table, and Dyroth immediately noticed the elderly man with a white beard and half-moon spectacles seated in the center — Dumbledore, the man responsible for imprisoning his father, Gellert Grindelwald, in Nurmengard.

"Dyroth, look at the sky! The ceiling is enchanted! I read all about it in Hogwarts: A History," Hermione said, her eyes filled with awe.

"Hermione, focus on which house you'll be sorted into. You'll have plenty of time to admire the ceiling later," Dyroth replied, keeping his voice calm. His mind, however, was focused on the conversations he'd had on the train.

He was confident that Hermione would no longer be sorted into Gryffindor, as she was in the original timeline. Neville, too, had shown signs of wavering; it seemed unlikely that he would continue his path toward Gryffindor. The real question was Harry. Dumbledore had already laid the groundwork, leaving a deep impression on him, and Dyroth couldn't guarantee that Harry wouldn't still choose Gryffindor.

"Please wait here for a moment. Professor Dumbledore has a few words to say before the ceremony begins," McGonagall instructed.

Dyroth's gaze locked onto Dumbledore, his mind running at full speed. Without even realizing it, his Occlumency defenses automatically activated.

Dumbledore, too, had noticed Dyroth the moment he stepped into the hall. When the name 'Dyroth Grindelwald' appeared on the Book of Admittance, he hesitated before finally sending the letter. He half-expected the boy to choose Durmstrang, given his lineage. Never had he thought he'd see that familiar blond hair and blue eyes here, surrounded by other students, reminding him of an old friend from long ago.

"Professor Dumbledore?" McGonagall whispered, breaking Dumbledore's train of thought.

"My apologies," Dumbledore smiled warmly. "First, a few announcements before we begin. First-year students, please remember that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to all students. Additionally, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right is also out of bounds, unless you wish to meet a very unpleasant end."

"Thank you," he concluded, sitting down as Professor McGonagall stepped forward again.

"Students whose names are called, please come forward to be sorted."

She held a scroll of parchment in her hand, and the first name she read aloud was: "Hannah Abbott!"

Dyroth watched as a blonde girl walked to the stool and placed the Sorting Hat on her head.

"Hufflepuff!" the hat shouted, and excited cheers erupted from the Hufflepuff table.

Another notification popped up in Dyroth's mind:

[Congratulations to the host for witnessing the first student sorted, unlocking the achievement: The Birth of the First student.]

[Achievement reward: 50 points.]




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