Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 123: Copy The Devil’S House! How Did You Copy Such A Thing! 【Please Order In Full】

In Zed's impression.

The mines in the Conilworth Mining Area are extremely deep, with dozens of mine tunnels hidden in each branch, and countless tunnels hidden within them.

It can be said to be the underground maze of Conilworth District.

But the mining area in front of her was completely different from what she remembered. Not only were many mine tunnels blocked, but even the mine carts of fellow miners were dismantled.

All that remains is a straightforward one-way street.

The one-way street looked extremely dark, as if there were countless clawed demons buried in it.

Zed was a little dizzy.

"This isn't right."

"When I was young, I visited this tunnel. There should be three branches here~.'

"And it didn't smell as bad as it does now."

Constantine lit a cigarette, illuminating the silence around the two of them.

"It's hard to say, times have changed, and mines have also changed. Come with me."

Zed picked up the gun and loaded it with bullets in mind.

Follow Constantine into the deepest passage.

Although the passage looks narrow, it appears wide after walking in.

Constantine's pace was steady and not urgent. As he walked, he admired the storm in the mine tunnel.

Although this mine has been over-exploited, there are still native ores embedded in the surrounding rock walls, bringing a bright color to the entire darkness, and even some gems can occasionally be found.

This peaceful scene is very different from the devil's habitat that Constantine had imagined before.

The wizards who watched the two marching also felt relieved.

[Flitwick: Judging from the appearance of this place, it has not been affected much. Maybe we saw it wrong from the beginning?]

[Snape: Don't look at appearances in everything. Think of the angels before, beautiful on the outside but cunning on the inside. 】

[Flitwick: So, this peaceful place also hides something murderous? 】

[Ronald: Sure, think about it, where is the reporter from before? 】

A word of reporter, a word of reminder to the dreamer, caused the wizards to remember that there was another person in the mine.

All of a sudden, everyone stopped.

[ Flitwick: I almost forgot. You reminded me very well, Mr. Ronald. 】

[Flitwick: That reporter is still here! A person disappearing here is one hundred percent a big deal!]

A cold wind came from the cave, and Zed unconsciously got closer to Constantine, although this place looked different from her childhood.

But she didn't feel any different atmosphere.

Everything in the cave is peaceful, even quiet.

Zed couldn't sit still.

"Did we investigate in the wrong direction? Maybe the devil is not here at all."

"Or is our opponent not a demon at all?"

Constantine didn't answer and leaned close to the rock wall.


Zed followed suit curiously.

Within the rock wall, bursts of regular knocking sounds were coming from the depths of the rock wall. The knocking sounds were quite regular, as if coming from the boundless abyss.

This sound made Zed's heart beat, and he said to Constantine in surprise:

"This, what is this?"

"Is there anyone in there?"

Constantine corrected:

"There's something, I'm not sure what it is yet, come with me.

Zed didn't dare to neglect, and aimed the gun in his hand at the dark place, but Constantine pressed down Zed's shotgun.

"Relax, relax."

The deeper you go, the larger the cave expands. Now the area around the two of them is as big as ten football fields.

The darkness stretched endlessly, as if something would jump out of the darkness from time to time.

This weird atmosphere made the wizards a little nervous.

[Ronald: This place is a bit scary. The most important thing is that there is no light. 】

[Ronald: I feel like there is always something hidden in those invisible places that I can’t even see clearly. 】

[ Harry: Ronald, you are too timid. 】

[Ronald: This is my intuition! Intuition! The most important thing for a wizard is the intuition to find scary things. 】

[Flitwick: That's right. In a place like this, even veterans need to be more vigilant to know for sure what will come out. 】

[Ronald: See, Professor Flitwick said the same thing. 】

[ Harry: There's a fluorescent spell, so it's not easy to attack by surprise. 】

The two of them hadn't gone far this time when they saw a sudden bump on the cliff in front of them, which looked like the back of a creature.

There was even a little crying.

Zed raised the muzzle of his gun as soon as he cleared the ground and shouted angrily:

"Devil! Back off!"

The bump jumped up as if it was electrocuted. It immediately raised its hands and said to the two of them:

"No! No no! I'm not a devil!"

"I'm a reporter for Mining Magazine, and I don't know how I ended up here!"

Zed was stunned and turned to look at Constantine, only to see Constantine striding towards that figure.

The crossbow arrow is still in the hand:

"You say you are human, then you go everywhere."

The figure came from the shadows. It looked like a human being. He was wearing a blue shirt and black-rimmed glasses.

He does look like a reporter.

Constantine looked at Qi and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Ah, he is really human."

Hearing this disappointed tone, the wizards were stunned.

Co-author Constantine is not here to investigate, he is here to kill the devil's house and fight with the devil with real swords and guns.

Before, Constantine occasionally looked for allies or some targets.

It's better now, it's time to take action.

It seems that the wizards are more curious than the other.

It seems that the place has changed, and so has Constantine's behavior.

But it always felt like Zed was by his side, which changed the wizard's momentum a lot.

Constantine said:

"Zed, go tie him up."

Without saying a word, Zed walked to the reporter in three steps and tied him up with three moves.

The reporter is a man and now he screams like a woman.

"Wait! Are you people? Or are you those things?"

Constantine stepped in front of the reporter.

"That thing?"

"What else have you touched?"

The reporter wailed and screamed like a bird.

"Those things come in swarms and there are so many of them. They put me here and then disappeared."

Zed felt a chill in his heart and whispered to Constantine:

"Is it a devil?"

Constantine said:

"Not like the devil."

The reporter begged behind him.

"You two, take me away quickly! It's too late when those things come! You two! Please!"

"I'll give you everything!"

Constantine snapped his fingers, and a piece of cloth appeared in the reporter's mouth and blocked his mouth.

The surrounding rocks began to tremble rhythmically, making a clicking sound.

The trembling of the rocks was like a call or someone roaring.

It seemed as if there was an army marching from underground.

Then, the entire underground building emitted a terrifying roar, like thunder and lightning, and like thousands of people walking.

This terrifying sound suddenly came out.

But it frightened the wizards.

You must know that in a place like this, if something like this happens, the worst thing is an earthquake.

As for other situations, it is a disaster that is even more unimaginable.

This situation is most likely caused by the person the reporter mentioned.

[Ronald: Merlin’s longest boxer shorts! Can anyone explain what this terrifying movement is about? 】

[Hermione: Like an earthquake, but this is a mine? If there is an earthquake, there will be small animals emergency. 】

[Harry: I can’t say, this situation is very shocking. Why is the shaking so violent? 】

[Flitwick: Some magic, powerful magic, is like this when it is used. 】

The wizards thought of the unsigned buyer and suddenly thought of the situation in front of them.

I'm afraid that Constantine might have some new enemies, and he would personally kill him in this mine.

Thinking about it this way, we became even more worried.

Compared with the previous battle plan, Constantine came prepared, but this time he was completely unprepared.

Plus a girl and a useless reporter.

No matter how you say it, it is a dangerous situation.

But at this moment, the picture on the screen stopped just right again.

This stillness directly made the wizards' speculations become nothing.

[Q&A begins, what situation did Constantine encounter? 】

[A. Earthquake, B. Devil’s trap C. Hell’s counterattack, D. Encountered a strange magical animal]

These four answers seem outrageous no matter how you look at them.

The wizards didn't even discuss it separately and started communicating directly in the group.

[Ronald: Trap! It must be some devil’s trap! Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such a perfect earthquake! 】

[Ronald: I just saved a Muggle who accidentally entered here, and then there was an earthquake immediately. How could it be such a coincidence? 】

[ Flitwick: What Mr. Weasley said actually makes sense, which is gratifying. 】

[Flitwick: After watching too many videos for a long time, I actually gained a lot of wisdom. 】

[ Snape: After all, those who can enter this place are all excellent wizards. Even Mr. Weasley has gained some wisdom under the influence of his ears and eyes. 】

[Ronald: Why do you always feel like you are not complimenting me? 】

[Ronald: No matter, I chose the trap, Harry, what do you think?]

[ Harry: Earthquake, and I feel that the reporter is indeed human. 】

[Ronald:???, Harry! We are good friends!]

[ Harry: If you think about it carefully, both Anton and that girl have the ability to see through their nature, and neither of them saw the problem. 】

[ Harry: Then there can't be a problem. On the contrary, the earthquake happened quite naturally. 】

[ Flitwick: Well, Mr. Potter is right. 】

[Voldemort: Hahahaha, there is some truth to this. Hell must be counterattacking. 】

[Voldemort: Don't forget that behind the girl's painting, there is a group of demons standing behind Constantine. 】

[Voldemort: Since it is a painting destined to fate, it can be regarded as a prophecy. 】

[Voldemort: So, you mediocre wizards can't see the essence at all. 】

[ Voldemort: Hahahahaha. 】

[Trelawney: Sorry, everyone, I think the mysterious man is right, respect the sanctity of prophecy. 】


[Grindelwald: I think it was an earthquake, and Riddle obviously went too far. 】

[Voldemort: Could you please tell me, why is it an earthquake? 】

[Grindelwald: Just because these demons still have to be possessed to appear in the world, it means that the boundary between heaven and hell has not been broken! 】

[Grindelwald: Since it has not been broken, it means they cannot come. 】

[Voldemort: Well, that makes some sense. 】

[Newt: I, I always think it should be a magical animal? 】


Earth Demon: Fantastic Beasts, hahahaha!】

[Voldemort: The most famous master of magical animals in the world, I regret to tell you that there is no magical animal that can make that sound. 】

[Grindelwald: Newt, Newt, you are good at everything, you just see too many animals. 】

[Grindelwald: Your magic power has weakened, and now you only want to communicate with animals. 】

[Newt: No, I remember that there is an animal called Stone Vein Goblin. They live underground and protect the mineral veins on weekdays. 】

[Newt: This animal lives in groups and can travel through thick rocks. 】

[Newt: Some places also call them Miloduo, which is written in my book. 】

[Grindelwald: Haha, let’s wait and see. 】

After Grindelwald finished speaking, there was another loud noise on the screen.

This time, the reverberation was extremely close.

The reporter whined more frequently. Zed helped him remove the cloth from his mouth, and the reporter immediately started shouting.

"That's right! It's them! They're coming! They're coming to us!"

Constantine threw away the cigarette and said to Zed:

"Zed, stand behind me."

"They're coming again."

As he spoke, Constantine walked to a rock.

Under the rocks, small green hands came out one after another. These solid rocks were like tofu to them.

A dozen little monkey-like things came out of the rock and screamed.

These things look like monkeys, but their outer skin is entirely made of stone, and they don't have ferocious fangs like monkeys.

Zed was shocked. These little things were monsters that she had never seen in her dreams.

She stood carefully behind Constantine and asked:

"What are these? Imps?"

When they heard the word "demon", these little things seemed to be going crazy, jumping up and down more frequently, and their screams became shriller.

But these little guys never took a step forward, as if they were afraid of something.

Zed was about to say something, but found that Constantine beside him had already bent over with laughter.

She asked, half angry and half puzzled:

"Sir! What are you laughing at? Is anything so funny?!"

Constantine said:

"These forest goblins say they are not demons, they are much more handsome than demons."

"They feel that you have insulted their character and demand an apology from you."

Zed was stunned. She looked at the appearance of these forest goblins.

Like a monkey, it is wrinkled, but the surface is stone, with traces of moss and decay.

These things are not demons, are you sure?!

And what's even more outrageous is that Constantine seems to be able to understand what these things are saying.

"I apologize?"

Constantine said:

"Just wave your hand. Forest goblins are friendly guys and will not attack humans easily."

Zed waved awkwardly at the little things.

As a result, the screams of these little things became even louder.

"Gigi! Gigi! Gigi!"

Zed was confused now.

"What are they talking about?!"

"They said you were nice and a good guest, and they wanted to give you a gift."

As he spoke, a little goblin ran over quickly, holding chalcedony and sapphires in his hand, and stuffed them into Constantine's pocket.

The sapphires and chalcedony are both very large, and it seems that these little goblins took them from the mine.

Seeing that what Constantine said was true, Zed's words softened.

"Then, why are these guys here?"

"Why did they arrest this reporter?"

Constantine pointed at the reporter who had been frightened and fainted:

“This reporter came here to investigate the so-called truth, but got lost and was sent back to the road by these kind-hearted goblins.

"They also gave him directions, but because this big reporter was too timid."

"So I passed out."

Zed asked again:

"Then why did they kill those miners?"

Hearing this question, those little things jumped up and down even faster.

The little goblins danced and expressed their inner innocence with their bodies and words.

Constantine stopped smiling, and his expression became grim.

Zed asked:

"Did I say something wrong again?"

Constantine said:

"No, you are right, those goblins said that the thing that killed the miners killed their king.

"That thing is very powerful and is something we can't mess with at all."

"They said we should leave quickly because that thing has noticed our presence.

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