Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 16 Halloween and Preparations

Chapter 16 Halloween and Preparations
Mr. Harry Potter has become as busy as Kez recently, and Kez couldn't see him in the cafeteria. Even when the two met, they just nodded, said hello, and walked away immediately.

Apart from the fact that the two of them dozed off in class more and more seriously, and they were often called to stand in the corner at the same time, there was no more intersection.

After the last get out of class, Chiz came to Quirrell's office, found Professor Quirrell who was about to leave, and asked him some questions.

"You... you. You should understand that this, this is not a spell that first-year students should be exposed to," Quirrell stammered word by word, "You are easy to learn, I am, very happy, but... these spells are too dangerous for young first-year wizards."

"I know, Professor, I'm just too curious."

"Curiosity... yes. Good thing, but also... be careful."

"Yes, Professor."

Next, Chez asked several questions he encountered one by one.He keenly found that although Quiz verbally criticized him for being exposed to advanced magic prematurely, he did not really stop him from learning those dangerous magics, and in his restless eyes scanning back and forth, Chiz even saw a hint of joy.

"...Do you have any questions to ask?"

"No more, Professor. Thank you, Professor. Sorry for taking up your time." As he spoke, he accelerated the speed of packing things in his hands.

In the rush, a bottle of potion that fell from his pocket fell to the ground and shattered.The pungent smell suddenly diffused in the air.

"Sorry, sorry professor, this is an insect repellent I made myself, and the question is a bit special." He said and hurried to find a rag to wipe it.

"No, it's okay, be careful, be careful." He took out his wand and pointed it at the broken bottle on the ground, "It's back to normal."

The bottle was repaired, and the green liquid returned to the bottle.

With another flick of the wand, the bottle was in his hands.

"Be careful next time, potions are not toys!" Professor Quirrell handed the bottle back to Chiz. "Go back!"

He no longer stuttered, maybe it was his illusion, and Qiz even heard the chill in just two sentences.

"Huh—" Standing at the corner of the corridor outside the office door, Keiz could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he really didn't want to get too close to Professor Quirrell.If it wasn't for the plan, he wouldn't have taken such a risk.

Fortunately, the plan was successful. Looking at the bottle in his hand that was still intact but the liquid inside had been reduced by one-fifth, Qiz grinned. It was mixed with the tracking potion he had prepared a few days ago.The rest of the plan will depend on it.

He simply succeeded, and he was not afraid of Voldemort finding out. He found this potion in a very remote book. Wizards used to use it to track dragons and find dragon nests. You must know that the sense of smell of dragons is hundreds or even thousands of times better than that of humans. Only specially trained butterflies can detect that smell, so it is very safe.

He also doesn't intend to follow Voldemort in real life, that's for the simulation.

When Quirrell's tone changed just now, his heart stopped beating in shock. For him, facing a dangerous person who couldn't see through was undoubtedly very scary.

Speaking of which, the person he dared not approach the most was Dumbledore.

In fact, Qiz has been thinking about whether to let Dumbledore pay more attention to himself and let him add himself to his plan these days.In the end he came to the conclusion that it was better not to, at least not now.There were a number of reasons why Dumbledore was no match for Slytherin in hiding at the moment, and that he didn't have a few years to live if he had his own plans.

What Keiz has to do in the future is to let him survive as much as possible, instead of folding himself to deal with a Voldemort, and try not to let more wizards die in internal fighting, and save as much power as possible.

He briefly recalled his words and deeds in the office just now, and after finding that there was nothing wrong, he left quickly.


It started to rain outside, and the storm was stronger than usual.Keiz looked out the window, and the sudden lightning pierced through the thick rain curtain, illuminating the outside as if it were daytime, and silver rain lines could be seen.

The air in the castle was damp, and there was a musty smell from old furniture mixed with the aroma of the earth, which Kez liked very much.

He was on his way to the banquet hall because of a delay in Professor Quirrell's office, and the hallway was almost deserted.

When he walked to the banquet hall, the banquet inside had been going on for a while.He came over to Hermione and asked Hermione to hold him a seat before school was over.

"Tonight's dinner was very good!"

"You're finally here, Kizz, and I thought you were going to miss the whole party!" Hermione whispered. "No one to talk to."

"What about Harry and the others?"

"I don't care about those two idiots."

"What did they do to you?"

"They said bad things about me behind my back, that I had no friends."

"Aren't we friends?"

Keiz started to eat and drink while listening to Hermione's nagging, he was a little curious, since Hermione was by his side, how would Dumbledore let the two little ones find clues, and he waited to see the development of the matter.

. . .

"Sorry, I forgot something, I have to look for it." Hermione said suddenly.

Chez "..."

Do you want to pull people so bluntly?

Keeze really starts to wonder if Dumbledore has a magical item that works like 008.

However, Keiz did not force Hermione to stay, after all, he misled Hermione's plot just to understand what Dumbledore would do in order to match the three of them.

Now that's roughly clear, so be it.

Sure enough, not long after.Professor Quirrell suddenly rushed into the auditorium, his large scarf was tilted on his head, and his face was full of horror.

Everyone stared at him suspiciously, and he walked to the center of the auditorium and gasped, "The troll—in the basement—thought you should know."

After speaking, he fell headlong to the floor and passed out.


The auditorium suddenly became chaotic. "Quiet!..." Professor Dumbledore had to use a loud curse, and everyone was quiet.

"Prefect," he said in a low voice, "immediately lead the students from all colleges to the dormitories!"

Percy, of course, was very familiar with it.

"Come with me! Don't stray, first-year students! As long as you do what I say, you don't have to fear any trolls! Now, follow me closely. Make room for the first-year students! Excuse me, I'm a prefect!"

"Professor, professor, Hermione isn't here, she's gone out to find something!" Chiz's panicked voice came from the crowd, and he decided to give it a push, reversing the plot that was misled by him.

"I'll go find her." Professor McGonagall stood up.

. . . . . .

On the way, they encountered a group of people hurrying in different directions.Harry grabbed Ron's arm violently as they wrestled their way through a group of bewildered-looking Hufflepuffs.

"How could a troll get in?" Harry asked as they went up the stairs.

"Don't ask me, trolls are supposed to be ridiculously stupid," said Ron. "Maybe Peeves put it in there, just to add a little fun to Hallowe'en."

"Did you hear Keez just now? Hermione isn't in the Great Hall."

"What's the matter with her?"

"She doesn't know about the troll yet."

"But Professor McGonagall has gone to find her."

"Professor McGonagall is only one person, what if?"

Ron bit his lip.

"Oh, all right," he said decisively, "but it's best not to let Percy see us."

The plot returns to its original position.

. . . . . .

At this time, Qiz deliberately fell behind the team. When the crowd walked through a dark corridor, he cast a disillusionment spell on himself, quietly left the crowd, came to the door guarded by Lu Wei, and found a hidden corner to hide.

Not long after, a figure in a black cloak quickly floated across the corridor, came to the door, waved his wand, and the door lock was easily opened.

After he entered, Keiz rushed out and launched a set of magic combo attacks at the door as quickly as possible. First, he locked the door with a "quickly imprisoned", then a few "solid soup", and then sent a few "obstacles" to the corridor at the door, and then he left quickly with satisfaction.

This set of combos is the result of nearly a month of practice in the Room of Requirement. He pursues quick spell casting and completes it in one go.

. . . . . .

The next day, the news of Harry Potter's victory over the troll spread throughout the campus. Chiz saw the three reunited and came together again. At night, he came to the library to find Chiz, thanking him for reminding Professor McGonagall to find Hermione.

And Professor Quirrell started asking for leave the next day. It is said that the sudden appearance of the troll frightened Quirrell, who already had some mental illnesses, and forced him to rest for a while.

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(End of this chapter)

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