Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 51 – Reading Letters

I was in detention, but I was not in the castle. It was dusk, and I was missing dinner, accompanying Professor Lockhart in the dull job of patrolling the school's perimeters. To his explanation, it was a new thing that every teacher did in rotation. I guess it was because of the opening of the Chamber of Secrets? I just hoped it didn't mean we would go into the forest again, and he would leave me behind. Again. Not that I would be afraid; I guess no spiders would come close to me now.

"How are you enduring the cold?" He laughed as it was already mid-November, and the first snowfall was getting closer and closer. It always got dark very quickly, and rain was falling more and more. Which always made me angry, reminding me of my failure with the animagi ritual.

"It's not bad… I have no problems with it, to be honest." I answered, pulling my thick winter robes together. "At least it's not raining." Just when I said it, a loud rumble rushed through the air, originating from high above us.

"Look out what you are speaking!" Lockhart chuckled as we headed towards the owlery. "We are going to check the incoming letters! I have a duty to review any suspicious messages!"

"Aren't posts coming in in the morning?"

"They do, but the inspection takes place at night!" He said in a jovial mood while we climbed the long, stone stairs on the road. Hearing a familiar hooting, I looked up and noticed the barn owl following us high above, and I didn't need to think who she was.

It was a chore to climb up to the top of the big tower, where multiple dozen owls were scuttering about, some still clutching letters that we started collecting. Of course, some owls didn't really want to let it go but they had no choice. When I passed by Quincy, she winked at me, following along, curiously looking at the letters.

"Professor, are we going to read them here?" I asked nonchalantly, going for those whose recipients looked the most interesting.

"Yes!" He answered, keeping his back to me, "I will teach you the spell that opens and seals them, no problem!"

"I see…" My reply was drawn out because I noticed that one of the school's owls held a letter. It was addressed directly to me. Sensing that Lockhart was still facing the opposite way, wrestling with a spicier owl, I quickly got it and slipped into my inner pocket. Lucky! Well, Quincy used to come out in her owl form every night nowadays and check for letters… but still. This was the best outcome!

"Little buggers!" Lockhart grumbled, waving his scratched hand. "Are you done, my friend?"

"Yes, Professor." I patted the dozen or so letters and listened while he taught me the simple spell for opening and closing them. I was surprised it went without a hitch, and his example piece didn't burst into flames or something! But, as he wrote so many letters to fans and publishers… I guess it was a given.

Starting to read them one after another was more tedious than I expected. Most were simply letters of what they shouldn't forget, asking about how school went or what achievements they managed to bag for the family… it was all about raising their household's standing. I got to read some tips on who they should make friends with or what the newest, juicy rumor was, and then an idea came to mind.

Looking over my shoulder, watching Lockhart be immersed in reading a letter, seeing his focus… I was sure he was thinking of stealing an idea for his book. His eyes were betraying him. Holding the letter addressed to Pansy Parkinson, talking about how she should try and get even closer to Draco, I tapped my wand on the parchment, saying the incantation in my head. The letters quickly rearranged itself on it, changing to a mysterious message, saying the following;

"Good job, M. Friendships at high places are what matters. Aim at the snake; it will make rising back to the top a matter of time. Your friend, D." I smiled at Quincy, who was looking at me with her big, owl eyes, before turning over the letter and similarly changing the addresses, obscuring it. "Professor!" I spoke up after rechecking everything. "I found something weird!"

"Hm? What do you mean, my little friend?" He asked, a bit more nervous coming over and taking it from me. "Huh… this is truly spooky! Well… good find!" He bit his lips, now annoyed that there was something and it would be him to make a report about it.

"The rest seemed okay!" I patted the letters, looking at him with an innocent but curious look. "Should I go and report it?"

"I will do that!" He put it into his pocket quickly. No matter how annoyed he was, it was still a merit that would bring him some benefits… sharing that was not really something he was too keen on.

"Sure! Does this mean?" I smiled eagerly, especially when he nodded, laughing, patting me on the shoulder, letting me out of my detention early. Heh! I wouldn't want to be there when he goes presenting it to the teachers or to the headmaster!

"You are nasty!" Quincy giggled, waiting for me in our headquarters when I finally ascended the ladder. It was much easier for her to come and go now in her owl form, and she made a complete 180 on his opinion about flying.

"It should confuse them a little!" I chuckled, "Even if they realize it has been tampered with, I was with Lockhart! It couldn't be me!" I continued explaining while taking off my thick robe, and Quincy pointed her wand at the little black stove we smuggled in one day, letting fire roar to life inside and warm the old classroom up very quickly.

"What do you think? Would they start suspecting it was for one of the Malfoys?"

"I hope so! That is my intention, to get them annoyed a little! Let others still think they are weird! I hope they connect the snake with Snape and think Malfoy is trying to aim for his position!"

"Or this will mean nothing." She shrugged, but she changed subjects before I could knock on her pessimism, "The letter! The one for you! Let's check it!"

"On it!" Opening it up, I saw it was directly from my father because I immediately recognized his writing. "It's about you… us."

"Read it!" She said, sitting closer to me but too afraid to read it for herself, so my voice filled the room.

"I was contacted by Walburga in person. She came to visit a few days ago to have a talk with me. You were right; she came intending to break up the engagement and was prepared to pay a pretty hefty sum as compensation. I don't know what she sold or how she got it, but… it was an amount of galleon that even I was surprised.

Of course, I refused. I told her it is not about money; it is about prestige. I politely conveyed that it was US who approached her first, and SHE was ready to agree to the terms without question. Not to mention, I also didn't raise any alarms about the fact that my first grandson would wear the name of Black! Now that the Malfoys also knocked on her door and she is changing her mind so quickly, it is a direct slap against our family's face. We are not taking it lightly.

To Quincy… you should have seen her face. Watching it change colors and to so many under only one minute was amusing!"

"Did he really write that?" She asked, leaning close, and I pointed at it.

"Yep, Father ain't joking around!" I grinned before continuing to read it, "For now, I gave her an ultimatum to decide, ending by the new year. We will take this public if she still wants to annul the engagement. I am sorry, Quincy, but everything will be put into the open if this keeps up."

"I like your father." She whispered, leaning against me, and I couldn't have been more proud while I continued reading.

"Son, when the break comes, don't come home. Stay with Quincy at Hogwarts. That is the most logical step right now. If she comes home, even if she stays with us, it will be problematic and could be used against us. Stay at school."

"Mhm, he is right! Plus… I bet the school will be different when nobody is here! Only a few students!" Quincy smiled happily.

"It already sounds awesome! The whole common room just for us? Hehehe~!” I laughed, reading the rest of the letter while Quincy knocked on my head.

"Don't have silly thoughts!"

"About the Malfoys, do what you want, Son, I will deal with the rest. Don't be afraid of stepping up to the old, slimy bastard; if he gets out of hand, I will be there to back you up! Also… I read your letter about the competition. Be careful, and don't be afraid to use your full strength! Don't expect that everyone will play nicely… There are times when you have to put your foot down, or they will think they can walk through you!"

"He is-"

"Right, I know." I finished it for her, reading the last encouraging words before throwing it into our stove and fueling the fire. "If he says it, then I will do it! I will eliminate every opponent and win it with all I got!"

"Well, if you can defeat sixth and seventh-year students… I think you will set a new record!" Quincy chuckled, continuing to snuggle up to me.

"And your grandmother wouldn't think of changing your future anymore!"

"My future is only mine to change~!" She argued strongly, looking at me while I turned fully towards her.

"I won't argue with that! So… what do you see in your future?"

"I'm not a seer…" She mumbled while we continued maintaining eye contact, and I could hear my heartbeat rising, more than when we were facing the basilisk.

"We are in the ex-divination classroom…" I whispered, leaning a bit closer.

"That means nothing…" Arrived her answer, and by then, our noses were almost touching.


But none of us said anything as we continued leaning forward until our lips touched. It was… awkward. I didn't know what to really do, neither did she. We were looking at each other, waiting for the other to make the next move. It was… well, extremely lame as we were stuck, touching lips. But… but it was the most exciting and beautiful thing I ever experienced.

In the end, both of us broke out in laughter, unable to hold it back, seeing the other's weird expression. I don't think any of us would forget it, and even if it turned out like this… it was still the most fantastic first kiss I could ask for.

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