Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 49 – Machinations

Professor Lockhart's story, or more precisely its climax, the battle against the Order of the Pheonix, was fascinating. Very much so, and I can't lie about it. I don't know if it is because he is a good writer or not, but his retelling of the events was vivid and immersive. I hate to admit it, but he could sell himself on paper. In-person? Not so much, but most people know him from his books anyway.

Reading the 'recollection' was a bit hard. On the one hand, it was so descriptive I felt like being there. On the other hand… I didn't know if I should believe everything. Knowing the Professor, my doubts were high from the start, but I had to approach it with a clear and open mind. Through this work, I got a glimpse of how the bulk of the Order laid waste to a very important convoy of wizards. They were traveling from the school back to London when they were ambushed.

As the teacher, Professor Lockhart was accompanying them out of courtesy to the borders when the attack happened, and he fought with the Black brothers while flying on brooms. Ignoring the flashy descriptions of his skills, the maneuvers, and the fact that spells were flying left and right, missing him by an inch, I did feel my heart quickening reading it. The presence he gave to their leader, Dumbledore, was tangible through the papers. It was he who ended one of the Death Eater's life before sounding the retreat and escaping with the rest. It took me only one read to memorize the text, and after I was finished, I closed my eyes, rereading it multiple times in my mind. Something wasn't making sense.

"Why did they retreat?" I asked in the end.

"Hmm?" He looked at me, up from signing his promotional letters.

"Why did the Order retreat after one kill? It wasn't even someone… special."

"It was a Death Eater! That is pretty special!" Lockhart corrected me, "Someone from HIS inner circle, one that was with HIM all those years ago when HE came to power!"

"But… so what? He now has multiple circles under him."

"Raising talent takes a lot of years and effort, young Conrad!" He warned me with a smile and an air of superiority. "A death of such a noble warrior is a big blow!"

"It just doesn't make sense…" I argued, tapping my finger on the table, "They were on the offensive and on the winning side… after that kill, they should have gained a real advantage! They could have pushed on and eliminated everybody! It was a check-mate situation! Yet they… left."

"Don't forget, they are also human, they can be tired out, and a Death Eater is a better fighter than any of the members of the Order! Just look at your Father, for example! Or me! Even with that kill, they couldn't hope to achieve more! They had to run, or it was their time to lose someone!"

"Professor, are you a Death Eater too?" I asked innocently, knowing the answer and laughing at the twitch of his face.

“Ahahaha, no… no I am not. Even though my talents are unparalleled, I am best utilized… more freely!"

"Thought so," I whispered, but he didn't hear it.


I was sitting in a chair, facing the fire in our common room. It was already close to midnight, but I felt no exhaustion, no sleepiness assaulting me, and my mind was working at maximum capacity. The story that the Professor was writing was fake. I mean, the reasons behind the whole event were. If I was the Order, I would ambush not a group of people but individuals, one by one. Get rid of them one at a time and with superior numbers.

"They are not stupid…" I murmured, blinking my eyes slowly.

There is no way the supposedly most dangerous and insidious wizard of all time, Dumbledore, would make such a mistake. So, if I could rule out them being attacked because they wanted to eliminate them, there had to be a different reason. I know Lockhart paints it like his presence was what foiled their plan, but Father told me that last year, something big happened… something that enraged HIM and caused the Malfoys' perilous position; it had to be connected.

"They were transporting something…"

I was sure of that conjecture. It had to be the real reason for the ambush! They had something in their possession that had to be transported from point A to point B, but they never made it. My bet was that the Order managed to snatch it away or destroy it on the spot. As to which of the two happened, I had no idea, but I was sure that I was right. I may even ask Father in the winter, hoping it is something I can be told about…

"Ah, are you still up?" I heard a familiar voice and was surprised to see Quincy coming in.

"Eh… what time is it?" I asked, a bit out of it before realizing how late it was.

"Close to midnight!" She shrugged, walking in, looking tired and collapsing into my lap without question. "This was… too much!"

"What happened?" I asked with a smile, rubbing her head while she leaned against me.

"First off, I had a debate with Draco."

"What?!" I questioned, almost swallowing my tongue, not expecting anything close to it, and just when she was about to explain, the door opened, and the guy himself walked in, sneeringly looking at us, before he disappeared from view. "Judging by his looks…" I hugged her closer, looking out from the big armchair, "He lost?"

"Of course!" She grinned, showing a V-sign. "I'm not an easy prey! Anyway, he got invited to Slughorn's little dinner party. I don't think it wasn't an honest invitation because the Professor mostly ignored him. My guess is he was attending only because of the pressure from his Father!"

"Typical… can't get in by himself, gets bought in! If not by money, then by his new tattoo!"

"Something like that!" She giggled, agreeing with me, "Anyway! He was saying stupid thing after stupid thing, and I got fed up with it! He was trying to impress the Professor, but instead, he was making a fool out of himself! The only problem, nobody dared to say it to his face!"

"You did."

"I did more than that!" She explained, her eyes glowing with excitement while snuggling up to me, recounting the whole affair. It was the best night of my life so far. Holding her close, listening to her voice, feeling her sweet scent and warmth… Sitting there in the dark, in front of the glowing fireplace. I felt like melting. "I told him face-to-face that what he is saying is utter nonsense, academically wrong, and I can prove it!"

"And you did it?"

"That is why it took this long to come back! I proved it, then challenged him to a standoff in potion making! Hah! You should have seen his face; it was not even a proper battle! I demolished him! No, I DESTROYED him!" She laughed, totally in high spirits, acting like a drunken man.

"I bet he would deny it~!"

"Pft, so what? I know what happened; he can't fool me! Nor you! And look!"

"What's this?" I asked, watching her take out a tiny vial with a golden liquid inside.

"Felix Felicis! Liquid luck!"

"No idea."

"Don't you listen in classes?" She groaned, looking at me with an annoyed gaze, "The drinker of this gets super lucky in whatever he or she tries to do! This drink is banned in many competitions… hell, I think it is banned everywhere except potion making!"

"If it's banned, it must be good! You got my attention!" I exclaimed, taking it from her, inspecting the vial, and marveling at its golden color.

"It is good! But can't consume it in great volume because it is highly toxic and can result in reckless behavior! Many died because of it! Imagine you start doing something because you just can't make mistakes! Then it wears off, and you end up dead… Bummer."

"Yeah… it does sound dangerous… and also addictive! Is it safe?" I asked, now a bit more warily.

"Self-control, Conrad! Then it should be fine! Keep it!"

"What?" I blinked my eyes, surprised, before pushing it back to her hands. "No! You earned it; it's yours!"

"Yes, but you will need it more!"

"Why…?" I asked, feeling confused, and saw her sigh.

"I wanted to tell you this tomorrow, but since we are still up… there is going to be a tournament in the school starting in December! It will last right until the winter break!"


"It will be a Dueling Tournament hosted by Lucius Malfoy, and you will be made to enter it!"

"Wait a minute?! What do you mean, I will be 'made' to enter?"

"Draco, let it slip that he will laugh when you two meet, and he will demolish you before everyone."

"Why is he so sure that I would sign up for some stupid competition?" I scoffed, uninterested in the idea.

"That is why I said you will be made to sign up! I don't know what they are playing at, but I am sure they will develop something that makes you enter it! It is better to be ready, Conrad; they are planning something!"

"So… you think I will be forced to participate?" I murmured, thinking, furrowing my brows.

"I am more than sure of it…" She nodded with a bit of worry in her eyes.

"Haaah… so be it. Thanks for the heads up!" I smiled at her, rubbing her head.

"Um! It is the least I can do!" She beamed brightly, placing the vial in my palm, "Wait with it until you need it! I know you will easily kick Draco's butt… but if you are made to enter, why not win it? That would shut up not just him but his Father too!"

"Mmmmh…" I raised the little bottle, looking at it in the fireplace's light. "You have a point there… But isn't this... cheating? Or disallowed?" I grinned, and she simply stuck her tongue out.

"The rules are for those who can't break it without getting caught!"

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