Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 17 Pure Blood

Chapter 17 Pure Blood
After entering the end of November, the weather becomes very cold.The surroundings of the school are all white, covered with thick snow and ice, and the surface of the Black Lake is covered with solid ice. From time to time, disobedient little wizards will sneak onto it to skate.

Because of the protection of magic, the auditorium can't feel the severe cold outside, and it is still warm.There was less and less talk in the house about Quidditch, about Harry Potter winning the Quidditch Tournament after a near miss.Everyone turned to discussing the upcoming Christmas, and Flitwick and the other professors had already started decorating the campus.

"Are you going to go back with me for Christmas?" Judith and Keeze finally met in the cafeteria today, because Keeze has been busy since school started, so he rarely has the opportunity to stay with Judith.As a pure Hufflepuff, what Judith dislikes most is staying in the library, so they rarely meet each other.

"Yeah, yes, I want to talk to Branca about the next knight training." Qiz gulped the food and answered vaguely.

In front of him are all the foods he carefully selected, including roast pork, steak, chicken legs, and apple pie.

"What do you think of Hogwarts?" Judith held a glass of grape juice in a golden cup, shaking it in a dignified manner.

"It's okay, it's a bit different from the magic school I imagined."

"Is it different from what you imagined? Then what kind of magic school should you imagine?" Judith put down his glass and asked curiously.

"You know, I was a magician when I was in the Muggle world, so I always had fantasies about real magic. For example, wizards should live in deep mountains and old forests, and use stolen corpses to do some ulterior research. Also, I often hear other people say that wizards can live forever, but they look weird." Chez made up nonsense seriously, "My magic teacher, old Nigel, often brags to me, saying that he saw a wizard who looked like a vulture eat a raw elk."

"That's weird enough," Judith said, not caring about these Muggles' gossip about wizards, but seemed to be interested in magic. "What is a magician?"

Keiz took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his mouth, and spread the used handkerchief on the table.

"Blow here!" he said to Judith, pointing. "I'll show you a show."

"Are you sure? You're not kidding me?" Looking at the greasy handkerchief, Judith said with disgust.

But he still blew on the handkerchief.

"Surprise!" Qiz shook his hand, and the underside of the handkerchief slowly swelled up.

Then he lifted the handkerchief, revealing the beautifully wrapped gift box underneath. "Merry Christmas! Judith!"

"That's it? This is magic? I saw your hand put the box down." Judith took the box that Keiz handed over with a look of disgust, "However, I received your wish!"

"Look, two mudbloods are playing a mental game!" At this moment, an untimely voice sounded.

When the people around heard those words, they instantly fell silent.

Keiz turned his head and saw a group of senior students he didn't know, all with Slytherin marks on them.

Sure enough, as soon as he was free, something would happen.

Although he had seen this in the simulation, he was still a little upset when he actually encountered it.

Originally, Qiz didn't want to pay attention to this group of idiot-like pure-blood supporters, thinking about warning them a little bit, and forgetting to complete his plan.

But what they said next really pissed off Keez.

"Sure enough, the only ones staying with the bastards are these dirty little mudbloods. Don't you think so? Bellam!" A blond girl next to them began to mock them.

"Yeah! Why did the school let these alternatives enter, what do you think? They are different. They have not received our education since they were young, and they don't understand our world. I can feel the stench from them now." Another person folded his hands and squinted his eyes.

"Enough?" Keiz looked gloomy, then turned to Judith and asked, "Did they often bully you before?"

"Don't! Keiz." Judith lowered her eyebrows and grabbed the corner of Qizi's clothes with one hand. "You can't beat them!"

"I know it!" Said, breaking away from Judith's hand and walking over.

"Look! That little mudblood is here, is he coming to teach us a lesson? Hahaha!" The person who spoke first before continued to taunt.

Keiz didn't speak, and then walked over, and the three of them also stood up from their seats.

The person who spoke first was two heads taller than Qiz, Qiz came to him and looked up at him seriously.

"Do you want to teach us a lesson? Little one, I think you should stay away from me, and don't let your dirty smell contaminate me." The man lowered his head and looked at Chiz with a contemptuous expression.

"Next time, I will announce you..." Keiz whispered, leaning back slightly, and at the same time, the wand that slipped from the sleeve fell into the palm of his left hand.

With a wave of his left hand, "Fuchsia!" Unexpectedly, he threw a fuchsia at the blonde girl on the left, and at the same time, with the explosive power of an adult man, gave the boy in front of him a head hammer, which hit his stomach and knocked him to the ground.

Then he rode up and made a fist with his right hand, and quickly punched him three times on the bridge of his nose.

Only then did the boy on the right react, and just took out his wand.

Keiz waved his left hand again, "Disarm you!"

The wand in the man's hand was knocked far away and fell into the crowd that began to watch.

Then there was a "Fuchsia!" that hoisted him up.

Then he gave the man under him two more critical strikes on the bridge of the nose.

"... Be careful when you make such crazy remarks." Chiz finished speaking.

"Ah!" Everything happened too quickly, and Qiz quickly dealt with the three of them. After a while, exclamations came from around.

He didn't stop punching until Professor McGonagall arrived. At this time, the man's nose was crooked and his eye sockets were swollen.

Professor McGonagall quickly appeared in the crowd with a serious face, pushed aside the crowd and walked over, "Ladies and gentlemen, who can give me an explanation?"

"The golden bell has landed!"

"The golden bell has landed!"

. . .

"Kiwi pudding."

In front of the stone beast at the entrance of the principal's office, Professor McGonagall said today's password.Hearing the sound, the stone beast jumped away, and the stone wall behind it cracked in two, revealing a spiral staircase leading to the principal's office.

The stairs rotated automatically, sending several people to the entrance of the principal's office.

"Please come in." Dumbledore seemed to know they were coming, and before anyone knocked on the door, his old voice came from inside.

Professor McGonagall pushed the door open, followed by a string of little wizards.

"What's the matter? Professor McGonagall, who are these?" Dumbledore looked at the long line of people and smiled, then looked at Professor McGonagall and asked.

"Mr. Principal, these students had a fight in the cafeteria." Professor McGonagall glanced at Keiz, and then told Dumbledore the general situation.

Dumbledore nodded as he listened, and only began to speak after Professor McGonagall had finished speaking.

"Oh, yes, I understand." Dumbledore said, "Minerva, you go to their dean first, and I will talk to them."

"Alright principal." With that, he turned and left the school gate.

"Okay, we are the only ones left now, let's talk about it, what's going on?"

A man and a woman who followed did not speak, as if they felt a little ashamed, and the one who was the first to taunt just now went to Madam Pomfrey, but Judith spoke first.

"They called us 'bastards' and 'mudbloods', Keiz couldn't be more angry, so..." He roughly explained the process of the matter.

"Oh, that's not a good word! It's really not a good word. The last time I heard it was, where was it? Sorry, I'm getting old, and I can't remember it clearly."

"Of course, I know that it's understandable for young wizards of your age to feel a little angry, but it doesn't necessarily need to use force. You must know that force can't solve everything, right?"

"Of course, fighting is a wrong thing, and there is a price to pay for doing something wrong!"

At this time, Professor McGonagall came in with Snape, "Professor Flitwick has something to do, and he will be there in a while."

Snape scanned all the people present with gloomy eyes, then stared at the two Slytherins and whispered; "Shame!"

The two shrank their necks in fright.

"Okay, Severus, you take it away!" Dumbledore asked Snape to take his student away.

Then he said to Professor McGonagall, "Minerva, please send this Miss Judith back too, Mr. Keez stay here, I have something to say."

There were only him and Dumbledore left here, which made him a little uneasy, but he didn't show it.

"Would you like some kiwi pudding?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

"Uh, why not?" Chiz relaxed his tense muscles a little. He even wanted to open (the mechanical heart) now. After all, it was the first time he faced this great magician alone who must master advanced Legilimency.

But he was afraid that Dumbledore would see something unusual, so he could only force himself to think about the battle just now in his heart and not think about anything else.

"It tastes good." Although he was just full, he didn't mind adding a dessert, and at the same time he felt a little more relaxed.

"I think so too." Dumbledore said in a tone facing an old friend, "A clean battle, wasn't it, Mr. Keez."

"Uh, I..." Dumbledore asked again before he could finish.

"How, how does Hogwarts study life feel?"

"Magic is fun, I love it, the school is good and I've made a lot of friends."

"Yeah, magic is very interesting, I like magic very much, and you are one of the smartest kids I have ever met. Few people can learn so much at the age of 11, except..." Dumbledore shook his head, interrupted his narrative, and changed the subject, "Good fighting instincts, you are very smart and brave, like a lion cub, the Sorting Hat shouldn't have let you go to Ravenclaw."

"It's not your fault!" Qiz could not help but slander in his heart.

"The Sorting Hat is not something ordinary people can easily manipulate." Dumbledore said suddenly.

Startled Keiz, he quickly withdrew his wandering thoughts.

"Uh, thank you for your compliment." Keiz returned stiffly.

"Relax, kid." Dumbledore continued, "You attracted the attention of the Book of Access before you entered school, and now the aptitude you have shown is indeed as recorded in the 'Book of Access'. Don't pay attention, I mean ignore the slander and abuse, you will be a great wizard, I can see it."

. . .

After a while, Professor Flitwick entered.

"Filius, you came at the right time. I just finished chatting with him, so take him away!" Then he looked at Qiz again, "Filius is a good teacher, follow him carefully, you will get a lot of useful things."

"Well, yes, Mr. Dumbledore, I will."

"As for your punishment decision, we will inform you in the afternoon after our meeting."

. . .

Chez was taken away by Professor Flitwick, who didn't preach to him, but told him that the best way to resolve conflicts between wizards is a duel between wizards. Of course, at his current age, the best way is to find a professor instead of doing it himself.

In the afternoon, Qiz received the punishment decision, and Xi mentioned the punishment of patrolling the Forbidden Forest for a week. Since the school will be on holiday tomorrow, the implementation will be postponed, that is, he will go after returning from the Christmas holiday.

That's exactly what Chez wanted.In the simulation, his tolerance to them made them dare to trouble him many times, so Qiz took them as part of his plan and taught them a lesson. I believe they would not dare to trouble him again in a short time.

Just remembering the gloomy look in Snape's eyes when he was about to leave, Keiz guessed that his Potions class would be difficult in the future.

"Snape, pure blood..." Something flashed through Keez's mind.

Thinking about it carefully, Qiz suddenly found that there seemed to be something missing in his analysis of the current situation a few days ago.

By the way, it is a pure blood family.

That is the so-called "Pure Blood List" mentioned the sacred 28 families.In addition to Ron's family, there are several families that have lost their inheritance, and other pure-blood families are worthy of vigilance.

As the ancestor of the pure blood theory, is there any connection between Slytherin and the current pure blood family?
Why do they support a half-blooded Voldemort so much? Apart from the honor and status that the blood theory will bring them, they don’t see how much actual benefits they will bring to them by helping Voldemort. Just in the name of being a pure-blood supremacy, they can’t deceive so many people into voluntarily becoming slaves of a perverted murderer.

After all, they have already controlled half of the magic council and more than half of the business in the wizarding world, and their industries spread throughout the wizarding world.Why destabilize and destroy your own interests.Isn't this "Why Your Majesty Rebelled"?

You know, tough pure-blood supporters are usually staunch opponents of the "International Statute of Secrecy", they advocate tearing up the secrecy law, going to war on humans, and dominating all non-magical creatures.

This is very interesting. They have the same goal as Slytherin. The first wizarding war also wanted to overthrow the "International Statute of Secrecy." So is there any credit for the pure blood here?
It seems that we have to be careful of these pure-blood families in the future.

 Ask for votes!Please give me a ticket!Give a ticket!
  My lord, you live a long life 1
(End of this chapter)

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