Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 50 – Bloodline Problems

She was right. The moment the next day arrived, it was announced, and when I looked, my name was already signed up for it. So they do it without asking me? That is it? How blatantly oblivious you can get, I don't believe this…

"What is it, Anguine?" Draco asked sarcastically, watching me read the announcement stapled on the notice board in our common room. "Should I tell Father you want to step back? Take your name off? It isn't late yet! Nobody would think that… You are a coward!"

"No, it's all good!" I smiled, "I would have been disappointed if I had not signed up, seemingly before anybody else! Look, my name is even before yours! How great I am!"

"Yet you look anxious~! Don't be afraid, nobody will die!" He chuckled, smirking, and he was half-right.

I was anxious. Since waking up, the sky was dark; it was still as if it was deep into the night because a storm was brewing, and-


"...!" It was the unmistakable sound of a lightning strike. I saw Quincy flinch, standing not that far from us, looking at me knowingly. We had to rush to our potions right now!"

"Where to?" Draco asked, stepping in front of me and blocking my way. "Afraid of the rain? Need the hug of your girlie?"

"What if I am?" I tilted my head, my voice turning flat and cold. "You are right, I am afraid. Now… can this chicken please go, Lord Malfoy?"

"No." He answered at one, placing his hand on my chest. "You are not going anywhere. Whatever you want to do, I won't let you do it! Don't try to play with me… Traitor."

"...?" I silently raised one of my eyebrows. What did he mean by that? Was it his subconsciousness? Or was it something else? Maybe both? Glancing at Quincy, she was even more nervous as it genuinely turned out to be a storm… and a big one at that. "Go. I will deal with this." I said, looking at Quincy, but before she could say anything or Draco had a chance to turn towards her, I grabbed his robe and simply headbutted him.

I never did something like this before… Fighting like muggles. Being so... raw and uncivilized... but my anger was rising, and I felt my blood boiling. I wanted to strangle him… and I did try it, my fingers wrapping around his neck like a snake. It felt… good. Natural. I felt a smile creeping up to my face before I snapped out of it and let go. No… I was pulled off of him by Professor Slughorn, who appeared from nowhere, followed by Lucius and then many others. Looking around, I didn't see Quincy anymore… good. At least if I can't finish the animagus ritual, she can. Nobody will disturb her while they are dealing with our problem…


When I was released, not only was the storm finished, but the whole day was at its end. My punishment was surprisingly light, considering what I was doing. I was to, for the upcoming week, report every afternoon to Professor Lockhart and help him with… whatever he came up with. Lucius, of course, wanted a stricter deal because Draco was 'scarred,' heh! A bit of torture is what he desired before me being expelled… but that was quickly shot down. Well, I could tell he was right and Draco was scarred… he was afraid, probably because of seeing my face while I tried choking him out. Right now, coming back to the common room, nobody was there, which wasn't surprising as it was already past midnight. My punishment started immediately, and my hands were hurting, faking so many signatures of the Professor!

"An owl?" I stopped walking, noticing the small barn owl sitting on one of the tables, staring at me constantly. "Who let you in, little one?"

"I let myself in."

To say I was surprised was an understatement. Seeing it jump and transform back to Quincy before me, beaming, her mouth going from ear to ear, made me kick out my leg, landing on my butt.

"Surprise!" She chuckled, helping me up and hugging me.

"It works! Great!" I laughed, patting her back, "And an owl? Well… you can fly; that is cool as hell!"

"It is! I was afraid at first… but… now I get why you like flying on brooms! It was… wonderful! I… I can't believe something can feel this good!" She explained it with great enthusiasm.

"I am surprised!"

"Me too! I thought I would turn into a snake… At first, it was weird, but… I am not complaining!"

"I am happy for you! I will do my own… well, probably in the summer… I am not in the mood to start over!"

"I understand…" She nodded, letting me go, holding my hand, and drawing me closer to the fireplace, sitting down. "Conrad…"

"I went a bit overboard… I know."

"I wouldn't care if you strangled that idiot!" She raised a hand, interrupting me, "But yes, it is a problem… and I looked up what may be causing it!"

"Huh?" I leaned back, taking her words in surprise and tilting my head. "What do you mean? Am I under some kind of spell? Or magical influence?"

"You could say that! You are being influenced by the basilisk blood in you!"

"The blood… Mmh... Please explain it." I whispered, looking into her eyes and listening to her closely.

"They are the king of serpents, and I read up on their temperament… they are like a mad king!"

"That… does not bode well."

"They are dominating towards other snakes; they either draw them in and make subordinates out of them or eat them. No in-between. Next to this, they are possessive creatures, not known to share."

“Oh… um… well… I wouldn't want to share either…" I mumbled, feeling a bit shy but also happy seeing her face turn a bit redder.

"Don't joke now… this is serious!" After clearing her throat, she continued, "The worst part is that when they get angry, they strike to kill! As kings of their species, they don't take kindly to being challenged, not even by another basilisk! They will move in to eliminate the threat by venom, by their gaze, or by crushing it! Absolutely no mercy!"

"So… you are trying to say my rageful outbursts are because of the basilisk's blood? Not that I had so many problems with my anger." I murmured, but then I remembered that, yes, I did have some problems feeling angry more than once. One time, it caused me so much pain I fainted.

"We, I mean YOU, have to be alert! I do think the blood can influence you! This can cloud your judgment, Conrad; it can be extremely dangerous!"

"You are right…" I whispered, "I will try to keep it in mind and not let myself be overcome by it… I am a human first and foremost, not a snake!"

"Yes~!" She smiled happily, seeing that I do take her seriously. "By the way… I spied on Draco a little… he was totally out of it! You had a strong grip; I could see the marks on his neck!"

"Really?" I chuckled happily, "Good, let him be reminded that his tattoo is not something I care about!"

"We should care about it, but… yeah, I get what you mean. The bigger problem is his father…"

"I don't care about him either!"

"I do!" Quincy shrugged, "In my owl form, I went to the owlery and saw him send a letter to my grandmother!"

"He did…?" I sank back in the chair before the fire, furrowing my brows.

"I saw the address; it was ours. I don't know what he wrote or what my grandmother will think about it, but he made his move."

"I will write one home too!" I stood up, going for parchment, quill, and ink, "Unlike last year, I will need Father's support this time. Let the adults take care of their side of the problem; we will deal with our end. I will demolish Draco and win the tournament to rub it under Lucius's nose! Plus…"

"Mhm?" She walked beside me, looking at the parchment while I wrote my letter.

"If I show more considerable talent than our famous Mr. Draco Malfoy, your grandmother will be harder to sway to their side!"

"That is true… I just hope it works!"

"Worst things worst, we will elope!"

"We will?" She flinched, looking at me weirdly.

"Why not? It does sound romantic, doesn't it?" I grinned widely, "A young pair hiding from the world because they love each other so much! Isn't it how most of the love stories start?"

"Hah…! Sure, like I read many stories like that!" Quincy scoffed, crossing her arms, looking away with a pout, but her tomato-red face and unmistakable smile showed I nailed it. It was exactly what she thought to be exciting and romantic at the same time. Maybe she even dreamt about something like that? I knew she grew up with the knowledge she would have to marry early to revive the Black family bloodline. "Hey, we may even join up with-"

"Ssssh!" She put her hand on my mouth, silencing me at once, "Are you out of your mind?" She said scoldingly. "Don't even mention them here!"

"I wanted to say the muggle circus, but… oh well…"

"No, you didn't!" She stomped her feet loudly, looking extremely cute when angry. "I know full well what you wanted to say! Stop it, or I will get angry and leave you here!"

"Okay, okay! You win! But… think about it. If we ever become everybody's enemy… it is a good alternative."

"Maybe, but stop, okay?" She moaned, rubbing her forehead, "Let's not plan the worst-case scenario from the start…"

"Okay, okay!" I nodded, finishing the letter and sealing it, "Let's focus on the now! I am more confident, you know… I feel taking care of Draco, and Lucius is easier than taking care of Umbridge…"

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